Year 3 and 4 SMSC and British Values Overview 2015/2016 Spiritual Islam Worship Christian Worship Open the book Circle Time Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Open the book The Christmas journey Harvest Assembly Christmas Carol Service Circle Time Christmas decorations for the tree festival Encourage children to attend Newent for the turning on of the Christmas lights. Open the book Who was Jesus? Circle Time Moral Behaviour logs Class charter Behaviour charts/systems Police Internet Safety talk School Golden Rules Personal responsibilities Edit and improve our work PGL Harvest – Lord’s Larder Behaviour logs Behaviour charts/systems Class Charter Anti-bullying weekmake me a superhero Being kind Edit, improve and publish our work Cultural Christian Worship French lessons Islam worship NCS cooking PSHCE Social Issues Internet Safety Personal responsibility 10 commandments Behaviour logs Behaviour charts/systems Social Clubs House Assembly Sports events NCS cooking Dentist visit PGL Book Fair Harvest – Lord’s Larder Anti-bullying weekmake me a superhero House Assembly Sports events Children in Need Talent show Encourage children to attend Newent for the turning on of the Christmas lights. Christmas decorations Nature Explorers House Assembly Sports events Christmas Harvest – Lord’s Larder Comparing Tudor times to life now Tudor monarchs Kindness and anti-bullying Anti-bullying Week celebrationMake me a superhero Pantomime – Snow Queen Making decisions Keeping safe British Values Electing House captains/Class captains Setting up class charter/rules Introducing Golden Rules Open the book Weekly school council meetings and feedback House competitions- sports Talk partners Learning Traditional Hymns PGL Trying a variety of fruit (taste testing and describing). Open the book Weekly school council meetings and feedback Christmas Children voting on new school dinner menu Remembrance – Minutes Silence Celebrating the Queen becoming the longest reigning monarch House competitions- sports Talk partners Traditional Hymns Children in Need Tudor monarchs Voting during Picklenash Has Talent Open the book Weekly school council meetings and feedback House competitions- sports Year 3 and 4 SMSC and British Values Overview 2015/2016 Tudor trip to Gloucester Cathedral Term 4 Term 5 Open the book Easter - failure and forgiveness Jesus talking to Peter after the resurrection Easter Service Circle Time Open the book Christianity with references to other religions Circle Time Term 6 Open the book How do religious families practise their faith and how does it influence their life? Circle Time Egyptians Class Charter Keeping safe Edit and improve our work Tudor trip to Gloucester Cathedral Behaviour logs Behaviour charts/systems Class Charter British values Edit and improve our work Behaviour logs Behaviour charts/systems Class Charter Internet safety and media influences Edit and improve our work Behaviour logs Behaviour charts/systems Class Charter Growing up Life Ed bus Edit and improve our work Pantomime – Snow Queen Back of the net internet safety play for Year 4. Tudor trip to Gloucester Cathedral House Assembly Sports events Cooking at Community School House Assembly Sports events UK region study House Assembly Sports events Life Ed bus Move up day Visiting Ann Cam for internet safety play (Year 4). Tudor trip to Gloucester Cathedral Artist study Back of the net internet safety play for Year 4. Tudor trip to Gloucester Cathedral Citizenship and British values Talk partners Traditional Hymns Tudor trip to Gloucester Cathedral Open the book Weekly school council meetings and feedback Talk partners Sports relief Traditional Hymns House competitions- sports Bristol Zoo – habitats UK region study How do religious families practise their faith and how does it influence their life? Egyptians Move up day Bristol Zoo trip – safety Internet safety and media influence Growing Up Open the book Weekly school council meetings and feedback Talk partners Traditional Hymns House competitions- sports Open the book Weekly school council meetings and feedback Talk Partners Traditional Hymns Sports day House competitions- sports