Review Article or Mini Review (Times New Roman, 12 font, centered, Initials capital) TITLE (Times New Roman, 14 font, bold, centered, all capital) Contributor 1a, Contributor 2b*, Contributor 3c, Contributor 4a….. (Times New Roman, 12 font, centered, Initial capital) a Department, Institute, University, Address (Times New Roman, 12 font, centered, Initial capital) b Department, Institute, University, Address c Department, Institute, University, Address * Corresponding author Email: ______ ABSTRACT (Times New Roman, 12 font, justified, bold, all capital) Abstract ranging between 100 and 300 words. Times New Roman, 12 font, justified. Keywords: 3 to 7 keywords separated by comma, Times New Roman, 12 font, justified. 1. INTRODUCTION (Times New Roman, 12 font, justified, bold, all capital) The introduction section is mandatory and it should provide adequate background information along with the purpose / objective of the work. Avoid unnecessary detailed literature review. Times New Roman, 12 font, justified. 2. HEADING (Times New Roman, 12 font, bold, justified, all capital) Keep the subsections (if any) to maximum of 4 levels. 2.1. Sub-Heading (Times New Roman, 12 font, justified, bold, initials capital) 2.1.1. Section (Times New Roman, 12 font, justified, bold) Sub section (Times New Roman, 12 font, justified) 2.2. Sub-Heading (Times New Roman, 12 font, justified, bold, initials capital) 3. HEADING (Times New Roman, 12 font, bold, justified, all capital) Refer to tables and figures number like Fig. 1 and Table 1 and place them within the text on appropriate positions. Fig. 1. Caption to the figure (Times New Roman, 12 font, centred). Table 1. Caption to the table (Times New Roman, 12 font, centred). a Times a New Roman Boldb 12 Times New Roman - 12 Times New Romanc - 12 Table should be centred. Please try to keep vertical layout (portrait) of the tables. If width is a problem, use the landscape layout with section breaks on both sides if MS Word is being used. b Place footnotes to tables below the table body. c Explain all non-standard abbreviations that are used in each table in footnotes. __. CONCLUSION (Times New Roman, 12 font, bold, justified, all capital) __. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if any) (Times New Roman, 12 font, bold, justified, all capital) __. REFERENCES (Times New Roman, 12 font, bold, justified, all capital) 1. Minimum of 40 references required for full review and 15–40 references for mini reviews. 2. Times New Roman, 12 font, justified. Refer to INSTRUCTION TO AUTHORS for further details regarding journal abbreviations, etc. 3. Rehman IU. Biodegradable polyurethanes: biodegradable low adherence films for the prevention of adhesions after surgery. J Biomater Appl. 1996;11:182–257. 4. Rehman I, Bonfield W. Characterization of hydroxyapatite and carbonated apatite by photo acoustic FTIR spectroscopy. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 1997;8:1–4. 5. Ahmad I, Mirza T, Iqbal K, Ahmed S, Sheraz MA, Vaid FHM. Effect of pH, buffer and viscosity on the photolysis of formylmethylflavin: A kinetic study. Aust J Chem. 2013;66:579–585. 6. Ahmed S, Sheraz MA, Rehman IU. Studies on tolfenamic acid-chitosan intermolecular interactions: effect of pH, polymer concentration and molecular weight. AAPS PharmSciTech, in press, 2013; doi: 10.1208/s12249-013-9974-9. 7. Ahmad I, Bano R, Sheraz MA, Ahmed S, Mirza T, Ansari SA. Photodegradation of levofloxacin in aqueous and organic solvents: A kinetic study. Acta Pharmaceutica. 2013; accepted. 8. Ahmad I, Ahmed S, Sheraz MA, Vaid FHM. Borate: toxicity, effect on drug stability and analytical applications, In: Chung, MP (Ed.), Handbook on Borates: Chemistry, Production and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2010; pp. 19–58. 9. Ahmad I, Ahmed S, Sheraz MA, Vaid FHM. Borates: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Aspects, 1st ed., Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2011; pp. 111–132. 10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Vaccine information statements. Available at (Last accessed on May 2013). 11. Wikipedia–The Free Encyclopedia. Infectious diseases. Available (Last accessed on May 2013). at