vita -

August 2015
Social psychology: intimate partner violence (domestic violence);
relationship development and stability
Women’s studies: violence against women in the family
Ph.D. (1974), Sociology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Thesis title: Power Relations and Processes of Person Perception
(Co-chairs, Dorwin Cartwright and Howard Schuman).
MA (1969), Sociology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
Thesis title: Courtship and Commitment: A Study of Cohabitation
on a University Campus (Chair, Howard J. Ehrlich).
B.A. (1965), Sociology, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois.
1155 Oneida St.
State College, PA 16801
(814) 404-6975
The Pennsylvania State University, 1972-present (retired 2005).
Current position: Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Women’s
Studies, and African & African American Studies.
The Pennsylvania State University, 1997-2001.
Associate Head, Department of Sociology.
The Pennsylvania State University, 1985-88.
Research Director, Strategic Study Group on the Status of Women,
Office of the President.
University of Michigan, Department of Sociology. Summer, 1974.
Visiting Assistant Professor.
University of Michigan, Center for Research on Learning and
Teaching, 1971-72. Research Associate.
Johnson - 2
Penn State, College of the Liberal Arts, Emeritus Distinction Award, 2010.
Penn State, College of the Liberal Arts, Stephanie J. Pavouček Shields Award, 2005 (for
contributions to the academic and professional welfare of women at the University).
Fellow, National Council on Family Relations, 2004.
Penn State, Alumni Teaching Fellow Award, 2000-2001 (Penn State’s highest teaching honor).
Penn State, College of the Liberal Arts Outstanding Teacher Award, 1994.
Penn State, Student Services Award, 1993 (in recognition of the founding of the Social Justice
Interest House, now the Martin Luther King, Jr. Interest House).
TEACHING (retired 2005)
Domestic Violence
Feminist Family Sociology
Feminist Sociology
Processes of Relationship Development
Social Psychology of Close Relationships
Teaching Sociology
Current Feminist Issues
Processes of Relationship Development
Women and the Family
Introduction to Women’s Studies
Racism and Sexism
Sociology of Gender
Johnson - 3
Johnson, Michael P. (2008). A Typology of Domestic Violence: Intimate Terrorism, Violent
Resistance, and Situational Couple Violence. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
Hardesty, Jennifer L., Kimberly A. Crossman, Megan L. Haselschwerdt, Marcela Raffaelli, Brian G.
Ogolsky, and Michael P. Johnson. (2015). Toward a standard approach to operationalizing coercive
control and classifying violence types. Journal of Marriage and Family 77 (August), 833-843.
Johnson, Michael P. (2014). Les types de violence familiale. Pp. 15-31 in Maryse RinfretRaynor, Élisabeth Lesieux, Marie-Marthe Cousineau, Sonia Gauthier, and Elizabeth Harper
(Eds.), Violences Envers les Femmes: Réalités Complexes et Nouveaux Enjeux dans un Monde
en Transformation. Québec: Presses Universitaires de l’Université du Québec.
Final draft in English without paging available at my web site
( Distinguishing among types of intimate partner violence:
Intimate terrorism, violent resistance, and situational couple violence.
Johnson, Michael P., Janel M. Leone, & Yili Xu. (2014) Intimate terrorism and situational
couple violence in general surveys: Ex-spouses required. Violence Against Women 20
(February), 186-207.
Hardesty, Jennifer L., Megan L. Haselschwerdt, and Michael P. Johnson. (2012). Domestic
violence and child custody. In Kathryn Kuehnle and Leslie Drozd (Eds.), Parenting Plan
Evaluations: Applied Research for the Family Court (pp. 442-475). New York: Oxford
University Press.
Johnson, Michael P. (2011). Gender and types of intimate partner violence: A response to an
anti-feminist literature review. Aggression and Violent Behavior 16 (July/August), 289-296.
Johnson, Michael P. (2010). Review of Battle Cries: Black Women and Intimate Partner Abuse
by Hillary Potter. Journal of Marriage and Family 72(August), 1033-1035.
Derrington, R., Johnson, M., Menard, A., Ooms, T., & Stanley, S. (2010). Making Distinctions
Among Different Types of Intimate Partner Violence: A Preliminary Guide (36pp). National
Healthy Marriage Resource Center and the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence.
Available at the Healthy Marriage Resource Center Web site:
Johnson, Michael P. (2010). Langhinrichsen-Rohling’s Confirmation of the Feminist Analysis of
Intimate Partner Violence: Comment on “Controversies Involving Gender and Intimate Partner
Violence in the United States. Sex Roles 61.
Johnson - 4
Johnson, Michael P. (2009). Where Do “Domestic Violence” Statistics Come From and Why Do
They Vary So Much? Paper presented at a workshop sponsored by the Healthy Marriage
Resource Center and the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence: Towards a Common
Understanding: Domestic Violence Typologies and Implications for Healthy Marriage and
Domestic Violence Programs. Warrenton, Virginia. Available at the Healthy Marriage Resource
Center Web site:
Johnson, Michael P. (2009). Differentiating among types of domestic violence: Implications for
healthy marriages. In H. Elizabeth Peters and Claire Kamp Dush (Eds.), Marriage and Families:
Complexities and Perspectives (pp. 281-297). New York: Columbia University Press.
Johnson, Michael P. (2009). I heard Mike Johnson retired. Relationship Research News 7(2), 1315.
Johnson, M. P. (2009). Review of Violence: A Microsociological Perspective by Randall Collins.
Journal of Family Theory and Review 1(1), 65-66.
Johnson, Michael P. (2008). Domestic violence and child abuse: What is the connection--do we
know? NCFR Report (December), F17-F19.
Johnson, Michael P. (2008). A Typology of Domestic Violence: Intimate Terrorism, Violent
Resistance, and Situational Couple Violence. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
Kelly, Joan B. and Michael P. Johnson. (2008). Differentiation among types of intimate partner
violence: Research update and implications for interventions. Family Court Review 46 (3), 476499.
Leone, Janel M., Michael P. Johnson, and Catherine M. Cohan. (2007). Victim help-seeking:
Differences between intimate terrorism and situational couple violence. Family Relations 56 (5),
Johnson, Michael P. (2007). Domestic violence: The intersection of gender and control. In Laura
L. O’Toole, Jessica R. Schiffman, & Margie Kiter Edwards (Eds.), Gender Violence:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2nd edition (pp. 257-268). New York: New York University Press.
Also reprinted in Andrew J. Cherlin (Ed.), Public & Private Families, A Reader 5/e, New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2006; and in Arlene S. Skolnick and Jerome H. Skolnick (eds.), Family
in Transition, 15th Edition, New York: Allyn and Bacon.
Menon, Niveditha & Michael P. Johnson. (2007). Patriarchy and paternalism in intimate partner
violence: A study of domestic violence in rural India. In Kamal K. Misra and Janet Huber Lowry
(Eds.), Recent Studies on Indian Women: Empirical Work of Social Scientists (pp. 171-195).
New Delhi: Rawat Publications.
Johnson - 5
Johnson, Michael P. (2006). Conflict and control: Gender, symmetry, and asymmetry in
domestic violence. Violence Against Women 12 (November), 1003-1018. DOI:
Johnson, Michael P. (2006). Gendered communication and intimate partner violence. In Bonnie
J. Dow & Julia T. Wood (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Gender and Communication (pp. 71-87).
Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Johnson, Michael P. (2006). Violence and abuse in personal relationships: Conflict, terror, and
resistance in intimate partnerships. In Anita Vangelisti & Daniel Perlman (Eds.), Cambridge
Handbook of Personal Relationships (pp. 557-576). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Humble, Áine M., Catherine Richards Solomon, Katherine Allen, Karen Blaisure, & Michael P.
Johnson. (2006). Feminism and mentoring of graduate students. Family Relations, 55 (January),
Johnson, Michael P. (2005). Apples and oranges in child custody disputes: Intimate terrorism vs.
situational couple violence. Journal of Child Custody, 2 (4), 43-52.
Also: A brief reply to Dutton. Journal of Child Custody, 2 (4), 65-57.
Johnson, Michael P. (2005). Domestic violence: It’s not about gender—Or is it? Journal of
Marriage and Family, 67 (December), 1126–1130.
Johnson, Michael P. & Janel M. Leone. (2005). The differential effects of intimate terrorism
and situational couple violence: Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey.
Journal of Family Issues, 26 (3), 322-349.
Johnson, Michael P. (2004). Review of Aysan Sev'er, Fleeing the House of Horrors: Women
Who Have Left Abusive Partners. Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, (May – June).
Leone, Janel M., Michael P. Johnson, Catherine M. Cohan, & Susan Lloyd. (2004).
Consequences of male partner violence for low-income minority women. Journal of Marriage
and Family, 66 (May), 471-489.
Johnson, Michael P. (2004). Review of Restorative Justice and Family Violence, edited by
Heather Strang and John Braithwaite. Contemporary Sociology, 33 (PART 1), 96-97.
Johnson, M. P. (2003). Intimate violence and relationship health. In S. M. Jekielek, K. A. Moore,
J. Carrano & G. Matthews (Eds.), Conceptualizing and measuring “healthy marriages” for
empirical research and evaluation studies: Recommendation memos from experts in the field
(pp. 185-193). Washington, DC: Child Trends.
Johnson, Michael P. (2003). Review of Home Truths about Domestic Violence: Feminist
Influences on Policy and Practice, edited by J. Hanmer & C. Itzin. Journal of Social and
Personal Relationships, 20 (2), 263.
Johnson - 6
Kapinus, Carolyn A. and Michael P. Johnson. (2003). The utility of family life cycle as a
theoretical and empirical tool: Commitment and family life-cycle stage. Journal of Family
Issues, 24 (2), 155-184.
Kapinus, Carolyn A. and Michael P. Johnson. (2002). Personal, moral, and structural
commitment to marriage: Gender and the effects of family life cycle stage. Sociological
Focus,35 (2), 189-205.
Johnson, Michael P. (2001). Conflict and control: Symmetry and asymmetry in domestic
violence. In Alan Booth, Ann C. Crouter and Mari Clements (Eds.), Couples in Conflict (pp. 95104). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Johnson, Michael P. (2001). Review of The Violences of Men, by Jeff Hearn. Contemporary
Sociology, 30 (#1), 26-27.
Klein, Renate and Michael P. Johnson. (2000). Conflict in family relationships. In Robert M.
Milardo and Steve Duck (Eds.), Families as Relationships (pp. 79-97). New York: Wiley.
Johnson, Michael P. and Kathleen J. Ferraro. (2000). Research on domestic violence in the
1990s: Making distinctions. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62 (November): 948-963.
Johnson, Michael P. (1999). Personal, moral and structural commitment to relationships:
Experiences of choice and constraint. In Warren H. Jones and Jeffrey M. Adams (Eds.),
Handbook of Interpersonal Commitment and Relationship Stability. New York: Plenum.
Johnson, Michael P., John P. Caughlin, and Ted L. Huston. (1999). The tripartite nature of
marital commitment: Personal, moral and structural reasons to stay married. Journal of
Marriage and the Family, 61 (February), 160-177.
Takei, Yoshimitsu, Michael P. Johnson, and Melvin E. Clark. (1998). Academic achievement
and impression management as factors in the grading of white junior high pupils. Sociological
Perspectives, 41, 27-48.
Klein, Renate and Michael P. Johnson. (1997). Conflict in family relationships. In Steve Duck
(Ed.), Handbook of Personal Relationships (pp. 469-486). New York: Wiley.
Johnson, Michael P. (1996). Violence against women in the family: The United States and
Vietnam. Pp. 287-296 in Kathleen Barry (ed.), Vietnam's Women in Transition. New York: St.
Martin’s Press.
Johnson, Michael P. (1995). Commitment. Pp. 121-125 in David Levinson (Ed.), Encyclopedia
of Marriage and the Family. New York: Macmillan.
Johnson - 7
Johnson, Michael P. (1995). Patriarchal terrorism and common couple violence: Two forms of
violence against women in U.S. families. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 57 (May): 283294. Reprinted in Harry Reis and Caryl Rusbult (Eds.), Key Readings in Close Relationships.
New York: Taylor and Francis, 2003.
Johnson, Michael P. (1995). Violence against women in the family in Vietnam and the United
States. In Bui Thi Kim Quy (ed.), The Family and the Status of Women. Ho Chi Minh City:
Institute for Social Research. (In Vietnamese).
Johnson, Michael P. and Jennifer R. Johnson. (1994). Migration of undocumented aliens to
Pennsylvania. Globehead!, 1 (December): 30-31. (A satirical regression).
Blair, Sampson L. and Michael P. Johnson. (1991). Wives’ perceptions of the fairness of the
division of household labor. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 54 (August): 570-581.
Johnson, Michael P., Ted L. Huston, Stanley O. Gaines Jr. and George Levinger. (1991).
Patterns of married life among young couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 9:
Johnson, Michael P. (1991). Commitment to personal relationships. In Warren H. Jones and
Daniel Perlman (Eds.), Advances in Personal Relationships, Volume 3 (pp. 117-143). London:
Jessica Kingsley.
Johnson, Michael P. (1991). Reply to Levinger and Rusbult. In Warren H. Jones and Daniel
Perlman (Eds.), Advances in Personal Relationships, Volume 3 (pp. 171-176). London: Jessica
Moore, Kathryn and Michael P. Johnson. (1989). The status of women and minorities in the
professoriate: The role of affirmative action and equity. In Greg Lozier and Michael Dooris
(Eds.), Managing Faculty Resources. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Taylor, Marylee C. and Michael P. Johnson. (1986). Strategies for linking individual
psychology and social structure: Interdisciplinary and crossdisciplinary social psychology.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 25: 181-192.
Leslie, Leigh A., Ted L. Huston and Michael P. Johnson. (1986). Parental reactions to dating
relationships: Do they make a difference? Journal of Marriage and the Family 48 (February):
Johnson, Michael P. (1986). The dimensionality of perspectives on premarital sex. Journal of
Sex Research 22 (February): 94-107.
Johnson, Michael P. and Robert M. Milardo. (1984). Network interference in pair relationships:
A social psychological recasting of Slater's (1963) theory of social regression. Journal of
Marriage and the Family, 46 (November): 893-899.
Johnson - 8
Milardo, Robert M., Ted L. Huston and Michael P. Johnson. (1983). Developing close
relationships: Changing patterns of interaction between pair members and social networks.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44 (#5): 964-976.
Johnson, Michael P. (1982). Social and cognitive features of the dissolution of commitment to
relationships. Pp. 51-73 in Steve Duck (ed.), Personal Relationships 4: Dissolving Personal
Relationships. New York: Academic Press.
Johnson, Michael P. and Leigh A. Leslie. (1982). Couple involvement and network structure: A
test of the dyadic withdrawal hypothesis. Social Psychology Quarterly, 45 (March): 34-43.
Johnson, Michael P. and Edward J. Walsh. (1978). Grade inflation or better comprehension:
Self-scheduled instruction in introductory sociology. Teaching Sociology, 5 (July): 363-378.
Shotland, R. Lance and Michael P. Johnson. (1978). Bystander behavior and kinesics: The
interaction between the helper and victim. Environmental Psychology and Nonverbal Behavior,
2 (Spring): 181-190.
Sell, Ralph R. and Michael P. Johnson. (1977). Income and occupational differences between
men and women in the United States. Sociology and Social Research, 62 (October): 1-20.
Schuman, Howard and Michael P. Johnson. (1976). Attitudes and behavior. Pp. 161-207 in
Alex Inkeles (Ed.), Annual Review of Sociology, 1976. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, Inc.
Johnson, Michael P. and Ralph R. Sell. (1976). The cost of being black: A 1970 update.
American Journal of Sociology, 82 (July): 183-90.
Johnson, Michael P. (1973). Commitment: A conceptual analysis and empirical application.
Sociological Quarterly, 14 (Summer): 395-406.
Johnson, Michael P. and William L. Ewens. (1971). Power relations and affective style as
determinants of confidence in impression formation in a game situation. Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology, 7 (January): 98-110.
Distinguishing among types of intimate partner violence. The Tavistock Centre for Couple
Relationships. London, England. June, 2014.
Att skilja på olika typer av våld i nära relation (full day workshop). Borlänge kommun. Borlänge,
Sweden. April 2014.
Distinguishing among types of intimate partner violence (two day workshop). Mottagningen mot
våld i nära relationer i Uppsala (MVU). Uppsala, Sweden. April 2014.
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Distinguishing among types of intimate partner violence (full day workshop). Silent Witness
Nova Scotia/RCMP Halifax Detachment. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. March 2014.
Distinguishing among types of intimate partner violence (full day workshop). Family Advocacy
Staff Training, U.S. Marine Corps. Quantico, Virginia. March 2014.
Are women as violent as men in intimate relationships? Glasgow Caledonian University.
Glasgow, Scotland. February 2014.
Understanding the typology of domestic abuse. COPFS and Police Scotland. Glasgow, Scotland.
February 2014.
Distinguishing among types of intimate partner violence. West Lothian Council/White Ribbon
Scotland. West Lothian, Livingston, Scotland. February 2014.
Types of intimate partner violence: Implications for children (multiple presentations). CAADA
(Coordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse). London, England. February 2014.
Distinguishing among types of domestic violence: Research evidence and implications for policy
and practice (one day workshop). U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program Staff Training. San
Antonio, Texas. March 2013.
Types of Domestic Violence: Research Evidence and Implications for Policy and Practice (one
day workshop). U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program. Garmisch, Germany. May 2012.
Types of Domestic Violence: Research Evidence and Implications for Policy and Practice (one
day workshop). Correctional Service of Canada. Kingston, Ontario. March 2012.
Types of Domestic Violence: Research Evidence and Implications for Policy and Practice (two
webinars). Calgary Counselling Centre. February 2012.
Distinguishing Among Types of Domestic Violence (webinar). Calgary Domestic Violence
Collective Board. January 2012.
Distinguishing Among Types of Domestic Violence (plenary plus workshop). Third Nordic
Conference on Violence and Treatment. Oslo, Norway. October 2011.
Thinking Outside the Box with Men Who Use Violence in their Relationships (one day
workshop for practitioners). Thunder Bay Violence Against Women Service System
Management Table. Thunder Bay, Ontario. March, 2011.
Distinguishing Among Types of Domestic Violence (webinar). National Healthy Marriage
Resource Center. January 2011.
Types of Intimate Partner Violence and Implications for Policy and Practice (one day workshop
Johnson - 10
for practitioners). Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women and Children
and the London Coordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse. London, Ontario. October,
Thinking Outside the Box with Men Who Use Violence in their Relationships (one day
workshop for practitioners). Catholic Family Services, Peel-Dufferin. Missisauga, Ontario. June,
Types of Intimate Partner Violence and Implications for Policy (two day workshop for
practitioners). Catholic Family Services. Ottawa, Ontario. February, 2010.
Domestic Violence Typologies and Relationship and Marriage Education Programs (one day
workshop for practitioners). Oklahoma Marriage Initiative and Family Expectations. Oklahoma
City. June, 2009.
Types of Intimate Partner Violence and the Implications of Differential Treatment (one day
workshop for practitioners). Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance. Boise,
Idaho. September, 2008.
Invited presentation: “Types of domestic violence: Research evidence and implications.” CriViff (Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Domestic Violence and Violence Against
Women). Montreal, Canada. March 2013.
Invited plenary speaker: “Distinguishing among types of domestic violence: Research evidence.”
Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 3. Toronto, Canada. February 2013.
Invited presentation: “Distinguishing among types of domestic violence: Implications for policy
and practice.” Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 3. Toronto, Canada. February 2013.
Invited presentation: “Distinguishing among types of domestic violence.” Typologies seminar.
Queensland Center for Domestic and Family Violence Research. Brisbane, Australia. February
Invited keynote speaker: “Types of domestic violence: Research evidence and implications.”
Women’s Refuge Domestic Violence Conference. Blenheim, New Zealand. October 2012.
Invited plenary speaker: “Types of domestic violence: Research evidence.” Third Nordic
Conference on Barnet og Rusen. Sandefjord, Norway. September 2012.
Invited presentation: “Types of domestic violence: Implications for Policy and Practice.” Third
Nordic Conference on Barnet og Rusen. Sandefjord, Norway. September 2012.
Invited keynote speaker: “Distinguishing among types of intimate partner violence: Intimate
terrorism, violent resistance, and situational couple violence.” Second International Conference
Johnson - 11
on Violence Against Women entitled Violence Against Women: Complex Realities and New
Issues in a Changing World. Montreal, Quebec. May, 2011.
Invited presentation: “Gender and types of intimate partner violence: A response to the antifeminist critique.” Expert Study Group on Controversial Issues in Understanding and Intervening
in Partner Violence. Haifa University. Haifa, Israel. October, 2010.
Invited plenary speaker: Different types of intimate partner violence, different connections to
child abuse. 2010 Joining Together: Issues and Initiatives in Child Maltreatment. Canadian
Society for the Investigation of Child Abuse. Calgary. May, 2010.
Invited participant: Types of domestic violence and implications for development. Expert
Workshop on Violence Against Women: Disabling Development. Geneva Declaration on Armed
Violence and Development. Geneva, Switzerland. March, 2010.
Invited presentation and consultation: Types of domestic violence: Research evidence and policy
implications. Public Strategies. Oklahoma City. June, 2009.
Invited presentation: “Where Do “Domestic Violence” Statistics Come From and Why Do They
Vary So Much?” Presented at Workshop sponsored by the Healthy Marriage Resource Center
and the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence: Towards a Common Understanding:
Domestic Violence Typologies and Implications for Healthy Marriage and Domestic Violence
Programs. Warrenton, Virginia. May, 2009.
Johnson, M. P., Leone, J. M., & Xu, Y. “Gender, intimate terrorism, and situational couple
violence in survey data.” To be presented at the National Council on Family Relations annual
meeting. Little Rock, Arkansas. November, 2008.
Invited presentation: “Intimate terrorism and other types of domestic violence.” Presented at the
9th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. Merida, Mexico. March 2008.
Invited presentation: “Intimate terrorism and other types of domestic violence.” Presented at the
National Council on Family Relations annual meeting. Pittsburgh, PA. November, 2007.
Invited presentation: “Reconciling the differences: Types of domestic violence.” Presented at the
Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges/American Judges Association Joint
International Educational Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. September 2007.
Invited presentation: "Intimate terrorism and other forms of domestic violence." Council on
Contemporary Families, 10th Anniversary Celebration Conference. Chicago. May 2007.
Invited participant. Domestic Violence and Family Courts. Sponsored by the Association of
Family and Conciliation Courts, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and
the Wingspread Foundation. Racine, Wisconsin. February 2007.
Johnson - 12
Invited member of plenary panel on critical race feminism. National Council on Family
Relations annual meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 2006.
Discussant, session on intersections of violence and parenting. National Council on Family
Relations annual meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 2006.
Invited participant. Lunching with the Legends. National Council on Family Relations annual
meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 2006.
“A ‘general’ theory of intimate partner violence: A working paper.” Presented at the Theory
Construction and Research Methodology Pre-Conference Workshop, National Council on
Family Relations annual meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 2006.
“Demographic characteristics of violent couples: The need for distinctions.” Presented at the
National Council on Family Relations annual meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November
2006. (with Janel Leone)
Invited participant. Building Bridges: Marriage, Fatherhood, and Domestic Violence. Sponsored
by the Center for Law and Social Policy, the Association of State Legislatures, and the
Wingspread Foundation. Racine, Wisconsin. May 2006.
Invited presentation: “Differentiating among types of domestic violence: Implications for healthy
marriage.” Cornell Conference on Marriage and Family. Ithaca, New York. April 2006.
Invited presentation: “Gender, control, and domestic violence.” Interdisciplinary Relationship
Science Program, UCLA. Los Angeles. February, 2006.
Invited presentation: “Different types of violence, different safety issues: Intimate terrorism and
situational couple violence.” Presented at the Promoting the Safety of Women and their Children
When Women Separate from Violent Partners Pre-Conference Workshop, National Council on
Family Relations. Phoenix, Arizona. November 2005.
Discussion paper: “Agency and violence.” Presented at the Theory Construction and Research
Methodology Pre-Conference Workshop, National Council on Family Relations. Phoenix,
Arizona. November 2005.
Invited presentation: “Gender, control, and domestic violence.” Greater Philadelphia Healthy
Marriages Conference. Philadelphia. April 2005.
“Effects and non-effects of childhood experiences of family violence on adult partner violence.”
Presented at the National Council on Family Relations annual meeting. Orlando, Florida.
November 2004. (with Alison Cares)
“Differences in women’s perceived social support: An examination of two types of violent
relationships.” Presented at the National Council on Family Relations annual meeting. Orlando,
Florida. November 2004. (with Janel M. Leone and Catherine L. Cohan)
Johnson - 13
“Domestic violence in rural India: Some theoretical implications.” Paper presented at the
National Council on Family Relations annual meeting. Orlando, Florida. November, 2004. (with
Niveditha Menon)
“Exploring differences: Domestic violence in rural India.” Paper presented at the Annual
Conference on South Asia. Madison, Wisconsin. October, 2004. (with Niveditha Menon)
“Examining results of the feminist study of domestic violence in rural India.” Roundtable
presentation at the American Sociological Association annual meeting. San Francisco, California.
August, 2004. (with Niveditha Menon)
“A feminist study of domestic violence in rural India.” Paper presented at the Population
Association of America annual meeting. Boston, Massachusetts. April, 2004. (with Niveditha
“The study of domestic violence in India.” Paper presented at the 1st Annual Graduate Student
Conference on South Asia, Cornell University. Ithaca, New York. March, 2004. (with Niveditha
“Feminist mentoring and mentoring feminists.” National Council on Family Relations annual
meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia. November 2003.
Discussant: papers on family violence. National Council on Family Relations annual meetings.
Vancouver, British Columbia. November 2003.
Discussion paper: a dialectical approach to domestic violence theory. Theory Construction and
Research Methodology Workshop, National Council on Family Relations annual meetings.
Vancouver, British Columbia. November 2003.
“Help-seeking among women in violent relationships: Factors associated with formal and
informal help utilization.” Paper presented at National Council on Family Relations annual
meetings. Vancouver, British Columbia. November, 2003. (with Janel M. Leone and Catherine
L. Cohan)
Discussion paper: session on social constructionism, chaos theory, and commitment. Theory
Construction and Research Methodology Workshop, National Council on Family Relations
annual meetings. Houston, Texas. November 2002.
“The effects of different types of domestic violence on women: Intimate terrorism vs. situational
couple violence.” Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations annual meetings.
Houston, Texas. November 2002. (with Valerie Conklin and Niveditha Menon).
Invited presentation: “Gender, control, and domestic violence.” Presented to the Department of
Human Ecology, University of Texas, Austin, April, 2002.
Johnson - 14
Invited presentation: “Gender, control, and domestic violence.” Presented to the School of
Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, February, 2002.
Invited presentation (Schonberger Lecture): “Gender, control, and domestic violence: The
importance of making distinctions among types of partner violence.” University of Maine,
Orono, October, 2001.
“Consequences of different types of domestic violence for low-income, ethnic women: A
control-based typology of male-partner violence.” Presented at the International Network on
Personal Relationships. Prescott, Arizona. June 2001. (with Janel M. Leone, Catherine M.
Cohan, and Susan Lloyd.
Invited keynote address: “Conflict and control: Symmetry and asymmetry in domestic violence.”
National Institute of Justice Gender Symmetry Workshop. Arlington, VA. October 2000.
Roundtable discussion: “Domestic violence activism outside of the classroom.” Session on
feminist praxis, National Council on Family Relations annual meetings. Minneapolis,
Minnesota. November 2000.
Discussant: Papers on feminism and caring. National Council on Family Relations annual
meetings. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 2000.
Organizer: International Panel on Issues in Domestic Violence. 10th International Conference on
Personal Relationships. Brisbane, Australia. June, 2000. (with Renate Klein)
“The differential effects of patriarchal terrorism and common couple violence: Findings from the
National Violence Against Women Survey.” Paper presented at the 10th International
Conference on Personal Relationships. Brisbane, Australia. June, 2000. (with Janel Leone)
“Two types of violence against women in the family: Identifying patriarchal terrorism and
common couple violence.” Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations annual
meetings. Irvine, California. November 1999.
Invited paper: “Conflict and control: Images of symmetry and asymmetry in domestic violence.”
Presented at Families in Conflict Symposium. Penn State, University Park, PA. October 1999.
Invited plenary address: “Commitment and entrapment: Wife-beating in America.” 9th
International Conference on Personal Relationships. Saratoga Springs, New York. June, 1998.
“The utility of family life cycle as a theoretical tool.” Paper presented at the National Council on
Family Relations annual meetings. Kansas City. November, 1996. (with Carolyn Kapinus).
“The nature of commitment.” Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations
annual meetings. Kansas City. November, 1996. (with John Caughlin and Ted L. Huston).
Johnson - 15
Discussion paper: session on feminism and conceptualization in family theory. Theory
Construction and Research Methodology workshop, National Council on Family Relations
annual meetings. Kansas City, MO. November 1996.
“Personal, moral and structural commitment to marriage: Gender and the effects of children.”
Paper presented at the American Sociological Association annual meetings. New York. August,
1996. (with Carolyn Kapinus).
“The experience of commitment: Personal, moral and structural commitment.” Paper presented
at the International Conference on Personal Relationships. Banff. August, 1996.
Discussant: papers on domestic violence. International Conference on Personal Relationships.
Banff. August, 1996.
Discussant: papers on longitudinal family research. National Council on Family Relations
annual meetings. Portland, Oregon. November, 1995.
Discussant: papers on feminist theory. National Council on Family Relations annual meetings.
Portland, Oregon. November, 1995.
“Parent-child support systems and parental well-being: Implications for single-mothers' wellbeing.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association annual meetings.
Washington, DC. August, 1995. (with Sampson Lee Blair).
“Academic achievement and impression management as factors in the grading of white junior
high pupils.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual
meetings. San Francisco, CA. April, 1995. (with Yoshimitsu Takei and Melvin E. Clark).
Roundtable presentation: "Balancing the maintenance and delegation of authority in feminist
classrooms in lecture and discussion formats, "National Council on Family Relations annual
meetings. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November, 1994.
Panel discussion: "Gender, justice and families: A dialogue among women and men." National
Council on Family Relations. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November, 1994.
Invited Research Update for Practitioners: “Gender dynamics in intimate environments:
Feminist insights for families.” National Council on Family Relations annual meetings.
Minneapolis, Minnesota. November, 1994 (with Constance L. Shehan).
"Patriarchal terrorism and ordinary couple violence: Two forms of violence against women in
U.S. families." Seventh International Conference on Personal Relationships. Groningen,
Netherlands. July, 1994.
Panel discussion: "Pushing the boundaries of research and theory and commitment." Seventh
International Conference on Personal Relationships. Groningen, Netherlands. July, 1994.
Johnson - 16
"Violence against women in the American family: Are there two forms?" Presented at Preconference Theory Construction and Research Methodology Workshop, National Council on
Family Relations, Baltimore, Maryland. November, 1993.
"Violence against women in the American family: Institutional and interactional perspectives."
Presented at the Institute for Social Research, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. January, 1993.
Discussion paper: session on domestic violence. Pre-conference Theory Construction and
Research Methodology Workshop, National Council on Family Relations annual meetings,
Orlando, Florida. November, 1992.
"Wives' perceptions of the fairness of the division of household labor: The intersection of
housework and ideology." Paper presented at American Sociological Association annual
meetings. Cincinnati, Ohio. August, 1991 (with Sampson Blair).
"A symbolic interactionist analysis of commitment to lines of action." Paper presented at
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction annual meetings. San Francisco, California.
Spring, 1991 (with Jeffrey Ulmer).
Discussion paper: Session on feminist theory. Theory Construction and Research Methodology
Workshop. National Council on Family Relations annual meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana.
November, 1990.
Discussion paper: Session on feminist theory. Theory Construction and Research Methodology
Workshop. National Council on Family Relations annual meeting. Seattle, Washington.
November, 1989.
Moderator: Papers on gender and household work. Theory Construction and Research
Methodology Workshop. National Council on Family Relations annual meeting. Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. November, 1988.
Roundtable Facilitation: Relationship dilemmas for the heterosexual feminist male. National
Council on Family Relations annual meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November, 1988
(with Stephen Marks).
Discussion paper: Session on love. Theory Construction and Research Methodology Workshop.
National Council on Family Relations annual meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. November, 1987.
Discussion paper: Session on commitment to parent-child relationships. Theory Construction
and Research Methodology Workshop. National Council on Family Relations annual meeting.
Dearborn, Michigan. November, 1986.
"Commitment, cohesion, investment, barriers, alternatives and constraint: Some propositions."
Paper presented at the International Conference on Personal Relationships. Tel Aviv, Israel.
July, 1986.
Johnson - 17
"Sexual harassment and other institutional research at Penn State." Paper presented at the
Eastern Sociological Society annual meetings. New York. April, 1986.
"Commitment, cohesion, investment, barriers, alternatives, constraint: Why do people stay
together when they really don't want to." Paper presented at the Theory Construction and
Research Methodology Workshop, National Council on Family Relations annual meeting.
Dallas, Texas. November, 1985.
"Understanding parent-child relations in later life: An application of Kelley's personal
relationship framework." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological
Association. Washington, DC. 1985 (with Susan Shuman).
"The consequences of sexual harassment on the job: Clerical workers in higher education."
Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. Washington,
DC. 1985 (with J. K. Ross and S. B. Shuman).
"Network structure and the development of dating relationships." Presented at the annual
meetings of the National Council on Family Relations. San Francisco, California. 1984 (with
Leigh A. Leslie).
"Courtship as the development of commitment to a relationship." Paper presented at the Second
International Conference on Personal Relationships. Madison, Wisconsin. 1984.
"Networks and dyads: On the measurement error that wasn't, but might have been." Paper
presented at the Sunbelt Social Network Conference, 1984. (with R. M. Milardo and F. S. Sim).
"Courtship as the development of commitment to a relationship." National Council on Family
Relations, St. Paul, Minnesota. 1983. (with Susan Shuman).
"Understanding parent-child relations in later life: An application of Kelley's personal
relationship framework." Preconference Theory Construction and Research Methodology
Workshop. National Council on Family Relations. St. Paul, 1983. (with Susan Shuman).
Discussant: Social Psychology section. Papers on interdependence theory, self-presentation,
attitudes and behavior and small groups theory. American Sociological Association meetings.
San Francisco, California. 1982.
Discussant: Papers on networks and close relationships. International Conference on Personal
Relationships. Madison, Wisconsin, 1982.
Discussion paper: Session on family stress theory. Preconference Theory and Methods
workshop. National Council on Family Relations meetings. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1981.
"Network interference in pair relationships: A test of Slater's (1962) theory of social regression."
National Council on Family Relations Meetings. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1981 (with Robert M.
Johnson - 18
Discussion paper: Session on jealousy and network-dyad relationships read at Preconference
Theory and Methods workshop, National Council on Family Relations meetings. Portland,
Oregon, 1980.
Organizer and Chair: Session on networks and dyads. National Council on Family Relations
meetings. Portland, Oregon, 1980.
Discussant: Social Psychology section. North Central Sociological Society meetings, 1979.
"Personal and structural commitment: Sources of consistency in the development of
relationships." Paper read at National Council on Family Relations meetings, 1978.
"Some perspectives on the state of social psychology." Paper read at American Sociological
Association meetings, 1978 (with Marylee C. Taylor).
Workshop co-leader: "Teaching undergraduate social psychology." North Central Sociological
Society meetings, 1978.
Session Co-chair: "Some perspectives on the state of the social sciences." Pennsylvania
Sociological Society meetings, 1977.
"The crisis in social psychology." Paper presented at Pennsylvania Sociological Society
meetings, 1977 (with Marylee Taylor).
"Issues in faculty organization at The Pennsylvania State University." Paper presented at
Pennsylvania Sociological Society meetings, 1977 (with Larry D. Spence, Francis M. Sim, and
Marylee C. Taylor).
Workshop co-leader: "The best course in social psychology for undergraduates that I can
imagine." American Sociological Association meetings, 1977.
"The role of commitment in social problems theory." Paper read at Society for the Study of
Social Problems meetings, 1976.
"Bystander intervention: Norm conflict as an explanation of bystander reaction to situational
characteristics of emergencies." Paper read at American Sociological Association meetings,
1975 (with R. Lance Shotland).
"The cost of being black: 1970." Paper read at American Sociological Association meetings,
1975 (with Ralph R. Sell).
"Some issues in the area of courtship and cohabitation." Position paper prepared as discussion
facilitator at Groves Conference on Marriage and the Family, 1973.
Johnson - 19
"Sharing laboratory tasks." Paper read at West Coast Conference for Small Group Research,
1973 (with Francis S. Sim).
Panel member: "Premarital cohabitation." Midwest Sociological Society meetings, 1972.
"Power, personalism, and affective style as determinants of confidence in impression formation."
Paper read at American Psychological Association meetings, 1969 (with William L. Ewens).
“Sexual harassment of students at The Pennsylvania State University.” University Park,
Pennsylvania: Department of Sociology, 1983 (with Susan B. Shuman).
“The sexual harassment of clerical workers at University Park.” University Park,
Pennsylvania: Department of Sociology, 1986 (with Susan B. Shuman).
“Gender differences in faculty salaries at The Pennsylvania State University: Report to
the Strategic Group on the Status of Women.” University Park, Pennsylvania: Strategic
Study Group on the Status of Women, 1986.
“Recruiting women faculty at The Pennsylvania State University: Report to the Strategic
Study Group on the Status of Women.” University Park, Pennsylvania: Strategic Study
Group on the Status of Women, 1986.
“Hershey Medical Center and Elizabethtown Hospital: Family care needs assessment.”
University Park, PA: Strategic Study Group on the Status of Women, 1987.
“Report on family care needs at three Penn State locations.” University Park,
Pennsylvania: Strategic Study Group on the Status of Women, 1987 (with Sandy J.
Strategic Study Group on the Status of Women, Reports to the President and the
Commission for Women, The Pennsylvania State University, 1986-88. The following
papers were written during my tenure as research director of the Strategic Study Group
on the Status of Women (Kathryn M. Moore, Chair). They involve a variety of mixtures
of data analysis, literature review and policy analysis. Each paper provides the rationale
for a set of policy recommendations for The Pennsylvania State University (a total of 192
specific recommendations). They are the product of two years of work with an excellent
staff and a thoughtful committee.
Package 1, November, 1986:
Recommendation A:
Recommendation B:
Recommendation C:
Recommendation D:
Job Assessment and Evaluation
Recruitment of Women Faculty
Part-time Benefits and Compensation
Recruitment of Women Administrators
Johnson - 20
Package 2, April, 1987:
Recommendation E:
Recommendation F:
Recommendation G:
Recommendation H:
Package 3, July, 1987:
Recommendation I:
Recommendation J:
Recommendation K:
Package 4, December, 1987:
Recommendation L:
Recommendation M:
Recommendation N:
Recommendation O:
Recommendation P:
Recommendation Q:
Recommendation R:
Package 5, March, 1988:
Recommendation S:
Recommendation T:
Recommendation U:
Recommendation V:
Recommendation W:
Recommendation X:
Recommendation Y:
Recommendation Z:
Final Report, March, 1988.
Family-Responsive and Flexible Employee Benefits
Clerical Advancement and Development
Retention and Advancement of Women Faculty
Sexual Harassment of Students
“Chilly” Classroom Climate
Dual Career Recruitment and Retention
Employee Relations and Representation
Women of Color
Sexual Minorities
Returning Adult Students
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual Violence Against Women
Women's Athletics
Health Services for Women Students
Family Care Policy
Women's Studies Program
Curriculum Integration
Center for Women Students
Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Staff Exempt and Staff Non-Exempt Employees
The Leadership Share
Advocacy for Women
Editorial Board
ISSPR Bulletin (Editor, 1992-1996)
Journal of Family Issues (1996-2010)
Journal of Family Theory and Review (2005-present)
Journal of Marriage and the Family (1997-2004)
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (1989-2006)
Personal Relationships (1993-2007)
Social Psychology Quarterly (1985-1987)
American Journal of Sociology
American Sociological Review
Family Relations
Gender & Society
Johnson - 21
International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
Journal of Family Issues
Journal of Marriage and the Family
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Leisure Studies
Personal Relationships
Rural Sociology
Sex Roles
Social Forces
Social Problems
Social Psychology Quarterly
Sociological Inquiry
Sociology and Social Research
Symbolic Interaction
Teaching Sociology
Associate Head, Department of Sociology, 1998-2001.
Undergraduate Program Officer, Department of Sociology, 3 years.
Research Director: Strategic Study Group on the Status of Women, Office of the President, The
Pennsylvania State University, 1985-1988.
Committee Chair (various years):
Sociology Faculty Search Committee
Sociology Graduate Curriculum Committee (incl. during a major curriculum revision)
Sociology Social Psychology Committee
Women's Studies Curriculum Committee (incl. during a major curriculum revision)
Women's Studies Faculty Search Committee
Women’s Studies Graduate Committee
Women’s Studies Promotion & Tenure Committee
Committee Member (various years):
Sociology Bachelor of Science Committee
Sociology Candidacy Examination Committee
Sociology Faculty Search Committee
Sociology Graduate Committee
Sociology Introductory Course Improvement Committee
Sociology Methods Curriculum Committee
Sociology MOST Committee
Sociology Planning Committee
Sociology Sim Lecture Committee
Sociology Tenure and Promotion Committee
Sociology Undergraduate Committee
Johnson - 22
Women's Studies Advisory Committee
Women's Studies Curriculum Committee
Women's Studies Director Search Committee
Women's Studies Executive Committee
Women’s Studies Faculty Search Committee
Women’s Studies Graduate Committee
Women’s Studies Undergraduate Committee
Liberal Arts Teaching Awards Committee
Liberal Arts Student Affairs Committee
Liberal Arts Freshman Seminar Committee
Liberal Arts Basic Degree Requirements Committee
University Health Service Continuous Quality Improvement Committee
University Coalition to Address Relationship and Sexual Violence
Founding Faculty Aide: Social Justice House (now Martin Luther King House). Dormitory
Interest House Program.
Faculty Advisor: Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Student Alliance (various years)
Faculty Advisor: Coalition of LGBTA Graduate Students (2002-2004)
Johnson - 23
International Association for Relationship Research (from founding of ISSPR in 1986 to
Program Committee (2007-2008)
Publications Committee (2003-2005)
Board of Directors (1996-1999)
Elections Officer (1996-1999)
Chair: Awards Committee, (1992-96)
Founding Advisory Board Member, ISSPR
National Council on Family Relations (1974-present)
JMF Editor Search Committee (2011)
Elections Council (2005-2008), Co-chair (2007-2008)
Chair, Ernest W. Burgess Award Committee (2005-2007)
Conference Planning Committee (2003-2005)
Research and Theory Section member
Section Chair (2003-2005)
Nominating Committee (1998-2000)
Section Vice Chair (1994-96)
Reuben Hill Award Committee, Chair (1995-96)
Reuben Hill Award Committee, member (multiple times)
Ethnic Minorities Section member
Feminism and Family Studies Section member
Executive Committee member (1999-2001)
Editor, Newsletter (1999-2001)
Theory Construction and Research Methodology Workshop, Chair (1999)
Council for Contemporary Families (2005-present)
Sociologists for Women in Society (1987-present)
Intermittently a member of APA, ASA, NWSA, SSSI.