California CERT List: Emergency Response Teams

List of California CERT's
29 Palms CERT
Geographic Area: Twentynine Palms
Contact: Mary Reeves
Phone Number: 7603611410
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Inform and educate their neighbors about disaster preparedness. Assist public safety agencies
and local community boards with public events. Respond to local disasters in accordance with CERT protocols and
support emergency personnel upon their arrival and request. Assist agencies in managing spontaneous volunteers
at a disaster site. Participate in community outreach opportunities.
Antelope Valley CERT
Geographic Area: Antelope Valley
Contact: Christine Ulrich-Lesiecki
Phone Number: 6612722583
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: We provide assistance to Los Angeles County Fire and Sheriff's Dept when needed. We have a
Team Captain for each community, monthly meetings, and quarterly refreshers to maintain current training with
our members. We also assist a large hospital with emergency communications. Our goal is to take care of each
other and our communities during times of disaster and severe need.
Aptos/La Selva Fire District CERT
Geographic Area: Aptos, La Selva
Contact: Mike Conrad
Phone Number: 8316856690
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: As Epicenter for the 89 Loma Prieta Earthquake, started program using SFFD program as a
model. Provide training to neighborhood groups and businesses. Current goal is to get all schools on board.
A 20 hour neighborhood based CERT program. Follows standards set by SFFD and LAFD. CERT works directly with
fire department within the ICS system.
For more information about the Aptos/La Selva Fire District CERT, please call Captain Mike Conrad at 831-685-6690
or email at
Aptos/La Selva Fire District CERT is sponsored by the Aptos/La Selva Fire Department. For more information about
the Aptos/La Selva Fire Department, please call Captain Mike Conrad at 831-685-6690 or email at
Agoura Hills CERT Disaster Response Team
Geographic Area: City of Agoura Hills
Contact: Chris Dodd
Phone Number: 8185977317
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the City of Agoura Hills, the mission of the Agoura Hills CERT/DRT is to educate and
promote disaster and emergency safety awareness to all citizens; and to provide assistance, as needed, for
community and disaster response to the City, County and State Office of Emergency Services. For more
information please call the CERT Information Hotline at 818-597-7302.
Alameda CERT
Geographic Area: Alameda
Contact: Sharon Oliver
Phone Number: 5103372131
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Alameda Fire Department provides a 6 class series in basic emergency operations for
Alameda citizens and employees of Alameda business.
The series provides units in:
Personal preparedness
Hazard Mitigation
Hazardous Materials Awareness
Damage Assessment
Disaster Medical Ops & Triage
Fire Suppression
Utility Control
The class concludes with a final functional exercise.
Alameda City Fire CERT is endorsed by the City of Alameda Fire Department. For more information on Alameda
City Fire CERT or the City of Alameda Fire Department, please contact Sharon Oliver at 510-337-2131 or email at
Alameda County ALERT
Geographic Area: Alameda County
Contact: Brian Crudo
Phone Number: 5105285775
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: This program is to assist the residents of the City of Albany be self-sufficient when a major
disaster situation develops. In this program, individuals will learn disasters skills that will help them as members of
a neighborhood emergency response team. This will allow them to act independently in their neighborhoods or as
an addition to City's emergency services.
For more information about ALERT, please contact Battalion Chief Brian Crudo at (510) 528-5775 or email at
ALERT is endorsed by the City of Albany Fire Department, for more information on City of Albany Fire Department,
please contact Battalion Chief Brian Crudo at (510) 528-5775 or email at
Alameda County Fire Department CERT
Geographic Area: Cities of Dublin, San Leandro and the Unincorporated Alameda County, Union City, Newark
Contact: Marla Blagg
Phone Number: 5106183468
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: A community based CERT program designed for 'already' organized community groups, such as
Neighborhood Watch, Rotary Clubs, American Legion, Faith Based Communities, etc. The goal of the program is to
provide community members with the tools and resources they would need to increase their capacity to assist
neighbors during a large scale incident, such as an earthquake.
For more information on Alameda County Fire Department CERT, please contact Marla Blagg at 510-618-3490 or
email at
Alameda County Fire Department CERT is endorsed by the Alameda County Fire Department. For more information
on the Alameda County Fire Department, please contact Marla Blagg at 510-618-3490 or email at
Alhambra CERT
Geographic Area: City of Alhambra
Contact: Kelly Kuehnle
Phone Number: 6265705195
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Alhambra CERT has been serving the City of Alhambra for since 1996. Alhambra Fire Department
has trained over 170 residents of Alhambra in the FEMA based CERT curriculum. The Alhambra CERT Association is
a group of alumni who have developed a non-profit status as a separate organization to help the fire department
sustain a high level of training and participation in civic events throughout the year. Alhambra Fire is committed to
maintain and provide CERT training to assist the residents of Alhambra in their time of need.
Allan Hancock College First Aid & Safety CERT Program
Geographic Area: Northern Santa Barbara and Southern San Luis Obispo Counties
Contact: Michael Messina
Phone Number: 8059226966
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Allan Hancock College Public Safety Training Program (CA Regional Fire Academy, CA EMT
training center, and CA Homeland Security HazMat training) has established an open enrollment course (EMS
102)that teaches general population community college students the skills to enable them to care for their
families, friends and neighbors during a catastrophic disasters before fire and EMS arrive. This 3-unit degree
applicable course has become a perfect vehicle to offer the CERT program. Being a CA regional fire academy and
EMS training site, the college is afforded the opportunity to possess an abundant resource of equipment in
addition to having the participation of qualified firefighters, EMTs and paramedics to teach this CERT course to
250-300 students who enroll in this college class each school year.
For more information on Allan Hancock College First Aid & Safety CERT Program, please contact Michael Messina
at 805-922-6966 ext. 3282 or email at
Allan Hancock College First Aid & Safety CERT Program is endorsed by the Allan Hancock College Public Safety
Training Program. For more information on the Allan Hancock College Public Safety Training Program, please
contact Michael Messina at 805-922-6966 ext. 3282 or email at
Anaheim CERT Program
Geographic Area: Orange County
Contact: Ellen Lopez
Phone Number: 7147656950
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Anaheim CERT offers the FEMA CERT Program to the Community free of charge. The training
consists of Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Fire Suppression, Light Search and Rescue, Disaster Medical Operations,
Disaster Psychology, Team Organization and Disaster Simulation.
The program is presented by staff from the Office of Disaster Preparedness and is supplemented by in-class
discussion and practical application sessions.
The CERT Program is designed to prepare citizens for the first 24-96 hours following a disaster when traditional
resources are either limited or unavailable.
The CERT program is a partnership in preparedness for emergencies while teaching residents to be self-sufficient
when a disaster occurs.
For more information on Anaheim CERT Program, please contact Ellen Lopez at 714-765-6950 or email at
Anaheim CERT Program is endorsed by the Anaheim Fire Department. For more information on the Anaheim Fire
Department, please contact Ellen Lopez at 714-765-6950 or email at
Apple Valley CERT
Geographic Area: Town of Apple Valley
Contact: Laura Whitehead
Phone Number: 7602477618
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Apple Valley Fire District offers a FEMA-certified C.E.R.T. course on behalf of the Town of Apple
Valley. The course can be tailored for residents and/or businesses. The 20-hour course includes First Aid, CPR,
disaster preparedness, disaster psychology, team organization, terrorism/hazardous materials, fire suppression,
triage, light search and rescue, and course review and simulation. We are sponsored by the Apple Valley Fire
Protection District which can be contacted at 760-247-7618. The Apple Valley C.E.R.T. program is growing each
year -- join the team!
Avalon CERT/Catalina Island
Geographic Area: Catalina Island
Contact: Burt Lyon
Phone Number: 3105102015
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The Avalon CERT is co-sponsored by the Los Angeles County's Sheriff's Department and Fire
Departments. The CERT members are part of the Sheriff's Department Volunteer Program. A 25 hour CERT training
is used to prepare Catalina Island residents to help themselves, their family, their neighbors, and community in
case of an emergency or disaster. Catalina Island is isolated and residents need to be prepared to take care of
themselves during an emergency. CERT training is available to all residents, businesses, and civic groups on
Catalina Island.
For more information on Avalon CERT/Catalina Island or the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and Fire
Departments, please contact Deputy Burt Lyon at (310) 510-2015 or email at
Bear Valley Springs BVS/CERT
Geographic Area: Bear Valley Springs, California
Contact: James Nelson
Phone Number: 6218215205
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Bear Valley Springs is located in the Tehachapi mountains 2 hours north of Los Angeles. In the
event of an area wide disaster we will be isolated for some time. With this in mind the BVCSD formed a Disaster
Council in 1995. The council successfully launched a CERT program in early 2002 using all volunteer instructors
from retired first responders and medical professionals. The goal is to train and support six twenty member teams.
For more information about BVS/CERT, please contact James Nelson at 621-821-5205 or email at
BVS/CERT is sponsored by the Bear Valley Community Service District Disaster Council. For information about the
Bear Valley Community Service District Disaster Council, please contact James Nelson at 621-821-5205 or email at
Belmont - San Carlos CERT (BSC CERT)
Geographic Area: Cities of Belmont & San Carlos
Contact: Patrick Halleran
Title: Sergeant
Phone Number: 6505957400
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Belmont - San Carlos CERT is a cooperative effort between the Belmont Police Department, San
Carlos Police Department and the Belmont - San Carlos Fire Department to provide training and establish
partnerships between emergency services and the people that they serve. The goal is for emergency personnel to
train members of neighborhoods, community organizations, or workplaces in basic response skills. CERT members
are trained in: Disaster Preparedness Disaster Fire Suppression Disaster Medical Operations Light Search and
Rescue Operations Disaster Psychology/Team Organization Terrorism.
Benicia Emergency Response Team (BERT)
Geographic Area: Benicia, CA
Contact: Ray Iverson
Phone Number: 7077464275
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by Benicia Fire Department. City-wide training and education program for all
residents of the community. Trained members are placed into geographical teams where they work with first
responders, HAM radio operators and the city's Emergency Operations Center to help themselves, their families
and neighbors following a disaster event affecting the community.
For more information on Benicia Emergency Response Team (BERT), please contact Ray Iverson at 707-746-4275 or
email at
Benicia Emergency Response Team (BERT) is endorsed by the Benicia Fire Department. For more information on
the Benicia Fire Department, please contact Ray Iverson at 707-746-4275 or email at
Berkeley Community Emergency Response Training (CERT)
Geographic Area: City of Berkeley
Contact: Khin Chin
Phone Number: 5109815506
E-mail address:
Website address: ... px?id=3920
Brief Description: We train citizens to be prepared for disasters at home and in their neighborhoods, offering
classes in Basic Personal Preparedness, Disaster First Aid, Light Search & Rescue, Fire Suppression, Disaster Mental
Health and Shelter Operations.
Beverly Hills CERT
Geographic Area: Beverly Hills
Contact: Bruce Lessing
Phone Number: 3102852703
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: City of Beverly Hills CERT is endorsed by the City Beverly Hills Fire Department. For more
information on the City Beverly Hills Fire Department, please contact Captain Bruce Lessing at 310-281-2703 or
email at
For more information on City of Beverly Hills CERT, please contact Captain Bruce Lessing at 310-281-2703 or email
Big Bear Valley CERT
Geographic Area: San Bernardino County, Big Bear Valley
Contact: Rachael Jahn
Phone Number: 9095852362
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Since the Big Bear Valley CERT program was organized in 1998, there have been over 250 class
graduates. Area Representatives and Team Leaders have been established throughout the Big Bear Valley. Big Bear
Valley CERT has developed into a community organization with elected officers, committees, by-laws, and standard
operating procedures for all functions. CERT members are trained to handle crisis within their area until help can
arrive. On-going training is provided to CERT members on a regular basis, typically 1-2 times a month. CERT
members are a very important element in the disaster preparedness plans of Big Bear Valley. The CERT program is
a series of five courses, four hours each, providing hands-on training in such topics as Emergency Preparedness,
Medical Aids, Fire Suppression Techniques, Light Search and Rescue, and Communications/Team Building Skills.
These classes are open to all residents within the Big Bear Valley at a cost of $10.00 per person. Future goals
include continuing growth and further training and development for the membership.
Borrego Springs CERT
Geographic Area: Borrego Springs
Contact: James Higbee
Phone Number: 7607675436
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: To train citizens faced with a disaster to be self-reliant, to work safely and efficiently, to be
prepared for hazards, and work in coordination with local government.
For more information on Borrego Springs CERT, please contact James Higbee at 760-767-5436 or email at
Borrego Springs CERT is endorsed by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District. For more information on the
Borrego Springs Fire Protection District, please contact James Higbee at 760-767-5436 or email at
Branciforte Fire District CERT Program
Geographic Area: Branciforte Fire District
Contact: Adam Matlock
Phone Number: 8312413063
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: We hope to train citizens in our district using the CERT model and training materials.
For more information about the Branciforte Fire District CERT Program, please call Acting Captain Adam Matlock at
831-241-3063 or email at
Branciforte Fire District CERT Program is sponsored by the Branciforte Fire Protection District. For more
information about the Branciforte Fire Protection District, please call Acting Captain Adam Matlock at 831-2413063 or email at
Geographic Area: City of Brea, Orange County, California
Contact: Anna Cave
Phone Number: 7149907622
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: City of Brea CERT provides CERT training utilizing FEMA/DHS standardized curriculum. Training
programs are administered by the City of Brea Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, who is EMI CERT trained.
Courses are managed by the Emergency Preparedness Program, which is a division of Brea Fire Services.
Instructors include qualified and trained emergency managers, Fire Department and Police Department staff, and
other subject matter experts from cooperating agencies. Brea is also a member of the Orange County CMAP group,
which is the CERT Mutual Aid Program coordinating body for Orange County. This group provides a forum for
coordination and standardization of CERT programs as well as mutual aid responses between agency CERT Team
members from throughout the County. The goal of Brea CERT is simple: to save lives through the teaching of
courses that encourages self-sufficiency and provides the skills necessary to make decisions during times of
emergency. Our focus is neighborhood oriented, with a goal of making each neighborhood community selfsufficient following a disaster, as well as providing an organized citizen communication and response methodology
into the City of Brea Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
For more information on Brea CERT, please contact Anna Cave at (714) 990-7622 or email at
Brea CERT is endorsed by the City of Brea. For more information on the City of Brea, please contact Anna Cave at
(714) 990-7622 or email at
Brisbane CEVs
Geographic Area: Brisbane; 94005
Contact: Shelley Romriell
Phone Number: 4155082128
E-mail address:
Website address: ... ep/cev.asp
Brief Description: The community Emergency Volunteers (CEVs) Program educates people about disaster
preparedness for hazards that may impact their area, and trains them in basic disaster response skills. The
organization's purpose is to provide a group of trained citizens to assist the City's implementation of its Emergency
Operations Plan during a disaster, and to encourage emergency preparedness in the community. As a volunteer
organization closely affiliated with the City of Brisbane, members may serve as a temporary resource to the city
during emergency situations when professional responders are overwhelmed.
For more information about the Brisbane CEVs program, please call Shelley Romriell at (415) 508-2128 or email at
Brisbane CEVs is sponsored by the City of Brisbane. For more information on the City of Brisbane, please call
Shelley Romriell at (415) 508-2128 or email at
California City C.E.R.T
Geographic Area: California City
Contact: David Orr
Phone Number: 7603734841
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of California City Community Emergency Response Training (C.E.R.T.) is designed to help
out families, neighborhoods, schools and businesses prepare for effective disaster/emergency response through
training and pre planning. This training covers basic skills that are important to know when emergency services are
not immediately available. You can make a difference by using the training to save lives and protect property.
Emergency responders, emergency management personnel and emergency trained volunteers provide training.
Program material covers earthquakes, fires, flood, hazardous incidents and other life-threatening situations.
Carmel Highlands Fire Protection District CERT Team
Geographic Area: Greater Carmel Area
Contact: Richard Lopez
Phone Number: 8316242374
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Carmel Highlands Emergency Response Team, sponsored by the Carmel Highlands and
Cypress Fire Protection District, promotes partnering between response agencies and the people of the
community. We train residents basic response skills, form them into CERT teams and increase the response
capabilities of the community. We also use our CERT members to assist with special projects and community
Carmel Valley CERT
Geographic Area: Carmel Valley
Contact: Jeffrey Frye
Phone Number: 8316245907
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: CERT training designed to prepare you to help yourself, your family and your neighbors in the
event of a catastrophic disaster.
Carpinteria Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Geographic Area: Carpinteria
Contact: Kris McGuire
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Carpinteria, Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department and Carpinteria Fire
Protection District partner together to present the CERT Program for the citizens of Carpinteria. As of 2010, there
are over 200 trained Carpinteria CERT members.
It is the goal of the program to get 60% of the residents of Carpinteria trained in the CERT program. Current
graduates have participated in Citywide Emergency Disaster drills, have used as course marshals for the City
Triatholon, and other city events. Joint advanced training with MERRAG (neighboring CERT program) has included
evacuation and wild land fire preparedness, electrical safety for first responders and weather spotter training.
Carson - CERT Program
Geographic Area: Los Angeles County, City of Carson
Contact: Anita Kincherlow
Phone Number: 3108477481
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: In event of a major emergency or disaster, the citizens of Carson will be prepared and selfsufficient with basic survival skills learned in the CERT Program for possibly 72 or more hours.
For more information about the City of Carson - CERT Program, please call Anita Kincherlow at (310) 847-7481 or
email at
City of Carson - CERT is endorsed by the City of Carson - Public Safety Department. For more information on the
City of Carson - Public Safety Department, please call Anita Kincherlow at (310) 847-7481 or email at
Cathedral City, California (Palm Springs Area)
Geographic Area: Cathedral City, California (Palm Springs Area)
Contact: Robert Williams
Phone Number: 7607708213
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: NEST is a volunteer citizen organization that works with the fire department during disasters. The
fire department offers training in CERT to interested parties 4 times annually and provides CERT refresher training
twice a year in conjunction with neighboring fire departments. There are monthly training sessions along with
business meetings every month (except August).
Cathedral City, California (Palm Springs Area) is endorsed by the City of Cathedral City. For more information on
Cathedral City, California (Palm Springs Area) or the City of Cathedral City, please contact Robert Williams at 760770-8200 or email
Central County FD CERT
Geographic Area: Burlingame & Hillsborough
Contact: Rocque Yballa
Phone Number: 6505587600
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Provide citizens with the basic skills needed to respond to their community's immediate needs in
the aftermath of a disaster, when emergency services are not immediately available.
Chula Vista CERT
Geographic Area: San Diego County
Contact: Tom Leonard
Phone Number: 6194095482
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The City of Chula Vista CERT program is coordinated with the Southwestern Community College
District and the Chula Vista Fire Department.
The purpose is to train the Civilian population in disaster survival skills.
CERT members are an integral part of the City Major Incident Emergency operations Plan.
Our goal is to have 1% of our population trained. This is about 2,000 people.
For more information on Chula Vista CERT, please contact Tom Leonard at 619-409-5482 or email at
Chula Vista CERT is endorsed by the City of Chula Vista. For more information on the City of Chula Vista, please
contact Tom Leonard at 619-409-5482 or email at
Claremont CERT
Geographic Area: City of Claremont
Contact: Karlan Bennett
Phone Number: 9093995409
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Claremont CERT program is designed to provide information, training and education
to volunteers who have a common goal to make the Claremont community safer, stronger and better prepared o
respond to disasters of all kinds. The City of Claremont CERT team will follow CERT guidelines and respond to the
best of their ability to effectively assist local public service agencies.
For more information about The City of Claremont CERT, please contact Sergeant Karlan Bennett at 909-399-5409
or email at
The City of Claremont CERT is sponsored by the City of Claremont. For more information about the City of
Claremont, please contact Sergeant Karlan Bennett at 909-399-5409 or email at
Clayton CERT
Geographic Area: Contra Costa County
Contact: Lynn Christ
Phone Number: 9256737363
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Clayton is a community that sits on a line between urban and wild land environments. With the
proper training and motivation our CERT Team will be a force multiplier for first responders as well as a rally point
and source of leadership and direction for the community at large. Our team members have a wide variety of
talents including medical, construction, project managers, Military, Red Cross Shelter Managers to name a few. We
will be an invaluable resource in any of the ICS designated positions, be it Incident Commander, Operations
Section, Planning Section, Logistics Section, or the Admin/Finance Section.
We are a team made up, of the community and for the community. For more information about the Clayton CERT
Program, please call our CERT hotline at 925-673-7355 or email at
Clayton CERT Is sponsored by the Clayton Police Department. For more information about the Clayton Police
Department please call Lynn Christ at 925-673-7363.
Clovis CERT
Geographic Area: City of Clovis
Contact: Chad Fitzgerald
Phone Number: 5593242218
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The mission of the Clovis Emergency Response Team (CERT) is to harness the power of every
individual through education, training and volunteer service to make communities safer, stronger and better
prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues and disasters.
Citizens who are prepared in advance can work as a team and provide essential services to their neighborhood and
workplace in the event of a disaster. By training as a Clovis Emergency Response Team member (CERT), you can
play a vital role in the City's disaster recovery efforts.
CERT volunteers reflect the value Clovis citizen's place on public safety and the family values Clovis was built on.
Through CERT volunteers, public safety is enhanced at the grass-roots level and citizens have an expanded voice in
their community.
Clovis Emergency Response Team (CERT) is endorsed by the Clovis Fire Department. For more information on the
Clovis Fire Department or the Clovis Emergency Response Team (CERT), please contact Chad Fitzgerald at (559)
324-2218 or email at
Colton CERT
Geographic Area: San Bernardino, Colton
Contact: Michael Musgraves
Phone Number: 9093705100
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Use the National Curriculum to train citizens, schools, and businesses for any type of disaster.
For more information about the City of Colton CERT, please contact Mike Musgraves at 909-370-5100 or email at
City of Colton CERT is sponsored by the Colton fire Department. For more information about the Colton fire
Department, please contact Mike Musgraves at 909-370-5100 or email at
Compton Unified School District CERT Program
Geographic Area: Los Angeles County
Contact: Danny E Battles
Title: Police Sergeant / Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Phone Number: 3106046580 46580
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Train parents and volunteers to respond to the school district during a disaster/emergency. Train
all individuals who are interested in the CERT training for their own use.
Concord CERT
Geographic Area: Contra Costa County
Contact: Margaret Romiti
Phone Number: 9256713184
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Concord, in conjunction with the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District , is
sponsoring Emergency Preparedness classes for residents of the community.
CERT training promotes a partnering effort between emergency services and the people that they serve. The goal
is for emergency personnel to train members of neighborhoods, community organizations, or workplaces in basic
response skills. CERT members are then integrated into the emergency response capability for their area.
For more information on Concord CERT, please contact Margaret Romiti at 925-671-3184 or email at
Concord CERT is endorsed by the Concord Police Department. For more information on the Concord Police
Department, please contact Margaret Romiti at 925-671-3184 or email at
Contra Costa Community College District CERT
Geographic Area: Contra Costa County
Contact: Teddy Terstegge
Phone Number: 9254391505
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Contra Costa Community College District CERT is dedicated to the protection and service of
the Contra Costa Community College District and its neighboring communities.
The CCCCD CERT works, under guidance by District Police, to provide emergency preparedness and response
support for all district campuses and facilities.
For more information on Contra Costa Community College District CERT, please contact Teddy Terstegge at 925439-1505 or email at
Contra Costa Community College District CERTT is endorsed by the Contra Costa Community College District. For
more information on the Contra Costa Community College District, please contact Teddy Terstegge at 925-439.
Contra Costa County CERT Programs
Geographic Area: Contra Costa
Contact: Chris Boyer
Phone Number: 9256464461
E-mail address:
Brief Description: A county-wide, community based preparedness training for county residents. It is taught by local
instructors and emergency services personnel. Community Emergency Response Teams are forming in all areas of
the county. Become a part of something good. Join us!
For more information on Contra Costa County CERT Programs, please contact Chris Boyer at 925-646-4461 or email
Contra Costa County CERT Programs are endorsed by the Contra Costa County Sheriffs Office. For more
information on the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office, please contact Chris Boyer at 925-646-4461 or email at
Cordelia CERT
Geographic Area: Solano County
Contact: Patty Huyssoon
Phone Number: 7078640468
E-mail address:
Website address:
Corona Fire Department CERT Program
Geographic Area: City of Corona, Northwest Riverside County
Contact: Lynn Mata
Phone Number: 9517362458
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Corona Fire Department, Community Emergency Response Team program mission is
to increase through training and preparation, the self-sufficiency and survivability of Corona's people, businesses
and government, for all foreseeable disasters. The CERT Program is a partnership in preparedness for emergencies
while teaching individuals to take care of family and neighbors and to assess hazards after a disaster as part of a
trained team. The 30 hour FEMA based course is free to Corona area residents and includes training in;
Disaster Preparedness
Fire Safety
Disaster Medical
First Aid
Light Search and Rescue
Disaster Psychology
CERT Organization
For more information on City of Corona Fire Department CERT Program, please contact Lynn Mata at 951-736-
2458 or email at
City of Corona Fire Department CERT Program is endorsed by the City of Corona Fire Department. For more
information on the City of Corona Fire Department, please contact Lynn Mata at 951-736-2458 or email at
Coronado CERT
Geographic Area: City of Coronado
Contact: Mike Blood
Phone Number: 6195227378
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The Coronado CERT program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may
impact the area and trains them in basic disaster response skills.
City of Coronado CERT is endorsed by the City of Coronado Fire Department. For more information on City of
Coronado CERT or the City of Coronado Fire Department, please contact Mike Blood at 619-522-7378 or email
Corte Madera Fire Department CERT Program
Geographic Area: Marin County
Contact: Paul Hager
Title: Battalion Chief
Phone Number: 4159275077
E-mail address:
Brief Description: CERT Program in Corte Madera is a coordinated and organized by Corte Madera Fire
Department. It is a condense 10 hours course which follows FEMA CERT Program. Cost is $30.00 and on
completion of course all members received a CERT roll bag containing: one flash light with batteries, a helmet,
vest, eye glasses, whistle and a pair of gloves. CERT program covers: Introduction to Emergency Preparedness,
Disaster First Aid, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Hazardous Materials, Light Search and Rescue, Fire
Prevention/Suppression, and a Disaster Simulation.
Costa Mesa CERT
Geographic Area: Orange County, Costa Mesa
Contact: Brenda Emrick
Phone Number: 7143277406
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Costa Mesa CERT program is sponsored by the Costa Mesa Fire Department. Three
courses are conducted throughout the calendar year- January, May and September. Open to all willing to commit
to helping themselves and the community. The team meets monthly for on-going training sessions. All members
are Designated Disaster Services Workers. Annual refresher drills are required to maintain DSW status. Various
outreach programs in emergency preparedness are also available.
For more information about City of Costa Mesa CERT Program, please call Brenda Emrick at 714-327-7406 or email
For more information about the Costa Mesa Fire Department, please call Chief Mike Morgan at 714-327-7406 or
email at
Crestline Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Geographic Area: The boundries of the Crest Forest Fire Protection District
Contact: Michael Sherman
Phone Number: 9093383311
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the Crest Forest Fire Protection District and Crestline/Lake Gregory Rotary Club,
the Crestline CERT serves the area encompassed by the Crest Forest Fire Protection District which includes the
unincorporated California communities of Cedar Pines Park, Valley of Enchantment, Crestline, Lake Gregory, Rim
Forest, Twin Peaks, Aqua Fria, and the west half of Blue Jay.
Our initial objectives are to organize, train, and coordinate community volunteers to assist their communities
during major disasters, especially wild land fires, wind storms, floods, winter disasters, and earthquakes.
For more information on Crestline Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), please contact Chief Michael
Sherman at 909-338-3311 or email at
Crestline Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is endorsed by the Crest Forest Fire Protection District &
the Crestline/Lake Gregory Rotary Club. For more information on the Crest Forest Fire Protection District & the
Crestline/Lake Gregory Rotary Club, please contact Chief Michael Sherman at 909-338-3311 or email at
Geographic Area: CSU Chico
Contact: Kathleen Purvis
Phone Number: 5308986727
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the CSU Chico Campus Police Department, the CSU Chico CERT team will serve the
College Campus as a resource in emergencies and disasters. For additional information please contact Kathleen
Purvis, CSU Chico CERT Coordinator, at 530-898-6727.
Culver City CERT
Geographic Area: Culver City, California
Contact: Erik Mayer
Phone Number: 3102535903
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Culver City Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) provides volunteer assistance to
the Culver City community under the direction of the Culver City Fire Department in case of an earthquake, other
disaster or major emergency. Training classes consist of a 22-1/2 hour course taking place three times annually
(one Tuesday evening and three Saturdays), culminating in a live disaster response exercise. Training is open to
anyone living or working in Culver City, although residents of nearby jurisdictions with an active CERT program may
also take the class, depending on available space. Graduates receive a helmet and vest and are organized into
neighborhood teams. Following each training session, graduates have the opportunity to take a test to receive
their FFC ham radio license. Neighborhood and city-wide drills are conducted at various times throughout the year
to provide members with the opportunity to practice the skills learned in class.
For more information on Culver City CERT, please contact Erik Mayer at 310-253-5903 or email at
Culver City CERT is endorsed by the Culver City Fire Department. For more information on the Culver City Fire
Department, please contact Erik Mayer at 310-253-5903 or email at
Cupertino CERT
Geographic Area: City of Cupertino (Santa Clara County, CA)
Contact: Ken Eriksen
Phone Number: 4087773176
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Learn skills that will benefit you for a lifetime! This FEMA CERT program offers training to help
you and your family be better prepared to manage emergencies and assist your community's disaster response.
The program is designed to be a fun, hands-on learning experience for people of all ages. The course is offered at
least five times per year. Graduates become part of a network of over 600 CERT responders who receive refresher
training, participate in neighborhood organization and City drills, and provide outreach activities and First Aid
stations at local events. CERT responders can also be part of the Cupertino Medical Reserve Corps assisting the
community's emergency medical needs during disasters.
Working closely with Cupertino Amateur Radio Emergency Services, CERT members make a difference in their
community every day!
For more information about Cupertino CERT, please contact Ken Ericksen at 408-777-3176 or email at or email at
Cupertino CERT is sponsored by the City of Cupertino OES. For more information about the City of Cupertino OES,
please contact Ken Ericksen at 408-777-3176 or email at or email at
Cypress Fire Protection District
Geographic Area: Unincorporated area surrounding the CIty of Carmel
Contact: Richard Lopez
Phone Number: 8316242374
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The Cypress Fire Protection District promotes partnering between response agencies and the
people of the community. We train residents basic response skills to form them into CERT teams and increase the
response capabilities of the community. We also use our CERT members to assist with special projects and
community events.
Cypress - West County CERT
Geographic Area: City of Cypress
Contact: Gael Locklin
Phone Number: 7142296625
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Cypress Police Department offers the FEMA CERT program to the community on a quarterly
basis. The course is six weeks long, meeting one night weekly. The program is taught by trained Cypress Police
personnel and firefighters from the Orange County Fire Authority. The training consists of disaster preparedness,
disaster fire suppression, disaster medical operations, light search and rescue, disaster psychology and team
organization. The CERT program is an effort to teach residents, businesses and schools to be self sufficient when a
disaster strikes.
West County CERT - Cypress is endorsed by the City of Cypress. For more information on West County CERT Cypress or the City of Cypress, please contact Gael Locklin at (714) 229-6625 or email at
Daly City CERT
Geographic Area: San Mateo County
Contact: Matthew Lucett
Phone Number: 6509918139
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The goal of the Daly City CERT Program is to provide education & training to community
volunteers who will in turn become assets not only to the areas which they live and/or work but to the city as a
whole following a significant event(s).
For more information on Daly City CERT, please contact Matthew Lucett at 650-991-8139 or email at
Daly City CERT is endorsed by the North County Fire Authority. For more information on the North County Fire
Authority, please contact Matthew Lucett at 650-991-8139 or email at
Dana Point CERT
Geographic Area: City of Dana Point
Contact: Mike Rose
Phone Number: 9492483535
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description:
Dana Point CERT is endorsed by the City of Dana Point - Emergency Services Division. For more information on
Dana Point CERT or the City of Dana Point - Emergency Services Division, please contact Mike Rose at (949) 2483535 or email
Davis CERT
Geographic Area: City of Davis
Point of Contact: Mike Porter
Phone Number: 5307575684
E-mail address:
Website address:
Deer Springs CERT
Geographic Area: San Diego, Unincorporated San Diego County
Contact: Lisa Lozano
Phone Number: 7607498001
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Deer Springs CERT is sponsored by the Deer Springs Fire Protection District. This District consists
of 47 square miles in unincorporated San Diego County. The topography is rural with rugged mountains and fireprone vegetation. The objective of our CERT program is to activate under conditions of such catastrophic event
that our first-responders are over-whelmed. Personal safety and continuous training are emphasized.
For more information on Deer Springs CERT, please contact Lisa Lozano at (760) 749-8001 or email at
Deer Springs CERT is endorsed by the Deer Springs Fire Protection District. For more information on the Deer
Springs Fire Protection District, please contact Chief Ernie Marugg at (760) 749-8001 or email at
Del Mar CERT - City of Del Mar
Geographic Area: San Diego County
Contact: Patrick Oneil
Phone Number: 8587551522
E-mail address:
Del Norte County CERT
Geographic Area: Del Norte County, Crescent City
Contact: Charles Hartwick
Phone Number: 7074642277
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Currently we have trained 50 team members throughout the Del Norte community to assist the
first responders should the need ever arise.
For more information on Del Note County CERT, please contact Charles Hartwick at 707-464-2277 or email at
Del Norte County CERT is endorsed by the American Red Cross. For more information on the American Red Cross,
please contact Charles Hartwick at 707-464-2277 or email
Downey Community Emergency Response Team
Geographic Area: Southern California
Contact: Carlos Mata
Phone Number: 5629047345
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Downey Fire Department will be offering CERT Level 1 training in October 2, 9, 16 of
2010. For more information contact the CERT coordinator at CERT is for anyone 18
years old and has an interest in helping the community.
For more information about the City of Downey CERT Program, please call Carlos Mata at 562-904-7345 or email at
City of Downey CERT Program is sponsored by the City of Downey Fire Department. For more information about
the City of Downey Fire Department, please call please call Carlos Mata at 562-904-7345 or email at
Eel River Valley CERT
Geographic Area: Eel River Valley
Contact: Joe Hadley
Phone Number: 7078345557
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Eel River Valley CERT program goals are threefold: to expand the number of citizens trained to
respond to emergencies, to assist local schools during an emergency, and to encourage emergency preparedness
in the Eel River Valley.
For more information about The Eel River Valley CERT, please contact Joe Hadley at 707-834-5557 or email at
Eel River Valley CERT is sponsored by the Fortuna Union Elementary School District. For more information on the
Fortuna Union Elementary School District, please call (707) 725-2293 or email Joe Hadley at
El Cajon - East County CERT
Geographic Area: El Cajon, La Mesa, Santee, Lemon Grove
Contact: Monica Zech
Phone Number: 6194411737
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Servicing East County areas of San Diego County. A combined agency sponsored program by the
Fire Departments of El Cajon, La Mesa, Santee and Lemon Grove. Providing the community life saving skills in the
event of natural or man made disaster.
For more information on East County CERT, please contact Monica Zech at 619-441-1737 or email at
East County CERT is endorsed by the Cities of La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Elcajon, and Santee. For more information on
the Cities of La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Elcajon, and Santee contact Chuck Strickland at 619-667-1472 or email
El Cerrito & Kensington NEAT
Geographic Area: Contra Costa County, El Cerrito
Contact: David R Gibson
Title: Battalion Chief
Phone Number: 5102154450
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Utilizing the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) curriculum, this program is designed
to assist the residents of El Cerrito and Kensington to be self-sufficient in the event of a disaster. In this program,
individuals will learn an array of disaster skills that will empower them as members of a neighborhood emergency
assistance team to act independently in their neighborhoods or as an addition to the communities� emergency
El Dorado County Sheriff OES
Geographic Area: El Dorado
Contact: Todd Crawford
Title: Deputy
Phone Number: 5306215895
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: CERT training promotes a partnering effort between emergency services and the people that
they serve. The goal is for emergency personnel to train members of the neighborhoods, community organizations,
or workplaces in basic response skills with a 22 hour course of instruction. Cert members are then integrated into
the emergency response capability for their area. If a disastrous event overwhelms or delays the community's
professional response, CERT members can assist others by applying the basic response and organizational skills
that they learned during training. These skills can help save and sustain lives following a disaster until help arrives.
CERT skills also apply to daily emergencies.
El Segundo CERT
Geographic Area: Los Angeles County (Area G)
Contact: Jeffrey Robinson
Phone Number: 3105242252
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of El Segundo CERT Program follows the national CERT program standards, and works in
coordination with the City of Los Angeles to maintain the original standards of the program - to empower the
community to be self-reliant, to work safely and efficiently, to be prepared for all hazards, and work in
coordination with local government in a disaster.
For more information on The City of El Segundo CERT Program, please contact Jeffery Robinson at (310) 524-2252
or email at
The City of El Segundo CERT Program is endorsed by the City of El Segundo Fire Department, for more information
on the City of El Segundo Fire Department, please contact Jeffery Robinson at (310) 524-2252 or email at
Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove CERT
Geographic Area: Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove (CSA 107)
Contact: Michelle Roberts
Title: CERT Program Manager
Phone Number: 7607442186
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Neighbors helping neighbors.
Elk Grove - Galt CERT
Geographic Area: Sacramento County, Elk Grove
Contact: Julie Rider
Phone Number: 9167187402
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Cosumnes Fire Department in cooperation with the Elk Grove and Galt Police Department
manages the Elk Grove - Galt CERT Program. Involvement begins with attendance at a 24 hour CERT Training
Academy. Academies are offered several times each year.
For more information on Elk Grove - Galt CERT, please contact Julie Rider at 916-718-7402 or email at
Elk Grove - Galt CERT is endorsed by the Cosumnes Fire Department. For more information on the Cosumnes Fire
Department, please contact Julie Rider at 916-718-7402 or email at
Emeryville Fire Department CERT
Geographic Area: Northern Alameda County
Contact: George Warren
Phone Number: 5105963759
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The program is designed to prepare residents and businesses to be able to help themselves, their
families, neighbors and the community in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. Training is available to
residents and business alike. The instructors are all members of the Emeryviulle FD.
City of Emeryville Fire Department CERT is endorsed by the City of Emeryville Fire Department. For more
information on City of Emeryville Fire Department CERT or the City of Emeryville Fire Department, please contact
George Warren at 510-596-3759 or email
Encinitas CERT
Geographic Area: San Diego County, Encinitas
Contact: Joseph Bunn
Phone Number: 7606332303
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Encinitas' CERT program has adopted FEMA's training curriculum.
The primary objective of the program is to teach Encinitas residents basic emergency skills and educate them so
that they can effectively respond to disasters as a part of a neighborhood team.
For more information on Encinitas CERT, please contact Joseph Bunn at 760-633-2803 or email at
Encinitas CERT is endorsed by the City of Encinitas Fire Department. For more information on the City of Encinitas
Fire Department, please contact Joseph Bunn at 760-633-2803 or email at
Escondido CERT
Geographic Area: City of Escondido
Contact: Randy Licata
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Website address: ... index.html
Brief Description: Sponsored by the City of Escondido Fire Department, the Escondido CERT program serves the
City of Escondido. The City of Escondido is the hub of Northern San Diego County. We have approximately 130
members. Our goal is to provide Emergency training to the citizens of Escondido and provide an opportunity for
those that would like to be called upon during a major disaster to serve. In addition, the members of our team
receive 6 days of continuing education per year to keep their skills honed should there be an activation. For
additional information please contact Randy Licata at 760-839-5411 or at
Estero Bay CERT
Geographic Area: San Luis Obispo County
Contact: Rick Carr
Phone Number: 8057724467
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The Estero Bay CERT is a multi-city team that includes: Morro Bay, Los Osos, and Cayucos. We
are currently in the start up phase with Morro Bay as the Central Location. Our goal is to establish a divisionalized
district team.
For more information about The Estero Bay CERT, please contact Rick Carr at (805) 772-4467 or email at
The Estero Bay CERT is endorsed by the Morro Bay Fire Dept. For more information on the Morro Bay Fire
Department, please contact Fire Chief Mike Pond at (805) 772-6242 or email at
Exeter Police Citizen Volunteers CERT
Geographic Area: Tulare-Kings County
Contact: Bill Phillips
Title: Volunteer Coordinator
Phone Number: 5595923103
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The Exeter Police Citizen Volunteers has been trained and implemented a CERT team. This
organization was formed to be a rapid response team to any community disaster or need. There are currently 13
trained volunteers and more will receive training at a later date. We have trained nine (9) to become trainers.
These individuals will train the community through our Neighborhood Watch program.
Fairfield Community Emergency Response Team
Geographic Area: City Limits of Fairfield
Contact: Jerry Clark
Phone Number: 7074287341
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: PREFACE: The City of Fairfield's CERT Program is a joint effort between the Fairfield Police and
Fire Departments, City Managers Office, and select civic groups. The CERT training is designed to prepare Fairfield
residents to help themselves, their family, their neighbors, and community in case of an emergency or catastrophic
disaster. The goal is to train and equip volunteer teams to operate during the first 48 to 72 hours after a major
disaster when normal emergency forces are unavailable. Training will provide members with general emergency
preparedness, basic first aid, security, fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, disaster psychology,
and public safety.
For more information on City of Fairfield Community Emergency Response Team, please contact Jerry Clark at 707428-7341 or email at
City of Fairfield Community Emergency Response Team is endorsed by the City of Fairfield. For more information
on the City of Fairfield, please contact Jerry Clark at 707-428-7341 or email at
Felton Fire Protection District CERT
Geographic Area: FELTON/ Does not include ZAYANTE-LOMPICO AREA
Contact: RAY SOLER
Phone Number: 8313354422
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Startup program with the goal of having as many residents of the FELTON FIRE PROTECTION
DISTRICT trained in CERTs, and forming as many Teams as possible.
For more information on CERT programs in Santa Cruz County please visit our website at
Felton Fire Protection District CERT is endorsed by the Felton Fire Protection District. For more information on
Felton Fire Protection District CERT or Felton Fire Protection District, please contact Ray Soller at 831-335-4422 or
email at
Fillmore Fire Department CERT
Geographic Area: Ventura County
Contact: Rigo Landeros
Phone Number: 8058447109
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Morning and evening classes. Five classes per year. Instruction by former LA City Fire CERT Chief
Davis, Captain Huerta, and FEMA Instructors. Classes are free.
Fillmore Fire Department CERT is endorsed by the Fillmore Fire Department. For more information on Fillmore Fire
Department CERT or the Fillmore Fire Department, please contact Chief Landeros at 805-524-1500 ext. 226 or
Folsom CERT
Geographic Area: Folsom
Contact: Rande Alfsen
Phone Number: 9169842878
E-mail address:
Website address: ... s/cert.asp
Brief Description: The City of Folsom in conjunction with the Folsom Police Department and Fire Department
regularly conducts Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training for the public. The program consists of 8
weeks of instruction, conducted during a 3 hour class (6:00 to 9:00 PM) on Tuesday nights here in Folsom. The
program culminates with a disaster simulation to test the skills of the volunteer citizens.
For more information on City of Folsom CERT, please contact Rande Alfsen at 916-984-2878 or email at
(916) 984-2280 City of Folsom CERT is endorsed by the City of Folsom Fire Department. For more information on
the City of Folsom Fire Department, please contact Rande Alfsen at 916-984-2280 or email at
Fontana CERT Program
Geographic Area: San Bernardino County, Fontana
Contact: Laura Wolbert
Phone Number: 9093507756
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the Fontana Police Department, the Fontana CERT program now offers training in
CERT skills to its citizens. The curriculum is the FEMA certified 20 hour CERT course. You will learn emergency
preparedness, fire safety, disaster medical operations, light search and rescue, team organization, disaster
psychology and about terrorism threats. The class ends with a disaster drill simulation. Register by contacting Laura
Wolbert at (909) 350-7756.
Foster City CERT
Geographic Area: City of Foster City, San Mateo County
Contact: Lee Bach
Phone Number: 6502863357
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Foster City CERT program follows the national program. Our goal is to train citizens how to
prepare for and respond to emergencies.
Foster City CERT is endorsed by the City of Foster City and the Foster City Fire Department. For more information
on Foster City CERT or the City of Foster City, Foster City Fire Department, please contact Lee Bach at 650-2863357 or email
Fremont Community Emergency Response Teams
Geographic Area: City of Fremont
Contact: Ron McCormick
Phone Number: 5104944244
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Part of the Fremont Citizen Corps Council, The City of Fremont Community Emergency Response
Team (CERT) program is designed to help the citizens of Fremont become better prepared to survive and to safely
respond to the needs of their families, neighbors and other residents after a major disaster such as an earthquake,
terrorist attack, severe storm, or other catastrophic event. Despite our successes, we still have gaps in making our
community as disaster resistant as it could potentially be.
Our CERT program prepares our citizens to mitigate hazards, survive disasters and to render aid to others as local
public safety resources are overwhelmed by the demands of a disaster. By enhancing our public outreach, training
and equipment caches for our CERT program, we can truly make Fremont a disaster resistant community. The
training is 20 hours long and follows the curriculum established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA). The training includes instruction on: - Utility control shut-off (gas, water, and electricity) - Small fire
extinguishment - Disaster medical aid - Use of Family Radio Service (FRS) radios - Safe removal of trapped victims Light Search & Rescue techniques - Psychology of disaster response - Disaster response as a team - Hands-on skills
training session Upon completion of the CERT course, residents are able to function as a member of trained teams,
armed with the knowledge and skills that will allow them to safely help themselves, their families, and their
After the training, CERT members are invited to join CERT District teams, along with neighborhood teams, to help
those in needs after a disaster. CERT members participate in scheduled drills twice a year to maintain their skills.
CERT also offers a variety of continuing education courses.
For more information about The City of Fremont Community Emergency Response Teams, please contact us at
(510) 494-4244, or email at
The City of Fremont Community Emergency Response Teams is endorsed by the City of Fremont Fire Department.
For more information about the City of Fremont, Fire Department, please contact us at (510) 494-4244, or email at
Fresno CERT
Geographic Area: Fresno County and Central Valley
Contact: Carla Glazebrook
Phone Number: 5596212328
E-mail address:
Brief Description: CERT training is offered multiple times each year and is open to community members from the
greater Fresno area and surrounding communities.
Fresno CERT program features extensive community involvement, exercise schedule, and ongoing education
opportunities for active volunteers. For more information please e-mail
For more information on Fresno CERT, please contact Carla Glazebrook at 559-621-2328 or email at
Fullerton Fire Department CERT
Geographic Area: Orange County
Contact: William McFadden
Phone Number: 7147386500
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Fullerton Fire Department CERT program provides training to local citizens on what to do in
the event of a major emergency. Furthermore the program shows citizens how to assist emergency workers at an
For more information on Fullerton Fire Department CERT or the Fullerton Fire Department, please contact
Battalion Chief William "Rocky" McFadden at (714) 738-6500 or email at
Garden Grove CERT
Geographic Area: Orange County, Garden Grove
Contact: Jeff Spargur
Title: n/a
Phone Number: 7147415634
E-mail address:
Brief Description: We have completed our first CERT Class and are in the middle of our second class. Our objective
is to train citizen to help the city in the event of a disaster -1505 or email at
Gilroy CERT
Geographic Area: City of Gilroy
Contact: Brent Jenkins
Phone Number: 4088421390
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Helping residents and businesses in southern Santa Clara County, Gilroy CERT, sponsored by the
Gilroy Fire Department, is dedicated to educating people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact
their area. Gilroy CERT trains up individuals in basic disaster response skills. This equips each team member to help
themselves and their family as well as neighbors and neighboring communities.
For more information on Gilroy CERT, please contact Brent Jenkins at 408-842-1390 or email at
Gilroy CERT is endorsed by the Gilroy Fire Department. For more information on the Gilroy Fire Department,
please contact Roy Shackel at 408-846-0370 or email
Glendale CERT
Geographic Area: Los Angeles
Contact: Tanya Gregorian
Phone Number: 8185486404
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The mission of the Glendale CERT Program is to train Glendale Residents to assist in saving and
sustaining lives following an emergency or disastrous event by applying basic response and organizational skills to
their communities, families, and neighborhoods, until professional emergency response arrives.
Glendale CERT is endorsed by the Glendale Fire Department. For more information on Glendale CERT or the
Glendale Fire Department, please contact Tanya Gregorian at 818-584-6404 or email
Goleta Prepare Now - CERT Program
Geographic Area: City of Goleta
Contact: Rubayi Srivastava
Phone Number: 8059617500
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Goleta Prepare Now - CERT Program is an initiative of the Goleta Partnership for
Preparedness (GP4P), between the City of Goleta, the American Red Cross Chapter of the Santa Barbara County,
and the Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce, aims to provide important preparedness information and resources
to Goleta residents and businesses through outreach, education, workshops and a strong community presence.
1. Increase readiness and promote emergency preparedness via public information workshops, special events,
meetings, and media campaign.
2. Providing emergency supply kits to vulnerable populations in the Goleta Valley.
3. Train volunteers in neighborhood emergency preparedness and response (CERT).
4. Celebrate September as Emergency Preparedness Month with public outreach and community displays at key
For more information about Goleta Prepare Now - CERT Program, please contact the City of Goleta at (805) 9617500 or email at
Goleta Prepare Now - CERT is sponsored by the City of Goleta. For more information on the City of Goleta, please
contact Michelle Greene at (805) 961-7500 or email at
Grizzly Flats CERT
Geographic Area: El Dorado County - Grizzly Flats
Contact: AJ Janzen
Phone Number: 5306211601
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Called upon to respond and work under El Dorado County OES for natural disasters and
community assistance. And, some of our CERT members are 1st Responders that are able assist in medical
emergencies with Pioneer Fire Dept.
Hawthorne CERT
Geographic Area: 90250
Contact: Claudio Taniguchi
Phone Number: 3103492902
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Hawthorne CERT Program educates citizens about disaster preparedness for hazards
that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and
rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. All classes are taught by trained L.A. County Fire
Department Firefighters, with an emphasis on hands-on practice. Classes are also offered in Spanish.
Hayward CERT
Geographic Area: City of Hayward and Fairview Fire Protection District
Contact: Thor Poulsen
Phone Number: 5105834948
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: CERT Program provides training to City of Hayward and Fairview Fire Protection District
residents. Participants learn skills that will enable them to provide emergency assistance to their families and
neighbors in the event of a major disaster.
For more information on Hayward CERT, please contact Thor Poulsen at 510-583-4948 or email at
Hayward CERT is endorsed by the City of Hayward Fire Department. For more information on the City of Hayward
Fire Department, please contact Thor Poulsen at 510-583-4948 or email at
Holtville CERT
Geographic Area: Imperial County
Contact: Alex Silva
Phone Number: 7603564911
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Holtville CERT is endorsed by the Holtville Fire Department. For more information on Holtville
CERT or the Holtville Fire Department, please contact Alex Silva at 760-356-4911 or
Hoopa Tribal Civilian Community Corps CERT Teams
Geographic Area: Humboldt County
Contact: Tahsanchat Ferris-Wilson
Phone Number: 5306255223
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Each year 30 AmeriCorps TCCC members are trained as CERT Teams and First Responders. They
are a group of Native American volunteers that help communities in exchange for the experience. This is a
residential program with teams changing every 3 months.
Hoopa Tribal Civilian Community Corps CERT is endorsed by the Hoopa Valley Tribe/Hoopa Tribal Civilian
Community Corps. For more information on Hoopa Tribal Civilian Community Corps CERT or the Hoopa Valley
Tribe/Hoopa Tribal Civilian Community Corps, please contact Tahsanchat Ferris-Wilson at 530-625-5223 ext. 21 or
Humboldt State University Campus Emergency Resp. Team
Geographic Area: Humboldt State University campus
Contact: Jan Marnell
Title: Admin. Assistant / Emergency Services Coordinator
Phone Number: 7078264635
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: HSU Campus Emergency Response Team (HSU-CERT) provides on-campus emergency response
preparedness, e.g., post subduction earthquake. The goal is to maintain 60 trained CERT members, comprised of
faculty, staff and students.
Huntington Beach CERT
Geographic Area: Huntington Beach, Orange County, California
Contact: Brevyn Mettler
Phone Number: 7143741565
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Huntington Beach CERT was formed in 1991 following a tornado that struck 2 of the 133 (1/2mile square) districts in the City. The City Police and Fire were heavily impacted and would have had been severely
stretched had damage been more widespread. It was concluded that if every neighborhood, school, and business
were to become self-sufficient and able to properly respond to a disaster, the overall public safety response would
be faster, more efficient, and allow the City disaster responders to focus on the most urgent issues. Once CERT
volunteers graduate, they become City volunteers who help in the EOC, the field, and where ever help is needed in
a disaster. CERT graduates are trained to care for their family, their neighborhood, and then respond to help the
City recover from emergencies.
CERT is a great program and Huntington Beach recommends that every family participate in the CERT Program and
complete all the available training.
For more information on Huntington Beach CERT, please contact Brevyn Mettler at 714-374-1565 or email at
Huntington Beach CERT is endorsed by the Huntington Beach Fire Department. For more information on the
Huntington Beach Fire Department, please contact Brevyn Mettler at 714-374-1565 or email at
Imperial Beach CERT
Geographic Area: San Diego County, Imperial Beach
Contact: Captain John French
Title: n/a
Phone Number: 6194238223
E-mail address:
Imperial County CERT Program
Geographic Area: Imperial County
Contact: Rosa Hernandez
Phone Number: 7604822400
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Provide CERT training and prepare volunteers to respond to disasters of all kinds.
Imperial County CERT Program is endorsed by the Imperial County Fire Department. For more information on
Imperial County CERT Program or the Imperial County Fire Department, please contact Rosa Hernandez at 760482-2400 or email at
Independence Ranch-San Miguel Ca. CERT
Geographic Area: Independence Ranch, San Miguel /Paso Robles
Contact: James Fritsche
Phone Number: 8056105565
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Independence Ranch Fire Protection District is an all volunteer organization providing
secondary disaster response, and an emphasis on Fire Prevention. In these days of limited County and State
budgets, and with increased calls for emergency services, coupled with our remote location, neighbors helping
supplement the regular authorities can make the difference in the event of a major emergency. CERT (Community
Emergency Response Team) training is designed to prepare you to help yourself, your family and neighbors in the
event of a catastrophic disaster. You can make the difference by using the training you will receive to save lives
and protect property. This training covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency
services are not readily available. Come get involved! Training is open to anyone in the San Miguel/Paso Robles, CA
area. The costs for all training materials and equipment used by members are underwritten by grants from local
Indian Wells Valley - CERT
Geographic Area: Indian Wells Valley
Contact: Ken Dieball
Phone Number: 7603754980
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Indian Wells Valley CERT's objectives are to train as many people as possible to be prepared in an
emergency to be able to take care of their homes, families and neighborhoods. We also maintain a core team to
respond and assist the first responders in any emergency or action in which our assistance is required or
For more information about Indian Wells Valley CERT, please contact Ken Dieball at 760-375-4980 or email at
Indian Wells Valley CERT is sponsored by Ridgecrest Police Department. For more information about the Ridgecrest
Police Department, please contact Sgt Robert O'Bergfell at 760-499-5001 or email at
Inglewood C.E.R.T. Program
Geographic Area: Inglewood
Contact: Darryl Rouzan
Phone Number: 3104125530
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description:
For more information on City of Inglewood C.E.R.T. Program, please contact Darryl Rouzan at 310-412-5530 or
email at
City of Inglewood C.E.R.T. Program is endorsed by the City of Inglewood. For more information on the City of
Inglewood, please contact Darryl Rouzan at 310-412-5530 or email at
Irvine CERT Program
Geographic Area: Irvine
Contact: Dawna Finley
Phone Number: 9497247148
E-mail address:
Website address: ... t/cert.asp
Brief Description: Irvine Police Department - Orange County Fire Authority CERT program was started in the fall of
2001 and has trained over 600 people. The program is a partnership between the Irvine Police Department and the
Orange County Fire Authority. Irvine Public Safety Emergency Management manages the program. Staff is EMI
CERT trained and teaches the classes in conjunction with instructors from OCFA. Emergency Management
conducts four 8 week sessions per year and 2 -3 days long Refresher Trainings. Each course consists of 28 hours of
training and meets one night a week for 8 weeks. The class focuses on interactive discussions and hands-on
activities and uses the standard FEMA curriculum. CERT participants must be 18 years or older. Class size is limited
to 25 participants. Live Scan fingerprinting is required for all class members.
Irvine - UCI Campus Search and Rescue (CSAR)
Geographic Area: Orange County, University of California Irvine
Contact: Linda M Bogue
Title: Emergency Management Coordinator
Phone Number: 9498247147
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: UCI Campus Search and Rescue (CSAR ) is a CERT-based program open to all faculty and staff at
University of California, Irvine to improve preparedness and response capabilities at home, in their communities
and on campus.
For more information on UCI Campus Search and Rescue (CSAR), please contact Linda Bogue at(949) 824-7147 or
email at
UCI Campus Search and Rescue (CSAR) is endorsed by the University of California at Irvine. For information on the
University of California at Irvine, please contact Linda Bogue at(949) 824-7147 or email at
Julian Cuyamaca CERT/TEEN CERT
Geographic Area: Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District boundary.
Contact: Diane Hake
Phone Number: 7603100976
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: To provide for a citizen based team for deployment during any and all emergencies. This will
include training and coordination of the volunteers for the community of Julian.
For more information on CERT/TEEN CERT Julian Cuyamaca, please contact Diane Hake at 760-310-0976 or email
Kern River Valley Community Emergency Response Team (KRV CERT)
Geographic Area: Kern County Kern River Valley
Contact: Thomas D Klein
Title: KRV CERT Coordinator
Phone Number: 7603792797
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Kern River Valley is a sum of several communities (approx. 20,000 residents), 45 miles east
of Bakersfield, in the mountains. KRV CERT started in May 2004. We have teams in almost each small community.
As of Feb 2007, we have 70 members total. We present 3 cert classes a year for new people and train 9 months of
the year. Our mission is to support the First Responders during major disasters. Also to educate the community on
being disaster prepared.
For more information on (KRV CERT) Kern River Valley Community Emergency Response Team, please contact
Charles Harwick at 760-379-2797 or email at
(KRV CERT) Kern River Valley Community Emergency Response Team is endorsed by the Kern County Fire
Department. For more information on the Kern County Fire Department, please contact Charles Harwick at 760379-2797 or email at
La Mirada CERT
Geographic Area: La Mirada
Contact: Andrew Avialpando
Phone Number: 5629430131
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The objective for the La Mirada CERT program is to prepare the La Mirada community in
becoming self-sufficient during and after a major emergency or disaster by training residents in basic survival and
response skills. CERT is a positive and realistic approach to any emergency or disaster situation. Through the La
Mirada CERT program, the City of La Mirada educates and provides the tools needed to ensure the safety and
welfare of the community.
CERT training is offered through the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Check the City of La Mirada website at for upcoming classes hosted in La Mirada.
The La Mirada Advanced CERT (A-CERT) program is an extension of La Mirada CERT and is geared for volunteers
who want to have a more integral role in disaster response activities. La Mirada A-CERT volunteers serve as lead
volunteer responders and designated Incident Commanders during CERT field operations in La Mirada. A-CERT
members are required to attend specialized trainings designed to educate and extend their knowledge and
experience of emergency response tactics in cooperation with local fire and law enforcement professionals.
The La Mirada CERT program is endorsed by the City of La Mirada. For more information on La Mirada CERT or ACERT programs, please contact Andrew Vialpando at 562-902-2960 or email at
La Palma / West County CERT
Geographic Area: West Orange County
Contact: Kirsten Rowe
Phone Number: 7146903367
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The La Palma Community Emergency Response Team exists under West County CERT. West
County CERT is sponsored by the cities of Buena Park, Cypress, La Palma, Los Alamitos, Seal Beach and
Westminster, and it promotes partnering between response agencies and the people of the community. We train
residents in basic response skills, form them into CERT teams and increase the response capabilities of the
community. We also use our CERT members to assist with special projects and community events.
For more information on La Palma / West County CERT, please contact Kirsten Rowe at (714) 690-3367 or email at
For more information about La Palma's involvement in West County CERT, please contact Kirsten Rowe at 714-6903367 or email at
La Quinta C.E.R.T.
Geographic Area: La Quinta and ajoining unicorporated areas
Contact: Greg Butler
Phone Number: 7607777015
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Citywide Emergency Response Team to include trained FEMA CERT volunteers, Ham radio
operators, first aid/CPR, EOC support, shelter support ,SAR, traffic control activities in support of the city during
emergency situations.
La Quinta C.E.R.T is endorsed by the City of La Quinta. For more information on La Quinta C.E.R.T or the City of La
Quinta, please contact Greg Butler at 760-777-7015 or email at
Lake Arrowhead CERT
Geographic Area: Service Zone PM-1, CSA70
Contact: Cheryl Nagy
Phone Number: 9093379922
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by San Bernardino County Fire and the Mountain Sunrise Rotary, to provide
education and disaster assistance to the first responders within the area boundaries. For more information please
contact Cheryl Nagy at, 909-337-9922.
Lake Elsinore Citizen Corps CERT Program
Geographic Area: City
Contact: Bill Payne
Phone Number: 9516745170
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the City of Lake Elsinore.
For more information on the Lake Elsinore Citizen Corps CERT program or the City of Lake Elsinore, please contact
Bill Payne at 951-674-5170 or email at
Lakewood Station Volunteer CERT
Geographic Area: Lakewood
Contact: Chris Nikelatti
Phone Number: 5628426284
E-mail address:
Brief Description: This program is designed to Train and Maintain Volunteers in American Red Cross First Aid and
CPR as well as CERT Level 1 Training to provide assistance to the Communities that are served by our Station.
For more information on Lakewood Station Volunteer CERT, please contact Chris Nickelatti at (562) 842-6284 or
email at
Lakewood Station Volunteer CERT is endorsed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. For more
information on the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, please contact Deputy Wilson Lee at 323-526-5015 or
email at
Lamorinda CERT
Geographic Area: Contra Costa County
Contact: Ken Tom
Phone Number: 9255704053
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The collective Cities of Lafayette, Moraga, and Orinda provide Community Emergency Response
Training in the Lamorinda area for residents and businesses. CERT neighbors, friends, and family prepare for
emergencies BEFORE a disaster strikes. Lamorinda CERT uses a 20-hour FEMA training curriculum, most of which is
hands-on! All drill and ongoing training efforts are coordinated between Contra Costa County Fire Protection
District, Contra Costa County Sheriff's Search and Rescue and RACES, Contra Costa County Citizen Corps, and local
For more information on Lamorinda CERT, please contact Ken Tom at (925) 570-4053 or email at
Lamorinda CERT is endorsed by the Moraga Police Department. For more information about the Moraga Police
Department, please contact Chief Robert Priebe at (925) 888-7056 or email at
Lamorinda DART
Geographic Area: Lamorinda
Contact: Robert Priebe
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Lamorinda DART is the CERT Disaster Animal Rescue Team for the City of Lafayette, The Town of
Moraga, and the City of Orinda (all in California). Its purpose is to provide emergency animal sheltering.
For more information about Lamorinda DART, please call Police Chief Robert Priebe at (925) 888-7056 or email at
Lamorinda DART is sponsored by the Moraga Police Department, for more information about the Moraga Police
Department, please call Police Chief Robert Priebe at (925) 888-7056 or email at
Lathrop California CERT
Geographic Area: San Joaquin County, City of Lathrop
Contact: Gene Neely
Phone Number: 2098582331
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Lathrop Community Emergency Response Team program goal is to provide volunteer
manpower to augment city and government resources in emergency and non-emergency response situations
through proper training and readiness.
Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department CERT Program
Geographic Area: Alameda County
Contact: Genevieve Pastor-Cohen
Phone Number: 9254542317
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department, our CERT program strives to grow our
neighborhood teams, provide monthly updated/refresher training, and involve CERT graduates in community
emergency preparedness activities and events. LPFD fire professionals and its emergency preparedness manager
serve as instructors and provide hands-on skill development progressively in the components of CERT.
For more information on Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department CERT Program, please contact Genevieve PastorCohen at (925) 454-2317 or email at
Loma Linda CERT
Geographic Area: Loma Linda City
Contact: Debra Kreske
Phone Number: 9097992852
E-mail address:
Brief Description: In 2004, the City of Loma Linda started a CERT Training Program for it's citizens. The goal of CERT
is to train members of Loma Linda neighborhoods, community organizations, and workplaces in basic emergency
response skills that are outlined in the CERT curriculum. CERT members can then be integrated into the emergency
response capabilities for Loma Linda. At the present, over 60 people have been trained in CERT 1.
For more information about Loma Linda CERT, please contact Emergency Services Coordinator, Debra Kreske at
909-799-2860 or email at
Loma Linda CERT is sponsored by the Loma Linda City Fire Department. For more information about the Loma
Linda City Fire Department, please contact Debra Kreske at 909-799-2860 or email at
Long Beach CERT
Geographic Area: Long Beach
Contact: Steve Yamamoto
Phone Number: 5625702516
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Long Beach CERT is endorsed by the Long Beach Fire Department. For more information on Long
Beach CERT or the Long Beach Fire Department, please call Firefighter Steve Yamamoto at 562-570-2516 or email
Los Alamitos CERT
Geographic Area: West Orange County
Contact: Rick Moore
Phone Number: 5624312255
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster
preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire
safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in
the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following
an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged
to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their
For more information about the Los Alamitos CERT, please contact Corporal Rick Moore at 562-431-2255 ext 445
or email at
Los Alamitos CERT is sponsored by the Los Alamitos Police Department. For more information about the Los
Alamitos Police Department, please contact Corporal Rick Moore at 562-431-2255 ext 445 or email at
Los Altos CERT
Geographic Area: City of Los Altos
Contact: John Korges
Title: n/a
Phone Number: 6509472681
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: A 20-hour course offers training to help you and your family be better prepared for earthquakes
and other emergencies. The course is open to all Los Altos and Los Altos Hills residents. Registration forms are
available at the Los Altos Police Department, One North San Antonio Rd. The January course deadline for
registration is January 1, 2003. For more information contact Agent John Korges.
Los Angeles County Fire CERT
Geographic Area: Los Angeles County
Contact: Sam Padilla
Phone Number: 3238812472
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: CERT training is one of the many services offered by Los Angeles County Fire Department to the
57 cities and the unincorporated areas that the Department serves. All CERT training offered complies with the
FEMA approved 20 hour model.
Please go to for CERT and other volunteer opportunities in Los Angeles County.
For more information on Los Angeles County Fire CERT or the Loas Angeles County Fire Department, please
contact Captain Sam Padilla at 323-881-2472 or email at
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department CERT
Geographic Area: Los Angeles County
Contact: Wilson Lee
Phone Number: 3235265010
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, the LASD CERT program offers
training and volunteer opportunities to volunteers within the unincorporated area of Los Angeles County. For
additional information regarding the LASD program please contact Deputy Wilson Lee, Community Law
Enforcement Partnership Program (CLEPP), at 323-526-5015.
Los Angeles - LAFD CERT
Geographic Area: Los Angeles
Contact: Stacy Gerlich
Phone Number: 8187569674
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Los Angeles Fire Department CERT program is designed to train civilians from community
groups to be better prepared in the event of a major disaster, for their own safety and the safety of their
community and/or workplace.
Los Gatos/Monte Sereno CERT
Geographic Area: Town of Los Gatos and City of Monte Sereno
Contact: Kerry Harris
Phone Number: 4083546843
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The 23 hour CERT program is designed to prepare community members to protect themselves
and their neighbors in the event of a disaster; and to enhance community disaster response services. Los
Gatos/Monte Sereno CERT coordinates neighborhood CERT teams throughout Los Gatos and Monte Sereno for
emergency preparedness and response.
For more information on Los Gatos/Monte Sereno CERT, please contact Kerry Harris at 408-354-6843 or email at
Los Gatos/Monte Sereno CERT is endorsed by the Los Gatos/Monte Sereno Police Department. For more
information on the Los Gatos/Monte Sereno Police Department, please contact please contact Kerry Harris at 408354-6843 or email at
Los Rios Community College District CERT
Geographic Area: Sacramento, Eldorado, Yolo
Contact: Cheryl Sears
Phone Number: 9166917393
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Los Rios Community College District has adopted the Campus Community Emergency
Response Team to assist with disaster preparedness training throughout the District. The program is taught by the
Los Rios Emergency Management Team, which is comprised of sworn police instructors. The program is a 40 hour
CERT program that follows the ICS standards. In addition, it covers disaster preparedness, first aide, mitigation,
response and recovery issues and procedures specific to a Campus setting.
For more information on Los Rios Community College District CERT, please contact Captain Cheryl Sears at (916)
691-7393 or email at
Los Rios Community College District CERT is endorsed by the Los Rios Community college District. For more
information on the Los Rios Community College District, please contact Captain Cheryl Sears at (916) 691-7393 or
email at
Loyola Marymount University Community Disaster Education (LMUCDE)
Geographic Area: Westchester / LAX
Contact: Gwen Bolden
Title: Executive Director South Central Los Angeles Citizen Corps Council
Phone Number: 3232936581
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Loyola Marymount University Community Disaster Education Program is taught by the
Department of Public Safety Disaster Preparedness Unit. It consists of a 20 hour CERT program that follows the
FEMA training standards. In addition, it covers disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery issues and
procedures specific to Universities. Please contact Thomas Redmann, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator at 310338-2893 for more information or to schedule a class. All courses are taught on campus and are free of charge.
Lucerne Valley Disaster Readiness Council
Geographic Area: San Bernardino County, Lucerne Valley
Contact: Barbara LaGrange
Phone Number: 7602486777
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The Disaster Preparedness Council's CERT program is a joint effort between the local fire
department and the County's Office of Emergency Services. By providing training for volunteer support teams, it is
designed to prepare citizens to help themselves, their family, their neighbors, and community in case of an
emergency or catastrophic disaster. For more information please call 760-248-6777
Madera County CERT Program
Geographic Area: Madera County
Contact: Darrel Hibbens
Title: OES Coordinator
Phone Number: 5596757770
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The Madera County CERT Program is administered by the Sheriff's Dept The program is designed
to prepare all citizens to help in the event of a catastrophic disaster.
Manhattan Beach CERT Association, Inc.
Geographic Area: The City of Manhattan Beach, or where ever needed
Contact: George Butts
Phone Number: 3107010101
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the Manhattan Beach Fire Department, we are a 501.c(3) non-profit organization
established to be a deployable resource to assist the City of Manhattan Beach, California in the event of an
emergency or disaster.
For more information on the Manhattan Beach CERT Association, Inc, please contact George Butts at
For more information on the Manhattan Beach Fire Department, please call Battalion Chief Frank Chiella at (310)
802-5203 or email at
Malibu CERT
Geographic Area: Malibu
Contact: Brad Davis
Phone Number: 3104562489
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the City of Malibu, serving the City of Malibu in disaster response operations to
support the residents of the City and to help ensure continuity of government after a disaster. For more
information contact Brad Davis at 310-456-2489 ext 260.
Mammoth Lakes CERT
Geographic Area: Town of Mammoth Lakes
Contact: Jim Short
Phone Number: 7609342011
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Town of Mammoth Lakes CERT volunteers are overseen by an advisory group made up of
local fire, police and public health officials and models it program and training after the Los Angeles Fire and
National CERT standards.
Manteca CERT
Geographic Area: San Joaquin
Contact: Rex Osborn
Phone Number: 2094567297
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Manteca CERT was established 2003 and has developed into a team of 26 CERT disaster service
workers for the City of Manteca and we have trained over 50 community members in CERT. Six members of our
team responded to the call for assistance to Florida during the Hurricanes of 2004. Manteca CERT also sponsors a
yearly CERT conference in central California. A team of 10 CERT volunteers have also completed the "Train the
Trainer" program. The program continues to grow and CERT has developed a Government Access TV training
program for citizens of Manteca to participate in the 21 hour basic training from home and then participate in the
skills testing. Manteca is in the Heart of California.
Martinez CERT
Geographic Area: Martinez Area
Contact: Gilford Patton
Phone Number: 9256399563
E-mail address:
Brief Description: In 2007, the City of Martinez started a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program
for its citizens. The goal of CERT is to train residents of Martinez and the surrounding unincorporated area, as well
as those who work in the city, the basic emergency response knowledge and skills that are outlined in the CERT
curriculum. CERT members can then be integrated into the emergency response capabilities for Martinez. One of
its first moves was to recruit renowned emergency preparedness and survival expert Gil Patton as the program
director. At the present, over 200 people have been trained in the basic CERT course and over 40 TEEN CERTs. The
Martinez TEEN CERT program is the second such program in Contra Costa County.
The Martinez CERT program work closely with the Contra Costa County Animal Service Department's County
Animal Rescue Team (CART) and the Martinez Amateur Radio Club (MARC) and the Martinez Unified School
District. The CERT program is working with Shell Oil to develop co-op training plan for its employees and the
families. The program is working with groups such as the Rotary Club, Masons, Kiwanis Club and others in
promoting emergency preparedness awareness.
The CERT program has four FEMA certified instructors who teach IS 100, 200, 300, 400, 700, and 800. Over 10% of
the members have completed IS 100 and 700, with about 5% having complete 22, 55, 100, 200, 700, 800, and 802.
The CERT Program provides the first aid station for most city events.
For more information about Martinez CERT, please contact the CERT leadership at If
you do not have email access, you can leave a voice message at 925-228-0911. In special circumstances CERT
Director, Gil Patton can be contacted at
The Martinez CERT program is sponsored by the Martinez City Police Department. For more information about the
Martinez City Police Department and its program, please contact Sgt. Aaron Roth at
Mendocino County Office of Education Campus CERT and TEEN CERT Program
Geographic Area: Northern California
Contact: Craig Zachlod
Phone Number: 7074675025
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by Global Community College Inc., an Educational 501c3, our CERT program focuses
on teaching CERT through schools, colleges and universities in collaboration with local CERT programs and first
Our program has offered two TTT programs and has graduated approximately 250 students in the past two years.
For additional information please contact Craig Zachlod at 707-467-5025.
For more information on Mendocino County Office of Education Campus CERT and TEEN CERT Program or Global
Community College Inc, please contact Craig Zachlod at (707) 467-5025 or email at
Menifee C.E.R.T.
Geographic Area: The CIty of Menifee, California
Contact: Michael Anderson
Phone Number: 9516726777
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Menifee CERT Program will enhance existing and new emergency response programs for the
City of Menifee. For more information please contact Michael Anderson, Office of Emergency Management, at
Menlo Park Fire Protection District CERT Program
Geographic Area: San Mateo County, Atherton, East Palo Alto, Menlo Park
Contact: Carol Parker
Phone Number: 6506888415
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Menlo Park Fire District has scheduled its first CERT Training for January 13,2004. Our
objective is to help the communities within the three cities be prepared following a local emergency.
For more information on Menlo Park Fire Protection District CERT Program, please contact Carol Parker at 650688-8415 or email at
Menlo Park Fire Protection District CERT Program is endorsed by the Menlo Park Fire Protection District. For more
information on Menlo Park Fire Protection District, please contact Carol Parker at 650-688-8415 or email at
Metro Fire CERT (Sacramento CERT)
Geographic Area: Sacramento County
Contact: Teresa Stahl
Title: n/a
Phone Number: 9168744670
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The goal is for emergency personnel to train members of neighborhoods, community
organizations or work places in basic response skills. CERT members are then integrated into the emergency
response capability for their area. If a disastrous event overwhelms or delays the communities professional
response, CERT members can assist others by applying the basic response and organizational skills that they learn
during training. These skills can help save and sustain lives following a disaster until help arrives. CERT skills also
apply to daily emergencies.
Mill Valley CERT
Geographic Area: City of Mill Valley
Contact: Michael St. John
Phone Number: 4153894130
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Once people complete CERT training, we task them to one of seven teams in the city. The city
has provided high band radio's to coordinate with the City EOC. Goals include increasing membership from 150 to
300 and improving equipment.
Millbrae CERT
Geographic Area: City of Millbrae
Contact: Lanty Molloy
Phone Number: 6502592400
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by Millbrae City Fire, Training Millbrae resident to take care of themselves and their
community in the aftermath of major disasters, when first responders are overwhelmed or unable to respond due
to communication or transportation difficulties.
Millbrae CERT is endorsed by the City of Millbrae Fire Department. For more information on Millbrae CERT or the
City of Millbrae Fire Department, please contact Captain Lanty Molloy at 650-259-2400 or email at
Milpitas Strategic Actions For Emergencies (SAFE)
Geographic Area: City of Milpitas, CA
Contact: Sean Simonson
Phone Number: 4085862810
E-mail address:
Website address: ... s_safe.asp
Brief Description: Strategic Actions For Emergencies (the Community Emergency Response Team program in
Milpitas) is an emergency preparedness program created to save lives and reduce property damage by training
individuals to initiate mitigation activities before or immediately following an emergency.
In the event of a major disaster, sections of our community may be severely impacted. Should this happen, public
safety professionals will be required to commit all available resources at their disposal to alleviate the emergency.
The priorities of City personnel will be saving lives and focusing resources on the greatest number of people.
The protection of life and property before, during and after a disaster is the responsibility of all of us.
What are the purposes of S.A.F.E.?
To create public awareness of potential threats to the communityTo mitigate loss of life and propertyTo instruct individuals in self-help and mutual aid techniquesTo provide training in the areas of recovery, special assistance and securityWhat deliverables will S.A.F.E. offer to the community?
Description and awareness of natural and manmade threats to the communityClassroom and hands-on training in measures which may save lives and protect propertyPrinted materials to take homeStart-up guidance and ongoing assistance from City governmentWhat does the S.A.F.E. training program consist of?
Classroom and practical training for neighborhood groups of 12 to 20Evening classroom training by Milpitas Fire personnel one day a week for seven weeksA Saturday graduation exercise consisting of a simple test and practical applications of learned skillsRegistration as a Disaster Service WorkerA S.A.F.E. backpack with ID vest and personal safety equipmentThe Training will be presented as seven 2 1/2 hour weekday evening classes and a Saturday morning course review
and disaster simulation. The time requirement is a commitment of approximately 20 hours. The outline of training
is as follows:
Week 1 - Emergency Preparedness
Week 2 - Fire Safety
Week 3 - Emergency Medical Operations--Part 1
Week 4 - Emergency Medical Operations--Part 2
Week 5 - Light Search & Rescue
Week 6 - Team Organization & Disaster Psychology
Week 7 - Terrorism
Saturday of Week 7 - Final exam/ hands-on exercise
Strategic Actions For Emergencies SAFE)is endorsed by the City of Milpitas OES. For more information on Strategic
Actions For Emergencies (SAFE) or the City of Milpitas OES, please contact Sean Simonson at (408) 586-2810 or
email at
Modesto Fire Department and Stanislaus County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Geographic Area: Stanislaus County
Contact: Mike Payton
Phone Number: 2095715876
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The CERT Program in Stanislaus County is coordinated and organized by the Modesto Fire
Department. It is a standard CERT program offering the basic CERT training. It is anticipated it will be expanded as
it develops to offer additional training along with community emergency preparedness programs.
Montecito Emergency Response & Recovery Action Group (MERRAG)
Geographic Area: Montecito Fire Protection District - 93108
Contact: Geri Ventura
Phone Number: 8059692537
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: MISSION
The Mission of the Montecito Emergency Response & Recovery Action Group (MERRAG) is to prepare the
community today for tomorrow's disasters by delivering public education on disaster preparedness, CERT training,
and regular drills and refresher courses. MERRAG also exists to provide additional manpower and communications
to Public Service and Safety agencies within the Montecito Community after a disaster.
1. To enhance the state of readiness of the Montecito Community through the delivery of information encouraging
self sufficiency and preparedness.
2. To have trained local residents available to assist the Montecito Fire Protection District in opening and staffing a
District Operations Center after a disaster.
3. To provide reliable communications via telephone trees and UHF radios distributed to schools, churches, large
organizations, and home owner/neighborhood groups throughout the Montecito Community.
Monterey C.E.R.T.
Geographic Area: Monterey Peninsula
Contact: Roger Reed
Phone Number: 8316463900
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Currently the Monterey Fire Department teaches the Community Emergency Response Team
(CERT) program. The CERT program is designed to help prepare yourself, your family, and your community in the
event of a major catastrophic disaster. The primary focus of the course is safety and being self prepared in the
event of large scale emergencies. The twenty hour CERT course covers topics in disaster preparedness, light search
and rescue, hazerdous materials, terrorism, disaster first aid, fire suppression, and extinguisher use. Individuals
within the community taking the CERT class upon completion will be able to effectively multi-task and mitigate
situations while working as a multifunctional response team. The CERT course is offered free of charge to anyone,
and is sponsored by the Monterey County Office Of Emergency Services, Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Department of Homeland Security, and the Citizen Corps Council of Monterey County. The Monterey Fire
Department is currently the CERT project manager for the Monterey County Operational Area. Departments
participating in the CERT program include Carmel Fire Department, Carmel Valley Fire District, Carmel Highlands CAL FIRE, Seaside Fire Department, and Monterey Fire Department.
Monterey County - Central Coast Cert Assn
Geographic Area: Central Coast- Monterey County, California
Contact: Dave Ramsey
Phone Number: 8312771630
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Instruction on and continuation training for Disaster Preparedness.
For more information on Central Coast Cert Assn please contact Dave Ramsey at (831) 277-1630 or email at
Central Coast Cert Assn is endorsed by the Monterey County OES. For more information on the Monterey County
OES, please contact Sidney Reade at (831) 796-1902 or email at
Monterey Park CERT
Phone Number: 6263071270
Website address:
Moreno Valley CERT
Geographic Area: Moreno Valley and Riverside County
Point of Contact: LeAnn Coletta, CEM
Phone Number: 9514133800
E-mail address:
Website address: ... cert.shtml
Brief Description: Moreno Valley CERT began on September 30, 1998. Since then, we have offered training four to
six times per year. By far, the favorite part of the training is the final disaster exercise. CERT members conduct
search and rescue for live victims who are moulaged with simulated injuries. CERT members utilize triage
techniques; perform victim extrication; manage the treatment area; and provide treatment. To improve their skills,
CERT members are invited to attend additional training provided to graduates free of charge by our Disaster
Services Training Center. They are: Emergency Response to Terrorism; CPR and First Aid; Automated External
Defibrillator; NIMS/ICS/SEMS; Blood Borne Pathogens; and Moulage Simulation Techniques. Graduates are invited
to participate in citywide disaster exercises and safety fairs. CERT training is $15.00 and graduates receive a
backpack, hard hat, vest, flashlight, gloves, goggles and certificate.
Moreno Valley CERT is endorsed by the City of Moreno Valley. For more information on Moreno Valley CERT or the
City of Moreno Valley, please contact LeAnn Coletta at (951) 413-3809, or email at
Morgan Hill CERT
Geographic Area: Morgan Hill; including South Santa Clara County residents
Contact: Jennifer Ponce
Phone Number: 4087767310
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Our program, sponsored by City of Morgan Hill OES, follows the Citizen Corp program with the
addition of hazards and procedures unique to Morgan Hill. Following graduation our members receive monthly
training. We have a dedicated group of citizens who strive to be better prepared for a disaster in hopes of helping
citizens in need.
For more information on Morgan Hill CERT or the City of Morgan Hill OES, please contact Jennifer Ponce at (408)
776-7310 or email at
Morongo Basin Emergency Response Team
Geographic Area: Morongo Basin: Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree, and surrounding communities
Contact: Michael Snow
Phone Number: 7603690608
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The San Bernardino County Fire Department invite citizens of the Morongo Basin to participate
in Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training. Our goal is to prepare our local citizens for Earthquakes,
Fires and Floods that are facts of life.
Learn what you can do before, during and after a disaster. The reality is that citizens must be prepared to be selfsufficient in the event of a major disaster for at least 72 hours. CERT training will provide information and easy to
use steps to help you prepare your home, family and workplace. Participants will be provided the basic training of
the CERT Program. Volunteers seeking Disaster Worker Response status will be provided contact information to
research s/he endeavor.
For more information on Morongo Basin Emergency Response Team or the San Bernardino County Fire
Department, please contact Battalion Chief Michael Snow at (760) 365-3335 or email at
Mountain Disaster Preparedness
Geographic Area: San Jacinto Mountain communities
Contact: Mark Lamont
Phone Number: 9516592153
E-mail address:
Brief Description: MDP serves the San Jacinto Mountain communities of Idyllwild, Pine Cove, and Mountain Center
(California). Our mission is to provide education, training, and support in disaster preparedness and response to
our residents. Being resort communities with large part-time and visitor populations, we train to support those
many untrained, spontaneous volunteers and victims who are unfamiliar with the geography, topography, and
demography of our communities. In partnership with Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD), Riverside County Fire
(RivCo Fire), Riverside County Sheriff's Office (RS), MDP is the training and volunteer response organization in the
San Jacinto Mountains.
For more information about Mountain Disaster Preparedness, please contact Mark Lamont at 951-659-2153 or
email at
Mountain Disaster Preparedness is sponsored by the Idyllwild Fire Protection District For more information about
the Idyllwild Fire Protection District, please contact Mike Mulhall at 951-659-2153 or email at
Mountain Empire CERT Program
Geographic Area: San Diego County
Contact: Captain Robert Hume
Phone Number: 6194785310
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by Campo Fire and Rescue, Mountain Empire CERT covers the communities of Campo
and Lake Morena. Click on the CERT logo at for details of our program.
Mountain View CERT
Geographic Area: City of Mountain View, California
Contact: Lynn Brown
Phone Number: 6509036825
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training is a program designed to prepare
Mountain View residents to help themselves, their families and neighbors, in the event of a disaster. The training
covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are not available. Formerly
known as Neighborhood Disaster Preparedness Training, the CERT program is free to all citizens of Mountain View.
Over the course of 7 weeks, CERT members receive training in earthquake awareness, disaster fire suppression
techniques, disaster medical operations, first aid/CPR, light search and rescue as well as team organization and
management. CERT Training culminates with a disaster simulation and comprehensive course review. All classes
are taught by trained emergency personnel, including firefighters and emergency medical services personnel, with
an emphasis on hands-on practice.
For more information on Mountain View CERT, please contact Lynn Brown at 650-903-6825 or email at
Mountain View CERT is endorsed by the Mountain View Fire Department. For more information on the Mountain
View Fire Department, please contact Lynn Brown at 650-903-6825 or email at
Napa Valley CERT
Geographic Area: Napa County
Contact: Firefighter/Instructor Mike McClure
Title: n/a
Phone Number: 707642247
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Napa Valley CERT program is JPA between the Napa Valley College Public Safety Dept. and
the cities/towns of American Canyon, Napa & Calistoga to teach the FEMA-based program to the residents of the
Napa County on a no-cost basis. Academies are offered 12 times a year with graduate students receiving 4 -5
"sustainment" or on-going training sessions annually. Since 2001, the program has provided instruction to 700
students. The entire program has been funded with state and federal grants.
Nevada County CERT
Geographic Area: Nevada County
Contact: Patti Carter
Phone Number: 5302657174
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Nevada County CERT is a joint effort between the County Office of Emergency Services and the
Public Health Department. Classes are offered several times per year and all Nevada County residents are welcome
to attend. All classes are free of charge.
All local fire and law enforcement agencies partner with us in CERT as well as several churches and schools.
For more information on Nevada County CERT, please contact Patti Carter at 530-265-7174 or email at
Nevada County CERT is endorsed by the County of Nevada. For more information on the County of Nevada, please
contact Patti Carter at 530-265-7174 or email at
Newark C.E.R.T.
Geographic Area: Newark
Contact: Tena Oakley
Phone Number: 5104211257
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Newark Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program was initiated in 1996 to
train and organize community volunteers to be better prepared and self-sufficient during the first 72 hours
following a disaster when the City's professional emergency services will be overwhelmed with calls for service.
City of Mill Valley CERT is endorsed by the City of Mill Valley Fire Department. For more information about the City
of Mill Valley CERT or the City of Mill Valley Fire Department, please contact Captain Michael St. John at (415) 3894130 or email at
Newport Beach CERT Program
Geographic Area: City of Newport Beach, Orange County
Contact: Matt Brisbois
Phone Number: 9496443381
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Newport Beach Fire Department offers the FEMA CERT Program to the community free of
charge. The training consists of Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Fire Suppression, Light Search & Rescue, Disaster
Medical Operations, Disaster Psychology, Team Organization and a Disaster Simulation. The CERT Program is an
effort to create a partnership in preparedness for emergencies while teaching residents and businesses to be selfsufficient when a disaster strikes.
North County CERT
Geographic Area: San Diego County, San Diego
Contact: Sid Morel
Phone Number: 7604512378
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The North County CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Under the direction of the
North County Fire Protection District, CERT members are trained to provide damage assessment, victim assistance,
shelter management and evacuation guidance. CERT members receive 24 hours of initial training (three hours per
week for eight weeks). Continuing education programs, consisting of quarterly 3-hour refresher drills and full day
exercises maintain team readiness.
Norwalk CERT Program
Geographic Area: City of Norwalk
Contact: Raquel Vernola
Phone Number: 5629295743
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: OBJECTIVE
To prepare the citizens of Norwalk to become self-sufficient during and after a major emergency or disaster
through the development of multifunctional teams cross-trained in basic survival skills.
Norwalk CERT Program is endorsed by the City of Norwalk. For more information on Norwalk CERT Program or the
City of Norwalk, please contact Raquel Vernola at (562) 929-5743 or email at
Oak Park CERT
Geographic Area: Ventura County
Contact: Diane Starzak
Phone Number: 8188892361
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: 1. Continue to promote CERT training.
2. Recruit and Maintain team readiness.
3. Promote community preparedness in concert with: schools, churches, local government, and emergency
For more information on Oak Park CERT, please contact Diane Starzak at (818) 889-2361 or email at
Oak Park CERT is endorsed by the Ventura County Fire Department. For more information on the Ventura County
Fire Department, please contact Dr. Ramona Armijo at (805) 389-9702 or email at
Oakland - CORE - Communities of Oakland Respond to Emergencies
Geographic Area: Alameda County, City of Oakland
Contact: Kaity Booth
Title: Emergency Planning Coordinator
Phone Number: 5102386351
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Mission of CORE is to promote the spirit of neighbor helping neighbor and to provide the highest
quality emergency and disaster prevention, preparedness and response training for individuals, neighborhood
groups and community-based organizations in Oakland.
For more information on CORE, please contact Kaity Booth at 510-238-6351 or email at
CORE is endorsed by the Oakland Fire Dept Office of Emergency Services.
Oceanside CERT
Geographic Area: San Diego County, City of Oceanside
Contact: Ken Matsumoto
Phone Number: 7604354272
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: In 2005, the Oceanside Fire Department started the community's CERT program. The program
was initially funded by a County grant and supported with a small budget from the Fire Department. After much
planning and work, the 1st class was delivered in the Fall of 2005 and it graduated about 25 citizens.
Since then, the program has grown to support a volunteer organization called Oceanside CERT which now has an
elected board of directors to oversee and manage the group. Oceanside CERT recently obtained its 501.c3 nonprofit tax status. The Fire Department serves as the program advisor to the group and as the sponsoring
representative to the San Diego County CERT Council.
The program now has over 200 trained community members and City employees. About 125 of these dedicated
volunteers are active members that continue to attend quarterly training sessions and participate in various
community fairs and PR opportunities.
The Community of Oceanside has a population of about 180,000 and is approximately 42 square miles in size.
Oceanside CERT is endorsed by the Oceanside Fire Department. For more information on Oceanside CERT or
Oceanside Fire Department, please refer to their Website: or contact the Oceanside Fire
Department at:
Oxnard CERT
Geographic Area: Oxnard California
Contact: Deborah O'Malia
Phone Number: 8053857722
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The City of Oxnard Fire Department and the Disaster Preparedness Division are pleased to host
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) classes.
This FREE training is taught by Oxnard Firefighters and focuses on teaching our community how to be self sufficient
during a disaster. Hands on skills taught in this series of classes include: fire extinguisher training (You'll get to put
out a real fire under the watchful eyes of firefighting professionals!). You'll learn how to do disaster first aid and
triage. You'll even learn some basic search and rescue techniques.
Class participants will have the opportunity to participate in a full scale disaster exercise at the completion of the
class room portion of the training. No special skills are needed.
SESSION #1: DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Learn about disasters and their impact on the community; personal
preparedness; emergency kits.
SESSION #2: DISASTER FIRE SUPPRESSION Fire chemistry, hazards, and hands-on training in fire extinguisher use.
SESSION #3: DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS - PART I Triage, head to toe assessments, establishing a treatment
site and simple first aid procedures.
SESSION # 4: DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS - PART II First aid treatment strategies, establishing a treatment site
and continuation of Session # 3 topics
SESSION #5: LIGHT SEARCH AND RESCUE Rescuer safety, search patterns, lifting and cribbing techniques.
SESSION # 6: DISASTER PSYCHOLOGY /TERRORISM Terrorism awareness and disaster psychology for the rescuer.
FINAL EXERCISE: Disaster simulation with YOU as the rescuer!
We encourage you and your family, friends and neighbors to join in learning these fascinating and potentially
lifesaving skills.
For information on CERT training in Oxnard, contact Oxnard Fire Department at 805 - 385-7722 or check our
Palm Spring CERT
Geographic Area: Palm Springs, CA
Contact: Blake Goetz
Phone Number: 7603238181
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Basic classes are held twice a year. Ongoing coordination and training is done on a monthly basis
with local residents. The goal of our program is to increase community awareness and build volunteer response
teams that will enhance the City's response to disaster.
For more information on Palm Spring CERT, please call Fire Chief Blake Goetz at 760-323-8182 or email at
Palm Spring CERT is sponsored by the Palm Springs Fire Department. For more information about the Palm Springs
Fire Department, please call Fire Chief Blake Goetz at 760-323-8182 or email at
Palo Verde Valley CERT
Geographic Area: Riverside County
Contact: Frank Kelly
Phone Number: 7609222236
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: To develop a well-trained civilian emergency work force that will provide for community selfsufficiency, through the use of multi-functional response teams who act as an adjunct to the city's emergency
services during major disasters. To give critical support to first responders and provide immediate assistance to
victims. To assist with non-emergency projects that will improve safety of the community.
For more information about Palo Verde Valley CERT, please contact Frank Kelly at 760-922-2236 or email at
Palo Verde Valley CERT is sponsored by the Blythe Volunteer Fire Department. For more information on the Blythe
Volunteer Fire Department, please contact Fire Chief Bill Kem at 760-702-6105 or email at
Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Dept (PMVFD) CERT
Geographic Area: CSA 110
Contact: William Leininger
Phone Number: 7608076923
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department (PMVFD), PMVFD CERT Provides
support to the PMVFD and the residents and visitors to Palomar Mountain, in San Diego County. Palomar
Mountain is the home to the California Institute of Technology's Palomar Observatory, and the Palomar Mountain
State Park, in addition to other camp sites and hiking trails. Our CERT's main efforts focus on disaster preparedness
and response for wildfire, earthquake, cold weather emergencies, and recreational accidents.
For more information on Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Dept (PMVFD) CERT or Palomar Mountain Volunteer
Fire Department (PMVFD), please contact Dr. Bill Leininger at (760) 742-3701 or email at
P.A.N.D.A. (Palo Alto Neighborhood Disaster Activities) CERT
Geographic Area: Palo Alto
Contact: Paul Lufkin
Phone Number: 6506173197
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Palo Alto Fire Department offers the residents of Palo Alto a program to learn how to help
your family, neighborhood and community during emergencies like earthquakes, fire or severe weather.
P.A.N.D.A., Palo Alto Neighborhood Disaster Activities, is the training program that provides disaster preparedness
and response for Palo Alto.
For more information on P.A.N.D.A. (Palo Alto Neighborhood Disaster Activities) CERT, please contact Paul Lufkin
at 650-617-3197 or email at
P.A.N.D.A. (Palo Alto Neighborhood Disaster Activities) CERT is endorsed by the Palo Alto Fire Department. For
more information on the Palo Alto Fire Department, please contact Paul Lufkin at 650-617-3197 or email at
Pauma Valley Center CERT
Geographic Area: Valley Center, Pauma Valley
Contact: George Lucia
Phone Number: 7607517600
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Our goal is to support the Valley Center Fire Protection District in its role as the primary
emergency responder for the Valley Center community. We also plan to be a provider of backup emergency
communication for the District.
Valley Center CERT is endorsed by the Valley Center fire Protection District. For more information on Valley Center
CERT or the Valley Center fire Protection District, please contact Fire Marshall George Lucia at 760-751-7600 or
email at
Pebble Beach
Geographic Area: Pebble Beach
Contact: Jennifer Valdez
Phone Number: 8316475642
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Pebble Beach Community Emergency Response Team promotes partnering between
response agencies and the people of the community. We train residents basic response skills, form them into CERT
teams and increase the response capabilities of the community. We also use our CERT members to assist with
special projects and community events.
Pebble Beach Community Emergency Response Team is endorsed by the Pebble Beach Community Services
District Fire Department. For more information on Pebble Beach Community Emergency Response Team or Pebble
Beach Community Services District Fire Department, please contact Fire Captain Jennifer Valdez at (831) 647-5642
or email at
Pico Rivera CERT Program
Geographic Area: City of Pico Rivera/Unincorporated areas of Whittier
Contact: Daysi Hernandez
Phone Number: 5628014410
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The City of Pico Rivera offers CERT training to promote and encourage residents to become more
self-reliant, especially in the immediate aftermath of a major disaster. The City trains participants using the FEMAapproved 20+ hour course, and because the City is a contract city, the instructors are Los Angeles County
Firefighters. The City's goal is to create and maintain neighborhoods filled with CERT members who will be able to
take care of themselves, their families, and their neighbors in response to an emergency or disaster.
For more information on Pico Rivera CERT Program, please contact Daysi Hernandez at 562-801-4410 or email at
Pico Rivera CERT Program is endorsed by the City of Pico Rivera/Mayor and City Council. For more information on
the City of Pico Rivera/Mayor and City Council, please contact Daysi Hernandez at 562-801-4410 or email at
Placentia CERT
Geographic Area: Orange County
Contact: Eddie De La Torre
Phone Number: 7149938117
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Founded in 1998, the Placentia CERT program has trained approximately 400 citizens from
Placentia and adjacent cities (Brea, Yorba Linda, Fullerton). The 8 week course meets on Thursday Nights and one
Saturday. It is offered twice a year in the spring and the fall, and is free of charge. This training course is a
collaboration between the Orange County Fire Authority, the Placentia Police Department, and the City Disaster
Preparedness Department.
Placentia CERT is endorsed by the City of Placentia. For more information on Placentia CERT or the City of
Placentia, please contact Eddie Del La Torre at 714-993-8117 or email at
Pleasant Hill CERT
Geographic Area: City of Pleasant Hill
Contact: Dan Connelly
Phone Number: 9252884633
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Pleasant Hill CERT is a cooperative effort between the City of Pleasant Hill, the Pleasant Hill
Police Department, and the Contra Costa County Fire Department to provide skills and training in coping with
disasters to community members primarily located in the City of Pleasant Hill.
Pleasant Hill CERT is endorsed by the Pleasant Hill Police Department. For more information on Pleasant Hill CERT
or the Pleasant Hill Police Department, please contact Lt. Connelly at 925-288-4633 or email
Ramona CERT
Geographic Area: San Diego County, Ramona
Contact: Robert McLaughlin
Phone Number: 7607880225
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description:
Ramona CERT is endorsed by the Ramona Municipal Water District. For more information on Ramona CERT or the
Ramona Municipal Water District, please contact Captain McLaughlin at 760-788-2222 or email
Rancho Cucamonga Community Emergency Response Team
Geographic Area: City of Rancho Cucamonga (CA)
Contact: Breanna Medina
Phone Number: 9094772770
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Emergency Response Team is endorsed by the City of
Rancho Cucamonga. For more information about the City of Rancho Cucamonga or City of Rancho Cucamonga
Community Emergency Response Team, please call Breanna Medina at 909-477-2770 ext 3009 or email at
Rancho Mirage CERT
Geographic Area: Coachella Valley
Contact: Scott Morgan
Phone Number: 7603244511
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Rancho Mirage CERT team will follow current needs of citizens and City to help prepare for
emergencies and disasters. New group has just developed Mission Statement: To be a resource to the City of
Rancho Mirage; to prepare ourselves and the citizens of our community to respond to, survive, and recover from
emergencies or catastrophic events.
For more information about Rancho Mirage CERT, please contact Emergency Services Coordinator, Scott Morgan
at 760-324-4511 or email at
Rancho Mirage CERT is sponsored by the City of Rancho Mirage. For more information about the City of Rancho
Mirage, please contact Scott Morgan at 760-324-4511 or email at
Rancho Santa Fe CERT
Geographic Area: San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe
Contact: Dave McQuead
Phone Number: 8587565971
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: CERT program encompassing 42 square mile fire district, approx. 15,000 population. Curriculum
covers entire FEMA guidelines. Rancho Santa Fe CERT is endorsed by the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District.
For more information on Rancho Santa Fe CERT or Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District please contact Captain
Dave McQuead at 858-756-5971 ext 149 or email at
Redondo Beach CERT
Geographic Area: City of Redondo Beach
Contact: Matt Johnson
Title: Captain
Phone Number: 3103180663
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Redondo Beach Fire Department is inviting its citizens to join the Community Emergency
Response Team. Fire and Police are the best trained and equipped to handle emergencies. However, following a
catastrophic event these limited resources will be depleted. You and the community may be on your own for some
time. Are you ready? CERT training is designed to prepare you to help yourself, your family and neighbors in the
event of a catastrophic disaster. You can make the difference by using the training you will receive to save lives
and protect property. This training covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency
services are not available. Will you be ready and able to help? With training and practice and by working as a team,
you will do the greatest good for the greatest number of people, while protecting yourself.
Redwood City Community Emergency Response Team
Geographic Area: City of Redwood City
Contact: Ernie Gomez
Title: Fire Captain
Phone Number: 6507807400
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Redwood City CERT Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that
may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue,
team organization, and disaster medical operations.
Geographic Area: Richmond, CA., San Francisco Bay Area
Contact: Kathyrn Gerk
Title: Emergency Services Manager
Phone Number: 5106206866
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Richmond Fire Department Office of Emergency Services offers R.E.A.C.T. (Richmond
Emergency Action Community Teams) training to the entire community. Our motto is "The City and the
Community working together to protect lives and property." R.E.A.C.T. began in June 1995, developed from
F.E.M.A.'s CERT program. Our goal is to help our residents, schools, churches, and business and city employees be
self sufficient in a major disaster by developing and training multi-functional teams in basic emergency skills.
Classes are taught at community centers across the city by Richmond Fire Fighters. The full course includes four
two hour classes covering earthquake preparedness, team development, utility control, fire fighting techniques,
hazardous materials, disaster medicine, light search and rescue, disaster psychology and special needs assessment.
Disaster drills are held twice a year to test and re-fresh skills. Students receive a workbook, hard hat and vest.
Certified R.E.A.C.T. teams are eligible to complete R.E.A.C.T. Communications training. Students learn how to
communicate damage assessment information to the city's E.O.C. via CB radio during a disaster. The certified
R.E.A.C.T. team receives a free CB radio which they are responsible for.
Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians Tribal CERT
Geographic Area: Valley Center
Contact: Joe Madas
Phone Number: 7605046694
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Rincon Tribal CERT will provide a Tribal Community based group to respond to local
emergencies and provide training and education to Tribal members and local neighboring communities.
For more information on Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians Tribal CERT, please contact Joe Madas at (760) 504-6694
or email at
Rio Vista CERT
Geographic Area: City of Rio Vista
Contact: Scott Bahrenfuss
Phone Number: 7073742233
E-mail address:
Brief Description: To educate the citizens of Rio Vista to be better prepared to take care of themselves, their
family, friends, and neighbors in the event of a disaster of any type until trained emergency responders can arrive
on the scene. To establish Community Emergency Response Teams as emergency management resources,
volunteer pools to help during an emergency, and to perform projects that improve our community's
preparedness to meet an emergency.
Rio Vista CERT is endorsed by the City of Rio Vista. For more information on Rio Vista CERT or the City of Rio Vista,
please contact Fire Captain Scott Bahrenfuss at (707) 374-2233 or email at
Riverside CERT Program
Geographic Area: City of Riverside
Contact: Anthony Coletta
Phone Number: 9513208100
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: In 2004, the City of Riverside adopted the FEMA CERT Training Program. The Riverside CERT
Program promotes a partnering effort between emergency services and the people they serve, targeting:
Neighborhoods, Businesses, Faith Organizations, Service Club Organizations, School Staff/ Students and Amateur
Radio Emergency Services. CERT members are integrated into the emergency response capability for their areas
and maintain and refine their skills by participating in on-going training exercises and activities. CERT training has
proven that citizen self reliance can make a community better prepared to survive after a disaster.
For more information on City of Riverside CERT Program, please contact Anthony Coletta at 951-320-8100 or email
City of Riverside CERT Program is endorsed by the City of Riverside Fire Department Office of Emergency
Management. For more information on the City of Riverside Fire Department Office of Emergency Management,
please contact Anthony Coletta at 951-320-8100 or email at
Riverside County CERT
Geographic Area: County of Riverside
Contact: Zuzzette Bricker
Phone Number: 9519554700
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Riverside County CERT provides CERT training utilizing FEMA/DHS standardized curriculum.
Training programs are administered by Riverside County Emergency Services Coordinators within the County's five
geographical OES divisions. All course and program managers are EMI CERT trained. Courses are managed by
Riverside County OES staff and instructed by qualified OES, Fire Department and other subject matter experts from
cooperating agencies. Riverside County OES also coordinates the County Wide "Operational Area CERT Program
Manager's Group", which consists of the eight recognized CERT Training Programs within the County. These
programs, which includes the County and seven local government programs, utilize standardized curriculum,
coordinate class scheduling, share resources and facilitate County Wide CERT training activities. The goal of the
Riverside County CERT Program as well as the County Wide CERT Program Manager's Group is to save lives through
teaching self-sufficiency and personal empowerment in times of emergencies. Riverside County has a population
of just under 3 million people and is over 7,500 square miles in size.
Rodeo-Hercules CERT
Geographic Area: Contra Costa County, Rodeo & Hercules (Bay Area)
Contact: Allan Biagi
Phone Number: 5107994561
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Rodeo-Hercules Fire District offers the FEMA CERT Program to community members free of
charge. The training consists of Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Fire Suppression, Light Search & Rescue, Disaster
Medical Operations, Disaster Psychology, Team Organization and a Disaster Simulation. The CERT Program is an
effort to create a partnership in preparedness for emergencies while teaching residents and businesses to be selfsufficient when a disaster strikes.
For more information about Rodeo-Hercules CERT, please contact Fire Chief Allan Biagi at (510) 799-4561 or email
Rodeo-Hercules CERT is endorsed by the Rodeo-Hercules Fire District. For more information on the RodeoHercules Fire District, please contact Fire Chief Allan Biagi at (510) 799-4561 or email at
Running Springs Area CERT
Geographic Area: Running Springs Fire District
Contact: Cheryl Nagy
Phone Number: 9093379922
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by Running Springs Fire Department and Mountain Sunrise Rotary, to provide disaster
education and assistance to first responders within the area. For more information please contact Cheryl Nagy at
Hearts & Lives, 909-337-9922.
Sacramento CERT
Geographic Area: City of Sacramento
Contact: Bill White
Phone Number: 9162160327
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Disaster preparedness program teaching citizens how to prepare both before and after a
disaster. Trains volunteers to work with public safety agencies in time of disaster and also provides volunteer
support for fire department in a non disaster environment.
Sacramento CERT is endorsed by the Sacramento City Fire Department. For more information on Sacramento CERT
or the Sacramento City Fire Department, please contact Captain Bill White at (916) 216-0327, or email at
Sacramento County Metro Fire CERT
Geographic Area: Sacramento County
Contact: Allen Getreu
Title: CERT Program Manager
Phone Number: 9165664381
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Sacramento Metro Fire District offers its citizens the full FEMA Community Emergency
Response Team Program. Metro Fire CERT members receive 24 hours of initial training (one night a week for eight
weeks). Continuing education consists of monthly drills, two basic refresher drills per year, an annual disaster drill,
and once each year the Wildland Urban Interface Module, Flood/Swiftwater Awareness Training, and Hazmat First
Responder Awareness Training is offered. Metro Fire has incorporated the use of CERT members into the
emergency operations. The CERT members are the first in the country to deploy the FEMA's US&R CA TF-7 when
activated. CERT members are used in the Sacramento County Emergency Operations Center, Sacramento County
Sand Bag Stations, and have been used as a mutual aid resource to other Public Safety agencies. Metro Fire also
uses CERTs to deliver many community service based programs such as Operation River Safe, Smoke Detector and
Battery Installation, Neighborhood Emergency Training, and more. Metro Fire is a leading member in the
Sacramento Region Citizens Corp Council. Metro Fire's CERT program produces many graduates for not only the
County of Sacramento but also the City of Citrus Heights, City of Rancho Cordova, City of Folsom, and many other
areas in and outside of Metro Fire's response area.
Salinas - CERT 4 Salinas
Geographic Area: Salinas
Contact: Philip Vanderhorst
Phone Number: 8317587261
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The Salinas Fire Department offers a 15 hours training class in preparedness, mitigation, and
surviving a disaster. The training consists of Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Fire Suppression, Light Search &
Rescue, Disaster Medical Operations, Disaster Psychology, Team Organization and a Disaster Simulation. The CERT
Program is an effort to create a partnership in preparedness for emergencies while teaching residents and
businesses to be self-sufficient when a disaster strikes.
For more information on CERT 4 Salinas, please contact Philip Vanderhorst at 831-758-7261 or email at
CERT 4 Salinas is endorsed by the Salinas City Fire. For more information on the Salinas City Fire, please contact
Philip Vanderhorst at 831-758-7261 or email at
San Clemente CERT
Geographic Area: City of San Clemente
Contact: Jen Tucker
Phone Number: 9493618200
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The San Clemente CERT Program is a supported volunteer program under the Emergency
Planning Office of the City of San Clemente. The program launched in 2010, with an inaugural class of 20 students
in January 2010.San Clemente CERT Volunteers will support their community through disaster preparedness,
training, public outreach, and emergency response in the event of a disaster.
City of San Clemente Emergency Planning partners with the Orange County Sheriff's Department and Orange
County Fire Authority. CERT Training is currently offered once a year, typically in January. The next class is
scheduled for January 2011.
For more information on the San Clemente CERT Program, please contact Jen Tucker, Emergency Planning Officer
at 949-361-6109 or email at
The San Clemente CERT Program is endorsed by the City of San Clemente, Emergency Preparedness Office. For
more information on Emergency Planning, please contact Jen Tucker at 949-361-6109 or email at
San Diego - Campus Emergency Response Team
Geographic Area: University of California San Diego (UCSD)
Contact: Barbara Haynor
Phone Number: 8585343823
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The UCSD CERT program started in 2005, there are currently 51 CERT members as of August
2008. Members are trained at their local fire departments.
On September 3, 2008 UCSD will host its first CERT academy. The academy will consist of three weeks of training;
training days are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:30am to 4:30pm, with 30 people in each class. Time
off has been approved by the Chancellor to attend. Each CERT member will receive a backpack with supplies.
The goal of the program is to maintain an active CERT group on campus. Members can participate in emergency
response exercises on campus and help in the event of a disaster.
For more information on Campus Emergency Response Team, please contact Barbara Haynor at 858-534-3823 or
email at
Campus Emergency Response Team is endorsed by the University of California, San Diego Campus Police. For more
information on the University of California, San Diego Campus Police, please contact Barbara Haynor at 858-5343823 or email at
San Diego CERT
Geographic Area: San Diego
Contact: Carie DeMarco-Krzys
Phone Number: 6195334353
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: At CERT San Diego, our goal is to train citizens to be self-sufficient for the first 72 hours after a
major disaster. Since 2004, CERT San Diego trained over 1300 citizens and currently registers over 600 active
members. The Academy is an interactive six-week classroom and hands-on training experience for students. It is
taught only by uniformed personnel with the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department. After the academy, students are
given the opportunity to join their community teams, where they continue to build their preparedness knowledge
and skills through team meetings and activities. To further enhance the on-going learning process for team
members, the CERT San Diego program conducts a limited number of continuing education opportunities in an
effort to maintain high levels of skills among its members. CERT San Diego has fifteen community teams within our
program's umbrella. CERT San Diego is a member of and collaborator with the CERT Council of San Diego County
and other regional agencies and jurisdictions.
CERT San Diego is endorsed by the City of San Diego Fire-Rescue Department.
For more information on CERT San Diego, please contact Carie DeMarco-Krzys at 619-533-4353 or email at
San Diego Rural CERT
Geographic Area: Jamul
Contact: Stacy Magofin
Phone Number: 9496164226
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: We teach the FEMA approved CERT course and also have members who are California Disaster
Corps volunteers. Our goal is to help our citizens be more self reliant and to help the local responding agencies
make our communities safer.
San Francisco NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team)
Geographic Area: San Francisco
Contact: Lt Erica Arteseros
Title: n/a
Phone Number: 4159702022
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The goal of this program is to help the residents of San Francisco be self sufficient in a major
disaster situation by developing multi-functional teams, cross trained in basic emergency skills. Through this
program, individuals will learn hands-on disaster skills that will help them as members of an emergency response
team and/or as a leader directing untrained volunteers during an emergency, allowing them to act independently
or as an adjunct to City emergency services. There is no cost for the listed neighborhood training. Classes are
approximately 3 hours per session.
San Jose Prepared! CERT
Geographic Area: San Jose
Contact: Saman Saffarzadeh
Phone Number: 4082774595
E-mail address:
Website address: ... ePrepared/
Brief Description: San Jose Prepared! is a community emergency preparedness and response training program that
teaches civilians the skills necessary to be a successful part of emergency preparedness, response, and recovery.
The program focuses on neighborhood and community preparedness and incorporates lectures, hands-on skills,
training, and exercises. Graduates are presented with hard hats, vests, and fanny packs to make them identifiable
to professional emergency responders. On-going neighborhood support is available to all groups.
For more information about San Jose Prepared! CERT, please call Saman Saffarzadeh at 408-277-4595 or email at
San Jose Prepared! CERT is sponsored by the City of San Jose Fire Department. For more information on the City of
San Jose Fire Department, please call Saman Saffarzadeh at 408-277-4595 or email at
San Jose State CERT- Campus Emergency Response Team
Geographic Area: Santa Clara County
Contact: Yvette Phillips
Phone Number: 4089242242
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Based on the FEMA CERT program, students, faculty, and staff are trained in disaster medicine,
psychology, search and rescue, fire suppression, and more techniques specifically related to our University.
For more information on San Jose State CERT- Campus Emergency Response Team, please contact Yvette Phillips at
408-924-2242 or email at
San Juan Capistrano CERT
Geographic Area: Orange County
Contact: Mike Cantor
Title: Emergency Services Coordinator
Phone Number: 9492344565
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of San Juan Capistrano's CERT program was developed because of the need for a welltrained civilian work force. When an individual has met the needs of his/her family, then he/she is available to
assist the City by responding during disaster situations where the number and scope of incidents have
overwhelmed the conventional emergency services.
San Juan Capistrano CERT is endorsed by the City of San Juan Capistrano. For more information on the City of San
Juan Capistrano, or the City of San Juan Capistrano CERT program, please contact Mike Cantor at (949) 234-4565 or
email at
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians TERT
Geographic Area: San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Reservation
Contact: Steven Bandich
Phone Number: 9098646928
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the Tribal Emergency Response Commission, the San Manuel Band of Mission
Indians Tribal Emergency Response Team (TERT) was formed to train and equip emergency service personnel for
emergencies. This training is designed to prepare reservation volunteers, both tribal members and employees, to
help themselves, their families, other tribal members and employees, and casino and reservation guests in the
event of a catastrophic event.
For more information on San Manuel Band of Mission Indians TERT or the Tribal Emergency Response Commission
(TERC), please contact Steven Bandich at 919-864-6928 or email at
San Marcos CERT
Geographic Area: City of San Marcos
Contact: Scott Hansen
Phone Number: 7607441050
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The San Marcos (CA) CERT program is administered by the San Marcos Fire Department. Its
mission is to assist and supplement professional emergency responders during emergencies or unusual events.
For more information on San Marcos CERT or the San Marcos Fire Department, please contact Battalion Chief Scott
Hansen at 760-744-1050 ext 3403 or email at
San Marino CERT
Geographic Area: City of San Marino
Contact: Jim Frawley
Phone Number: 6263000735
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: San Marino Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) provides volunteer assistance to the
community under the direction of the San Marino Fire Department. This FEMA CERT program offers training to
help you and your family be better prepared to manage emergencies and assist your community's disaster
response. In the wake of an earthquake, natural disaster or other major emergency, San Marino CERT members
provide a vital service by helping in the EOC, the field, and wherever help is needed during a disaster. CERT
graduates are trained to care for their family, their neighborhood, and then respond to help the City recover from
For more information about San Marino CERT, please contact Jim Frawley at 626-300-0735 or email at
San Marino CERT is sponsored by the San Marino Fire Department For more information about the San Marino Fire
Department, please contact Jim Frawley at 626-300-0735 or email at
San Mateo CERT
Geographic Area: City of San Mateo
Contact: Robert Cook
Phone Number: 6505227960
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The San Mateo CERT Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may
impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team
organization, and disaster medical operations.
San Mateo CERT is endorsed by the City of San Mateo Fire Department. For more information on the City of San
Mateo Fire Department or the San Mateo CERT Program, please contact Robert Cook at (650) 522-7960 or email at
San Pablo CERT
Geographic Area: City of San Pablo
Contact: Andrea Barte
Phone Number: 5102153110
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: San Pablo CERT is sponsored by the San Pablo Police Department.
For more information on San Pablo CERT or the City of San Pablo, please contact Andrea Barte at (510) 215-3110
or email at
San Rafael CERT
Geographic Area: San Rafael
Contact: Angela Del Ponte
Phone Number: 4154585002
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: In the event of a major disaster, professional emergency services may be overwhelmed and
unavailable for long periods of time. The widespread needs of the community will depend upon voluntary
assistance. With this in mind, the local governments in Marin County have adopted a citizen training program
called Community Emergency Response Training (CERT).
CERT is designed to provide hands-on training to become self-sufficient for at least 72 hours following a disaster
such as an earthquake, flood, or a wild land fire. CERT teams are trained in basic emergency response procedures
such as: Conducting an initial size-up of the situation in their immediate area, Reducing immediate dangers by
turning off utilities, suppressing small fires, and evacuating hazardous areas, Performing immediate medical triage
and basic treatment of injuries ,Assessing structural integrity and performing light search and rescue, Collecting
and recording vital information to be relayed to professional responders on damage, victims, and actions taken or
resources needed, Providing leadership to untrained volunteers.
San Rafael Office of Emergency Services (OES) offers CERT classes to our community members through a variety of
CERT courses: a Basic course (21 hours), a Refresher course (6 hours) for graduates needing to refresh their skills,
and a CERT Light course (6 hours) for agencies and organizations focused on hands-on skills. San Rafael OES also
offers advanced trainings for CERT graduates on a variety of topics.
San Rafael CERT is endorsed by the City of San Rafael. For more information on San Rafael CERT or the City of San
Rafael, please contact Angela Del Ponte at (415) 458-5002 or email at
San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District CERT
Geographic Area: San Ramon Valley
Contact: Danielle Bell
Phone Number: 9258386697
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is based on a simple observation: in major
emergencies, professional emergency services are overloaded immediately. For example, the San Ramon Valley
(which includes: San Ramon, Danville, Alamo, Diablo, Blackhawk and Morgan Territory) has 41 firefighters, and
approximately 15 sworn Police Officers on duty on any given day. That is approximately 60 first responders for a
community of 150,000 people, which is adequate for normal emergencies, rescues and crimes. However, if a mass
emergency traps or injures just 2 % of the inhabitants, there are instantly 3,000 victims, many with major injuries.
The goal is to get as many people trained from different areas within the San Ramon Valley as possible. For
example, we would like to have at least one person trained per community instead of 50 in one area. This will
enable the entire Valley to be prepared, rather than just one specific neighborhood. Please contact us and we will
get you signed up!
For more information on San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District CERT, please contact Danielle Bell at (925) 8386697 or email at
Santa Barbara - UCSB/Isla Vista CERT Program
Geographic Area: UC Santa Barbara and Isla Vista
Contact: Jim Caesar
Phone Number: 8054501437
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: UCSB/Isla Vista Community Emergency Response Teams
Our goal is to provide CERT training to 220 volunteers annually: 78 CSOs, 42 Grounds and Custodial Staff, and 100
UCSB/Isla Vista community leaders.
For more information about UCSB/Isla Vista CERT, please contact Jim Caesar at (805) 450-1437 or email at
UCSB/Isla Vista CERT is endorsed by The University of California at Santa Barbara. For more information about
UCSB, please contact Jim Caesar at (805) 450-1437 or email at
Santa Clara Home Emergency Assistance Team (HEAT)
Geographic Area: City of Santa Clara
Contact: John Combs
Title: Fire Captain
Phone Number: 4086154940
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The HEAT program began in 1995. Since the program began, hundreds of participants have
learned about the City's emergency organization and have received the 20-hour training. The training, which
consists of 4 classes, covers safety, awareness, preparation, utility control and fire suppression, basic medical care,
damage assessment, light search and rescue, communications, terrorism awareness, and HEAT team management.
Each participant receives a student manual, safety helmet and vest, and graduation certificate. The fee of $25 per
person or $40 per couple covers the cost of materials. More individuals belonging to schools, churches, businesses,
and other community organizations are being assembled to take the HEAT training or are being targeted for
training in an attempt to have every neighborhood in the City with a functioning civilian disaster emergency
response team.
Santa Clara Home Emergency Assistance Team (HEAT) is endorsed by the Santa Clara Fire Department. For more
information on Home Emergency Assistance Team (HEAT) or the Santa Clara Fire Department, please contact John
Combs at 408-615-4940 or email
Santa Clarita CERT
Geographic Area: Santa Clarita, California
Contact: Araz Valijan
Phone Number: 6612503709
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Santa Clarita Community Emergency Response Team program is designed to help our
families, neighborhoods, schools, and business prepare for effective emergency response through training and
Santa Clarita CERT began in 1997, and over 470 people have been trained in the program. The program is
conducted 4 times within the year. Participants attend a total of six consecutive weekly classes. Each session is
approximately three hours in length. Participant demographics include 30% from education, 25% from the senior
community, 20% from the business community, and 25% from the community at large. Classes include lecture,
videos and interactive participation and skills assessment. The program fee is $30.00, and it includes the text, and
all safety equipment necessary to complete certification.
Santa Clarita CERT is under the leadership of the City of Santa Clarita and the County of Los Angeles Fire
Department. The CERT level one course includes disaster preparedness, incident command, fire suppression,
disaster medical operations, light search and rescue operations, disaster psychology, and team leadership. The
final session concludes with a disaster simulation. The CERT level two programs includes modules on traffic
coordination, critical incident stress management, and animal preparedness. Members also participate in the
annual Santa Clarita Emergency Expo.
For more information on Santa Clarita CERT, please contact Araz Valijan at 661-250-3719 or email at
Santa Clarita CERT is endorsed by the City of Santa Clarita. For more information on the City of Santa Clarita, please
contact Donna Nuzzi at 661-250-3721 or email at
Santa Clarita Valley CERT
Geographic Area: Los Angeles County
Contact: Gary Scott
Phone Number: 6612124143
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Santa Clarita Valley CERT program is administered and managed in affiliation with the Los
Angeles County Sheriff's Department, serving the unincorporated areas of the Santa Clarita Valley, including the
areas of Castaic, Val Verde and Stevenson's Ranch.
For more information on Santa Clarita Valley CERT please contact Gary Scott at (661) 212-4143 or email at
Santa Clarita Valley CERT is endorsed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. For more information on the
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, please contact Deputy Wilson Lee at (323) 526-5015 or email at
Santa Cruz County CERT
Geographic Area: Santa Cruz County
Contact: RAY SOLER
Phone Number: 8313354422
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: For more information on Santa Cruz County CERT please visit our website at or contact Ray Soler at (831) 335-4422 or email at
Santa Rosa Valley CERT Team
Geographic Area: Santa Rosa Valley
Contact: Rosemary Allison
Phone Number: 8054912100
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: In 2008, Santa Rosa Valley, an unincorporated area in Ventura County, CA adopted the FEMA
CERT Training Program. The Santa Rosa Valley CERT Program promotes a partnering effort between emergency
services and the people they serve, targeting: Neighborhoods, Businesses, Service Club Organizations, School Staff/
Students and Amateur Radio Emergency Services. CERT members are integrated into the emergency response
capability for their areas and maintain and refine their skills by participating in on-going training exercises and
activities. CERT training has proven that citizen self reliance can make a community better prepared to survive
after a disaster.
The goal of our Santa Rosa Valley Neighborhood CERT Team is to provide a well-trained civilian emergency
workforce, who acts as an adjunct to the county's emergency services during emergency disasters. Can also assist
with non-emergency projects that help improve the safety of the community.
For more information about Santa Rosa Valley Neighborhood CERT Team, contact Santa Rosa Valley CERT Team
Coordinator, Rosemary Allison at or (805) 491-2100.
Santa Rosa Valley Neighborhood CERT Team is sponsored by the Ventura County Fire Department. For more
information about Ventura County Fire Department please contact Ramona Armijo at 805-389-9710.
Santa Ynez Valley CERT
Geographic Area: 93427,93460,93464
Contact: Tom Walton
Phone Number: 8056867435
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: This program covers the entire Santa Ynez Valley including the cities of Buellton and Solvang and
the unincorporated areas of Los Olivos, Ballard, and Chumash. We are working to build a sustained program in
where CERT will be a branch of our Countywide SAR.
Saratoga CERT
Geographic Area: City of Saratoga
Contact: Jim Yoke
Phone Number: 4088877818
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Saratoga CERT provides disaster volunteers training, team organization, and structure to work
with first responder agencies in the City of Saratoga, located in the West Valley of Santa Clara County.
Saratoga CERT is endorsed by the by the City of Saratoga. For more information on Saratoga CERT or the City of
Saratoga, please contact Jim Yoke at 408-877-7818 or email at
Seal Beach CERT
Geographic Area: Orange County
Contact: Todd De Voe
Phone Number: 5627994100
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the Seal Beach Police Department, the Seal Beach CERT program is a member of
the West County CERT Program and the Orange County CMAP program.
For more information please contact Todd De Voe, Seal Beach Police Department, at 562-799-4100 extension 1145
or email at
Seal Beach CERT is endorsed by the Seal Beach Police Department. For more information on the Seal Beach Police
Department, please contact Todd De Voe at 562-799-4100 or email at
Sebastopol CERT Program
Geographic Area: City of Sebastopol
Contact: John Zanzi
Phone Number: 7078238061
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Provide CERT training to local residences and businesses.
For more information on Sebastopol CERT Program, please contact Fire Chief John Zanzi at(707) 823-8061 or email
Sebastopol CERT Program is endorsed by the City of Sebastopol. For more information on the City of Sebastopol,
please contact Fire Chief John Zanzi at (707) 823-8061 or email at
Signal Hill CERT
Geographic Area: Signal Hill - Long Beach
Contact: Robert Cravens
Phone Number: 5629897222
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Signal Hill Police Department, in conjunction with the County of Los Angeles Fire
Department, offers Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training to the public. The CERT program is
offered free of charge, and provides basic training in safety and life-saving skills for the general public. This
program allows trained CERT members to assist citizens, as well as police, fire, and medical professionals during a
major disaster. Immediately following a disaster, emergency agencies may not be able to meet the needs of the
public, and some neighborhoods may be cut off from assistance for an extended period of time. Trained CERT
members will be able to provide assistance to those that may not have professional emergency services
immediately available to them. This course provides training in emergency preparedness, fire safety, light search
and rescue operations, medical operations, disaster psychology, and disaster simulation.
For more information about Signal Hill CERT, please contact Sergeant Robert Cravens at 562-989-7200 or email at
Signal Hill CERT is sponsored by the Signal Hill Police Department, in conjunction with the County of Los Angeles
Fire Department. For more information about the Signal Hill Police Department, please contact Ron Mark at 562989-7205 or email at
Sonoma County CERT Association
Geographic Area: Sonoma County
Contact: Jim Bray
Phone Number: 7075969603
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Sonoma County CERT Association is dedicated to supporting new and existing CERT programs in
Sonoma County. SCCERTA is a non-incorporated, non-affiliated association of Sonoma County community
volunteers organized to promote and support the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program on
behalf of the residents of Sonoma County in compliance with the provisions set out by the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS), under the auspices of the Citizens Corps.
For more information on Sonoma County CERT Association, please call Jim Bray at (707) 577-7610 or email at
Sonoma County CERT Association is endorsed by the Sonoma County Dept of Emergency Services. For more
information on the Sonoma County Dept of Emergency Services, please contact Sandy Covall-Alves at (707) 5651152 or email at
Southland Young Marines
Geographic Area: Los Angeles County
Contact: Natalie Salazar
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Southland Young Marines partner with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's CERT
Training Staff to bring Community Emergency Response Team training to the youth of our communities. In 2003 it
was initiated as a pilot program and Southland invited Young Marine units from throughout Southern California
and Police and Fire Explorers, bringing all three disciplines together to take part in this worthwhile training. This
effort is in response to the mission of Citizen Corps call to Americans asking us to, "help each other and our
families and our communities to be safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to any disaster". In 2007 we
opened enrollment to JROTC Units, Sea Cadets and Squadrons of the Civil Air Patrol Youth Cadet Program. The
training given during the CERT Camp, is the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) approved 21
hour course curriculum. Additionally the students are also given 8 hours of instruction on First Aid and CPR
(American Red Cross).
South East Bakersfield CERT, SB CERT
Geographic Area: Southeast Bakersfield, Kern County
Contact: Jonathan Milam
Phone Number: 6613263950
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Our efforts as the sponsoring agency, is to assist an underserved portion of our community with
much needed emergency services. Southeast Bakersfield is an older section of Bakersfield with hardworking,
though at times, overlooked members of our community. We hope to be able to create alliances and develop
relationships that will lead to an improved state of readiness within the southeast Bakersfield area.
South East Bakersfield CERT, SB CERT is endorsed by the Bakersfield Fire Department. For more information on
South East Bakersfield CERT, SB CERT or the Bakersfield Fire Department, please contact Captain Milam at 661326-3688 or email at
South San Francisco Fire Department CERT
Geographic Area: City of South San Francisco, Ca
Contact: John Grimaldi
Phone Number: 6508297222
E-mail address:
Brief Description: The City of South San Francisco Fire Department offers a FEMA CERT program to its citizens,
community groups, and businesses. The program follows the format designed by the LAFD and consists of training
in the areas of disaster preparedness, disaster fire suppression, disaster medical operations, light search and
rescue operations, disaster psychology and team organization, a course review, and a final disaster simulation
involving all that the participants have learned in the previous training. It is the goal of the South San Francisco Fire
Department to prepare its citizens to render immediate life saving and life sustaining efforts in the event of a
Southwestern Community College District CERT Training
Geographic Area: San Diego
Contact: Carlos Bejar
Phone Number: 6199541275
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the Southwestern College Community Police Department, the Southwestern
Community College District (SCCD) serves the South San Diego County Community and the Cities of Chula Vista,
national City, Imperial Beach, Coronado, Bonita and San Ysidro.
For training opportunities or for more information please contact:
Continuing Education Program
619 482-6376
Gary Breton and Carlos Bejar
Graduates of the SCCD CERT program must contact their local fire jurisdiction to be sworn in as local volunteers.
For more information about Southwestern Community College District CERT Training, please contact Carlos Bejar
at (619) 482-6585 or email at
Southwestern Community College District CERT Training is endorsed by the Southwestern College Community
District Police Department. For more information on the Southwestern College Community District Police
Department, please contact Brent Cartier at (619) 482-6585 or email at
Stockton California Community Emergency Response Teams
Geographic Area: San Joaquin County, Stockton
Contact: Renee Johnston
Phone Number: 2099378097
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Stockton's CERT training programs has three classes of training, Class 1 - Citizen Disaster
Preparedness, Class 2 Citizen CERT Member, and Class 3 City of Stockton CERT Trained Volunteers. All City
employees are trained to the level of Class 1. This training provides an awareness level for disaster preparedness,
the Standard Emergency Management System (SEMS), the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and
CERT. The Class 1 training will also be offered to Citizen Corps volunteers and our Community. Class 2 and 3 CERT
trained volunteers will be placed into one of our four different functional branches and will work side by side with
our emergency workers: - Fire Branch - Medical Branch - Law Branch - Citizen Support Branch
Summit CERT
Geographic Area: Summit Area and adjacent mountain communities
Contact: Laura Larkin
Phone Number: 4082186884
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Summit CERT is supported and supervised by Loma Prieta Fire and Rescue, which is part of Santa
Cruz County Fire. Our mission is to train local residents in disaster response skills, foster a Culture of Preparedness
by promoting individual and family preparedness, and maintain Summit CERT's Team disaster readiness through
ongoing refresher and advanced training.
Summit CERT is endorsed by the Loma Prieta Fire and Rescue. For more information on Summit CERT or the Loma
Prieta Fire and Rescue, please contact Kathi Larkin at 408-218-6884 or email
Geographic Area: Sacramento Region
Contact: Carol Willis
Phone Number: 9165085683
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: CERT taught to teens in High Schools and in the community. Teen CERTS will help the school
safety team in the event of an emergency or disaster in the school. They also volunteer in the community and
assist CERT groups. We also provide Teen CERT Train the Trainer classes.
For more information about Teen CERT, please contact Carol Willis at (916) 508-5683 or email at
Teen CERT is endorsed by the Sacramento Fire Department. For more information about the Sacramento Fire
Department, please contact Captain William White at (916) 566-6452 or email at
Temecula CERT Program
Geographic Area: Riverside, Temecula
Contact: Phil Rawlings
Phone Number: 9513024548
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program helps train individuals to be better
prepared to respond to emergency situations in their neighborhood. When emergencies happen, Temecula Citizen
Corps CERT trained members can give critical support to local public safety agencies, provide immediate assistance
to victims and organize volunteers at a disaster site.
Temecula CERT Program is endorsed by the City of Temecula. For more information on Temecula CERT Program or
the City of Temecula, please contact Captain Rawlings at 951-302-4548 or email
Thousand Oaks CERT
Geographic Area: Ventura County, City of Thousand Oaks
Contact: Grahame Watts
Phone Number: 8054492499
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Thousand Oaks CERT Sponsoring agencies:
City of Thousand Oaks and Ventura County Fire Department
Grahame Watts
Phone: (805) 449-2453
The Thousand Oaks CERT Program was established in March 2005 with its first class of a six week session that
included 30 registered students/residents.
A second session of classes has been scheduled for August 2005. The program is a joint effort between the City of
Thousand Oaks and the Ventura County Fire Department.
Fire Captain Brian Dilley is the instructor and all the classes are held at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza, 2100
Thousand Oaks Blvd. The classes focus on emergency preparedness, fire safety, emergency medical operations,
basic first aid and triage, search and rescue, disaster psychology, terrorism, team organization and a disaster
simulation. CERT graduates receive a manual with disaster tips and rescue information, a CERT vest, DSW badge
and certificate of completion. The program is open to all Ventura County residents 18 years of age or older.
Thousand Oaks D.A.R.T. - Disaster Assistance Response Team
Geographic Area: City of Thousand Oaks and Ventura County
Contact: David Coe
Phone Number: 8059478297
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: "Neighbors Helping Neighbors!" is the motto of this team founded in 1993. Our Mission
Statement consists of two goals. First, is to train and maintain a team of volunteers able to respond to all types of
disasters and other needs of its community. Second, is to educate the community to be prepared to handle
disasters and other emergencies on their own. The team consists of approximately 45 active volunteers that have
completed the CERT program and have received additional DART Core Training and Certification in the following
1. Radio Communications
2. Traffic and Crowd Control
3. Hazardous Material Awareness
4. First Aid and CPR for the Professional Rescuer
5. ACT 20 Safety Assessment
6. Media and PIO Operations
7. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
8. Incident Command System
All training is provided through Thousand Oaks DART at no cost and CERT is a prerequisite. All members are
registered as Disaster Service Workers (DSW) through the Ventura County Office of Emergency Services, in
conjunction with the State of California Office of Emergency Services. Each member has received a background
check through the Ventura County Sheriff's Department and has received a DSW identification card from the
Ventura County Sheriff's Department and the Ventura County Office of Emergency Services.
For more information on Thousand Oaks D.A.R.T., please contact David Coe at 805-947-8297 or email at
Thousand Oaks D.A.R.T. is endorsed by the City of Thousand Oaks and Ventura County Sheriff's Department. For
more information on the City of Thousand Oaks and Ventura County Sheriff's Department, please contact Eric
Hatlee at 805-494-8256 or email at
Topanga CERT
Geographic Area: Los Angeles County Topanga Canyon
Contact: Brad Davis
Phone Number: 3104562489
E-mail address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by Friends of the Arson Watch and Disaster Service and Los Angeles County Sheriff's
Department, Topanga CERT is trained to provide disaster aid to residents of Topanga Canyon and the vicinity. For
additional information contact Brad Davis at 310-445-0673.
Geographic Area: Travis Air Force Base
Contact: Glen Munn
Phone Number: 7074246771
E-mail address:
Ukiah Fire Department CERT
Geographic Area: Mendocino County
Contact: Chuck Yates
Title: Battalion Chief
Phone Number: 7074626261
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The City of Ukiah CERT program is coordinated through our Fire Corps program. The mission of
our program is to provide CERT training and equipment to Citizens in and around the city.
Union City CERT
Geographic Area: Union City, CA; San Francisco Bay Area
Contact: Carol Dutra-Vernaci
Phone Number: 5106755401
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Union City CERT program is designed to help residents avoid becoming victims in the event
of an earthquake or other major disaster. Two levels of training are offered: basic personal preparedness and more
extensive team training. Instruction is provided by Union City Fire Dept. personnel. The Union City CERT and Union
City ARES/RACES programs train together to provide unified emergency communication capability.
For more information on the Union City CERT program, please contact Carol Dutra-Vernacia at (510) 675-5401or
email at
Union City CERT is endorsed by the City of Union City. For more information on the City of Union City, please
contact Carol Dutra-Vernacia at (510) 675-5401or email at
University of California Santa Cruz CERT
Geographic Area: UCSC Campus and Satellite Facilities
Contact: Chris Gaylord
Phone Number: 8314592342
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The campus CERT program provides emergency preparedness training to faculty and staff
members. These individuals form a cadre of trained personnel who can support their units during an emergency
and who can be called on to support other campus operations. In addition, the Student Affairs Division requires
CERT training for all full-time residential staff and other key personnel in order to provide support to the ten
colleges and other residential communities during a major emergency. Two formally organized "neighborhood"
teams also exist at the UCO Lick Observatory on Mt. Hamilton and in the Faculty/Staff Housing area.
For more information about University of California Santa Cruz CERT, please contact Fire Captain Chris Gaylord at
831-459-2342 or email at
The University of California Santa Cruz CERT is sponsored by the University of California Santa Cruz Fire
Department. For more information about the University of California Santa Cruz Fire Department, please contact
Fire Captain Chris Gaylord at 831-459-2342 or email at
Vacaville Community Emergency Response Team
Geographic Area: Incorporated Area of Vacaville
Contact: John Jansen
Phone Number: 7074694286
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The goal of the Vacaville Community Emergency Response Team is to provide training to our
citizens, business members, and schools. This is a joint effort between both the fire department and the police
department. We want to create a cadre of trained personnel able to assist themselves and their neighbors during
an emergency/disaster. We want to provide on going continuing education to test our skills and abilities as a team.
Vacaville Community Emergency Response team is endorsed by the City of Vacaville. For more information on
Vacaville Community Emergency Response Team or the City of Vacaville, please contact Battalion Chief John
Jansen at 707-469-4286 or email at
Ventura CERT
Geographic Area: City of Ventura
Contact: Brian Clark
Phone Number: 8056547794
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by City of Ventura and City Fire Department
Ventura County CERT
Geographic Area: County of Ventura
Contact: Dr. Ramona Armijo
Phone Number: 8053899702
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Ventura County Fire Department offers CERT training to countywide fire jurisdictions
including unincorporated areas. Please visit the website for a training schedule.
Veolia Water Richmond CERT
Geographic Area: Contra Costa County
Contact: James Whitaker
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Brief Description: To assist the City of Richmond CA and the County of Alameda, in responding to Emergencies.
For more information on Veolia Water Richmond CERT please contact Meg at 510-412-2001 or email at
Veolia Water Richmond CERT is endorsed by the Richmond OES. for more information on the Richmond OES,
please contact Kathy Gerk at (510) 620-6866 or email at
Villa Park CERT
Geographic Area: Orange County, City of Villa Park
Contact: Jorge Garcia
Phone Number: 7149981500
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The volunteer Villa Park CERT program is a key component of the City of Villa Park Emergency
Preparedness and Operations response. Our mission is to provide Villa Park residents and first responders a quality
resource for safety education, hazard mitigation, emergency response assistance, and other volunteer efforts.
For more information on Villa Park CERT, please contact Jorge Garcia at 714-998-1500 or email at
Villa Park CERT is endorsed by the City of Villa Park Emergency Services. For more information on the City of Villa
Park Emergency Services, please contact Jorge Garcia at 714-998-1500 or email at
Vista CERT
Geographic Area: City of Vista
Point of Contact: Ned Vander Pol
Phone Number: 7607261340
E-mail address:
Website address:
Walnut Creek CERT
Geographic Area: Walnut Creek
Point of Contact: Gayle Vasser
Phone Number: 9259435899
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The Walnut Creek Citizen Corps Council uses CERT to help residents fulfill the council mission of
"Helping Others Help Themselves to Prevent, Prepare and Prevail in the Event of Emergency." In partnership with
the City of Walnut Creek and the Contra Costa Fire District, Walnut Creek CERT follows the FEMA-approved 20hour training to teach people basic disaster preparedness, utility control, disaster medicine and light search and
rescue. Classes include lectures and hands-on exercises. CERT graduates are given opportunities for continuing
education throughout each year, sponsored by the Walnut Creek Citizen Corps Council. Working in coordination
with Contra Costa Fire Protection District.
Walnut Creek CERT is endorsed by the City of Walnut Creek. For more information on Walnut Creek CERT or the
City of Walnut Creek, please call Gayle Vassar at (925) 943-5895 or email at
Watsonville CERT
Geographic Area: City of Watsonville, Pajaro Valley, Santa Cruz County
Contact: Jeff Hartley
Phone Number: 8317683172
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Sponsored by the Watsonville Fire Department and City of Watsonville, this program is intended
to train community members to be self-sufficient in the event of a disaster that overwhelms the public service
agencies, police and fire. The 20-hour course follows national guidelines for CERT proficiency. Our goal is to
eventually have CERT teams in every council district within the city of Watsonville and extend the program to
surrounding areas of Watsonville and the Pajaro Valley. Once established, our group will have ongoing refresher
training and hopefully have joint training with neighboring communities.
For more information on Watsonville CERT or the Watsonville Fire Department and City of Watsonville, please
contact Jeff Hartley at 831-768-3172 or email at
West County CERT - Buena Park
Geographic Area: Greater Orange County area
Contact: Aaron France
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: A collaborative effort that includes the cities of Buena Park, Cypress, La Palma, Los Alamitos, Seal
Beach, and Westminster.
West County CERT - Buena Park is endorsed by the City of Buena Park. For more information on West County
CERT- Buena Park or the City of Buena Park, please contact Aaron France at (714) 562-3550 or email at
West Hollywood CERT
Geographic Area: West Hollywood, City of West Hollywood
Contact: Shirely Berry
Phone Number: 3238486580
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: West Hollywood CERT - an outgrowth of the West Hollywood's Disaster Volunteer Corps.
"CERT classes are held every fall and spring. There are plans for quarterly drills, including both in-house and with
neighboring cities. Instructors consist of City staff, LA County Fire Department personnel, community members,
and volunteers."
West Hollywood CERT is endorsed by the City of West Hollywood. For more information on West Hollywood CERT
or the City of West Hollywood, please contact Shirely Berry at 323-848-6580 or email at
Westminster CERT
Geographic Area: West Orange County California
Contact: Rebecca Barlow
Phone Number: 7148983315
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: The West County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training program is aligned with
the National CERT model and offers participants opportunities to learn skills that can help them respond to
emergency and disaster situations safely, effectively and efficiently.
For more information about Westminster CERT, please contact Rebecca Barlow at 714-548-3761 or email at
Westminster CERT is sponsored by the City of Westminster. For more information about the City of Westminster,
please contact Rebecca Barlow at 714-548-3761 or email at
Woodside California - CERPP Citizen Emergency Respons Preparedness Program
Geographic Area: Woodside California
Contact: Gaylynne Mann
Phone Number: 6508511594
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: CERPP is a community based program supported by the Town of Portola Valley, Town of
Woodside, and the Woodside Fire Protection District. Courses in CPR, First Aid, Emergency Responder, Light Search
and Rescue, and Fire Suppression are offered free to residents living in the jurisdiction of the fire protection
district. Field exercises are conducted on an annual basis as well as exercising skills and training of disaster
Wrightwood CERT
Geographic Area: unincorporated area of Wrightwood
Contact: Edwin Ross
Phone Number: 7602495931
E-mail address:
Website address:
Brief Description: Community Emergency Preparedness, response and recovery training under the CERT program.
Includes and organization of monthly training plus an organization to provide a coordinated response in time of
Yorba Linda CERT
Geographic Area: City of Yorba Linda
Contact: Brett Channing
Phone Number: 7149617103
E-mail address:
Website address: ... vices/cert
Brief Description: In 2009, the City of Yorba Linda started a CERT Training Program for its citizens. The goal of CERT
is to train citizens of Yorba Linda in basic emergency response skills that are outlined in the CERT curriculum. CERT
members can then be integrated into the emergency response capabilities for Yorba Linda, should they so choose.
Currently, over 70 Yorba Linda residents have been trained through the CERT Training Program.
The CERT training class is taught twice each year, once in the spring and once in the fall. The class is three full days
with the first two being educational and the third being a disaster simulation. For more information about Yorba
Linda CERT, please contact Brett Channing at 714-961-7103 or email at