Plate Tectonics Foldable Directions for Constructing the Foldable: 1. Obtain 3 pieces of paper. They can be of different colors or all white. 2. Stack the papers so that there is a 1 inch difference in their difference between them. Put the color you want to be on the outside at the bottom. 3. Carefully fold the papers over so that your top sheet folds upon itself with a ½-3/4 inch border. 4. Make sure the papers are lined up straight and staple to top to finish your foldable Directions for Labeling: 1. On the top flap write “Plate Tectonics” (Leave enough space to define Plate Tectonics) USING FOUR DIFFERENT COLORED PENCILS, OUTLINE THE NAMES OF THE FOLLOWING BOXES. 2. Second flap, label “Transform-Sliding Boundary” 3. Third flap, label, “Divergent Boundary” 4. Fourth flap, label “Convergent-Collision Boundary” 5. Fifth flap, label, “Convergent-Subduction Boundary” Directions for Each Page: 1. Plate Tectonics Flap –Write a brief description of the plate tectonics theory: The lithosphere is broken into several plates that move across the Earth’s surface, like slabs of ice on a lake.. 2-5 Study the powerpoint and use the material given to fill in the other pages. Each section needs to have 3 things: a. Put the example maps on the right side b. Put the features Formed on the left along with the small movement sketch and explanation c. On the upper flap of each boundary, put a World map and with the colored pencil corresponding to the outline color of the name tag, Highlight/color the corresponding boundary on the World map. Plate Tectonics Divergent Boundary Conversion-Subduction Boundary Convergent-Collision Boundary Transform-Sliding Boundary