County General Hospital 120 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 | (508) 929-1300 Fax: 508-665-1011 Chart Document 04/01/2010 - Lab Report Provider: Harry S. Winston MD Location of Care: Southside Clinic Patient: Bessie Crandell Note: Prelim. Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 Tests: (1) Urine Culture (ML-06MICRO) URINE CULTUR 20-50,000 CFU/ml <10*2 (1) Order result status: Prelim Collection or observation date-time: 03/31/2010 18:00:00 Requested date-time: 03/31/2010 18:00:00 Receipt date-time: Reported date-time: 03/31/2010 18:00:00 Ordering Physician: (smitchell) Specimen Source: Producer ID: (LabQuest) Filler Order Number: Lab site: Note: An exclamation mark (!) indicates a result that was not dispersed into the flowsheet. GNR noted Document Creation Date: 04/01/2010 10:24 AM Signed by Vladimir Nocturnisto MD on 04/01/2010 at 11:11 PM ________________________________________________________________________ County General Hospital 120 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 | (508) 929-1300 Fax: 508-665-1011 Chart Document Home: 508-644-9139 04/01/2010 - Hospital Discharge Summary: R Hip Fracture Provider: Harry S. Winston MD Location of Care: Southside Clinic HOSPITAL DISCHARGE SUMMARY Date of Admission: 03/27/2010 Date of Discharge 04/01/2010 Admitting Physician: Dr. Robin Janoff Admission Diagnosis: Total Hip Replacement Right Discharge Diagnosis: 1) Total Hip Replacement Right 2) Deep Venous Thrombosis Procedures: Total Hip Replacement Right Procedures: R THR with special steel alloy prosthesis. Hospital Course: The patient was admitted to the surgical ward after a fall with a right hip fracture. For details of medical history, please refer to the attached office notes which Dr. Winston faxed. The patient was placed in Bucks traction and treated with morphine. In the morning she was taken to OR6 where THR right was performed without difficulty or complications. Post-operatively day 2 the patient is found to have tenderness in the right calf, and on doppler was found to have a significant DVT running up to the right common iliac. The patient was heparinized and Coumadin begun to achieve anticoagulation. The patient was not hemodynamically compromised. The patient complained of dysuria. A catheter was placed for this and some redness to the perineal area. Culture is no growth so far. Discharge Medications: URISPAS TAB 100MG (FLAVOXATE HCL) 1 po tid COUMADIN 2.5 MG TABS (WARFARIN SODIUM) as directed LASIX TAB 20MG (FUROSEMIDE) 1 po bid MICRO-K 10 MEQ CRCAPS (POTASSIUM CHLORIDE) PERCOCET 2.5-325 MG TABS (OXYCODONE-ACETAMINOPHEN) as directed Disposition: To Peaceful Gardens Nursing And Rehab Center. Signed by John J. Doconcall MD on 04/01/2011 at 7:07 PM ________________________________________________________________________ Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page 3 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Chart Document Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 04/01/2007 - Office Visit Provider: Harry S. Winston MD Location of Care: Southside Clinic HPI: no complaints no edema no sob no new pain Height(in) Weight(lbs) BMI Arm Circ FAST PPS INR HCT WBC PLTS ALB PreAlbumin BUN CR CrClearance Sodium Potassium pCO2 pO2 Oxygen Flow 60 70 70 70 2.9 30 2.3 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 Impression & Plan Summary: HIP PAIN LEFT - Improved. PHLEBITIS AND THROMBOPHLEBITIS OF FEMORAL VEIN - Improved. FISTULA FEMALE GENITAL TRACT. INCONTINENCE URINE - Unchanged. Signed by Harry S. Winston MD on 04/01/2007 at 6:27 PM Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page1 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Chart Document 11/10/2006 - Office Visit Provider: Harry S. Winston MD Location of Care: Southside Clinic HPI: a fall with no injury is noted Past Medical History: seee problem list Medications Prior to Visit: URISPAS TAB 100MG (FLAVOXATE HCL) 1 po tid COUMADIN 2.5 MG TABS (WARFARIN SODIUM) as directed LASIX TAB 20MG (FUROSEMIDE) 1 po bid MICRO-K 10 MEQ CR-CAPS (POTASSIUM CHLORIDE) Advance Care Planning: Health care agent not currently available to discuss advance care plan. Respiratory Respiratory effort: no intercostal retractions or use of accessory muscles Percussion: no dullness Palpation: normal fremitus Auscultation: no rales, rhonchi, or wheezes Cardiovascular Palpation: no thrill or palpable murmurs, no displacement of PMI Auscultation: S1S2, regular rate and rhythm, no murmur, rub, or gallop Carotid arteries: symmetric, no bruits Abdominal aorta: no enlargement or bruits Femoral arteries: pulses 3+, symmetric, no bruits Left Dorsalis Pedis: 2/4 Right Dorsalis Pedis: 2/4 Left Posterior Tibialis: 2/4 Peripheral circulation: no cyanosis, edema, or varicosities Gastrointestinal Abdomen: soft, non-tender, no masses, bowel sounds normal Liver and spleen: no enlargement or nodularity Hernia: no hernias Rectal: Digital rectal exam reveals no mass, tenderness or impaction Stool: guaiac negative Genitourinary External genitalia: prolapse Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page1 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Chart Document Lymphatic Neck: no cervical adenopathy Axillae: no axillary adenopathy Groin: no inguinal adenopathy Musculoskeletal Gait and Balance: Abnormal Get Up and Go Digits and nails: no clubbing, cyanosis, petechiae, or nodes Head and neck: normal alignment and mobility Spine, ribs, pelvis: kyphosis RUE: mild edema Ht: 60 in Have you fallen since your last visit? Y Influenza Consent Process: Denies history of severe allergic reactions to this vaccine Is not moderately or severely ill Vaccine information given and explaines to the patient Consent and authorization on file Vaccine information explained to the patient. Lot #: AFLLA259AA Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline Dose: Influenza vaccine 0.5 ml Route Intramuscular Injection Site: RT Deltoid Influenza Consent Process: HIP PAIN, LEFT (ICD-719.45) LEG EDEMA (ICD-782.3) PHLEBITIS AND THROMBOPHLEBITIS OF FEMORAL VEIN (ICD-451.11) BACT INF COND CLASS ELSW BACTEROIDES FRAGILIS (ICD-041.82) FISTULA, FEMALE GENITAL TRACT (ICD-619.9) PROLAPSE, VAGINAL WALL W/O UTERINE PROLAPSE (ICD-618.0) CYSTITIS (ICD-595.8) INCONTINENCE, URINE (ICD-788.3) Signed by Harry S. Winston MD on 11/10/2006 at 6:27 PM Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page1 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Chart Document 04/01/2006 - Office Visit Provider: Harry S. Winston MD Location of Care: Southside Clinic Height(in) Weight(lbs) BMI Arm Circ FAST PPS INR HCT WBC PLTS ALB PreAlbumin BUN CR CrClearance Sodium Potassium pCO2 pO2 Oxygen Flow 62 75 75 75 3.1 29 5 102 2.8 3.2 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 Signed by Harry S. Winston MD on 04/02/2006 at 6:14 PM ________________________________________________________________________ 11/12/2005 - Office Visit Provider: Harry S. Winston MD Location of Care: Southside Clinic OFFICE VISIT History of Present Illness Chief Complaint: follow up xray History of Present Illness: hoip pain unchanged.. xray shows demineralization and osteoarthritis. History Past Medical History: Current Problems (prior to this update): HIP PAIN, LEFT (ICD-719.45) LEG EDEMA (ICD-782.3) PHLEBITIS AND THROMBOPHLEBITIS OF FEMORAL VEIN (ICD-451.11) BACT INF COND CLASS ELSW BACTEROIDES FRAGILIS (ICD-041.82) FISTULA, FEMALE GENITAL TRACT (ICD-619.9) PROLAPSE, VAGINAL WALL W/O UTERINE PROLAPSE (ICD-618.0) CYSTITIS (ICD-595.8) INCONTINENCE, URINE (ICD-788.3) Current Medications (prior to this update): URISPAS TAB 100MG (FLAVOXATE HCL) 1 po tid COUMADIN 2.5 MG TABS (WARFARIN SODIUM) as directed LASIX TAB 20MG (FUROSEMIDE) 1 po bid MICRO-K 10 MEQ CR-CAPS (POTASSIUM CHLORIDE) Vital Signs Ht: 62 in. Physical Exam neg slr, Impression possible arthritis of hip Plan non pharmacologic managment uness worsens. Disposition: Signed by Harry S. Winston MD on 11/12/2005 at 6:10 PM ________________________________________________________________________ Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page1 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Chart Document Home: 508-644-9139 Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page1 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 11/10/2005 - Office Visit Provider: Harry S. Winston MD Location of Care: Southside Clinic Visit Type: Established office visit Chief Complaint: Resident is here for evaluation and management of multiple medical problems; See HPI for details of problems HPI: Continues with mild leg edema no sob no chest pains has now developed right hip pai with ambulation. exam benign. will xray Signed by Harry S. Winston MD on 11/10/2005 at 6:08 PM ________________________________________________________________________ Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page1 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 04/01/2005 - Office Visit Provider: Harry S. Winston MD Location of Care: Southside Clinic CC Leg edema no sob lungs clear rx lasix fu prn Signed by Harry S. Winston MD on 04/01/20051 at 6:04 PM ________________________________________________________________________ 11/10/2004 - Office Visit Provider: Harry S. Winston MD Location of Care: Southside Clinic Signed by Harry S. Winston MD on 11/10/2004 at 5:54 PM ________________________________________________________________________ Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page1 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/1915 81-TEST011 Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 Date of cardiac study: 11/01/2003 BMI: 18.36 Smoking Status: Reformed Smoker Pneumococcal vaccination status: Administered and Previously received Do you have leakage of urine? Yes Do you sometimes drink beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages? Yes In the past year have you had one or more days where you drank more than 4 drinks in a day? Yes In the past 12 months, the residents alcohol use has repeatedly caused: Risk of bodily harm such as drinking and driving, swimming or operating machinery Relationship troubles with family or friends Interference with home, work or other obligations Legal problems such as DUI. In the past 12 months, the residents alcohol use has: been unable to stick to drinking limits. not been able to cut down or stop. shown tolerance to alchohol. had signs of withdrawl. kept drinking despite problems. spends a lot of time drinking. spent less time on other matters that should have been important or pleasurable. Signed by Harry S. Winston MD on 11/10/2004 at 5:54 PM _________________________________________________________ Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page1 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Home: 508-644-9139 Female DOB: 11/19/1915 81-TEST011 Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 04/01/2004 - Office Visit Provider: Harry S. Winston MD Location of Care: Southside Clinic Signed by Harry S. Winston MD on 04/01/2004 at 5:57 PM 09/23/2003 - Lab Report: Lipids Provider: Sam A. Mitchell MD Location of Care: Millennium Health System Patient: Bessie Crandell Note: All result statuses are Final unless otherwise noted. Tests: (1) Lipids (ML-11LIPID) CHOLESTEROL 136 mg/dl 130-200 HDL 70 mg/dl 30-75 LDL 64 mg/dl 0-129 TRIGLYCERIDE 175 mg/dL 30-250 (1) Order result status: Final Collection or observation date-time: 09/23/2003 18:00:00 Requested date-time: 09/23/2003 18:00:00 Receipt date-time: Reported date-time: 09/23/2003 18:00:00 Ordering Physician: (smitchell) Specimen Source: Producer ID: (LabQuest) Filler Order Number: Lab site: Signed by Harry S. Winston MD on 09/23/2003 at 9:06 AM ________________________________________________________________________ Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 Note: An exclamation mark (!) indicates a result that was not dispersed into the flowsheet. Document Creation Date: 09/23/2003 10:32 AM _________________________________________________ 09/22/2003 - Lab Report: Urine Culture Provider: Sam A. Mitchell MD Location of Care: Millennium Health System Patient: Bessie Crandell Note: All result statuses are Final unless otherwise noted. Tests: (1) Urine Culture (ML-06MICRO) URINE CULTUR 0 CFU/ml <10*2 Note: An exclamation mark (!) indicates a result that was not dispersed into the flowsheet. Document Creation Date: 09/22/2003 10:24 AM ________________________________________________ (1) Order result status: Final Collection or observation date-time: 09/20/2003 18:00:00 Requested date-time: 09/20/2003 18:00:00 Receipt date-time: Reported date-time: 09/21/2003 18:00:00 Ordering Physician: (smitchell) Specimen Source: Producer ID: (LabQuest) Filler Order Number: Lab site: Filed automatically (without signature) on 09/24/2003 at 10:28 AM ______________________________________________________________ Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 09/21/2003 - Lab Report: Urinalysis Provider: Sam A. Mitchell MD Location of Care: Millennium Health System Patient: Bessie Crandell Note: All result statuses are Final unless otherwise noted. Tests: (1) Urinalysis (ML-09URIN) PROTEIN, URN Neg GLUCOSE, URN Neg BILIRUBIN UR Neg KETONES URN Neg MG/DL NITRITE URN Neg PH URINE 6.44 4.5-7.8 SPEC GR URIN 1.017 1.003-1.029 WBC DIPSTK U Neg APPEARANCE U clear UA COLOR yellow Note: An exclamation mark (!) indicates a result that was not dispersed into the flowsheet. Document Creation Date: 09/21/2003 10:24 AM (1) Order result status: Final Collection or observation date-time: 09/19/2003 18:00:00 Requested date-time: 09/19/2003 18:00:00 Receipt date-time: Reported date-time: 09/20/2003 18:00:00 Ordering Physician: (smitchell) Specimen Source: Producer ID: (LabQuest) Filler Order Number: Lab site: Filed automatically (without signature) on 09/24/2003 at 10:28 AM ________________________________________________________________________ Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 09/21/2003 - Office Visit: Incontinence, Skin lesion Provider: Sam A. Mitchell MD Location of Care: Eastside Internal Medicine This document contains image attachments Doc ID: OFFICE VISIT History of Present Illness Chief Complaint: Incontinence History of Present Illness: Pt. presents with 5 year history of recurrent cystitis and urinary incontinence; worsening incontinence over last 3 months. Pt had tolerated condition well until lately, now requests thorough evaluation due to worsening sx. She also points out a small raised lesion on the back of her left shoulder. She first noticed it about a month ago, but denies that it has bothered her in any way. She has no history of skin problems, but does relate a history of significant sun exposure as a child. History Past Medical History: Previous records in paper chart. Family History: 2 Children, both vaginal delivery. 1 Brother, lives out of state Current Problems (prior to this update): recurrent cystitis and urinary incontinence Current Medications (prior to this update): Antibiotic Risk Factors Smoking (packs/day): 0 Alcohol use (drinks/day): <1 Drug use: none Caffeine (drinks/day): 1 Exercise (times/week): 3 Passive Smoke Exposure: no HIV Risk Factors: no Sun Exposure: rarely Vital Signs Ht: 62 in. Wt: 125 lbs. T: 98.0 deg F. T site: oral P: 76 Rhythm: regular R: 18 BP: 140/ 86 Skin: Over her left scapula is a 7x7mm reddish raised lesion with smooth, pearly margins. It is well demarcated and non-tender. SKNBCC Assessment Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 History of Present Illness Chief Complaint: Incontinence History of Present Illness: Pt. presents with 5 year history of recurrent cystitis and urinary incontinence; worsening incontinence over last 3 months. Pt had tolerated condition well until lately, now requests thorough evaluation due to worsening sx. She also points out a small raised lesion on the back of her left shoulder. She first noticed it about a month ago, but denies that it has bothered her in any way. She has no history of skin problems, but does relate a history of significant sun exposure as a child. Social History: Widow for 5 years, lives alone, with weekly visits from both son and daughter (brought to clinic by daughter) Current Problems (prior to this update): recurrent cystitis and urinary incontinence Current Medications (prior to this update): Antibiotic Risk Factors Smoking (packs/day): 0 Alcohol use (drinks/day): <1 Drug use: none Caffeine (drinks/day): 1 Exercise (times/week): 3 Passive Smoke Exposure: no HIV Risk Factors: no Sun Exposure: rarely Vital Signs Ht: 62 in. Wt: 125 lbs. T: 98.0 deg F. T site: oral P: 76 Rhythm: regular R: 18 BP: 140/ 86 Skin: Over her left scapula is a 7x7mm reddish raised lesion with smooth, pearly margins. It is well demarcated and non-tender. SKNBCC Assessment Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page1 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Page 2 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011Chart Document Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 Problems (including changes): Female Incontinence Length of Incontinence: 5 years Episodes: 4-5 in 24 hrs Quality of Voiding Nocturia Volume (oz.): 10 Number per night: 3 Stream weak hesitancy: (sec) Urge Pads: yes Pads per 24 hrs: 5 maxi Lose urine on way to bathroom? half-time Do you feel empty after incontinence? no Stress Loss of urine with such stress laughing coughing sneezing lifting active exercise (walking) Pads: yes Pads per 24 hrs: 5 Which type of incontinence would you fix if you could only fix one? Stress Which occurs most often? Stress Which gets you wettest? Stress Impression: ď‚·Urinary incontinence, r/o pelvic relaxation, obstructive uropathy. ď‚·Probable basal cell carcinoma of the left posterior shoulder. Plan Medications (including changes): URISPAS TAB 100MG Macrodantin Cap 50 mg Patient/Family Instructions: The following HealthLogic handouts were given: Urethritis UTI, Endoscopy-Bladder cystoscopy Treatment: Plan urodynamic studies. Will start on antibiotic and Urispas and schedule cystoscopy. Orders: Bladder Cystoscopy, UA, Urine Culture, Lipid Panel, Pneumovax, Flu Vax, TD Booster, Hemoccult, Follow-up next week for excisional biopsy of skin lesion. Education/Counseling (time): 10 minutes Coordination of Care (time): 5 minutes Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/191581-TEST011Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Eastside Internal Medicine 130 NE Valley View Drive Worcester, MA 01608 Page1 508-665-1010 Fax: 508-665-1011 Chart Document Bessie A. Crandell Female DOB: 11/19/1915 81-TEST011 Ins: CHC (Gold Plan) Grp: CHCS5355 Home: 508-644-9139 Follow-up/Return Visit: 2 weeks Disposition: return to clinic