Chittenden East Supervisory Union
Teacher Leader Literacy/Social Studies
Endorsement 1-00
Individual Professional Development Plan
Other Responsibilities: Facilitator, Trainer and mentor for CESU Colleague
Support System including mentoring, facilitator for Communications and Social
Studies Curriculum Committees
Students in CESU have performed lower in analysis and interpretation of both literary and informational text on NECAP assessment since the statewide testing began. As the literacy leader for CESU, it is important to stay up to date on current research and best practices in the areas of reading, writing, and word study in order to help classroom teachers improve their practice which ultimately will improve student learning in the areas of literacy. My goal is to take courses, attend workshops, read current journals and other publications in order to expand my knowledge and improve instructional practices in literacy (reading, writing and word study) in order to improve student learning for a diverse community of learners.
I will measure my progress through grades earned in courses, hours earned in workshops or independent projects. I will measure student achievement through statewide and local assessment data.
There are numerous opportunities for courses and workshops both locally or online.
I am a member of the International Reading Association and attend local conferences and workshops on literacy.
As mentioned above, our students perform lower in analysis and interpretation of both literary and informational text and in writing in a variety of genres or forms.
We also have a gap in achievement between students who are on free and reduced lunch and students who are not. Even when our students improve in their performance, the gap has remained. Closing this gap is critical to all of our students achieving at standard. I also believe that improving students’ academic vocabulary through word study will help address this achievement gap. This goal is directly related to improving student performance in these areas.
This will be an ongoing goal as research is constantly informing teachers about best practices in literacy.
Endorsement knowledge or performance standards addressed
Endorsement 1-00 Elementary Education
Knowledge standard:
“Curriculum design and instructional techniques that engage the unique intellectual and psychosocial nature and needs of elementary students, including embedded literacy strategies that promote the reading and writing skill development of all students across the content areas.”
School initiative addressed:
All schools have a literacy goal in their action plans.
Principal 1
Principals 2-10 Principal 11
Principal 12
2-8, 10 11 12
Principals 13-
As the literacy leader, curriculum committee facilitator, and mentor trainer it is important to stay current in research and best practices in adult learning and leadership. In order for professional development work with teachers to have an impact on their pedagogy and instruction and therefore student learning, I need to use methods that are effective for adult learners. My second goal is to take courses, attend workshops, read current journals and other publications in order to expand my knowledge and improve instructional practices in adult learning and leadership theory and practices.
I will measure my progress through grades earned in courses, hours earned in workshops or independent projects. I will measure the effectiveness of the professional development and leadership I provide through evaluation by the adult learners I work with.
Teacher leaders are a fairly new role in education. Many schools are now seeing the value of having a teacher leader work with their teachers on a regular basis, embedded in their practice as opposed to a “drop in” by an outside expert. Current thinking is also that providing mentors for beginning teachers also helps to retain those teachers over time. Therefore, there are many opportunities for gaining professional knowledge in the areas of adult learning and leadership.
This goal is relevant to our continued union wide goal of improving student learning.
Having a strong leadership team, access to embedded professional development that meets teachers where they are in their practice and works to move them toward current best practices will help improve student achievement.
This will be an ongoing goal as research is constantly being updated and we are learning more about the most effective ways to lead teachers towards higher student achievement.
Principal 1
Principals 2-10 Principal 11
Principal 12
2-4, 6, 9 11 12
Principals 13-
Our students have access to more technology than we did as learners, and that technology changes rapidly. In order to reach our students in an effective manner in the 21 st Century and impact their learning in a way that helps prepare them for the world they will be living and working in requires all teachers to stay current in technology including best practices in using technology for learning. My third goal is to take courses, attend workshops, read current journals and other publications in order to expand my knowledge and stay current in the field of technology for
I will measure my progress through grades earned in courses, hours earned in workshops or independent projects. I will also keep track of technology that I
demonstrate for teachers through professional development and technology that I use in conducting professional development.
There are many opportunities for courses, workshops, conferences in the area of technology and best practices for using technology to impact student learning.
Our students are living in a different world than the one we were trained as teachers in, so this goal is very relevant in helping educators meet the needs of our students.
This will be an ongoing goal as technology is constantly and rapidly changing and we learn more about the most effective means of using various tools to help students meet learning goals.
School initiative addressed:
Chittenden East Supervisory Union has a goal of focusing on 21 st Century skills in order to meet the needs of our diverse learners and help prepare them for the world they will be working in.
Principal 1
Principals 2-10 Principal 11
Principal 12
2-4, 6, 9 11 12
Principals 13-