I`m a Good Dog - Dedham Vale & Stour Valley

‘I’m a Good Dog’
Campaign for Responsible Dog Ownership
in the Dedham Vale
All dog owners think ‘my dog is the best behaved dog in the
world and never gets into trouble’! However, uncontrolled
dogs (or is it their owners?) are (often inadvertently) a
threat to wildlife and to the quality of the recreational
experience in the Dedham Vale AONB. Dog owners often
feel unwelcome to the countryside. At some access points
signage may discourage, especially if not updated and maintained. The aim of the ‘
I’m a good Dog Scheme’ in the Dedham Vale AONB is to innovatively and positively
inform responsible dog owners that they are welcome in our AONB BUT that not
controlling their pets (or themselves) spoils the AONB for wildlife, other people
and their pets and can have serious consequences.
National research shows that between a third and a half of countryside visitors
have a dog with them. The UK’s 6 million pet dogs provide many social and health
benefits. However, there are concerns about problems caused by irresponsible
owners to sensitive wildlife and the UK’s finest landscapes, such as Areas of
Outstanding Natural Beauty.
In the Dedham Vale the Project has received reports from landowners and visitors
to the area about dogs out of control and dog mess. The Dedham Vale AONB Visitor
Management Group decided that it was important to ensure all visitors and locals
who walked in the area should have a positive experience and so applied for
funding to implement an ‘I’m a good dog’ initiative in the area, particularly in
Constable Country(Dedham, East Bergholt and Flatford) where these issues are
greatest. This scheme has been developed on the back of a similar successful
project in the Suffolk Coast and Heaths.
The aim of the scheme is to encourage responsible dog walking behaviour through
signage, training, dog walks, promotional material and publicity.
1. Dog training and walks- ‘I’m a good dog’ walks for the public and their dogs
run by Nurture Dogs CIC at Dedham Community Farm. These walks are fun
and help you learn how to walk your dog without tears, teach your dog to be
calm around livestock and how to be a good ambassador. See the attached
pdf for dates.
2. Signage - ‘On the ground’ aids to help dog walkers know what is expected of
them. Small clear weatherproof signs say: ‘Please keep your dog on a lead’
and ‘Stop messing about! Bag it and bin it!’
3. Calling Cards – These are for landowners, countryside managers and their
volunteers to use when introducing themselves to dog walkers. It is very
much hoped that the card will act as an ice breaker and lead to constructive
dialogue between dog walkers and land managers
4. Media coverage and other publicity.