Educator Mini-Grant Opportunities

Educator Mini-Grant Opportunities
New Bedford Education Foundation (NBEF) is a non-profit organization that develops funding and supports
educational opportunities for New Bedford Public Schools’ students by providing tools to excel in the areas of Arts,
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and/or World Languages. NBEF seeks to engage our regional
science, art and cultural institutions, including the expansive opportunities within the marine STEM curricula, to
extend the learning classroom. NBEF is a fund of the Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts.
New Bedford Educators, Department Chairs, and Administrators - What could you do?
We know the potential ripple effect of one fantastic idea; we have witnessed the power of ideas taking root.
 Enhance opportunities for New Bedford’s children with seed money to fund your ideas
 Facilitate innovative teaching ideas with support from New Bedford Education Foundation
“He who dares to teach must never cease to learn.”
— Richard Henry Dana Jr.
NBEF Educator Mini-Grants can help!
NBEF Mini-Grants provide support to educators looking to supplement
educational opportunities for New Bedford’s public schools’ children in
the areas of Arts, World Languages, and/or STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering or Mathematics). Any New Bedford K-12 public or public
charter school educator or curriculum developer can apply for a NBEF
Educator Mini-Grant.
NBEF Educator Mini-Grant Amounts
NBEF will award up to $400.00/educator to support developing curricula, improving current courses, or creating new
classroom projects. The following distributions of grants/school population apply:
 Up to 300 students: 1 Mini-Grant/School/Semester
 Up to 600 students: 2 Mini-Grants/School/Semester
 Over 600 students: Maximum of 3 Mini-Grants/School/Semester
 Level 5 Schools = Number of Mini-Grants X 3
 Level 4 Schools = Number of Mini-Grants X 2
Examples of Projects
Projects can take many forms: Consulting with scholars or business leaders, developing audiovisual or multimedia
programs, developing or expanding a course, creating classroom materials for student engagement, organizing
parent outreach within NBEF Target Areas, etc. We welcome your creative ideas.
Use of Grant Funds
Grants may be used for purchasing materials, field trips, equipment and/or honoraria and other costs associated with
implementing the project. Grants cannot be used for transportation fees.
Application Process
Complete the Educator Mini-Grant Application (form enclosed). Please limit application to 3 pages. Application must
be typed or printed, and school principal and/or executive director must sign. Applications must be received by
Friday, 30 January 2015. Awards will be distributed in February, and projects should be completed by June 2015. A
final report detailing the project, number of children or families served, press activity garnered, and proposal receipts
is due to the Community Foundation of Southeastern MA (c/o by July 31, 2015.
Please email application to:
(If you are unable to send electronically, you may mail to NBEF Mini-Grants, P.O. Box 6250, New Bedford, MA, 02740)
If you have any questions concerning the
application process, please contact:
NBEF Use Only Date Rec’d:
Reviewed By:
Amt Approved $
A. NBEF Educator Mini-Grant Application Form – Spring 2015 - please complete all sections
Lead applicant name & job title:
Email address:
Phone number:
Principal name & signature:
Principal email address:
Title of project
Project start date
Project end date:
Amount requested
Number of students to benefit:
Request type (check all that apply)
Equipment rental or purchase
Attendance/registration fees
Professional services (e.g. hiring a consultant)
Project type (check all that apply)
Classroom-based project
Field trip
Community-based project
Professional development
Parent engagement
Focus area (check all that apply)
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and/or math)
World languages
Arts and culture
Characteristics of students served (check all that apply):
Pre-K students
High school students
Low-income students
Elementary school students
Middle school students
English language learners (ELL)
Students with disabilities
Students receiving special education services
P .O . B o x 6 2 5 0 , Ne w B ed for d, M as s a chus et ts , 0 2 7 4 0, n e wb ed f or ded uc ati on f oun dat io n. or g
B. Narrative
1. Provide a brief description of the project for which you are seeking NBEF support.
2. What need(s) is this program designed to address?
3. As a result of this project, what change do you expect to see in your students?
4. What obstacles may prevent those changes from happening?
5. How will you know that this project is successful?
C. Budget information (Note: The amount requested may not exceed $400.00)
Please complete the following table by describing other sources of funding for the project as well as listing
all project expenses.
NBEF request
Grant request from New Bedford Education
Other grants
Other funding sources
Total revenue
Expenses (briefly describe each type of expense in the rows below)
Total expenses
P .O . B o x 6 2 5 0 , Ne w B ed for d, M as s a chus et ts , 0 2 7 4 0, n e wb ed f or ded uc ati on f oun dat io n. or g