IT Managers and Supervisors Organizations That Execute 1 2 Know the Know the Goal Actions Sound Simple? 3 Create Support Structures to Do It Incremental Improvement Significant Impact Wildly Important Goal Discipline 2: Act On The Lead Measures LAG MEASURE LEAD MEASURE - Measures something that Predictive leads to the goal - Something we can Influence-able influence Measures the Goal Weight (Pounds) LOSE WEIGHT Number of Calories (Diet) Miles Run (Exercise) Monthly Incident Report REDUCE ACCIDENTS Compliance to 8 Key Safety Standards Monthly Sales Report INCREASE STORE SALES Number of Out-of-Stocks Discipline 3: Keep a Compelling Scoreboard “People play differently when they are keeping score” ouse Keeping ood & Beverage rrival Team inning Discipline 4: Create Cadence of Accountability 1. Report on Last Week’s Commitments 2. Review and Update Scoreboard 3. Make Commitments For Next week Implementation Organizations That Execute What doesn’t work? Open Enrollment – Event Based-training What does work? 1. It has to be a process, not an event 2. Working with intact teams / Business Units 3. Certifying leaders to take this to their teams - Credibility of the team - Commitment of the leader - The leader truly learns the process 4DX Manager Certification Process Precall Launch Manager Prep Cert And Day 1 Coaches Training 1 1 2 2 Manager Cert Day 2 Manager Cert Day 3 Team Execution Launch 3 Weeks Launch Review Manager Coaching 8 Weeks Champion’s summit 3- Level Implementation Manager Certification Track 1 Month Launch 2- Hour 1-Day 2-Days 1-Day 1- Hour Coaching Highlevel WIGs Draft of b’s: Certification 1. WIGs 2. Lead Measures 3. Scoreboards ½ -Day Team Roll-out Scoreboard Review Executive Report 1. Results 2. Engagement