Warm-up: (9-30-15) *ch.4-2 video lec/rubric out for stamp! Soil lab in

 Warm-up: (9-30-15)
*ch.4-2 video lec/rubric out for stamp!
Soil lab in the hw tray!
 Do not put this under warm-ups!
 Begin working on Journal #2: Finch article due Friday. No complete sentences. Do not copy the Q’s. Graphs are
on the back.
 Use your same paper as Journal #1: Cartoon guide ch.2 Q’s.
 Finish for hw. It is posted on my website under handouts.
 Q/A:
 Contrast punctuated equilibrium and gradualism.
 How did the oxygen in earth’s atmosphere develop?
 Contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes
 List in order:
 A. Single celled eukaryotic organism
 B. Anaerobic prokaryotic organism
 C. Multicellular eukaryotic organism
 D. Photosynthetic prokaryotic organism
 E. aerobic prokaryotic organism
 What can be used as evidence for evolution?
 What info can you get from a trace fossil?
 Why do fossils show an incomplete picture of past organisms?
 Which is least likely to be preserved?
 Teeth, shells, bone, leaves, muscle
 Chapter 4-2: Evolution
 Mrs. Boyd
 Evidence of Evolution: Homologous and Analogous Structures
 Homologous structures: features in different species that are from a shared ancestor.
 Features can look similar but function differently.
 Analogous Structures
 Analogous structures: serve same function and look similar but are not from a common ancestor.
 Patterns of Evolution: Coevolution
 Coevolution: change of 2 species is closely associated with each other.
 Each of the species involved exerts selective pressure on the other, so they evolve together
 Predator/prey, parasites/host, plant eating animal/plant it eats, plant/pollinator.
 Ex. Yucca moth/yucca plant
 Leafcutter ants:
 Gather fragments of leaves from different plants and trees to feed to the fungus.
 Fungus secretes an enzyme that breaks down the cellulose sugar in the leaves
 Without the fungi, the ant colonies die. Without the ants, the fungi cannot survive.
 Some ants are equipped with a bacterium that acts as a pesticide on a particular mold, the largest threat
to their fungus gardens.
 Why do they use this sparingly?
 T/F. Homologous structures are features in different species that are not from a shared ancestor.
 Give an example of an analogous structure.
 Give an example of a homologous structure.
 Give one example of coevolution.
 Patterns of Evolution:
Convergent Evolution
 Convergent evolution: when organisms that aren't closely related evolve similar traits due to similar
 Ex. Mara and rabbit
 Example of Convergent Evolution
 T/F. Convergent evolution is when unrelated organisms become more structurally similar.
 Patterns of Evolution:
Divergent Evolution
 Divergent evolution: related species become more dissimilar due to dissimilar habitats.
 Ex. Red fox/kit fox
 Geographic Isolation
 …can lead to reproductive isolation, divergence of gene pools and speciation.
 Artificial selection: artificially speed up divergence by selective breeding
 Ex. Dog breeding.
 Artificial selection is an example of (convergent, divergent) evolution.
 Reproductive isolation
 Behavioral: different behaviors may lead to a species mating with certain individuals
 Ex. Albatross, bower birds
 Satin Bowerbird
 What type of evolution is occurring?
 convergent, divergent, coevolution, artificial selection
 Bumble bees are just heavy enough to open the petals of a snapdragon to reach its pollen.
 This is an example of ….
 convergent, divergent, coevolution, artificial selection
 Humans continue to plant corn that does not lose its seeds (kernels).
 This is an example of…
 convergent, divergent, coevolution, artificial selection
 Notothenioids from Antarctica and arctic cod are not related but have both evolved to have antifreeze in their
 This is an example of …
 convergent, divergent, coevolution, artificial selection
 A photosynthetic algae lives with the polyp and feeds it sugar. The polyp provides the algae a home.
 This is an example of …
 convergent, divergent, coevolution, artificial selection
 Termites have a protist that lives in their gut that helps them break down plant cellulose.
 This is an example of …
 convergent, divergent, coevolution, artificial selection
 This is an example of …
 convergent, divergent, coevolution, artificial selection
 Check for Understanding:
 1. The process in which one species evolves into 2 different species is called _____
 2. Artificial selection uses _____ to gain one or more desirable traits.
 3. Give one example of coevolution.