HSD.Input.Template - CanNET Victoria Multidisciplinary Team


Entry of Multidisciplinary Team Meeting data into the HSD

Directions for use - March 2012

To enable optimal searching of the Human Services Directory (HSD), and to align data into a similar format across the state, please follow these guidelines and input the data as directed.

Many of the selected words and phrases are “keywords” which will allow consumers to easily find the information they are looking for.

The hierarchy of the data in the HSD is: AGENCY  SITE  SERVICE  PRACTITIONER


In order to enter any data into the HSD, your Agency (usually your Health Service) must be first registered with the HSD – in the examples that follow we use the Agency “Austin Health”.

Logon on to HSD - https://humanservicesdirectory.vic.gov.au/ - you will see the Registration information listed. Please follow the instructions to start the registration process.

Once registered, you will need to add a SITE and a SERVICE for each Cancer type/Tumour stream that your Agency conducts a Multidisciplinary Team Meeting for. PRACTITIONERS can then be attached to the meetings they attend.

Please follow the guidelines as directed on the following pages. Any questions or comments can be sent to Peter Garriga at email address  peter.garriga@austin.org.au

Version 1.6– Mar 19, 2012

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Cancer Types

Throughout the input process you need to specify the cancer type – the following are already defined in the system and it is recommended to use one of these if at all possible:

Breast or Breast-Early or Breast-Advanced




General Tumour (meetings where more than 2 main cancer types are discussed)


Haematology, Lymphoma

Head and Neck



Lung, Thoracic




Upper Gastro-Intestinal

Urogenital, Urology

If you need to add a different cancer type the system needs to set up to handle it – please contact Peter Garriga, peter.garriga@austin.org.au

if you need to do this.

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Adding a new SITE


Fill in as required


Don’t change

The first step is to create a “SITE”, so click on “Add new site” in left hand navigation box

Enter the “SITE NAME” – for Austin Health we used the following format:

Austin Cancer Services - Lung Cancer Multidisciplinary Meeting

For each cancer or MDM type, create a new “SITE”, and always ensure you use the words

“Multidisciplinary Meeting” at the end of the site name – in fact, it’s a good idea to keep the site names consistent across your health service.

Type in a “DESCRIPTION” – as an example the following was used for the Austin Lung MDM

“Lung Cancer Multidisciplinary Team Meeting - specialists, nurses and other health professionals providing specialist care in the treatment of cancer.”

It is important that you use the cancer type and the word “Cancer” immediately following it to start the description . If the MDM caters for two cancer types you can include them both e.g. “Breast & Colorectal Multidisciplinary Team Meeting” – simply separate them using the

& and put the primary cancer type discussed first.

Key in the ADDRESS of where the MDM is actually held – you can be specific and put in the

Room Number etc, or just put in a general address – key in the correct SUBURB and the POSTCODE. however, please ensure you

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Adding a SITE (continued)

Multiple entries can be added



Contact Number – this can be used for various options but if the meeting is accessible remotely then select Online Meeting and key “via” into the area code and the meeting type into the phone number field e.g. WebEx or Teleconference as above.

Similarly if CANMAP is used you can enter that as well. See the example above

Melways Ref – Do not use as this field will be removed from the HSD in future

Website – optional, but you can list the hospital website here if you wish

Comment – the standard comment used is:

“This Multidisciplinary team consists of a team of specialists, nurses and other health professionals providing specialist care in the treatment of cancer. This team has regular multidisciplinary care team meetings where specialists can present patient cases for discussion of all available treatment options. Referral to the team meeting is determined by a specialist.”

When finished, click the SAVE button

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Adding a Service

To add a service to the site, display the site list (select from left hand side) and then select the required site from the list. Click on the Services button, and then click on “Add new service”




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Adding a Service (continued)

Service Category – use the drop down box and select “Specialist Medical – requires referral” and then click on “Select Category”

Primary Service – select “Medical Oncology” (this option only appears after you have selected the

Service Category above)

Secondary Services – please tick only “Integrated Cancer Services” and “Multidisciplinary Cancer

Services” – this is important for searching the HSD

Further Description – must conform to the following format (change the cancer type to the correct name – e.g. Lung) - Lung Cancer Multidisciplinary Team Meeting – this is a field that is keyword searchable in the HSD, very important. You must use the word Cancer and the cancer type must match SITE NAME and DESCRIPTION you entered earlier (see Page 3).

Also please note that if you require the HOSPITAL name to display in the MDM Directory as the location of the MDM rather than the SUBURB you can insert it at the start by keying it in followed by two forward slashes. e.g. Austin//Lung Cancer Multidisciplinary Team Meeting

Free Provision Code – select No Fee Appointment Required – select YES

Service Email – Insert the email address of the MDM Administrator

Comment – This field is used to populate the “FREQUENCY”, “HOW TO REFER” and

“REFERRALS DUE NO LATER” fields in the MDM Directory.

IMPORTANT - You must put the meeting frequency first in this field e.g. Weekly, Fortnightly,

Monthly etc, and then put the other information e.g. “Weekly - Lodged via CANMAP”. The frequency can be specified as “Third-Tuesday” or “Four-weekly” etc, but do not leave a space between these two words, use the hyphen. Please also use the word “by” to indicate the

REFERRALS DUE NO LATER. e.g. if you enter  “Four-weekly - Page Surg2 intern on 1194 by prior Friday”, then

No space around this hyphen

FREQUENCY is  Four-weekly

HOW TO REFER is  Page Surg2 intern on 1194

Spaces either side of this hyphen

REFERRALS DUE NO LATER is  by prior Friday

Website – Can be left blank. For Austin, used for CANMAP - http://www.cancermdm.com.au/austin

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Adding a Service (continued)





Contact Number – use if you wish but can be ignored

Availability – click “Add new availability” and key in the start and end times of the meeting (including AM or PM) and the day of the week it is conducted

Target Groups – this field is important in the HSD as it is searchable – always try and use the word “cancer” and the cancer types in the text e.g. “Any Lung Cancer cases”.

Note especially for meetings designated as “General Tumour”, you MUST include the cancer types discussed at the meeting in the text otherwise they will NOT display in the MDM directory when that cancer type is selected. e.g. “Any new Lung, Breast and Colorectal Cancer cases”.

When finished, click the SAVE button

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Adding a Practitioner

To add a Practitioner to the site, display the site list (select from left hand side) and then select the required site from the list. Click on the Practitioners button, and then click on “Add practitioner to site”

On the next screen, key in the Practitioners Given and Family name and click “Find” – if the

Practitioner already exists, the data will be displayed and then you would click “Select” to edit the data.

If the Practitioner does not exist on the HSD, you will be advised and will need to click the

“Create New” button.

Both the “edit” and “add” Practitioner screens are very similar, we will show the “Add” screens in the following pages as a guide.

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Adding a Practitioner (continued)

Un-check this box


Name and title - Add detail, as required

Gender – must be specified

Special Interests – can be added as required e.g. Lung Cancer, Mesothelioma, Clinical Trials

Comments – used for Qualifications

e.g. BHB, MBChB MD, FRACP Medical Director of CSU etc

Allow Export to – uncheck this box

Specialties – this field is important in the HSD as it defines the Practitioners title to match the titles in the Patient Management Framework – please use up to three specialities from the drop down box e.g. Medical Oncologist, Thoracic Surgeon, registered Nurse etc

When finished, click the SAVE button

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Adding a Practitioner (continued)

Important – needs to be “ticked”

Most fields can be ignored – the only one to check is the Privacy boxes for Public display – ensure the Name information is checked so it can be displayed – the other boxes are optional depending whether the Practitioner wants them checked or not

When finished, click the SAVE button – and then repeat to add further Practitioners to this

Service or return to the start to add more Sites & Services

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Peter Garriga, peter.garriga@austin.org.au

CanNET Victoria

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