Alvarado Intermediate School 2015-2016 Teacher: Tatum Week: 2 Grade: 6 Unit: 4 Content Area: Reading Honors Content TEKS Covered: 6.10A - Summarize the main ideas and supporting Cross-Curricular STAAR TEKS Supported: details in text, demonstrating an understanding that a summary does not include (non-tested content areas only) opinions. 6.14B - Develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (e.g., sequence of events, cause-effect, compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing. 6.Fig19C Monitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge; creating sensory images; rereading a portion aloud; generating questions. 6.Fig19D Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. 6.Fig19B - Ask literal, interpretive, evaluative, and universal questions of text. Essential /Guiding Question(s): Academic Vocabulary: bandwagon, false How can a person impact my life? authority, faulty reasoning, red herring, What are ways that I can improve my comprehension? testimonial, exaggeration, scare tactic, appeal WICOR Components (highlight): Writing Learning Engage Inquiry Explore Collaboration Explain Organization Elaborate Objective(s): Reading Evaluate Closing Task(s): Monday I do- The The students I will… explain We will… teacher will will work in one of my Monitor and discuss how pairs to answers and adjust the students will complete the the evidence I comprehension. review their found to prove Make inferences passages. it. about text Tuesday We do- We will Students will I will… Show my We will… Ask Students will discuss the two use a graphic neighbor one literal, see a book main organizer to adjective I interpretive, trailer of Fever characters in make a chose for one of evaluative, and 1793, by Laurie the novel. character my characters. universal Halse Anderson analysis of Peta questions of text. and Katniss. Wednesday Read Wednesday We will review I will… find a We will… Monitor Wars Library challenging procedures. book. and adjust comprehension Thursday Read Wednesday I do- The The students Students will I will… share We will… Wars teacher will will complete a write an essay one thing that I Summarize the explain the graphic explaining: How learned from main ideas and graphic organizer for has Peta and supporting organizer. Hunger Games Katniss’s details in text. You do- relationship Ask literal, Students will changed interpretive, think about the throughout the evaluative, and relationship course of universal between novel? questions of text. Katniss and Peta in Hunger Games and compare that to Hunger Games. a relationship they have had with someone. Friday Read Wednesday Students will I will… use an We will… Wars complete their exit ticket to Summarize the essay from write the main ideas and Thursday. sentence that I supporting thought was the details in text. most Ask literal, descriptive interpretive, sentence in my evaluative, and essay. universal questions of text. Individual Customized Learning Differentiated Academic Support: Bilingual/ESL Language Support: Behavioral Support: