Weather Forecast Directions and Rubric

_____________________________, The Weather Forecast Broadcaster
What’s The Forecast?
Channel 2 has just contacted our school. They are looking for students to help them with their weather forecasting. They somehow learned
that our class was studying weather forecasting and decided to come to us first. They would like to give all students a chance. Here is your
big break! You could be part of the News telling millions of viewers what the weather will be like for the coming days. You will need to use all
the information you have been learning about weather forecasting to show them that you are the one for the job. Complete all the tasks and
you could be the next weather forecaster broadcaster for Channel 2's 10:00 pm News!
Watch MULTIPLE weather forecasts on television, paying attention to those things that the weather forecaster tells his viewers. You
should watch the television weather forecaster to see what elements of the weather they feel are necessary to tell their viewers.
After viewing MULTPLE weather forecasts, choose 1 weather forecast to write observations about.
Write two things that you noticed in your watching of the television forecast on your observation chart.
Record weather data on the chart: precipitation, cloud cover, air pressure, fronts, wind direction, wind speed, high temperature, low
Write a prediction about what the weather will be like the next day on your observation chart.
Create a visual, weather map showing your collected data. It should include: precipitation, cloud cover, air pressure, fronts, wind
direction, wind speed, high temperature, and low temperature. Make sure that it is large enough to be easily read.
Now create a weather broadcast. Remember to include all of those things that television weather forecasters include in their
broadcasts! It is time to show all those television viewers out there just how much you know about the weather!
o Introduction – The introduction should get the viewers' attention. You may choose to include a joke or anecdote, or
comment on what's happening with the weather at that time. Maybe you could include a weather trivia question or report
on a weather record from the past.
o A review of current weather conditions – It should include: precipitation, cloud cover, air pressure, fronts, wind direction,
wind speed, high temperature, and low temperature.
o A forecast of what to expect for the next day’s weather - It should include: precipitation, cloud cover, air pressure, fronts,
wind direction, wind speed, high temperature, and low temperature.
o Advice about preparing for the weather - Your advice on preparing for the weather can be very important to your
viewers. You need to report on what the viewers can do to prepare for the upcoming weather. You may choose to refer to
upcoming local activities, and suggest weather preparations viewers can make for their event.
o Your forecast should be between 2 and 3 minutes long.
o Make sure you rehearse what you are going to say during your broadcast. Write out a SCRIPT. Remember that people will
be trusting you to bring them the BEST forecast of the weather...don't let them down!
o You will have the opportunity to have your broadcast video recorded!
Weather Map / Weather Forecast Presentation Rubric
4 Proficient
3 Advanced
Recorded all observations on
worksheet and made discoveries from
these observations. Completed
forecast predictions.
Recorded observations on
Recorded some information on
Did not record observations on
worksheet. Wrote several predictions observations worksheet. Wrote some worksheet. Did not complete
for forecast.
predictions for forecast.
predictions for forecast.
Map is completed accurately using
Weather Map
weather symbols. Weather map
uses accurate
complete with proper use of symbols,
or forecast with icons, large enough for
us to see.
2 Basic
1 Novice
Map is mostly complete using
accurate weather symbols. Weather
map or forecast with partial or
incorrect use of symbols or icons,
large enough for us to see.
Some of the map uses accurate
weather symbols. Visual aid not very
useful or effective.
No evidence of weather symbols
on map. No visual aid.
Map is pleasing in appearance. Map
Map is pleasing in appearance. Map has
may have one major error and some
(Neatness and no major errors with few minor errors.
minor errors.
Map may be somewhat messy. Some
major and minor errors.
Map is unreadable.
Lacking in 1 of the previously
mentioned criteria.
Lacking in 2 of the previously
mentioned criteria.
Lacking in 3 or more of the
previously mentioned criteria.
Weather is described in words and
with accompanying illustrations on
your weather map. Indicators of each
weather type as well as dangers are
described. Cause and effect of
weather is somewhat evident.
Conventions are consistent and
reflect careful work.
Weather is described and/or
illustrated and labeled. Indicators of
the weather OR dangers are
described. Cause and effect of
weather is missing or not correct.
Conventions are mostly consistent.
One or two types of typical
weather conditions are
described or illustrated.
Indicators or dangers are
missing. Conventions are sloppy
and/or inconsistent.
Cloud cover, precipitation type, air
Information in pressure, wind direction, wind speed,
temperature (high/low), fronts,
Introduction & Advice
Weather is described in words and with
accompanying illustrations on your
weather map. Indicators of each
weather type as well as dangers are
described. Cause and effect of weather
conditions is evident. Conventions are
consistent and reflect careful work.
Weather is descri
One or two types
Weather is descri
Predictions are accurate, based on
patterns observed and current
knowledge base. Information used to
form predictions is cited. Insight is
demonstrated. Handwriting is clear,
consistent, and easily readable.
Complete sentences are crafted with
capitals, periods, and appropriate
Predictions are ac
Used eye contact, didn’t read directly
from notes, easy to understand, spoke
Presentation loudly, didn’t fidget. Voice quality is
clear and speech is intelligible
throughout presentation.
Between 2 and 3 minutes long
Predictions are accurate, based on
patterns observed and current
knowledge base. Information used to
form predictions is mostly cited.
Insight is demonstrated. Handwriting
is clear, consistent, and easily
readable. Complete sentences are
crafted with capitals, periods, and
appropriate grammar.
Predictions are m
Predictions are m
Predictions are mostly accurate,
based on patterns observed and
current knowledge base.
Information used to form
predictions is cited for none of
the predictions. Handwriting is
mostly sloppy and/or
inconsistent, and occasionally
illegible. Sentences are not
complete OR are missing basic
punctuation and/or capitals.
Lacking in one of the previously
mentioned criteria. Most of
presentation is intelligible. Speaking
may be either too fast or too slow.
Lacking in 2 of the previously
mentioned criteria. Voice quality is
inconsistent. May be hard to
understand some parts.
Lacking in 3 of the previously
mentioned criteria. Voice quality
is insufficient or unintelligible
throughout presentation.
Between 1 and 2 minutes long
About 1 minute long
Less than 1 minute long
Partial use of original
Little to no use of original
Much use of original thought/creativity Some use of original
Student presents forecast using
accurate research on assigned day.
Predictions are mostly accurate,
based on patterns observed and
current knowledge base. Information
used to form predictions is cited for at
least one of the predictions.
Handwriting is mostly clear and/or
consistent, and readable. Sentences
are attempted using capitals, periods,
and appropriate grammar mostly.
Student presents forecast with most Student presents forecast with some
research accurate and ready.
research information. Completed
No preparation apparent. Did not
complete forecast to be video-
Completed forecast to be video-taped Completed forecast to be video-taped forecast to be video-taped by due
before due date. Included all necessary by the due date. Included all the
date. Material used was missing a few
material plus extra material.
necessary materials.