COMMONWEALTH ASSOCATION FOR EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 ISSN NO 2322-0147 November 2013 A study of academic Achievement in relation to intelligence of class VII students Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (Multi- subject journal) Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 ISSN 2322-0147 A study of academic Achievement in relation to intelligence of class VII students Dr Afshan Anees Ex research scholar Deptt. Of education A.M.U Abstract The present study, deals with the identification of magnitude of the relationship between intelligence and academic achievement of class VIII students. The sample consisted of 180 students from S.Thigh school and AMU Girls high school. The culture faire intelligent test constructed by R.B Catttell was employed The analysis of data was done by finding out the correlation coefficient between intelligence and academic achievement and the “t” values were calculated to the significant difference. The main findings of the study is that there is positive correlation beween intellligene and academic achievement and no significant difference between boys and girls was found on the measure of academic achievement. Education takes place, when new ideas combine with old, bringing the in the behavior. It is needless to emphasize the importance of education in the life of a nation. The outcome of education determines the level of life progress and status of the people living anywhere in the word and it is the vital force for the development of human life and the society at large. School has a moulding influence on an individual. The kind of school one attends and the teacher are source of influence and inspiration. Learning of the student, which is of utmost importace influenced by a number of factors like intelligence, Excellence International journal of Education and Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 239 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 ISSN 2322-0147 adjustment, socio-economic status, social acceptance, neglet or reject, and other personality factor. Intelligence in one of the most important factors that having an influence on the academic academic achievement of the students. (Harri 1961) Academic achievement is the way of knowing learning of different individual and now it is scientifically established fact that academic achievement is inextricable bound up with and dependent upon intelligence and ability. Intelligence is the single most important factor accounting for variation in academic achievement. Now a days, education has become highly competetitive and commercial on basis of better academic achievementonly student get selected for better causes of study and eventually for better job. It does not however necessary follows that intelegence and achievement are identical that one can be predicted perfectly from other Achievement Achievement has future reference and try to predict degree of attainment for success of individual or activity after adequate training, ability concern itself only with the present condition Acadamic Achivement Goods (1973) has defined academic achievement as a knowledge attain or skill develop in the school subject usually designate by test score or by mark assign by teachers or by both. Hawes (1982) Achivement is successful accomplishment or performance in particular subject area or cources usually be reasons of skilled hardwork and Excellence International journal of Education and Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 240 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 ISSN 2322-0147 interest typically summarized in various types of grades, marks score on descriptive commentary. Intelligence Stern (1942) “Intelligence is a general capacity of an individual consciously to adjust his thinking to new requirements. It is the general mental adaptability to new problems and conditions of life” Jean Piaget (1952) “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to one’s surrounding”. Objectives: 1. To study the relationship between inelegance and acadmic acivement of class 8th students. 2. To measure the extent of relationship between intelligence and academic achievement of boys. 3. To measure the extent of relationship between intelligence and academic achievement of girls. 4. To study the difference between boys and girls on measure of academic achievement Hypothesis 1. There would be positive correlation between and academic achievement. 2. There would be positive relationship between score of intelligence and academic achievement of boys. 3. There would be positive relationship between score of intelligence and academic achivement of girls. Excellence International journal of Education and Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 241 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 ISSN 2322-0147 4. It is expected that girls will found to be not much difference from boys on the measures of academic achievement Sample The sample consisted of 180 students, which include 90 boys from STS High School and 90 girls from Girl’s High school, Aligarh. Collection of Data Investigator personally went to the school for administration of the test. The investigator administered the culture fair intelligence test (scale 2 form A) Analysis and Interpretation Table-1 Coefficient of correlation between intelligence and academic achievement on total sample Variable Acadimic Achievement Intellegence 0.70 Table 1 shows a significant positive correlation between intelligence and academic achievement. The correlation coefficient of 0.70 is significant at 0.01 levels. Table-2 Excellence International journal of Education and Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 242 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 ISSN 2322-0147 Showing coefficient of correlation between intelligence and academic achievement for boys. Variable Academic Achievement Intelligence 0.68 Table-2 shows that the coefficient of correlation between intelligence and academic achievement is 0.68 in case of boys and the correlation is significant at 0.01 levels. Table-3 Showing Coefficient of correlation between intelligence and academic achievement for girls. Variable Academic Achievement Intelligence 0.72 As can seen table-3 there exist a positive correlation of 0.72 between intelligence and academic achievement of girls, which is significant at 0.01 level. Table-4 Showing Significance of difference between the mean scores of the high intelligent boys and low intelligent boys on the measure of academic achievement. Excellence International journal of Education and Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 243 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research Group No Means VOLUME 1 S.D ISSUE 3 Calculated t Level value High 21 71.6 5.54 24 46.4 15.31 ISSN 2322-0147 of significance 6.99 Intelligent Boys Low 0.01 Intelligent Boys As shown in table-4 high intelligent boys were found to be having higher mean scores i.e. 71.6, the mean score of the low intelligence boys i.e. 46.4 their S.D.s were found to be 5.54 and 15.31 respectively, when the significance of difference between the means was computed. The t value was found to be 6.99 which is significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels. Thus the result reveals, that the high intelligent boys scored significantly higher then the low intelligent boys scored significantly higher then the low intelligent boys on the measure of academic achievement. Table-5 Showing significance of difference between the mean scores of the high intelligent girls and low intelligent girls on the measure of academic achievement. Groups No Means S.D. Calculated t Level value Excellence International journal of Education and Research (Multi-subject journal) of significance Page 244 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research Intelligent VOLUME 1 18 70.66 8.17 27 49.00 10.95 ISSUE 3 ISSN 2322-0147 6.98 Girls Low 0.01 Intelligent Girls Table 5 shows that the mean value of high intelligent girls is 70.6, which is higher than that of low intelligent girls. i.e. 49.08 and their S.D. scores were found to be 8.17 and 10.95 respectively, when the significance of difference between means was computed. The “t” value was found to be 6.98 which is significant at both 0.05 and 0.01 level of significance. Thus the results indicate that the high intelligent girls scored significantly higher then that of low intelligent girls. Table-6 Showing Significance of difference between the mean scores of the high intelligent Boys and high intelligent girls on the measure of academic achievement. Groups No Means S.D. Calculated t Level value High 21 71.6 5.54 18 70.66 8.17 of significance 0.68 Intelligent Boys High Excellence International journal of Education and Research (Multi-subject journal) NS Page 245 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 ISSN 2322-0147 Intelligent Girls As can be seen from table no 6, the mean scores of high Intelligent boys found to be 70.66, which is found to be higher than that of higher intelligent girls i.e. 71.63 and their S.D. were found to be 5.54 and 8.17 respectively, when the significance of difference between the mean was computed. The “t” value was found to be 0.68, which shows that there is no significant difference between the mean scores of high intelligent boys and high intelligent girls. Thus, the result shows that no significant difference was found between the two group scores of high intelligent boys and high intelligent girls. Table-7 Showing significance of difference between the mean scores of the low intelligent boys and low intelligent girls on the measure of academic achievement. Groups No Mean S.D. Calculated t Level value Intelligent 24 46.4 15.31 27 49.08 10.95 of significance 0.7 Boys Intelligent NS Girls Excellence International journal of Education and Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 246 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 ISSN 2322-0147 As can be seen from table 7, the mean value of low intelligent boys i.e. 46.4 is less than that of low intelligent girls i.e. 49.08 and their S.D scores were found to be 15.31 and 10.95 respectively, when the significance difference between means was computed. The “t” value was found to be 0.7, which shows that there is no significant difference between the means scores of low intelligent boys and low intelligent girls. Thus, it is clear that no sex difference was found among low intelligent group where the “t” value of 0.7 is insignificant. Conclusion 1. High score on intelligence are likely to built high achievers on academic achievement. 2. There is positive correlation between intelligence and academic achievement. 3. Both high intelligence boys and girls are superior to low intelligent boys and girls. 4. There is positive correlation between the scores of intelligence and academic achievement of boys and girls. 5. Girls were found to e not much different from the boys on the measure of academic achievement. 6. No significant difference between boys and girls was found on the measure of academic achievement. 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Excellence International journal of Education and Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 248