Supplementary Material Table S1. List of residues found within 5 Å of the heme of each of the five CYP proteins (one from each class of CYP). These residues are the same as those found in x- and y- axes of the submatrices (DCCM) in Figure 5. Residue numbers are displayed, along with the structural motif in which they exist. Helix structures are referred to by their English letter name (A-L) and beta sheet structures are referred to as the Greek letter beta (β) and a number. Loop structures are named using the helix and/or beta sheet motifs that flank them. The critical cysteine residue numbers are underlined in the meander motif of each protein. CYP class PDB code Used Residues within 5 Å of Heme Structural motif Bacterial 1Z8O M90, G91 H98, R102, F109 G242, A245, S246, L249 L282 P288 T291, R293, E297 S343, F344, G345, I348, H349, F350, C351, M352 G353, L356, A357 R98, V113, I114 W121, R125, M132 L295, A298, G299, T302, T303, T306 Q357 I363 V367, H369 P428, F429, S430, R434, I435, C436, L437, G438 I441, A442, L446 K69, L86, F87 W96, H100, F107 I153 F261, A264, G265, T268, T269, L272 B-C Loop C Helix I Helix K Helix K- β1 Loop β1 Meander CYB5R/cyb Microsomal 3MVR 1BVY L Helix B-C Loop C Helix I Helix K Helix K- β1 Loop β1 Meander L Helix B-C Loop C Helix E Helix I Helix 1 Mitochondrial P450 Only 3MZS 2RCH T327, A328 F331 P392, F393, G394, R398, A399, C400 I401, G402, Q403, F405, A406 K- β1 Loop β1 Meander R82 V101, L102 W109, R113 I172 E283, M284, G287, G288 T291, T292, T295 L346 I351, S352 L355, R357 G415, F416, G417, W418, R421, Q422, C423, V424 G425, A429, M433 K133, F137, L154, S155 H164, L171, L175 N321, T322, G325, M326, L329 P387, V388, Q391 W455, S456, N457, N468, K469, Q470, C471, A472 G473, F476, V477 B1-B2 Loop B2-C Loop C Helix E Helix I Helix L Helix K Helix K- β1 Loop β1 Meander L Helix B-C Loop C Helix I Helix K Helix Meander 2 Table S2. The number of inter-residue contacts of residues exhibiting high/low atomic fluctuations in the five representative CYP proteins. Protein(s) Residues Number of inter-residue contacts within 10 Å of the selected residue Intra-protein 2RCH 3MZS 1Z8O 64 and 360 (more flexible) 8 and 8 78 and 431(less flexible) 15 and 12 152 and 405 (more flexible) 9 and 7 107 and 388(less flexible) 11 and 18 66 and 221(more flexible) 5 and 6 81 and 328 (less flexible) 11 and 12 Inter-protein 3MZS and 2RCH 3MVR and 3MZS 1BVY and 3MVR Between J-K helices 323 of 3MZS (more flexible) 12 360 of 2RCH (less flexible) 8 Between D-E helices 163 of 3MVR (more flexible) 15 152 of 3MZS (less flexible) 9 Between F and G 104 of 1BVY (less flexible) 10 226 of 3MVR (more flexible) 9 3 Table S3. Sequence similarity, sequence identity, structural similarity, and dynamic similarity values for all pairwise comparisons between CYP proteins within CYP classes. Dynamic similarity values are provided in terms of RMSIP and BC and represented as percentages ( RMSIP or BC ∗ 100).a CYP class Bacterial PDB codes % Similarity % Identity 2BVJ 4APY 52 27 Structural Similarity (RMSD, Å) 2.4 2BVJ 1Z8O 65 40 4APY 1Z8O 56 3G1Q 2F9Q 3G1Q % Dynamic Similarity RMSIP BC 64 (73) 81 (79) 1.9 71 (59) 83 (82) 25 2.6 74 (67) 85 (83) 49 20 3.2 59 (58) 80 (79) 3MVR 51 20 3.8 66 (73) 81 (78) 2F9Q 3MVR 71 43 2.3 69 (62) 84 (85) 1PQ2 1BVY 48 18 3.0 42 (38) 79 (75) 1PQ2 1W0E 57 25 3.1 67 (30) 83 (80) 1BVY 1W0E 54 23 2.7 37 (37) 78 (73) Mitochondrial 3MZS 3K9Y 60 28 3.1 77 (67) 86 (81) 3MZS 3E4E 50 19 3.3 55 (42) 81 (74) 3K9Y 3E4E 53 20 3.8 58 (54) 80 (77) 2RCH 1CL6 40 13 3.1 54 (30) 80 (74) 2RCH 2IAG 43 17 4.1 58 (34) 77 (74) 1CL6 33 15 3.3 48 (45) 79 (71) CYB5R/cyb Microsomal P450 Only 2IAG 4 a The RMSIP and BC obtained from sequence-based alignment files (Clustal Omega program) are given in parenthesis. 5 Table S4. Dynamic similarity information for CYP proteins. Each value represents the average value from the pairwise comparisons of three proteins within each CYP class. Dynamic similarity values in terms of BC and RMSIP are given in percentages (BC or RMSIP x 100). The alignment files used for comparative analysis were obtained using two different multiple sequence alignment programs - the Mustang and the Clustal Omega. CYP Class % Dynamic Similarity RMSIP Mustang Clustal Omega BC Mustang Clustal Omega Bacterial 70 ± 5 66 ±7 83 ± 2 81 ± 2 CYB5R/cyb 65 ± 5 64 ± 8 82 ± 2 81 ± 4 Microsomal 49 ± 16 35 ± 4 80 ± 3 76 ± 4 Mitochondrial 63 ±12 54 ± 12 82 ± 3 77 ± 4 P450 Only 53 ±5 36 ± 8 79 ± 2 73 ± 2 6 Table S5. Dynamic similarity information for CYP proteins compared across various P450 systems. Each value represents the average value from all pairwise comparisons between two CYP classes, with three proteins in each class. Thus, each value represents nine individual pairwise comparisons. Dynamic similarity values in terms of RMSIP and BC are given in percentages (RMSIP or BC x 100). The alignment files used for comparative analysis were obtained using two different multiple sequence alignment programs - the Mustang and the Clustal Omega. CYP Classes Compared % Dynamic similarity RMSIP BC Mustang Clustal Omega Mustang Clustal Omega Bacterial CYB5R/cyb 64 ± 6 59 ± 4 84 ± 1 82 ± 1 Bacterial Microsomal 58 ± 6 58 ± 6 81 ± 3 80 ± 1 Bacterial Mitochondrial 62 ± 3 57 ± 5 83 ± 2 79 ± 2 Bacterial P450 Only 63 ± 14 59 ± 15 83 ± 3 81 ± 6 CYB5R/cyb Microsomal 61 ± 12 61 ± 10 85 ± 4 83 ± 3 CYB5R/cyb Mitochondrial 69 ± 8 62 ± 9 87 ± 2 84 ± 4 CYB5R/cyb P450 Only 62 ± 6 57 ± 3 83 ± 1 81 ± 1 Microsomal Mitochondrial 63 ± 11 62 ± 11 85 ± 4 83 ± 3 Microsomal P450 Only 55 ± 8 54 ± 8 81 ± 2 79 ± 1 Mitochondrial P450 Only 59 ± 5 54 ± 6 82 ± 1 80 ± 1 7