Graduate Student Opportunity – Cunjak lab Canadian Rivers Institute, UNB, Fredericton Project #1, PhD student To answer the question "Is egg survival of Atlantic salmon a function of hyporheic water quality and/or flow regulation"? In natural systems, bedload movement, sedimentation, ice scour, probability of de-watering and exposure to freezing can impose significant perturbations on fishes and incubating eggs and alevins, and there is some evidence that hypoxic groundwater may impact incubating salmon eggs during low discharge periods in winter. Winter severity is hypothesized to be greatest in the large rivers compared with small-order streams where substrate heterogeneity, a relatively high contribution of groundwater discharge, higher slopes and narrow channels tend to create complex, relatively stable winter habitats with shore fast ice and abundant instream cover. In regulated systems, such stressors can be exacerbated or dampened depending on their timing and frequency, and the inherent conditions characteristic of the river (sub) basin. For example, changes in the normal winter hydrologic (and thermal) regime may influence surface water-hyporheic water dynamics that can affect survival or development of incubating eggs and alevins. Relatively little is known about the exact mechanism(s) driving winter survival of riverine fishes in regulated systems, particularly in the hyporheic habitats where eggs incubate. Such studies of the early stages of fish production are fundamental to quantifying juvenile recruitment and the potential impacts of anthropogenic activities on fish population dynamics. Objectives and Hypotheses: This research is aimed at quantifying the relationship between egg survival of autumn spawning fishes and the environmental attributes associated with flow regulation from hydroelectric activities in rivers. Specifically, it is hypothesized that egg survival will decrease in response to altered winter and spring flows as a result of hyporheic anoxic water delivery within the substrate (redd). Secondarily, it is hypothesized that winter flow regulation will lead to compromised physiological development in alevins that will result in impaired growth and reduced recruitment. - ideally, would commence June 2011 Applicants should have a strong academic record and significant field experience working with stream fishes, preferably in the area of ecology and/or physiology. Graduate students will be located at the Canadian Rivers Institute at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Full funding for salary and research is available for 4-yr terms (PhD). Note that international students in doctoral programs will have the costs for international tuition fees waived by UNB. If interested, please apply, by email, to Dr. Rick Cunjak ( Include a recent CV, statement of research interests, names of three references, and an academic transcript. Richard A. Cunjak, Ph.D. Professor, and Canada Research Chair in River Ecosystem Science Fellow, Canadian Rivers Institute ( Department of Biology, and the Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management P.O. Box 4400, 10 Bailey Avenue University of New Brunswick Fredericton, New Brunswick, CANADA. E3B 5A3. ph - 506-452-6204 ; fax - 506-453-3583 email -