Listening comprehension year 9 2015 Marking schedule Question ONE: self introduction Has basic lexical information largely correct and has understood the gist of the text. Is generally able to communicate detailed understanding of the text Demonstrates thorough understanding: expands on information, and opinions from the text with supporting detail and shows understanding of the implied meanings or conclusions within the text. N1 - N2 A3 - A4 M5 - M6 E7 - E8 Very or little valid information Basic info mostly correct Basic info correct, answers include details but with some errors Thorough understanding, details almost error free or error free Shows no or limited understanding of the text. Has isolated pieces of lexical information correct but has not understood the gist of the text. Australian 17 North of Australia likes Australia hates scorpions French 14 lives in England Demonstrates understanding: is able to make meaning of the text Demonstrates clear understanding: selects relevant information from the text and communicates them. doesn't live with mother, lives with dad mother lives in France Swiss 22 lives in Switzerland in Geneva where people speak French. speaks French, German, Italian doesn't speak Spanish Question TWO: Mon sac Has basic lexical information largely correct and has understood the gist of the text. Is generally able to communicate detailed understanding of the text. Demonstrates thorough understanding: expands on information, and opinions from the text with supporting detail and shows understanding of the implied meanings or conclusions within the text. N1 - N2 A3 - A4 M5 - M6 E7 - E8 Very or little valid information Basic info mostly correct Basic info correct, answers include details but with some errors Thorough understanding, details almost error free or error free Shows no or limited understanding of the text. Has isolated pieces of lexical information correct but has not understood the gist of the text ruler - 1 white long workbooks 2 blue, green blue for maths, green for bio logical laptop/computer very important pencilcase 1 dogs on it she loves dogs rubber 1 Demonstrates understanding: is able to make meaning of the text Demonstrates clear understanding: selects relevant information from the text and communicates them. small pens 3 black book 1 very big French bag 1 old not very pretty she would like a new one for her birthday Question THREE: la météo Has basic lexical information largely correct and has understood the gist of the text. Is generally able to communicate detailed understanding of the text. Demonstrates thorough understanding: expands on information, and opinions from the text with supporting detail and shows understanding of the implied meanings or conclusions within the text. N1 - N2 A3 - A4 M5 - M6 E7 - E8 Very or little valid information Basic info mostly correct Basic info correct, answers include details but with some errors Thorough understanding, details almost error free or error free Shows no or limited understanding of the text. Has isolated pieces of lexical information correct but has not understood the gist of the text Demonstrates understanding: is able to make meaning of the text Montreal snow minus 10 degrees very, very cold go skiing at the weekend not too fast, it's dangerous Bruxelles cold, but nice weather/beautiful .4 degrees go snowboarding after go to a café with friends drink a hot chocolate that's good Demonstrates clear understanding: selects relevant information from the text and communicates them. Genever: bad weather cloudy 0 degrees good weather to watch a film on TV or go to the movies Abidjan: very hot 30 degrees go to the beach go swimming swiming is good when it's hot Nouméa rain, 25 degrees no rain in the evening so go jogging in the evening not in the morning Papeete: superb weather 24 degrees 0-9 Needs Development 10 - 14 Acceptable 15 - 18 Commendable 19 - 24 Outstanding sun is shining go to the parc for a picknick with the family