Minutes of YLC meeting Tuesday 5 June 2012 Russell McVeagh

Minutes of YLC meeting
Tuesday 5 June 2012
Russell McVeagh, Wellington
YLC Minutes from meeting Monday 5 November 2012
Meeting opened: 5.50pm
1. Apologies, resignations, new members
Apologies: Annabel Martin, Simon Wilson, Richard Evans, Sarah Watson, Pearl Roy, Katrina Kelly,
Hamish McQueen, Amberley James, Matthew Jenkins, Tim Cochrane, Jordan Williams, Sarah
Hoffman, Jessica Willis, Natalie Peirce, Katherine Leslie.
2. Minutes
No problems. Available on website.
3. Financial report
Tim recently did a quarterly reconciliation with the NZLS. Tim will let
the YLC know how the year has been financially at the December
Just the usual reminder for event organisers to submit to the
treasurer a budget in advance of events.
4. 2012 events
The event was overall a success. The venue, food and host were
great. They were vey hospital with people staying late after the event
and putting on more food. Meow has no venue charges and cheap
drinks, so the idea was floated to have a future event there eg a quiz.
The event broke even. The highlight of the evening was Jordan
splitting his pants while dancing to Gangnam style!
Meet the Judiciary
The event was a huge success, with extra Judges turning up last
minute. The Law Society covered the cost of the catering. The
branch was keen to host a similar event – ‘Meet the Registry’. Lizzie,
Hamish and Kerrin will organise the event.
MAS event – Basics of Investment
The event will have a wider focus than the previous MAS seminar,
with a range of topics including investment in companies and
properties etc. The event will likely be in April 2013. Richard will
organise this event.
YLC event organisers to keep in
mind Meow as a venue for future
Young Accountants Sports events
Guy is liaising with the Young Accountants to organise a Rugby
event, and possibly a Netball event at the same time. There are no
charges for the Hataitai club rooms for the after function if we use the
grounds. This event will be in early 2013 – possibly in February.
We need a volunteer to help Guy
to organise this event. If you are
interested, please email Lorraine.
2013 Events
Young Accountants sports event: 23 February?
Welcome BBQ: 7 March? Ian, Sarah W, Kerrin and Lorraine
to organise.
Grad Cruise: 21 March? Hadleigh, Helen and Daniel to
Meet the Registry: April/May? Lizzie, Hamish and Kerrin to
5. Marketing report
Sarah and Jordan are continuing with only one newsletter email per
month. The next email will be in early November. If you have any
items that you would like to appear in the newsletter, make sure you
let Sarah or Jordan know by the first Friday of the month.
Mailchimp: it would be helpful to be able to identify lawyers and nonlawyers so we don’t email non-lawyers advertisements for law
related events. This option has been checked, but Jordan and Sarah
will double check. Proceed as usual at this stage.
6. Sponsorship report
Sarah and Guy spoke to Damian recently and he gave us a glowing
review – he said we were one of the most dynamic and productive
committees in the country!
7. Communications report
Facebook – we’re up to approximately 350 likes.
Website – over 400 visits, this time the largest part is from the US.
Dave just can’t stay away!
If all event organisers could let Simon know details of the events in
advance, so advertising can begin as early as possible.
8. NZLS update
Jamie attended the last meeting, and the branch was very impressed
with what the YLC is doing.
9. Magazine
The spring edition will be published in the end of November. We
have sponsorship for the magazine! A personalised picnic basket
company are advertising and have given us $50. The magazine will
is continuing to provide serious articles written by Wellington young
Event organisers to provide
Simon with event information as
early as possible.
lawyers, with their perspective on a range of topical issues.
Marketing: cold calling hasn’t worked for marketing. Options to
improve marketing and sponsorship: 1) Send a bulk email to various
companies to gauge interest; 2) Pay a marketing student to contact
10. Mentoring
The Mentoring scheme will re-start in 2013. We will organise the
mentor/mentee dinners as planned, however we need another
location as the working relationship with Dockside has fallen through.
The mentoring scheme will also have more structured events and
Ben is moving to Auckland, so
Callum will be the new VUW
11. General business
Call to Committee membership process
We discussed the membership strategy that the YLC Executive
proposed. The YLC approved the strategy. In Summary:
We will abide by the Law Society Call to Committee process
We won’t cap the numbers of Committee members. In the
event we have too many people to fit at meetings, we will
start an RSVP process whereby members who have
business to discuss will be able to attend and the remainder
will RSVP.
We will accept members who apply outside the Call to
Committee process
YLC Executive Roles
The YLC Executive will be elected in the December meeting to
govern the 2013 year.
Lorraine will circulate Executive
job descriptions. Please email
Lorraine for all nominations.
Monthly drinks
As above the working relationship with Dockside has fallen through,
therefore we they will not be hosting YLC monthly drinks. We need to
find another location and kick start the monthly drinks in early 2013.
Women in Leadership event
On 26 November there will be a Women in Leadership seminar at
Chapman Tripp, where women in the legal community will be sharing
their experiences and their journey to leadership.
Meeting closed 6:45pm
If you have any ideas about
locations for monthly drinks
please email Heléna.