ICVPB 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics 2016 Guidelines for Abstracts 1. General guideline - Submit your abstract in MS word or plain text format - Use single column, single space page layout. Margins should be set with 1 inch (2.54 cm) in all sides - Use 20-point Times New Roman font for the title of the abstract - Use 12-point Times New Roman font for the body of the abstract - Use 9-point Times New Roman font for the body of the references and figure/table captions - The minimum length of the abstract is 250 words within 1 page - The maximum length of the abstract is 500 words within 2 pages - You may include up to two figures or tables in your abstract - You may include up to five references 2. Mandatory sections of the abstract - Introduction - Methods - Results - Conclusions 3. Example For further details you may se the following template as an example ICVPB 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics 2016 Paper Title First Author Name, Other Author(s) Name(s) Author Affiliation(s) Email of corresponding author Introduction The introductory section must include a brief description of the problem of interest and the specific aims of your study. Provide the reader enough background to support the importance of your research. What critical question does your research address? Why should the reader be interested? Methods In spite of being succinct, the method section must provide sufficient information to understand how you addressed the problem. Provide a clear and precise description of how your experiment was done, and the rationale for why specific procedures were selected. Describe the materials, preparation, and the research protocol used in your study, and explain how measurements/simulations were made and analyzed. The information in this section should be organized from most to least important. Results The results section should summarize the most significant findings of the study. Simulations and statistical outcomes must be summarized. Up to two figures are allowed in the abstract. Simplicity is the key with figures. A good figure can get its message across to the reader without the need for significant explanatory text. Conclusions The conclusions section must state the extent to which the specific aims of the study have been met. Elaborate on the significance of your findings, the need for further research, and possible clinical implications. Your conclusion gives the reader something to take away that will help them see things differently or better appreciate your topic. References Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Article title. Journal Title, volume number(issue number), page numbers. Author, A. A. (year). Title of book. Location: Publisher.