Levels A & B Book handling moving through the book front to back

Levels A & B
 Book handling moving through the book front to back, turning pages, etc.
 Controlling left to right movement on the page and return sweep
 Noticing and interpreting details in the pictures
 Using oral language in relation to the pictures
 1:1 precise pointing under words
 Locate familiar words
 Locate new words based on beginning sound
 Using repeated language patterns
 Using syntax
 Making meaningful choices for unknown words
 Predicting what will make sense for unknown words
 Rereading to confirm or problem solve
 Self Monitoring: 1:1 pointing, known words, and when something doesn’t make sense
Level C
 Engage in A & B behaviors independently
 Using initial visual information to help predict, check, and confirm
 Controls 1:1 precise pointing
 Use illustrations to help predict meaning as well as particular words
 Predicting form events in the story what would make sense next
 Check to confirm illustrations with print
 Use known words as anchors in a line of text
 Fluency while reading for meaning
 Solve some unfamiliar words using picture cues, first letter cues, grammar cues
 Expand known high frequency words repeated in/from previous books
 Rereading to confirm or problem-solve
 Self Monitor
 Self Correct
Level D
 Controlling A,B,& C behaviors
 Moving away from 1:1 pointing as eyes take over the process
 Using language patterns and syntax to read with phrasing
 Using first and last letters of a word to help predict, check, and confirm
 Cross-check meaning with structure and visual information (has for hat—does it make sense, grammatically
correct, and look right at the beginning and end)
 Fluency and phrasing
 Actively read for meaning and monitor when it does not make sense
 Rereading to confirm or problem-solve
 Confirm, make another attempt or self correct
 Self Monitor
 Self Correct
Level E
 Controlling behaviors and strategies from A-D
 Tracking print with eyes except at Point of Difficulty or novel text
 Using knowledge of language syntax and meaning to read with fluency and phrasing
 Solve new words while maintaining a focus on meaning
 Using known words to solve unknown words
 Rereading to check, confirm, or search for more information in order to problem-solve at point of difficulty
 Cross-check one source of information with another (EX: does it make sense and look right)
 Self Monitor
 Self Correct using multiple sources of information (Meaning, Structure, and Visual)
 Predict what will happen next in the text and reading to confirm
 Noticing more about the print
Level F
 Controlling behaviors and strategies from A-D even on novel text
 Engage in behaviors and strategies from level E
 Using punctuation for phrasing and fluency
 Reading fluently with phrasing while giving attention to meaning
 Searching more visual information to problem-solve unknown words while reading
 Using the syntax of written language to predict the text and then checking the accuracy of the prediction
 Visually analyze new words and check them against what makes sense, syntax, and structure
 Using known words and parts of words to problem-solve unknown words
 Reread to check, confirm, and/or problem-solve
 Cross check meaning, structure, and visual information
 Self Monitor
 Self Correct using multiple sources of information (Meaning Structure, and Visual)
Level G & H
 Controlling behaviors and strategies from A-E even on novel text
 Engage in behaviors and strategies from level F
 Moving through the text using meaning, structure, and visual information in an integrated way while still being
able to attend to meaning
 Problem-solve new words through analogy and taking words apart and then cross check with meaning and
 Reread to search, check, problem-solve and/or confirm only as needed
 Self Monitor meaning, structure, and visual information from the print and story
 Self Monitor reading over longer stretches of text with only intermittent hesitations or rereads
 Cross-check meaning, structure, and visual information
 Self Correct close to the point of error
 Discuss ideas from the story that indicates deeper understanding
 Discuss characters that indicates understanding and interpretation
Level I
 Controls behaviors and strategies from A-F even on novel text
 Engages in strategies from G&H
 Fluent and Phrased reading especially when rereading
 Competent problem-solving on unknown words during the first reading
 Flexible use of various problem-solving strategies on unknown words
 Integrated use of meaning, structure, and visual information while focusing on meaning
 Interpretation of texts
 Shows and understanding of characters and an empathy with characters to better understand the story
 Moving towards easy, fluent, and phrased reading even of unfamiliar and difficult texts
 Demonstrates less over all need to problem-solve words
 Self Monitors
 Cross-checks
 Self Correcting at the point of error with less rereading
 Dealing with new and unfamiliar concepts
 Gaining momentum while reading text because knowledge is being constructed about how this text works and
what it says
Level J
 Controls behaviors and strategies from A-H even on novel text
 Engages in strategies from I
 Uses skills and strategies effectively on a variety of texts
 Sustains interest and fluency through longer texts
 Easily comes back to texts that require more than one sitting (sustains meaning)
 Solves unfamiliar word and concepts “on the run” without distracting from meaning
 Self Monitors and Self Corrects but many self-corrections are made before the word is actually read aloud
 Reading is propelled by a forward feed
 Reading silently much of the time, no longer finding it necessary to vocalize every word
 Demonstrates understanding and interpretations of the story
 Moves flexibly from fiction to non-fiction
 Uses ideas from his reading in his writing (Writer’s techniques to convey meaning)
 Summarizes more than retells and paraphrases
Level K
 Controls behaviors and strategies from A-I even on novel text
 Engages in strategies from J
 Uses skills and strategies effectively on a variety of texts
 Uses multiple sources of information in an integrated way
 Reading silently much of the time
 Effective and efficient problem-solving of difficult, more complex words
 Problem-solving is flexible and “on the run” without losing meaning or fluency
 Phrased and fluent reading over long stretches of texts
 Demonstrates through discussion, writing, or other media that they understand and interpret stories from
different perspectives and empathize with the characters
 Use text structures (both narrative and logic) to predict a likely sequence of events
 Analyze and evaluate texts
 Sustain character and plot over several days
Level L
 Controls behaviors and strategies from A-I even on novel text
 Engages in strategies from K
 Longer stretches of text
 More difficult vocabulary, ideas, and language structures
 More complex ideas and topics
 Increased range of genre
Level M
 Controls behaviors and strategies from A-I even on novel text
 Engages in strategies from K and L
 Using texts as reference tools by locating information, evaluating information, and drawing conclusions
 Interprets texts from a variety of perspectives
 Reads critically
 Understands subtleties of plot and humor
 Reflects on their personal understanding of the text in relation to how others understand the text