Global Education Committee Minutes 9/12/2012 PRESENT: Maggie Hawkins, Virginia Waddick, Charles James, Fran Breit, Beth Larson, Bob Enright, Nancy Kendall, Ola Skyba, Julie Lindsey, Xueli Wang, Peggy Choy, Saili Kulkarni, Steve Quintana ABSENT: Sarah FitzSimons, Noel Radomski, Aydin Bal 1) Welcome/Introductions/Approval of May Minutes a. Approval of Minutes from May 9, 2012 i. Charles James moves to approve the minutes ii. Seconded by Julie Lindsey 2) Announcements a. Amy Stambach is on sabbatical for a year and her position as ex-officio and Associate Dean of International Relations will remain unfilled in her absence. b. A new 50% Academic Dean Position has been configured and created to address some needs previously filled by the role of the Associate Dean of International Relations. c. Update on Xi’an program i. Four undergraduate students participated in the Xi’an pilot program. 1. Cost-recovery is difficult with such low participation; however, low participation is common with the pilot of a new program. 2. This trip helped to establish and further develop relationships with Shaanxi Normal University. ii. Dean Underwood and the Board of Visitors’ Chair, Marlene Hartzman, accompanied the program participants for a few days. 1. SoE Board of Visitor members’ involvement in the School of Education’s global education pursuits is encouraged by the Dean. 2. The Dean held a meeting with the president of the Shaanxi Normal University to discuss the existing and limited Memorandum of Understanding held with UW-Madison’s SoE. iii. If any faculties are searching for international partnerships, Shaanxi Normal University is an existing relationship with room for building upon. d. Tajikistan International Visitors i. At present, the trip of the international visitors from Tajikistan has been postponed. The new trip date has yet to be determined. This announcement will return to the agenda when more information is available. e. Other i. Julie Lindsey – School of Education Study Abroad Report provides a summary of student involvement within and across Schools at the UW-Madison. The 2012 report demonstrates increased participation of students in the School of Education. ii. Study Abroad Fair at Union South in Varsity Hall 9/12/12 1. Dean Underwood and Maggie plan to be in attendance. 2. This is often well attended by School of Education undergraduate students. iii. A university in England is seeking to establish an undergraduate academic program which includes comparative education courses. However, enrollment is not restricted to School of Education students. The coursework includes observation and assessment. 1. Maggie is to discuss this further with Dean Underwood. iv. Curriculum & Instruction Programs 1. There is a new C & I program for Secondary Education. 2. Elementary Education is to remain at undergraduate level. v. New International Study Opportunities 1. SoE priority is to increase study abroad opportunities for undergraduates. a. Goal is to build new semester programs outside of traditional structure o Traditional structure includes: 1. Programs limited by accommodations, capacity, resources, or cost such as the Uganda program which permits few attendees 2. Programs structured around a few weeks, led by a faculty member b. The establishment of an MOU allows for ongoing work through collaboration on curriculum and more. Moving forward, IAP and SoE need to work closely to make sure existing program curriculum is matching to meet School requirements. Departmental interest for building on existing and establishing new international relationships should be high as these partnerships directly lead to increased and ongoing benefit for the department, SoE, and UW-Madison in the form of visiting scholars, programs, faculty exchanges, etc. Program development is a direct result of maintained relations. c. Program options should be limited to those that are high interest or have sufficient interest to prove cost-effective. Only programs that are pilots should justify this risk. After programs expire, IAP reassesses success of program and determines whether or not to renew the contract. d. A scholarship fund has been established for the GEC: Six $1,000 scholarships to be awarded annually to SoE undergraduates. 2. Julie and IAP are working to establish new programs for SoE students. 3. IAP is forwarding information of existing programs to SoE students with related interests. 3) French Education Program Proposal (C&I, FRIT, and IAP) – Francois Tochon a. This is a 12-credit graduate level program (6 credits in France, 6 at UW-Madison) for a C & I certificate. b. At present, the program cannot be a certificate program. The certificate component of the proposal will be revisited once departmental issues have been identified and addressed. c. Bob Enright supports the implementation of this program, identifying that logistics have been covered by Francois and IAP has previously approved the coursework. d. Committee approves the proposal for the international study abroad initiative. i. Motion to approve 6 credits of coursework proposed for study abroad: 1. Saili Kulkarni moves for approval. 2. Motion seconded by Xueli Wang. 3. Julie Lindsey abstains. o For future use, committee plans to create one page guideline to clarify GEC role in approval for courses and international study programs. Discussion of such criteria to continue at October meeting. 4) WCER Funding Issues a. $9,000 GEC FUNDS, $6,900 WCER FUNDS b. GEC – SoE Seed Funding RFP Document Review i. New programmatic initiatives encouraged ii. GEC to review proposals monthly and evaluate merit of each iii. Money for proposals generally expected to be expended within academic year. c. WCER Funding i. WCER fund provisions to cease if applicants do not pursue request for external funding as proposed in WCER fund application specifications. ii. Bob Enright suggests that a plan for external funding be provided with request for WCER funding. iii. Nancy Kendall suggests that providing $1-2G in funding to various faculty members to further their own research will not generate the big money investors that WCER desires. 5) Visiting Scholars a. New policy approved by Dean Underwood. o NOTE: “TO BE APPROVED” section should be reviewed at the department level. This will provide structure for administrators and the department. i. Visiting Scholars Policy suggests a distinction be made between individuals auditing courses and visiting scholars observing: 1. Observing is permitted if permissions for doing so are given in advance by the course professor. 2. Auditors would be charged. 3. Distinction should be made to prevent such charges to the visiting scholars. ii. Melissa Amos-Landgraf researched costs associated with ongoing administrative support and the onboarding process for a visiting scholar. Consequently, a visiting scholar fee of $300 has been recommended and will be moved for approval at Academic Planning Council (APC). A portion of said fee will be returned to department, a portion to the SoE, and a portion to the GEC (for the fall Visiting Scholar Reception). 1. It has been suggested that the fee cannot be less than $200. 2. Peer institutions have been consulted about their visiting scholar fees to aid in determining if SoE request is within reason. 3. Individual faculty members can never receive a direct stipend for providing support to visiting scholars. 4. Nancy requested Melissa’s research of visiting scholar related costs be forwarded to the committee. a. Need-based funding is crucial. b. $200 of the $300 should go to the department since $200 equates the cost for the administrator’s onboarding process for the scholar. c. Is time a factor in determining the scholar’s fee? [e.g. Those staying for a month/semester/year] d. Email should be sent to visiting scholar upon their arrival detailing expectations and date required for report submission. Minutes respectfully submitted by Leslie G. Orrantia.