International Visiting Scholar Programme of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Funding request for scholars invited as part of the International Visiting Scholar Programme of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities To the Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanities 1) Inviting party (chair/professorship/facility or service of the University of Passau): Contact person: Telephone extension: E-mail address: 2) Given name and family name of the invited visiting scholar: Academic degree: Date and place of birth: Nationality: Address: E-mail address: Telephone number: Sending HE institution: Partner university of the University of Passau? EU Member State? Duration of stay (14 days minimum): From Will the invited party require use of the faculty's visiting scholars' office? Has food and lodging been arranged? Please provide details: Will the visiting scholar be accompanied by family members? Visiting scholar's bank account details Bank: Account no.: Sort code: IBAN: BIC: Yes Yes Until Yes Yes No No Yes No No No 3) Type of course (lecture, seminar, block course, excursion, research project, other): Course title: Number of teaching hours: Will ECTS credits be awarded for the course? Does the course include an examination? Degree courses for which the course is suitable: contact hours per week Yes, indicate number: credits Yes No No Enclosed: visiting scholar’s chronological CV (note: required for approval). Additional information or comments: Date: Signature: _______________________________________________________ International Visiting Scholar Programme of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities _________________________________________________________________________________________________ To be completed by Faculty Administration Returned to service/facility due to: missing information/form incomplete CV not enclosed The request has been approved. The agreed remuneration amounts to €____________ plus travel expenses in the amount of €500.00 (EU) or €750.00 (non-EU), resulting in a total of €_____________. (Remuneration may not exceed €1,500.00 per visiting scholar) Passau, ___________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ To be completed by Section V/1 Visiting scholar contract, payment instruction and copy of the application form received.