Ùlpan - Bòrd na Gàidhlig

Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Brath Naidheachd
Press Release
Ìle a’ Tòiseachadh Dòigh Ùr Ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig: Ùlpan
14 An Gearran 2007
Bidh Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle, an t-ionad Gàidhlig agus dualchais ann an Ìle, a’ cumail
deuchainn de dhòigh ùr ionnsachaidh a tha air mìltean inbhich a chuideachadh air an slighe
gu fileantachd.
Ged a tha Ùlpan ùr don Ghàidhlig tha e stèidhichte air Wlpan, cùrsa a tha air a bhithair leth
soirbheachail air inbhich a thoirt gu fileantachd sa Chuimris. Tha a’ chiad 108 uair de
theagasg a’ cur cudthrom air bruidhinn, còmhradh agus gnìomhan a thogas misneachd nan
oileanach bhon toiseach, agus a bheir slighe shoilleir dhaibh adhartas a dhèanamh.
Thèid aig a’ chùrsa dualchainnt shònraichte a chleachdadh, is mar sin bidh e gu sònraichte
freagarrach do dh’Ìle far a bheil dìleab mhòr cànain a chumas mòran seann bhriathran. Nì
deuchainn ann an Ìle cinnteach gum bi dualchainnt an Earra-Ghàidheal air a brosnachadh;
rudeigin a fhreagras gu h-àraidh do dhaoine an sàs le turasachd agus trèanadh san àiteobrach.
Chuir Eleanor Nic an Aba, Neach-comhairle ionadail Iomairt Earra-Ghàidheal agus Bhòid,
fàilte air oidhirp Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle and thuirt i, ‘Còrdaidh seo ri gnìomhachais agus
luchd-tadhail gu h-ionnan, agus nì i cuideachadh mòr le Gàidhlig ath-stèidheachadh mar
chainnt làitheil anns an eilean fhèin agus thall ann an sgìrean eile.’
‘S e Bòrd na Gàidhlig a phàigheas son an deuchainn mar phàirt den roi-innleachd aige
àireamh luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig a thogail. Thuirt Rosemary Ward, Stiùiriche Foghlaim,
‘Tha am Bòrd air leth toilichte taic a thoirt do leasachadh agus lìbhrigeadh Ùlpan ann an Ìle.
Tha e air a dhearbhadh gu bheil an dòigh-teagaisg seo soirbheachail anns a’ Chuimrigh agus
bheir leasachadh Gàidhlig buaidh mhòr air meudachadh àireamh luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig
san àm ri teachd.’
Thèid an cùrsa a sgrìobhadh le Deiseal Earranta. Siubhailidh co-stiùirichean Daibhidh Grannd
agus Guto Rhys a dh’Ìle sa Ghearran a thoirt seachad trèanadh do luchd-obrach Ionad
Chaluim Chille Ìle. Thuirt Daibhidh, “Mar chuideigin le sinnsearan à Ìle (MacFhearghais) tha
mi gu sònraichte toilichte a bhith ag obair gu dlùth le Mairead NicEacharna agus a luchdobrach ann an Ìle a chur air adhart an dòigh chinnteach seo airson luchd-ionnsachaidh
inbhidh a thoirt gu fileantachd. Do mhòran san Earra-Ghàidheal agus a’ mhòr-chuid ann an
Ìle chan eil Gàidhlig ach ginealach no dhà air falbh. Do na daoine a tha ag iarraidh an dearbh-
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Brath Naidheachd
Press Release
aithne phrìseil seo air ais nam beatha làitheil, bheir Ùlpan an dòigh. Chan fheudar do na
ginealaich ‘chaillte’ fantail caillte.”
Airson fiosrachadh: Mairead NicEacharna, Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle, Gart na traghad, Bogh
Mòr, Eilean Ìle, PA43 7LN.
Fòn / Facs: 01496 810 818
Eadar-lìon: www.ile.ac.uk
Post-dealain: fios@ile.ac.uk
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Brath Naidheachd
Press Release
Islay To Lead On New Gaelic Learning Method: Ùlpan
14 February 2007
Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle, the centre for Gaelic language and heritage on Islay, is to trial a
brand new learning method that has helped thousands of adults achieve language fluency.
Ùlpan a brand new methodology for Gaelic, is based on the highly successful Wlpan,
through which adults have quickly achieved fluency in Welsh. The 108 hours of initial
instruction concentrates on structured verbal drills, dialogues and activities that
immediately boost students’ confidence in speaking and gives a clear progression route.
As the course can accommodate regional variations it is particularly appropriate for Islay
which has a rich linguistic heritage and retains many older and unique Gaelic words and
structures. Trialling it in Islay will ensure that the Argyllshire dialect is promoted; something
which will be of particular relevance to those involved in tourism and workplace training.
Eleanor McNab, local Client Advisor for Argyll & Islands Enterprise, welcomed Ionad Chaluim
Chille Ìle’s initiative and said: “This will appeal to both businesses and visitors alike, and will
make a significant contribution to re-establishing Gaelic as an everyday language in the
island and beyond.”
The trial is being funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig as part of its strategy of raising the number of
Gaelic speakers. Education Manager, Rosemary Ward, said: “The Bòrd is delighted to
support the development and delivery of Ùlpan on Islay. This methodology has proven very
successful within a Welsh context and the development of a Gaelic version will make an
invaluable contribution to increasing the number of Gaelic speakers in the future.’
The course is being written by Deiseal Earranta. Co-directors, Daibhidh Grannd and Guto
Rhys will travel to Islay in February to deliver initial training to Ionad Chaluim Chille
staff. Daibhidh commented: “As a descendent of emigré Islay folk (Fergusons!) I am
especially delighted to be working closely with Mairead Mackechnie and her staff in Islay to
promote this proven method for adults to become fluent speakers of our language. For
many in Argyll and for most in Islay, Gaelic is just a generation or two away. For those who
wish to reinstate this most precious part of our identity in their daily lives, Ùlpan offers the
means. The 'lost' generations don't have to stay lost."
For information please contact Mairead Mackechnie, Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle, Gartnatra,
Bowmore, Isle of Islay PA43 7LN.
Phone/Fax: 01496 810 818
Website: www.ile.ac.uk
Email: fios@ile.ac.uk
Background notes:
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Brath Naidheachd
Press Release
Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle, the Columba Centre Islay which opened in 2002 as a centre for
Gaelic language and heritage on Islay, is a visionary place of cultural, economic and
educational significance. The Centre operates in partnership with the Gaelic College on
Skye, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, in providing a range of courses in Gaelic language at further and
higher education levels and offers teaching rooms, library, childcare unit, meeting and
broadcasting facilities, computer suite and exhibition space for the benefit of the whole
Students on Islay can choose to study on the Cùrsa Inntrigidh for beginners looking to
improve their spoken Gaelic, or on the Cert. HE An Cùrsa Comais (Level 1) as a year-long
course for Gaelic learners having reached the intermediate level and looking to become
fluent. Successful completion of the Cùrsa Comais will also allow students to progress onto
the B.A. degree in Gaelic and Related Studies; the route chosen by the first three B.A.
students to have graduated from Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle in September 2005.
Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle has been the ideal research location for the Seanchas Ìle project
(www.seanchas-ile.net) which has been running since September 2005, collecting and
recording the Islay Gaelic dialect and its associated folklore from the island’s local tradition
bearers. Seanchas Ìle aims to encourage and promote the Gaelic language and in particular
the Islay Gaelic dialect, through supporting, teaching and encouraging the language to both
adults and children.
Deiseal Earanta was founded as a limited company in 2005 to translate to other languages
the wealth of Welsh teaching experience that has been gained over the last 40
years. Wlpan far outstrips all other methods for adult acquisition of Welsh with over 30,000
students currently enrolled, including members of the Welsh Assembly and the South Wales
Police. The co-directors, Dàibhidh Grannd and Guto Rhys, have a broad range of linguistic,
academic and business skills, along with direct experience of teaching to adults, both in
Scotland Wales.