Guiding Question 2 - MNPS2010

Grade 6-Life Science
Standard(s): Interdependence
Conceptual Strand 2: All life is interdependent and interacts with the environment.
Guiding Question 2: How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?
Common Core State Standards (CCSS):
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in
a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics; Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that
information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table); Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on research findings, and speculation in a
text; Compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic.
607.2.1 Examine the roles of consumers
producers, and decomposers in a biological
0607.2.1 Compare and contrast the different
methods used by organisms to obtain nutrition in
a biological community
0607.2.3 Use a food web or energy pyramid to
demonstrate the interdependence of organisms
within a specific biome.
 SPI 0607.2.1 Classify organisms as
producers, consumers, scavengers, or
decomposers according to their role in a
food chain or food web.
 SPI 0607.2.2 Interpret how materials
and energy are transferred through and
Suggested Activities/Strategies
Bellringer (T.E. pg. 52)
School to Home Activity ( pg. 53)
Connection to Real World (T.E. pg. 53)
Using the Figure (T.E. pg. 53)
Alternative Assessment (T.E. pg. 56)
Reteaching (T.E. pg. 56)
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Differentiated Lessons & Assessments:
Science Grade 6 by Teacher Created
Chapter 2-Section 2 pp. 52-57
Appendix-Study Skills pp. 473-476
Appendix-Graphic Organizer Instructions
pp. 477-478
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Grade 6-Life Science
607.2.2 Describe how matter and energy are
transferred through an ecosystem
0607.2.1 Compare and contrast the different
methods used by organisms to obtain nutrition in
a biological community
0607.2.3 Use a food web or energy pyramid to
demonstrate the interdependence of organisms
within a specific biome.
 SPI 0607.2.1 Classify organisms as
producers, consumers, scavengers, or
decomposers according to their role in a
food chain or food web.
 SPI 0607.2.2 Interpret how materials
and energy are transferred through and
607.2.3 Draw conclusions from data about
interactions between the biotic and abiotic
elements of a particular environment
o Chapter 2-Section 2
English Language Learners (T.E. pg. 53)
Using the Figure (T.E. pg. 53)
Reteaching (T.E. pg. 56)
Alternative Assessment (T.E. pg. 56)
o Chapter 3-Section 1
Bellringer (T.E. pg.76)
Connection To Technology (pg. 77)
Inclusion Strategies (T.E. pg. 77)
Reteaching (T.E. pg. 78)
Alternative Assessment (T.E. pg. 78)
Connection To Environmental Science (pg.
Skills Practice Lab (Nitrogen Need) pp. 8485
Model-Making Lab (A Passel o’ Pioneers)
pp. 452-453
Connection t Biology pg. 356
0607.2.2 Create a graphic organize that illustrates
how biotic and abiotic elements of an
environment interact
 SPI 0607.2.2 Interpret how materials
and energy are transferred through and
o Chapter 2-Section 1
Bellringer (T.E. pg. 48)
Group Activity (T.E. pg. 48)
Quick Lab (pg. 49)
Inclusion Strategy (T.E. pg. 49)
Connection To Engineering (T.E. pg. 50)
Reteaching (T.E. pg. 50)
Alternative Assessment (T.E. pg. 56)
o Chapter 4-Section 2
Bellringer (T.E. pg. 102)
Group Activity (T.E. pg. 105)
o Chapter 4-Section 3
Bellringer (T.E. pg. 108)
Alternative Assessments (T.E. pg. 368)
Chapter 2-Section 2 pp. 52-57
Chapter 3-Section 1 pp. 76-79
Chapter 4-Section 2 pp. 102-107
Appendix-Study Skills pp. 473-476
Appendix-Graphic Organizer Instructions
pp. 477-478
Chapter 2- Section 1 pp. 48-51
Chapter 4-Section 2 pp. 102-107
Chapter 4-Section 3 pp. 108-111
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Grade 6-Life Science
607.2.4 Analyze the environment and the
interdependence among organisms found in
the world’s major biomes
0607.2.2 Create poster presentations to illustrate
differences among the world’s major biomes.
0607.2.3 Use a food web or energy pyramid to
demonstrate the interdependence of organisms
within a specific biome.
 SPI 0607.2.2 Interpret how materials
and energy are transferred through an
 SPI 0607.2.3 Identify the biotic and
abiotic elements of the major biomes.
 SPI 0607.2.4 Identify the environmental
conditions and interdependencies among
organisms found in the major biomes
o Chapter 2-Section 3
Bellringer (T.E. pg. 58)
Inclusion Strategies (T.E. pg. 59)
Teach Activity (T.E. pg. 60)
English Language Learners (T.E. pg, 60)
Connection Activity (T.E. pg. 62)
Activity (T.E. pg. 63)
Reteaching (T.E. pg. 64)
Alternative Assessment (T.E. pg. 64)
o Chapter 3-Section 2
Bellringer (T.E. pg. 80)
English Language Learners (T.E. pg. 81)
Reteaching (T.E. pg 82)
Alternative Assessment (T.E. pg. 82)
Homework (T.E. pg. 82)
o Chapter 4- Section 1
Bellringer (T.E. pg. 94)
English Language Learners (T.E. pg. 95)
Group Activity (T.E. pg. 96)
Connection Activity (T.E. pg. 97)
Cultural Awareness (T.E. pg. 98)
Inclusion Stratgies (T.E. pg. 99)
Reteaching (T.E. pg. 100)
Alternative Assessment (T.E. pg. 100)
School to Home (pg. 100)
o Chapter 4-Section 2
Motivate Discussion (T.E. pg. 102)
Connection To Engineering (pg. 105)
Reteaching (T.E. pg. 106)
Alternative Assessment (T.E. 106)
o Chapter 4-Section 3
Quick lab (pg. 109)
Reteaching (T.E. pg. 110)
Inclusion Strategies (T.E. pg. 110)
Inquiry Lab (Discovering Mini-Ecosystems)
pp. 454
Inquiry Lab (Life in the Desert) pp. 455
CCSS –School to Home (S.E pg. 100)
CCSS –Quick Lab (S.E pg. 109)
Chapter 2- Section 3 pp. 58-65
Chapter 3-Section 2 pp. 80-83
Chapter 4- Section 1 pp. 94-101
Chapter 4-Section 2 pp. 102-107
Chapter 4-Section 3 pp. 108-111
Appendix-Study Skills pp. 473-476
Appendix-Graphic Organizer Instructions
pp. 477-478
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Grade 6-Life Science
Suggested Integrated Activities
Reading\Language Arts
o Using the Figures-Reading\Language Arts(T.E. pg. 53)
o Research Peregrine Falcons-Reading\Language Arts(T.E. pg. 55)
o Alternative Assessment-Reading\Language Arts(T.E. pg. 56)
o Science in Action- Math\Reading\Language\Social Studies(pg. 72-73)
o Connection Activity-Reading\Language Arts (T.E. pg. 104)
o Rigs for Reefs-Reading\Language Arts (T.E. pg. 105)
o English Language Learners- Reading\Language Arts (T.E. pg. 109)
o Alternative Assessment-Reading\Language Arts (T.E. pg. 110)
o Connection to Language-Reading\Language Arts (T.E. pg. 110)
o Science in Action- Math\Reading\Language\Social Studies(pg. 118-119)
Math-Appendix-Useful Equations pp. 481\Math Refresher pp. 483-489
o Math Practice-(T.E. pg. 57)
o Connection to Math- (T.E. pg. 54)
o Connection to Math- (T.E. pg. 61)
o Science in Action- Math\Reading\Language\Social Studies(pg. 72-73)
o Math Practice – (pg. 77)Connection Activity-Math (T.E. pg. 81)
o Science in Action- Reading\Language\Social Studies(pg. 90-91)
o Connection Activity-Math (T.E. pg. 96)
o English Language Learners-Math (T.E. pg. 103)
o Activity-Math (T.E. pg. 109)
o Science in Action- Math\Reading\Language\Social Studies(pg. 118-119)
Social Studies
o Connection to Social Studies –(pg. 64)
o Science in Action- Math\Reading\Language\Social Studies(pg. 72-73)
o Science in Action- Reading\Language\Social Studies(pg. 90-91)
o Cultural Awareness- Social Studies (T.E. pg. 98)
o Cultural Awareness-Social Studies (T.E. p. 103)
o Science in Action- Math\Reading\Language\Social Studies(pg. 118-119)
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Grade 6-Life Science
Standard(s): Grade 6 : Embedded Technology & Engineering
Conceptual Strand: Society benefits when engineers apply scientific discoveries to design materials and processes that
develop into enabling technologies.
Guiding Question: How do science concepts, engineering skills, and applications of technology improve the quality of life?
0607.T/E.1 Explore how technology
responds to social, political, and economic
Connection To Engineering pg. 50
Connection To Technology pg. 77
Connection To Engineering pg. 105
Chapter 1 pp. 4-43
Appendix -Engineering Design
Process pp. 492-493
Connection To Engineering pg. 99
Appendix -Engineering Design
Process pp. 492-493
0607.T/E.1 Use appropriate tools to test for strength,
hardness, and flexibility of materials.
 SPI 0607.T/E.1 Identify the tools and
procedures needed to test the design
features of a prototype.
0607.T/E.2 Know that the engineering
design process involves an ongoing series of
events that incorporate design constraints, model
building, testing, evaluating, modifying, and
0607.T/E.2 Apply the engineering design process to
construct a prototype that meets certain specifications.
 SPI 0607.T/E.2 Evaluate a protocol to
determine if the engineering design process
was successfully applied.
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Grade 6-Life Science
0607.T/E.3 Compare the intended benefits
with the unintended consequences of a new
Connection to Engineering pg. 23
Connection to Engineering pg. 27
Chapter 1 pp. 4-43
0607.T/E.3 Explore how the unintended consequences of
new technologies can impact society.
0607.T/E.4 Research bioengineering technologies that
advance health and contribute to improvements in our
daily lives.
 SPI 0607.T/E.3 Distinguish between the
intended benefits and the unintended
consequences of a new technology.
0607.T/E.4 Describe and explain adaptive and
assistive bioengineered products.
 0607.T/E.5 Develop an adaptive design and
test its effectiveness.
 SPI 0607.T/E.4 Differentiate between
adaptive and assistive bioengineered
products (e.g., food, biofuels, medicines,
integrated pest management).
Alternative Assessment (T.E. g. 28)
Connection Activity Technology (T.E. pg.
Connection Activity Technology (T.E. pg.
Chapter 1 pp. 4-43
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Grade 6-Life Science
Standard(s): Embedded Inquiry
Conceptual Strand: Understandings about scientific inquiry and the ability to conduct inquiry are essential for living in the 21st century.
Guiding Question: What tools, skills, knowledge, and dispositions are needed to conduct scientific inquiry?
0607.Inq.1 Design and conduct open-ended
scientific investigations.
0607.Inq.1 Design and conduct an open-ended scientific
investigation to answer a question that includes a control
and appropriate variables.
 SPI 0607.Inq.1 Design a simple
experimental procedure with an identified
control and appropriate variables.
0607.Inq.2 Use appropriate tools and
techniques to gather, organize, analyze, and
interpret data.
0607.Inq.2 Identify tools and techniques needed to
gather, organize, analyze, and interpret data collected
from a moderately complex scientific investigation.
 SPI 0607.Inq.2 Select tools and procedures
needed to conduct a moderately complex
Start-up Activity (Mission Impossible?) pg. 3
Homework-Using Scientific Methods (T.E. pg. 11)
Group Activity-Solving a Problem (T.E. pg. 14)
Activity-Modeling an Airplane (T.E. pg. 18)
Skills Practice Lab (Up from the Depths) pp. 140-141
Connection to Engineering pg. 157
Homework (T.E. pg. 162)
Inquiry Lab (Boiling Over!) p. 210-211
Skills Practice Lab (Go Fly a Bike!) pp. 456-457
Appendix –Scientific Methods
pp. 490-491
Start-up Activity (Who Eats Whom) pg. 47
Quick Lab (Meeting the Neighbors) pg. 49
Skills Practice Lab (Capturing the Wild Bean) pp. 6667
Skills Practice Lab (Nitrogen Need) pp. 84-85
Start-up Activity (A Mini-Ecosystem) pg. 93
Skills Practice Lab (Too Much of a Good Thing?) pp.
Inquiry Lab (Discovering Mini-Ecosystems) pp. 454
Inquiry Lab (Life in the Desert) pp. 455
Appendix–Scientific Methods
pp. 490-491
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Grade 6-Life Science
0607.Inq.3 Synthesize information to
determine cause and effect relationships between
evidence and explanations.
0607.Inq.3 Use evidence from a dataset to determine
cause and effect relationships that explain a phenomenon.
 SPI 0607.Inq.3 Interpret and translate data
into a table, graph, or diagram.
 SPI 0607.Inq.4 Draw a conclusion that
establishes a cause and effect relationship
supported by evidence.
0607.Inq.4 Recognize possible sources of
bias and error, alternative explanations, and
questions for further exploration.
Chapter 1 pp. 4-43
Skills Practice Lab (Capturing the Wild Bean) pp. 66-67
Chapter 1 pp. 4-43
Appendix pp. –Scientific
Methods pp. 490-491
0607.Inq.4 Review an experimental design to determine
possible sources of bias or error, state alternative
explanations, and identify questions
 SPI 0607.Inq.5 Identify a faulty
interpretation of data that is due to bias or
experimental error.
0607.Inq.5 Communicate scientific
understanding using descriptions, explanations,
and models.
Start-up Activity (Who Eats Whom) pg. 47
Quick Lab (Meeting the Neighbors) pg. 49
Quick Lab (Combustion) pg. 78
Skills Practice Lab (Nitrogen Need) pp. 84-85
Skills Practice Lab (Too Much of a Good Thing?)
pp. 112-113
0607.Inq.2 Identify tools and techniques needed to
gather, organize, analyze, and interpret data collected
from a moderately complex scientific investigation.
0607.Inq.3 Use evidence from a dataset to determine
cause and effect relationships that explain a phenomenon.
 SPI 0607.Inq.3 Interpret and translate data
into a table, graph, or diagram.
 SPI 0607.Inq.4 Draw a conclusion that
establishes a cause and effect relationship
supported by evidence.
Start-up Activity (Who Eats Whom) pg. 47
Quick Lab (Meeting the Neighbors) pg. 49
Skills Practice Lab (Capturing the Wild Bean) pp. 6667
Start-up Activity (Making Rain) pg. 75
Skills Practice Lab (Nitrogen Need) pp. 84-85
Start-up Activity (A Mini-Ecosystem) pg. 93
Connection to Environmental Science pg. 98
Quick Lab (Pond-Food Relationships) pg. 109
Skills Practice Lab (Too Much of a Good Thing?) pp.
Inquiry Lab (Discovering Mini-Ecosystems) pp. 454
Inquiry Lab (Life in the Desert) pp. 455
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Grade 6-Life Science
Additional Resources –Covering the majority of the Life Science GLE’s
Food Chain, Food Webs, Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, Photosynthesis and Games
Ecosystem problem solving
Eco-Cycle: Finding the parts of an ecosystem
Clarification writing: What could I add to the NC Zoo?
Project Wild K-12 Curriculum & Activity Guide
o How Many Bears Can Live In This Forest? pp. 23-27
o Oh Deer! pp. 36-40
o Polar Bears in Phoenix? pp. 125-127
o Adaptation Artistry pp. 128-129
o Ecosystem Facelift pp. 166-171
o Hazardous Links, Possible Solutions pp. 326-329
Life Science Visual Concepts CD-Rom
o Chapter 14- Interactions of Living things
o Chapter 19- Cycles of Nature
o Chapter 20- The Earth’s Ecosystem
Virtual Investigation CD-Rom- Life Science
o Interactions of Living Things
o Cycles in Nature
o The Earth’s Ecosystem
o Animals and Behavior
Interactive Reader and Study Guide (workbooks)
Section Quizzes (end of each section-T.E. only)
Section Reviews(end of each section)
Chapter Reviews (end of each chapter)
TCAP Test Preparation (end of each chapter)
Lab Videos
Lab Generator CD-ROM
Guided Reading Audio CD
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Grade 6-Life Science
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