Kick-off Meeting
31 March – 1 April 2011, hosted by RATHENAU Institute
Schlemmer, Lange Houtstraat 17, 2511 CV Den Haag, The Netherlands
Day 1: Thursday 31 March 2011
09:30 Welcome and Introductions (Jan Staman, RATHENAU)
09:45 Project essentials (Miltos Ladikas, UCLAN)
Milestone Workshop on State-of-the-art in S&T Ethics Debates
The aim of this workshop session is to provide basic background information on the state of
ethics debates in the three regions in terms of major themes, public perceptions, TA work on
lay participation, the work of national ethics committees and their constitution and remit. We
will not concentrate here on the three case studies as these will be discussed in the afternoon
S&T Ethics State-of-art in the Three Regions: Work Package 1
Presentation: EU State-of-art (UCLAN)
Presentation: India State-of-art (RIS)
Presentation: China State-of-art (CASTED)
GEST Kick-off Meeting, the Hague, 31.3.11 – 1.4.11
10:00 Session 1
10:45 Coffee
11:00 Workshop discussion on presentations and consensus on WP1 Work plan
11:30 Ethics in Science &Technology Policy Advisory Best Practices: Work Package 2
The aim of this section is to compare and discuss S&T policy making structures in the three
regions and how ethics debates are incorporated into them. We will start with a presentation of
the situation in China followed by discussion from the EU and Indian perspectives.
Presentation: Ethics in S&T Policy Advisory (CASTED)
Reactions by RATHENAU/KIT/RIS and consensus on WP2 Work Plan
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Session 2
Ethics Debates on Nanotechnologies: Work Package 3
The aim of this section is to have a basic background discussion on Nanotechnologies debates.
A presentation by KIT on the situation in the EU will be followed by discussion on the Indian and
Chinese perspectives. We will then decide on the work plan for this case study.
Presentation: Ethics in Nanotechnologies (KIT)
Reactions by RIS / CASTED and consensus on WP3 Work Plan
14:15 Coffee
GEST Kick-off Meeting, the Hague, 31.3.11 – 1.4.11
Case Studies (Chair: RIS)
14:30 Ethics Debates on Food Technologies: Work Package 4
Similarly, the aim of this section is to have a basic background discussion on Food Technologies
debates. A presentation by UCLAN on the situation in the EU will be followed by discussion on
the Indian and Chinese perspectives. We will then decide on the work plan for this case study.
Presentation: Ethics in Food Technologies (UCLAN)
Reactions by RIS / CASTED and consensus on WP4 Work Plan
15:15 Ethics Debates on Synthetic Biology: Work Package 5
Similarly, the aim of this section is to have a basic background discussion on Synthetic Biology
debates. A presentation by RATHENAU on the situation in the EU will be followed by discussion
on the Indian and Chinese perspectives. We will then decide on the work plan for this case
Presentation: Ethics in Synthetic Biology (RATHENAU)
16:00 Conceptual & Methodological Questions (Chair: RATHENAU)
Group discussion about conceptual and methodological questions, including cross-cutting
themes arising from the foregoing discussions about the various workpackages.
17:00 Drinks
18:30 Dinner
GEST Kick-off Meeting, the Hague, 31.3.11 – 1.4.11
Reactions by RIS / CASTED and consensus on WP5 Work Plan
Day 2: Friday 1 April 2011
9:00 Session 3
Reflective Discussion (Chair: RATHENAU)
A fresh discussion with further reflections to draw conclusions and action points from the general
discussion in Day 1.
10:00 Session 4
Outreach and Management (Chair: KIT)
The aim of this session is to achieve consensus on the basic outreach focus of the project and
the overall work schedule.
Presentation: Global Debate on Ethics (RIS)
Group Discussion
Consensus on WP6 Work Plan
10:45 Coffee
11:00 Management (UCLAN) Work Package 7
This section is dedicated to an outline of administrative, contractual and financial issues relating
to GEST as well as project PR issues. To include:
Presentation on Financial & Contractual issues
Decision on internal budget re-allocations as requested by CASTED
Discussion of draft Project Brochure
Consensus on WP7 Work Plan
GEST Kick-off Meeting, the Hague, 31.3.11 – 1.4.11
We will hear the opinion of RIS on how to achieve a global outreach and debate and decide on
a common work plan.
11:45 GEST Next Steps (UCLAN)
Decisions on timing, location and form of subsequent project meetings to fit with the
agreed Work Plan
Agreement on Consortium communications
12:45 End of Meeting - Lunch will be provided
13:30 Departure for Eindhoven to visit the Virtual Reality Labs (optional)
GEST Kick-off Meeting, the Hague, 31.3.11 – 1.4.11