Monday Homework 1) The value of the digit 7 in 743,938 is ______

Monday Homework
1) The value of the digit 7 in 743,938 is __________ times the
value of the 7 in 4,761. Show work to prove your answer.
2) In the number 3.625, 3 represents ones, 6 represents tenths,
2 represents hundredths, and 5 represents thousandths. In
which numbers does 6 represent 1/10 as much as it represents
in the number 3.625. Select three that are correct.
DISPROVE the wrong answers.
A. 2.563
C. 5.236
D. 5.362
E. 6.253
3) Which statement(s) is/are correct? Select two that apply.
A. The number 0.005 is 10 times the size of the number
The number 0.03 is
of the size of the number
C. The number 0.09 is 10 times the size o the number
D. The number 0.07 is
the size of the number 0.07.
4) The population of a city was 3,496,642 last year. Which
statement about this population is true?
A. The digit 6 in the thousands place has a value 10 times
the digit 6 in the hundreds place.
The digit 6 in the thousands place has a value 60 times
the digit 6 in the hundreds place.
C. The digit 6 in the hundreds place has a value 10 times the
digit 6 in the thousands place.
D. The digit 6 in the hundreds place has a value 60 times the
digit 6 in the thousands place.
5) Consider the number 7. Which statements are
correct? Select two that apply.
A. To multiply the number by 104, add 3 zeros to the end of
6) When a whole number is multiplied by 100, where is
there a 0 in the product?
the number.
A. in the ones place only
To multiply the number by 107, add 7 zeros to the end of
B. in the tens place only
the number.
C. in the ones and tens place
C. To multiply the number by
add 12 zeros to the end
of the number.
D. To multiply the number by 1014, add 14 zeros to the end
of the number.
D. in the ones and hundreds place
7) Enter the power of 10 that makes an expression
8) Solve 25 × 103
equivalent to 120000.
12 x ______
Problem Solving
Please explain how you know the correct answers are right in #3 and how the incorrect answers
are wrong. This should be a minimum of 4 sentences and there should be numbers in your
written work to prove your reasoning. You should be able to look at your math work to help you
Please explain how you know the correct answers are right in #5 and how the incorrect answers
are wrong. This should be a minimum of 4 sentences and there should be numbers in your
written work to prove your reasoning. You should be able to look at your math work to help you