Pediatric Intake Birth to Five Years Name______________________________________ Date____________________ Age______________ Date of Birth________________ Sex: F__ M__ Mother/Guardian______________________________ Father/Guardian_______________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ State_______ Zip Code_________ Phone______________________ Alternate___________________ Person to Notify in Case of Emergency_________________________________ Phone____________________ Insurance_____________________ ID#__________________________ Group_______________ Medical Records (Doctors, Hospitals):____________________________________________________________ What are your child’s most important health problems? ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Medications Now Past Now Past Aspirin ____ ____ Antibiotics Tylenol ____ Inhalers ____ ____ _____ Decongestants _____ _____ ____ Anti-histamine ____ _____ Ibuprofin _____ _____ ____ Asthma Meds _____ Topical Steroids _____ _____ Others_______________________________ ____ Now Past _____ _____ Allergies to medications_______________________________________________________________________ Medical History _____ Chicken Pox ____ Scarlet Fever _____ Bronchitis ____ Tonsillitis, how many times? ____ _____ Measles ____ Pneumonia _____ Rubella _____ Ear infections, how many? _____ _____ Mumps _____ Eczema _____ Asthma _____ Colds, how frequent? __________ _____Croup _____ Other______________________________________________________________ Special Studies When Where Results Electroencephalogram ___________ ___________________ __________________________________________ Psychological Exam ___________ ___________________ __________________________________________ Hearing/Speech/Sight ___________ ___________________ __________________________________________ X-Ray/MRI ___________ ___________________ __________________________________________ Injuries/Surgeries/ Hospitalizations _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Immunizations _____ measles _____ polio _____ MMR _____small pox _____ diphtheria _____ mumps _____ DPT _____tetanus _____influenza _____ others______________________________ Any adverse reactions to immunizations _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family History _____heart disease _____arthritis _____diabetes _____tuberculosis _____birth defects _____allergies _____cancer _____hay fever _____mental illness _____ hypertension _____eczema Previous Pregnancies by natural mother, miscarriages or complications________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth History Mother’s age at child’s birth__________ Mother’s health during pregnancy: _____bleeding _____diabetes ______cigarettes, alcohol, drugs Term of pregnancy: Full_____ Premature_____ _____hypertension _____illness _____thyroid problems _____nausea _____physical or emotional trauma Late_____ Weight at Birth_____________ Length of labor_______________ Complications__________________________________________________________ As a baby, did your child have any of the following problems? _____jaundice _____rashes _____colic _____birth injuries _____fever _____cerebral palsy _____diarrhea _____allergies _____birth defects _____blue baby _____seizures other___________________________________________________________________________ Feeding: breast fed_____ How long? _________ formula_____ milk/soy_____ Age began: solid foods__________ sitting___________ crawling__________ walking_________ first words__________ Child’s first year sleep patterns________________________________________________________________________ Symptoms Please circle: Y = current condition N = never had P = had in the past Hives Y N P Burning urination Y N P bloody urine Y N P Eczema Y N P frequent urination Y N P cries easily Y N P Bleeding gums Y N P heart murmur Y N P nervous Y N P Nose bleeds Y N P vomiting spells Y N P sleep problems Y N P acne Y N P anemia Y N P night sweats Y N P high fevers Y N P stomach aches Y N P light sensitivity Y N P chronic rash Y N P jaundice Y N P body/breath odor Y N P hearing loss Y N P easy bruising Y N P motion sickness Y N P diarrhea Y N P flat feet Y N P no appetite Y N P sore throats Y N P constipation Y N P nightmares Y N P gas Y N P frequent headaches Y N P frequent colds Y N P wheezing Y N P joint pains Y N P canker sores Y N P cough Y N P bleeding tendency Y N P unusual fears Y N P dizzy spells Y N P hair loss Y N P excessive fatigue Y N P Any other condition?_____________________________________________________________________________ Diet Please describe your child’s typical daily diet:___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Any known food intolerances?_______________________________________________________________________