ECE is measuring the BDEC distance learning (DL) solution for its ability to create a successful distance learning environment
that empowers teachers and students to interact in meaningful and productive ways. During this pilot, ECE will learn about
distance learning pedagogies as well as ERI principles in action. The pilot’s success will be measured, in part, by the
following dimensions and criteria inspired by the Foundational Statements. These measurements will be conducted through
teacher- submitted work samples and surveys. Other factors such as passing rates and logistics will impact the pilot’s
success as well.
MEA ACTIVITY#1: Relation-based programming. Provide creative examples of programming that
 Develops relationships with the land, self, others, & the spiritual and overcomes relational challenges
 Are advantaged by both in-school and out-of-school participation in cultural practices that are not only
connected to but validate, question, and advance disciplinary knowledge
Sharing work samples: (may be integrated with other samples)
PD Given:
“Develop relationships” & practices that impact “disciplinary knowledge.” Choices:
Dec. 4
 Links to web-based products
 Teacher or student anecdotes
First Semester:
ROSS (“Jeopardy” as a relationship builder)
GENE (Persuasive Essay “Mandating Culture & Language Courses in NWT..”)
DEIRDRE (Northern Communities Energy Problem; testing northern foods for vitami
 Outlines of tasks given and opportunities offered
Frequency: 1 per course, per semester
OR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------“Overcoming Relational Challenges”. Choices:
 Links to web-based products
 Teacher or student anecdotes
 Outlines of tasks given and opportunities offered
Frequency: 1 per course, per semester
MEA ACTIVITY#2: Diverse Perspectives. Provide examples of how students in their cohort conduct online work
together in the spirit of "Tribes" and "Relationship to People" that intentionally seeks to understand, and
actively engage with another region's perspective on a topic.
Choices for sharing work samples: (may be integrated with other samples)
 Links to web-based products
 Teacher or student anecdotes
 Outlines of tasks
First Semester:
GENE (“Taking a Walk in Another Community” assignment);
ROSS (“Coat of Arms” assignment)
DEIRDRE (multi-community energy teams; self-analyses on the team work)
 Descriptions of routine pedagogies used
Frequency: 1 per course, per semester
“Strengths and Growth”
MEA ACTIVITY#3: Personalizations. Provide examples of how students have been given choices of various
technologies, supports, and other personalizations that have enabled them to accomplish the curriculum in an
engaged and confident way.
Choices for sharing work samples: (may be integrated with other samples)
 Teacher or student anecdotes
 Samples showing choices within tasks, or of tasks
First Semester:
GENE (Heroes assignment, poster, project)
JILL (“Teach the teacher”)
DEIRDRE (multi-community energy teams across 3 platforms: Facebook, VC,
wikispace classroom conversations)
 Descriptions of routine pedagogies used
 Descriptions of ICT-supported learning choices
Frequency: 1 per course, per semester
“Integration” (“Competencies”)
MEA ACTIVITY#4: Integration. Provide examples of course integration between the distance learning courses.
Choices for sharing work samples: (may be integrated with other samples)
 Minutes, record of decisions from teacher planning meetings
 Samples showing integrated tasks
 Links to student web-based products
First Semester:
GENE (science writing);
DEIRDRE (science writing);
Frequency: 1 per course, per semester. Of course, teachers can/should submit together
“Collaboration and Active Citizenship” (“Competencies”)
MEA ACTIVITY#5: Collaboration and Active Citizenship. Provide examples of how curriculum can be organized
for student online collaboration based on specialization and interest, resulting in a class-donated synthesis to
the world from an NWT perspective.
Sharing work samples: (may be integrated with other samples)
“Collaboration” choices:
 Teacher description of tools and pedagogy used for student-to-student collaborations
PD Given: Sept.
First Semester:
25 “Twitter”
GENE (Debate lesson);
DEIRDRE (Inuvik energy project wiki: co-create a home page; a rubric; class sets of
PD Given: Nov.
expertises in presentation software for whole class)
4 “Wikispaces”
 Teacher description of tools and pedagogy used for teacher-to-student collaborations
Frequency: 1 per course, per semester
--------------------------------------------------------------------------“Active Citizenship”
 Links to teacher posts of class-owned and created, web-based products (eg. digital
presentations, social media representations, etc.)
First Semester:
GENE (Debate YouTube)
DEIRDRE (Inuvik energy project wiki: newspaper contacted, Principal Facebook
postings (Jan. 23 post,; student
shadow-written tweets for exits and announcements of proposals)
Frequency: 1 per course, per semester
 Links to teacher posts of individual student products (eg. digital presentations, social
media representations, etc.)
Submit through Chris Gilmour, or directly to DL Working group lead, Blake Wile,