District Implementation Team Effective Innovation (Initiative) Alignment Worksheet District: Date: Directions: 1. List behavior and reading Effective Innovations (EIs) (initiatives, programs, etc.) that you are interested in aligning to the newly selected EI your district will be working to install (integrated behavior and reading MTSS model). 2. For behavior and reading EI list its core components. Core components are the most essential and indispensable components of an intervention practice or program or the implementation practice or program (i.e., broad features that are critical to implementation). 3. Circle the letter of shared core components across each initiative. 4. Check whether the district has budget oversight for the EI. 5. Outline alignment opportunities by answering the questions on the second page. Effective Innovation (EI) 1. Integrated Behavior and Reading MTSS model 2. 3. 4. Core Components of Effective Innovation (EI) A. Interventions supported by scientifically based research B. Use of assessments for Screening (identifying need), Diagnostic (link appropriate intervention matched to student need, Progress Monitoring (formative assessment/ongoing program adjustments and Program Success (summative assessment) C. Data based decision making and problem solving D. Continuum of evidence based practices organized along tiered continuum that increases in intensity E. System supports for fidelity, sustainability and scalability F. A. B. C. D. E. F. A. B. C. D. E. F. A. B. C. D. E. F. District’s ability to make budget decisions for EI Significant decision making Some decision making for EI core components, while decisions for other components made at different levels of system. Insignificant decision making Significant decision making Some decision making for EI core components, while decisions for other components made at different levels of system. Insignificant decision making Significant decision making Some decision making for EI core components, while decisions for other components made at different levels of system. Insignificant decision making Significant decision making Some decision making for EI core components, while decisions for other components made at different levels of system. Insignificant decision making 1 District Implementation Team Effective Innovation (Initiative) Alignment Worksheet 1. How can core features of the EI (programs, initiatives, etc.) better align or be leveraged? 2. a. Share resources (e.g., people who are supporting similar core EI components can be leveraged to support the new or consolidated). b. Share activities (e.g., professional development) c. Share information (e.g., data collection) How can the management of funds be aligned and leveraged across the programs/initiatives d. Funding requirements (i.e., features that must be in place to receive funding, such as professional learning targeted to a specific group or area of focus, selection of specific practices) e. Mandatory program requirements (i.e., features that are mandated for implementation of the program such as, required data systems, assessments) 3. Based on the information provided above, what are the common outcomes from the initiatives above that we can collectively agree to be accountable for as EIs are implemented? 4. Can EI be eliminated or consolidated to better meet our goals through efficiency and effectiveness? What would this look like? 2