Tips – Issue 1

Tips and Comments from Families – Issue 1 (Oct 2012)
Notes from the Coloured Candy Go Around game:
What I like about today:
- harmonicas are hooting
- the children having fun
- meeting lots of new people
- getting to meet other people with eczema
- the music switches
- the spaceship (Adventure Tour)
- the muddy pool (Adventure Tour)
- the captain crashing (Adventure Tour)
- support from other parents
What annoys me about my eczema:
- fluff annoys my eczema
- itchy all the time
- how sore eczema can be
- my son gets upset about his eczema
- it gets very itchy when I’m playing
- I feel sad when my son is sad
- my creams sting(k?)
- how it looks like, it’s hard to hide
- my daughter doesn’t want to put her bandages on
What makes me laugh:
- people telling jokes
- tickling, being silly
- my kids’ happiness
- my granddad tickling my belly
- sponge bob square pants
- mum tickling me
- wrestling with dad
- funny cartoons
- pirate jokes
- some of Graham’s jokes ( (Adventure Tour Guide)
What helps my skin:
- cream
- putting my cream on
- Aloe Vera gel - stops the itch
- bandages
- baths
- my judo suit
- happiness
- being relaxed/ not self-conscious
- being positive about my skin
Treatment Tips
- Ecover washing powder
- Body Shop hemp
- Aveeno (liquid not powder)
- Sanex O
- Pears
- Oats in Bath
- Extra rinse
- School Pack from NES
- Dermol
- Eczema clothing website for P.J.’s / Fine cotton P.J.’s
- Important to keep cool in bed
- Natural remedies that cure eczema
- Rubbing the cream in the same direction all the time
- When wanting to scratch tickle instead
Emotional support:
- Positive thinking constantly, helping the child understand
- Keeping the child busy takes mind of scratching, i.e. music activities
- Cream and towels laid out nicely make it seem like a special experience
- Try balancing time with all children, siblings without eczema often feel that do not receive enough attention; try to maintain a healthy balance.
- Putting creams after lunch allows the child to have some socialising time
- Educate teachers
- Distribute resource packs in classroom
- Cool classrooms - light clothing
Natural Treatments, by Volunteer Georgina
Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques
NAET is a brilliant allergy elimination treatment which not only tests for which foods and environmental substances you may be allergic or
intolerant to but also may be able to permanently correct the problem. This is the only treatment I have found in many years as a therapist that
really works.
NAET is a truly revolutionary system for dealing with allergies*. It is a natural, drugless, painless, non-invasive method that can be used
safely on anyone from a one-day-old infant to someone of advanced age; on a healthy person to treat hidden allergies that could cause diseases
in the future or on patients in real suffering. Symptoms arising from previous exposure to allergens* and their allergic manifestations may also be
permanently eliminated.
Allergens are cleared one at a time with this technique, and best results are obtained if allergens are cleared in a specific sequence.
Normally only one item is treated on a given day. The substance must then be completely avoided for 25 hours following the treatment. In many
cases, it may only take one session to permanently eliminate an allergy. Individuals who are highly sensitive may sometimes require additional
combination clearings.
Thousands of patients have been treated with amazing permanent results in the US and around the world. NAET is now available in the
Kinesiology muscle testing is used to ascertain your allergies and intolerances. These may then literally be "eliminated" using a simple
acupressure technique. The treatment is painless, non-invasive and carried out fully clothed. Each session takes about 45 minutes and as a
general rule one allergic substance is treated at a time. Many people have found relief from allergies that have plagued them for years even
decades once they discover NAET.
NAET was devised by Dr Devi Nambudripad who operates from the NAET headquarters in Buena Park, Los Angeles. To find out more
about this amazing treatment please see the official NAET site (NAET) which gives full details and information.
*the word 'allergen' according to the NAET definition is anything that disturbs or disrupts the energy field of an individual. 'Allergy' refers to
the inappropriate reaction experienced by an individual in response to an allergen. This differs from the Western orthodox medical definition.
This is just some of the information from Hilary’s website, as I am from the West Midlands she isn’t going to be very useful for the parents at the
charity, but they are probably able to find someone that also specializes in this area, if they were interested. I’ve linked Hilary’s website down
below so you can read up on her types of treatments.
Anne McIntyre Herbalist
Anne’s herbal clinics are held principally at Artemis House in Great Rissington near Cheltenham. There are also monthly clinics in both London
and South Wales. For further enquiries please contact Anne or else you may phone 01451 810096 to book an appointment.
Anne structures her consultations in a unique style using a blend of Western and Ayurvedic diagnostic skills to assess an individual’s
constitution. Anne will take a detailed, holistic case history. Once the doshic balance has been diagnosed and the causes of imbalance have been
established, treatment and lifestyle advice is given. Both Western and Ayurvedic herbs are used in the medicines you may be prescribed.
The wisdom of Ayurveda provides insight into creating a lifestyle that is suited to each of our individual needs to prevent and treat our
health problems. You will discover which foods and drinks are good for your constitution, whether they should be hot or cold, cooked or raw, which
tastes they should have, and which herbs and spices are best. In addition you will also learn which forms of exercise are best suited to your
constitution, when is the best time to wake up and go to bed! Ayurveda is a complete way of life.
This was the second natural treatments a tried, it’s hard work but it did help my skin a lot, I am afraid again this is someone based down south, but
I am sure the similar treatments can be found locally.
Link for the website below
People with a wide range of physical and emotional problems consult homeopaths. Homeopathic remedies are selected according to a patient's
experience of their illness and the fine details of their symptoms, rather than being based on a named condition. In fact, homeopaths talk about
treating the person, not the illness. In this way, homeopathic remedies are thought to stimulate healing at all levels in a way that is truly holistic.
This means that anyone might benefit from homeopathy, regardless of their age or the conditions that they have.
Homeopathy is suitable for the very young, including babies. In fact, homeopaths frequently find that babies and young children respond well to
homeopathic treatment.
Last treatment I had was this was a responded really well to this one and it really helped my skin, again I only have links to the local you to my
home address but again I am sure Edinburgh area will have something similar