I.M. Moraes, D.M.F. Matos, L.Y.G. Ferraz, M.E.M. Campista, M.G.C. Rubinstein, L.H.M.K.
Costa, M.D. De Amorin, P.B. Vellosa, O.C.M. B. Duarte, G. Pujolle: FITS: A Flexible Virtual
Network Testbed Architecture. Computer Networks, 63, 221-237, 2014
R.S. Couto, M.E.M. Campista, L.H.M.K. Costa: Network Resource Control for Xen-based
Virtualized Software Routers. Computer Networks, 64, 71-88, 2014
S. Secci, P. Raad, A. Cianfrani, P. Gallard, G. Pujolle: Achieving Sub-Second Downtimes in
Large-Scale Virtual Machine Migrations with LISP, to appear in IEEE TNSM, to appear, 2014.
I. Fajjari, N. Aitsaadi, M. Pióro, G. Pujolle: A new virtual network static embedding strategy within the Cloud's private backbone network, Computer Networks 62: 69-88, 2014
M. Bourguiba, K. Haddadou, I. El Korbi, G. Pujolle: Improving Network I/O Virtualization for
Cloud Computing. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 25(3): 673-681, 2014
A. Amamou, K. Haddadou, G. Pujolle: A TRILL-based multi-tenant data center network,
Computer Networks, On Line, March 5, 2014.
M. Bourguiba, K. Haddadou, G. Pujolle: Improving Network I/O Virtualization for Cloud
Computing, IEEE Parallel and Distributed Systems: 35 (3): 309-319, February 2013.
J. Torres, M. Nogueira, and G. Pujolle: A Survey on Identity Management for the Future
Network, Accepted for publication in the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 15 (2):
787-802, 2013.
G. Pujolle: Metamorphic Networks, Journal of Computing Science and Engineering 7 (3), 198-
203, 2013.
M.E.M. Campista, M. Rubinstein, I.M. Moraes, L.H.M.K. Costa, O.C.M.B. Duarte: Challenges and Research Directions for the Future Internetworking. IEEE Communications Surveys and
Tutorials 15 (1): 1-30, 2013.
N. C. Fernandes, M.D.D. Moreira, O.C.M.B. Duarte: An Efficient and Robust Addressing
Protocol for Node Autoconfiguration in Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Networking 21: 845-856, 2013.
N.C. Fernandes, M.D.D. Moreira O.C.M.B. Duarte: Safeguarding ad hoc networks with a selforganized membership control system. Computer Networks 57: 2656-2674, 2013.
D.M.F. Mattos, L.H.G. Ferraz, L.H.M.K. Costa, O.C.M.B. Duarte: Virtual Network Performance
Evaluation for Future Internet Architectures. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web
Intelligence 4, 304-314, 2012.
H.E.T. Carvalho, O.C.M.B. Duarte: Elastic Allocation and Automatic Migration Scheme for
Virtual Machines. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence 4, 333-342, 2012.
M. Bourguiba, K. Haddadou, G. Pujolle: Packet aggregation based network I/O virtualization for cloud computing. Computer Communications 35(3): 309-319 (2012)
M. Nogueira, H. da Silva, A. Santos, G. Pujolle: A Security Management Architecture for
Supporting Routing Services on VANETs, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service
Management 9(2): 156-168, February 2012.
D. Börger, L. Barreto, J.S. Fraga, P. Urien, H. Aissaoui, A. Santos, G. Pujolle: User-Centric
Identity Management Based on Secure Elements. In: The 19th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC´2014), Madeira, Portugal. June 23-26, 2014.
P. Urien: A Secure Cloud of Electronic Keys for NFC Locks Securely Controlled by NFC
Smartphones, IEEE CCNC 2014, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2014
P. Urien: Cloud of Secure Elements (CoSE), concepts and applications for NFC services and
Cloud Security, Tutorial, The 6th international Conference On New Technologies Mobility and
Security (NTMS 2014) Dubai, UAE, 2014
P. Urien: LLCPS: A New Secure Model for Internet of Things Services Based on the NFC P2P
Model, IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and
Information Processing, Singapore, 2014
D. Kreutz, O. malichevkyy, E.L. Feitosa, K.R.S. Barbosa, H.A. Cunha: System Design Artifacts for Resilient Identification and Authentication Infrastructures, The Tenth International
Conference on Networking and Services, Chamonix. ICNS’2014, p. 41-47, 2014.
F. Guenane, M. Nogueira, and G. Pujolle: Strong Hybrid Cloud-Based Firewalling
Authentication using EAP-TLS Smart-Cards, Gainsville - MobiSecNFC, February, 2014
F. Guenane, M. Nogueira, and G. Pujolle: A Hybrid Architecture to Manage Performance and
Reliability on Cloud-Based Firewalling, Krakow - NOMS 2014, May, 2014
P. Urien: LLCPS: A New Security Framework Based on TLS For NFC P2P Applications in the
Internet of Things, IEEE CCNC 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2013
C. Gaber, B. Hemery, M. Achemlal, M. Pasquet, P. Urien: Synthetic Logs Generator for Fraud
Detection in Mobile Transfer Services, Financial Cryptography and Data Security - 17th
International Conference, FC 2013, Okinawa, Japan, 2013
P. Urien, S. Piramuthu: Framework and authentication protocols for smartphone, NFC, and
RFID in retail transactions, IEEE Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors,
Sensor Networks and Information Processing, Melbourne, Australia, 2013
P. Urien, S. Piramuthu: Internet Smart Card for perishable food cold supply chain, IEEE Eighth
International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information
Processing, Melbourne, Australia, 2013
P. Urien, S. Piramuthu: LLCPS and SISO: A TLS-based framework with RFID for NFC P2P retail transaction processing", 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID), Orlando, FL,
USA, 2013
P. Urien, S. Piramuthu: Towards a secure Cloud of Secure Elements concepts and experiments with NFC mobiles, International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and
Systems (CTS), San Diego, CA, USA, 2013
C. Gaber, B. Hemery, M. Achemlal, M. Pasquet, P. Urien: Synthetic logs generator for fraud detection in mobile transfer services, International Conference on Collaboration
Technologies and Systems (CTS), San Diego, CA, USA, 2013
P. Urien, S. Piramuthu: Identity-Based Authentication to Address Relay Attacks in
Temperature Sensor-enabled Smartcards, Proceedings of the European Conference on Smart
Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Erlangen/Nuremberg, Germany, 2013
H. Aissaoui, P. Urien, G. Pujolle: Low Latency of Re-authentication during Handover - Reauthentication using a Signed Token in Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks." SIGMAP
2013: 248-254
P. Urien, M Betirac: A Triple Interfaces Secure Token -TIST- for Identity and Access Control in the Internet Of Things", The Second International Conference on Smart Systems, Devices and
Technologies, SMART 2013, Roma, Italy, 2013
P. Urien: NFC Security And Cloud Of Secure Elements, Chip-to-Cloud Security Forum, Nice,
France, 2013
P. Urien: Cloud of Secure Elements, Perspectives for Mobile and Cloud Applications Security,
First IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security” IEEE CNS’2013, DC USA,
P. Urien, S. Piramuthu: Securing NFC Mobile Services with Cloud of Secure Elements (CoSE),
MobiCASE’2013: 322-331, 2013
P.H.V. Guimarães, L.H.V. Ferraz, J.V. Torres, D.M.F. Mattos, D. M. F. Murillo, L.M.E. Andreoni
I.D. Alvarenga, C.S.C. Rodrigues, and O.C.M.B. Duarte: Experimenting Content-Centric
Networks in the Future Internet Testbed Environment", WCC-02 - ICC'2013, Budapest,
Hungary, June 2013
L. Barreto, F. Siqueira, J. Fraga, E. Feitosa: An Intrusion Tolerant Identity Management
Infrastructure for Cloud Computing Services, ICWS’2013, Santa Clara. p. 155-162, 2013
R.R. Oliveira, L.R. Bays, D.S. Marcon, M.C. Neves, L.S. Buriol, and M.P. Barcellos: DoS-
Resilient Virtual Networks through Multipath Embedding and Opportunistic Recovery. In:
28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pp. 597-602, Coimbra, Portugal, March
R.R. Oliveira, D.S. Marcon, L.R. Bays, M.C. Neves, L.S. Buriol, L. P. Gaspary, and M.P. Barcellos:
No More Backups: Toward Efficient Embedding of Survivable Virtual Networks. In: 13 IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC), pp. 1-5, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
D.S. Marcon, R.R. Oliveira, M.C. Neves, L.S. Buriol, L. P. Gaspary, and M.P. Barcellos: Trustbased Grouping for Cloud Datacenters: improving security in shared infrastructure,
Networking’2013, pp. 1-9, New York, NY, USA, May 2013.
M.C. Luizelli, L.R. Bays, L.R.; L.S. Buriol, M.P. Barcellos, and L. P. Gaspary: Characterizing the
Impact of Network Substrate Topologies on Virtual Network Embedding, Network and
Service Management (CNSM), 8th International Conference on, 14-18 October 2013.
D.S. Marcon, L.F. Bittencourt, R. Dantas, M.C. Neves, E.R.M. Madeira, S. Fernandes, C.A.
Kamienski, M.P. Barcellos, and L. P. Gaspary, N.L.S. Fonseca: Workflow Specification and
Scheduling with Security Constraints in Hybrid Clouds. In: IEEE Latin America Conference on
Cloud Computing and Communications (LatinCloud), Maceió, AL, Brazil, 2013
L. Barreto, F. Siqueira, J.S. Fraga, E. Feitosa: An Intrusion Tolerant Identity Management
Infrastructure for Cloud Computing Services. In: IEEE International Conference on Web
Services (ICWS’2013), Santa Clara, CA, EUA, p. 155-163, 2013.
H.A. Mehrez, P. Urien, G. Pujolle, J.S. Fraga, D.S. Böger: Security for Future Networks: a
Prospective Study of AAIs Third International Conference on Advances in Communication and
Information Technology, (CIT 2013), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Aug 29-30, 2013.
D.S. Marcon, R.R. Oliveira, M.C. Neves, L.S. Buriol, L. P. Gaspary, and M.P. Barcellos: Trustbased Grouping for Cloud Datacenters: Improving Security in Shared Infrastructures,
Networking’2013, 2013.
J. Torres, M. Nogueira, and G. Pujolle: Secure and Revocable Node Authentication in
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, 18th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, IEEE
Xplore, 2013
F. Guenane, P.-Y.Dumas, M. Nogueira, G. Pujolle: Solving virtual network resources allocation's problem using Constraint Satisfaction Problem model, Network of the Future
(NoF’2013), Korea, October 2013.
M Bourguiba, IE Korbi, K Haddadou, G Pujolle: Improving virtual machines networking performance for cloud computing (IM 2013), IFIP/IEEE International; pp 513-519, IEEE XPlore,
P. Raad, G. Colombo, D. P. Chi, S. Secci, A. Cianfrani, P. Gallard, G. Pujolle: Achieving subsecond downtimes in internet-wide virtual machine live migrations in LISP networks. IM
2013: 286-293, XPlore, 2013
H. Aissaoui, P. Urien, G. Pujolle: Low Latency of Re-authentication during Handover - Reauthentication using a Signed Token in Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks. SIGMAP
2013: 248-254, 2013.
L.R. Bays, R.R. Oliveira, L.S. Buriol, M.P. Barcellos, L.P. Gaspary: Security-aware optimal resource allocation for virtual network embedding, CNSM’2012, 8th international conference and workshop on systems virtualiztion management, pp.378-384, Oct. 2012.
D.S. Dias, L.H.M.K. Costa: Online Traffic-aware Virtual Machine Placement in Data Center
Networks, in Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium 2012 (GIIS'12),
Choroni, Venezuela, December 2012.
P.S. Pisa, M. Abdalla, and O.C.M.B. Duarte: Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for
Arithmetic Operations on Large Integers, in 4th Global Information Infrastructure and
Networking Symposium - GIIS-2012 Choroni, Venezuela, IEEE, December 2012.
R.S. Alves, M.E.M. Campista, L.H.M.K. Costa, and O.C.M.B. Duarte: Towards a Pluralist
Internet Using a Virtual Machine Server for Network Customization, in Asian Internet
Engineering Conference (AINTEC'2012),pp. 9-16, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2012.
D. M. F. Mattos, L. H. G. Ferraz, L. H. M. K. Costa, and O. C. M. B. Duarte - "Evaluating Virtual
Router Performance for a Pluralist Future Internet", ICICS-2012, Irbid, Jordan, April 2012
H. E. T. Carvalho, and O. C. M. B. Duarte: "VOLTAIC : Volume Optimization Layer To AssIgn
Cloud resources", accepted in The 3rd International Conference on Information and
Communications Systems - ICICS-2012, Irbid, Jordan, April 2012.
H.E.T. Carvalho, N.C. Fernandes, O.C.M.B. Duarte: SLAPv: A Service Level Agreement Enforcer for Virtual Networks. ICNC’2012, Maui, Hawaii, 2012.
M. Abdalla, D. Fiore, and V. Lyubashevsky: From Selective to Full Security: Semi-Generic
Transformations in the Standard Model, Public Key Cryptography -- PKC 2012, LNCS,
©Springer, Marc Fischlin (Ed.), May 2012.
M. Abdalla, P.-A. Fouque, V. Lyubashevsky, and M. Tibouchi: Tightly-Secure Signatures from
Lossy Identification Schemes, Advances in Cryptology -- EUROCRYPT 2012, LNCS 7237, pp.
572--590, Springer, David Pointcheval and Thomas Johansson (Eds.), April 2012.
M. Abdalla, , P.-A. Fouque, V. Lyubashevsky, and M. Tibouchi: Tightly-Secure Signatures from
Lossy Identification Schemes. EUROCRYPT’2012: 572-590, 2012
M. Abdalla, D. Fiore, V. Lyubashevsky: From Selective to Full Security: Semi-generic
Transformations in the Standard Model. Public Key Cryptography’2012: 316-333, 2012
I. Burcu Barla, D. A. Schupke, G. Carle: Resilient Virtual Network Design for End-to-End Cloud
Services. Networking (1) 2012: 161-174, 2012
I. Burcu Barla, D. A. Schupke, G. Carle: Virtual Network Simulator Architecture. UKSim 2012:
624-629, 2012
D. Kreutz, A. Casimiro, and M. Pasin: A trustworthy and resilient event broker for monitoring cloud infrastructures. In 12th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and
Interoperable Systems, Distributed Computing Techniques 2012, Jun 2012.
D. Kreutz: Towards a Fault and Intrusion Tolerant Architecture on Management Services for
Future Networks. EuroSys 2012 - The 6th EuroSys Doctoral Workshop (EuroDW2012), Bern,
Switzerland, April 2012
A. Amamou, M. Bourguiba, K. Haddadou, G. Pujolle : A dynamic bandwidth allocator for virtual machines in a cloud environment. CCNC 2012: 99-104, 2012
J. lau L. Barreto, J.S. Fraga : An Infrastructure Based in Virtualization for Intrusion Tolerant
Services. In: 19th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS´2012), p. 170-177,
Honolulu, EUA, 2012.
A. Amamou, M. Bourguiba, K. Haddadou, G. Pujolle: A dynamic bandwidth allocator for virtual machines in a cloud environment. CCNC 2012: 99-104, IEEE Xplore, January 2012..
H. Carvalho, N.C. Fernandes, O. C. M. B. Duarte, G. Pujolle: SLAPv: A service level agreement enforcer for virtual networks, ICNC’2012, IEEE XPlore, 2012.
P. Raad, G. Colombo, D. Phung Chi, S. Secci, A. Cianfrani, P. Gallard, G. Pujolle:
Demonstrating LISP-based virtual machine mobility for Cloud networks: IEEE
CLOUDNET’2012, IEEE XPlore, November 2012.
O. Braham, G. Pujolle: Virtual access point to the Cloud, IEEE CLOUDNET’2012, IEEE XPlore,
November 2012.
O. Braham, G. Pujolle: The metamorphosing network (M-Net), Global Information
Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), IEEE XPlore, Venezuela, December 2012
F. Guenane, S. Amine ; N. Samet, G. Pujolle, P. Urien: A strong authentication for virtual networks using EAP-TLS smart cards, Global Information Infrastructure and Networking
Symposium (GIIS), IEEE Xplore, December 2012.
P. Urien, C. Kiennert: A new keying system for RFID lock based on SSL dual interface NFC chips and android mobiles, IEEE CCNC 2012, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 14-17, 2012. ISBN
P. Urien, C. Kiennert: A new cooperative architecture for sharing services managed by secure elements controlled by android phones with IP objects, CTS 2012, Denver, CO, USA, 2012
C. Gaber, S. Gharout, M. Achemlal, M. Pasquet, P. Urien: Security challenges for Security
Information and Event Management Systems in mobile money transfer services, SAR SSI,
Cabourg, France, 22-25 may 2012
P. Urien, C. Kiennert: A New Mobile NFC Key Delivery Service, SAR SSI, Cabourg, France, 22-
25 May 2012.
P. Urien: A Key for the Internet of Things, Chip-to-Cloud Security Forum, Nice, France, 19-20
September 2012
P. Urien: An OPENID Identity Service for Android, Based on USIM Secure Elements", in proceedings of MobiCASE 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA, 11-12 October 2012
F. Guenane, N. Samet, G. Pujolle, P. Urien: A Strong Authentication For Virtual Networks
Using EAP-TLS Smart cards, GIIS 2012, December 17-19, 2012, Choroni, Venezuela, 2012