Spelling Menu This is for your spelling homework. Choose one activity to finish each night on your own paper. Please do a different activity each night every week. Use TEN spelling words from your list. Colorful Words Write each of your spelling words. Write each letter using a different color e.g. car Waterfall Words Example: c ca cat catc catch ABC Order Write your spelling words in ABC order. If words start with the same letter, look at the next letter. Three Times First, write each word in pencil. Then, write each word in crayon. Finally, write each word in marker! Colorful Consonants Write your spelling words. Trace over the consonants in each word with different colors. Adding My Words Vowels are 10 and consonants are 5. Write your words and then add the value of each word. e.g. c a t 5 +10+ 5 = 20 Typing Fun Type your spelling words. You can print or attach and send it to our email! Hidden Words Draw and color a picture. Hide your spelling words inside the picture. See if someone can find your hidden word! Fingerspelling! Video yourself fingerspelling and signing your spelling words. Squiggly Spelling Words You will write them two times. Write them first in squiggly letters. Then write them once more in regular letters. Write neatly! Silly Sentences Write silly sentences using a spelling word in each sentence. Underline the spelling words and write neatly! Fancy Words Write your words using fancy letters two times! Example: car Car Car UPPER and lower Write your words one time with all uppercase letters and one time with lowercase letters e.g. CAT cat Draw and Label Draw and label your spelling words. You must color your drawings and labels. cat Shape Words Draw ten shapes. Write your spelling word inside each shape. Rainbow Write First, write the words in pencil. Then trace over them in two different colors Vowel Circle Write your spelling words. Then go back and circle all of the vowels in your spelling words! Example: c a t c h Magazine Words Use an old magazine or newspaper and find your words or letters that make up words. Glue them down. Story, Story Write a story using spelling words. Be sure to underline your spelling words in the story Words Within Words Write each spelling word and then write at least two words made from that word. Ex: catch cat hat