M.A.SOCIOLOGY FIRST SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER MSO-01: CLASSICAL SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES MONTH July August September DATES 1-3 Nature of sociological Theory 6-10 13-17 Different Sociological perspectives and conceptions about society Augusta comet and his laws of 3 stages 20-24 classification of Sciences 27-31 3-7 Herbert Spencer’s Evolutionary and organism Theory Emile Durkheim - Theory of religion 10-14,17-21 Theory of suicide 24-28,31 1-4 7-11 Theory on Division of Labor Max Weber: Protestant Ethic and spirit of capitalism Social Action Theory, Theory on Bureaucracy 14-16,18 Forms of power and Authority 21-24 Karl Marx: Theory on Capital, Historical Materialism, Class conflict Dialectical materialism and Social Changes – Theory on alienation Pareto: Logic – Experimental Method 28-30 October TOPIC 1,5-9, 12-16 19,21,23,26-30 Residues and derivations – Circulation of elites and theory of social change M.A.SOCIOLOGY FIRST SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER MSO-02: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY MONTH July August DATES 1-3 Nature of Science, Scientific Method, and Social phenomena 6-10,13-17 Application of Scientific method to social phenomena and the problems in its application 20-24 Concepts, theory, Hypothesis and facts 27-31 Their nature and interrelationship 3-7 Meaning of research design and its types 10-14 Survey research and its various steps 17-21 Types of surveys 24-28,31 Errors in survey research – Methods to control them September 1-4 October TOPIC Selection of Universe and sample 7-11 Types of sampling designs 14-16,18 Nature of sampling errors. 21-24 Selection and –preparation of instrument for Data generation 28-30 Interview schedule – Mailed questionnaire and observation and case study 1,5-9,1216, 19 Planning and organization of field work – problems and prospects of field work 21,23,2630 Nature of qualitative research and applied social Research M.A. SOCIOLOGY FIRST SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER MSO-03: SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHANGE MONTH DATES 1-3 6-10 13-17 20-24 27-31 3-7 August 10-14 17-21 24-28,31 September 1-4 7-11 14-16,18 July 21-24 October 28-30 1,5-9 12-16 19,21,23 26-30 TOPIC Sociology as science and its uses. Concept of society and Social System. Elements of Social structure: Role, status, norms Values, power, authority, Associations Individual and Society, Personality. Culture and Society. Socialization Social Processes: Associative and dissociative Social institutions: Marriage, family and kinship Economic Institutions: Property, Division of Labour Types of Exchange, Markets, Educational Institutions Political Institutions; State, Nation, Government Religious institutions: Structure. Functions Beliefs and Practices Social differentiation and social stratification Caste, class, estate, social mobility and inequality. Social disorganization and social control. Deviance, anomie, alienation Social Evolution, Social progress and social change Factors affecting social change Major process of Social Change: Inclustrialisation, Uranimation, Modernization and Secularization M.A.SOCIOLOGY FIRST SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER MSO-04 : SOCIETY IN INDIA MONTH July DATES 1-3 6-10, 13-17 20-24 27-31 3-7 August 10-14 17-21 24-28,31 September 1-4,7-11 October 14-16,18 21-24 28-30 1,5-9,1216, 19 21,23,2630 TOPIC Hindu Social Organization: Its normative and scriptural bases Historical perspective on Indian Society Composition of Indian society- Racial, ethnic, religious groups Linguistic and cultural groups Unity in diversity Contemporary Indian Society – Structural features Functions and change aspects of Varna and caste Kinship, Marriage and family Religion - Caste, class, power, little and Great traditions Social organization and problems of minorities with reference to Christians, Muslims, Sikhs Problems of Indian Society Nationalism, regionalism Cartelism, Communalism and linguistic problems Major change processes in Indian Society – Islamaization Sanskritization, westernization, modernization, secularization. Social movements: social movements and social change in India Social reform Movements Self-respect movement, Dalit movement and National movement M.A.SOCIOLOGY FIRST SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER MSO- 05: SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND INEQUALITY MONTH DATES July 1-3 August 6-10 13-17 20-24 27-31 3-7 September October 10-14 17-21 24-28,31 1-4 7-11 14-16,18 21-24,28-30 1,5-9 12-16 19,21,23 26-30 TOPIC Social stratification: conceptual and theoretical perspectives Approaches of Marx, Weber, Davis and Moore Tumid and Dahrendort to the study of class Status and power in industrial societies Social stratification in Developing societies. Social inequalities and their bases: Class, caste, race, culture Gender in comparative and cross-cultural Perspective Consciousness of Inequality and Consequences of Inequality Concept of social mobility: Caste and class Mobility Social, economic and cultural disabilities Concept of weaker sections with reference to India Historical and Sociological perspectives Concepts, nature and types of poverty and deprivation; Structural and cultural constraints in its eradication, National policy and program and their input Women, Scheduled castes, backward castes and Scheduled tribes their general and specific problems Governmental policies and pro-grammas for their Development Disabilities of women in India. Programmers for their welfare and development. M.A.SOCIOLOGY SECOND SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-08 : MODERN SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES MONTH DATES TOPIC Talcott Parsons: The Theory of Social Action and Social system; Pattern variables. 26,27&30 Merton: Social Structure and anomie. Manifest and Latent Functions Structuralism as a school of thought - Contributions of December 1- 4 Radcliffe Brown and Levi-Strauss 7-11&14-18 Functionalism and its different shades Critique and reformulation of functional analysis 19-22 January 27,28&29 Conflict School and its different shades Functional analysis of February 1-5 8-12&15-19 Conflict by Simmer and Closer 22-26&29 Dialectical approach of Marx and Dahrendorf. March 1-4&7-11 Symbolic interactions of Cooley, 14-18&21- Mead and Bulmer Social Exchange Theory of Humans and Belau 25 Contributions made by Husserl and Schultz 28-31 Ethno-methodology of Garfunkel April 1&4,5 November 23-25 M.A.SOCIOLOGY SECOND SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-09 : SOCIAL STATISTICS MONTH DATES TOPIC November 23-25 Role and importance of statistical methods in social research Uses and abuses in the application of statistical techniques Limitations. Analysis of the data - Variables and attributes and their classification Tabulation of the data - Types of tables Features of a scientific table. Measures of central tendency, measures of deviation, coefficient of variation. Simple correlation 26,27&30 December January February March April 1-4&7-11 14-18 &21,22 19-22 27,28&29 1-5&8-12 15-19 22-26&29 1-4&7-11 14-18 21-25&2831 1&4,5 Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation Spearman's Rank Correlation Association of attributes Yule's coefficient of Association;. Chi-Square test of significance Uses of computer and its Software in social science research Role of graphs and diagrams in research report Report writing Qualities of a scientific report; Role of Bibliography M.A.SOCIOLOGY SECOND SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-10 :URBAN SOCIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT MONTH DATES TOPIC November 23-25 December 26,27&30 1-4&7-11 Community and definition, physical and social bases, differences between Urban and rural communities Folk-urban continuum. Urbanism as a way of life, types and characteristics of cities Urbanization and over-urbanization. 14-18 &21,22 19-22 January 27,28&29 February 1-5&8-12 15-19 March April 22-26&29 1-4&7-11 14-18 21-25 &28-31 1&4,5 Urbanization: Urbanization in developed and developing countries. Urbanization in India, Sociological, Historical and demographic perspectives, Migration and urbanization in India, components of urbanization Sociological, functional and demographic characteristics of Indian cities, Urban social organization, kinship and family, Formal groups and social mobility. Caste and class, Urban administration Planning and development, National policy on urbanization, goals and resource allocation, planned city growth, urban community development. M.A.SOCIOLOGY SECOND SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-11 : RURAL SOCIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT MONTH DATES November 23-25 December 26,27&30 1-4&7-11 January February 14-18 &21,22 19-22 27,28&29 1-5&8-12 15-19 22-26&29 March April 1-4&7-11 14-18 21-25&2831 1&4,5 TOPIC Agrarian and peasant social structure - Basic characteristics of peasant and Agrarian Society Family, caste, religion, habitat and settlement. Modes of production and Agrarian relation - tenancy lands and labour; Agrarian legislation and rural social structure, Rural poverty, emigration, landless labour. Planned change for rural society Panchayat Raj, local self government and community Development programmes and rural development strategies Major Agrarian Movements in India - A critical analysis. Peasant Revolts in India before 1920 Agrarian conflict in Malabar The Barolo Satyagraha - The Tebhaga Movement The Telangana Peasant Movement. Globalization and its impact on agriculture; water and agriculture irrigation Management practices. Green revolution and its impact on sustain able development M.A.SOCIOLOGY SECOND SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-12 : SOCIOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT MONTH DATES TOPIC November 23-25 Concepts of Development and Underdevelopment in Historical Perspective: Imperialism, Capitalism, Neocolonialism and under development. Society, Economy and polity in India during the British Rule; Socio-economic problems of South land Reforms Asia and India since 1950s; Social Policy and Planning in India; Green Revolution, and agricultural development. Models of Development; Western capitalism; Socialist Model; Chinese Model, Japanese Model; Mixed - Economy, Impact of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization on Development models. Migration and Development; Industrial development; Urban development; Education, Development of social Sector, Gender and Development; Science, Technology and Development; Population and Development; Youth and Development. Measurement of Development and its Dimensions; Indices of Development: Levels of Poverty; Literacy, Fertility and mortality, Quality of life Women Empowerment, Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights. 26,27&30 December 1-4&7-11 January 14-18 &21,22 19-22 27,28&29 February 1-5&8-12 15-19 22-26&29 March 1-4&7-11 14-18 21-25& 28-31 April 1&4,5 M.A.SOCIOLOGY THIRD SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-15 : CRIME AND DEVIANCE MONTH July August September DATES 1-3 6-10 13-17 20-24 27-31 3-7 10-14 17-21 24-28,31 1-4 7-11 14-16,18 21-24 28-30 October 1,5-9 12-16 19,21,23 26-30 TOPIC Introduction to the concepts of Crime and Criminology. Penology and Victimology. Conceptual approaches to crime. Legal, Behavioral and Sociological Perspectives Deviance, crime and Delinquency Types of Crimes: Economic, violent, white collar Perspectives on crime causation : Classical Perspective, Positivist Perspective, Psychological, Sociological, Marxian Perspectives Geographical and Sub – cultural Perspectives The labeling theory, Changing profile of crime and criminals. Organized crimes, crimes against women and children, Cyber crimes, corruption, terrorism. Theories of punishment, Correction and its forms. Correctional Programmes in prison – Prison reforms in India – National policy on prisons. Problems of correctional Administration. Alternatives to imprisonment – Probation, Parole, Open prisons After care and rehabilitation Victims responsibility in crime, compensation to victims. M.A.SOCIOLOGY THIRD SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-16: PART-A: OUT REACH PROGRAMME PART-B: COMPUTER PRACTICALS MONTH July August September October DATES 1-3 6-10 13-17 20-24 27-31 3-7 10-14 17-21 24-28,31 1-4 7-11 TOPIC 14-16,18 21-24 Exploring Computers and their uses: computer system Looking inside the Using the Keyboard and Mouse Inputting data in other ways Video and Sound. Storage Devices and Operating System Basics Printing: Transforming Data into Information Types of Storage Devices: Operating System Basics: Networking Basics Data Communications and Computer programs Data Communications Productivity Software Database Management Systems Creating Computer Programs: Program Language and Programming Process. MS Word: MS Excel Basics: Excel Charts Graphs and Functions 28-30 MS Access Basics: Access Reports, Forms and Graphics. 1,5-9 12-16 19,21,23 Microsoft Office Power Point Basics and Computer programs: Fundamentals of Internet Practicals on Computer Practicals on Computer 26-30 M.A.SOCIOLOGY THIRD SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER- MSO-17: SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT MONTH July DATES 1-3 6-10 13-17 20-24 27-31 August 3-7 10-14 17-21 24-28,31 September 1-4 7-11 14-16,18 21-24 28-30 October 1,5-9 12-16 19,21,23 26-30 TOPIC The rise, decline and resurgence of environmental sociology Relationship between ecology, habitat, environment, economy, culture and society: Classical and contemporary theories Significance of ecology and environmental studies in modernizing societies. The nature of ecosystems; Natural /resources, Profile of the World and India, Future human societies and their environmental concerns. Impact of economic development, agriculture, urbanization and industrialization on environment Development, displacement and relocation Environmental degradation Air, Water, land, soil, noise and radiation and ozone depletion. Global environmentalism awareness o0f environmental hazards in India Environmental activism in India Environmental education; environmental law Machinery for pollution monitoring and control. Environmental management, Environmental problems and issues in South Asia. Land and Water management systems. Waste land Development. Drought and Desert area Development Environmental baseline studies, reconnaissance and impact studies Environmental Information systems M.A.SOCIOLOGY III SEMESTER TEACHING PLANS FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER- MSO-18: SOCIAL DEMOGRAPHY MONTH July DATES 1-3 6-10 13-17 20-24 August 27-31 3-7 10-14 17-21 24-28,31 September 1-4, 7-11 14-16,18 21-24 28-30 October 1,5-9 12-16 19,21,23 26-30 TOPIC Social Demography – Its definition, scope and content – Important Land Marks in the development of Demography as a Science Sources of Demographic data Census – Vital Registration and National Sample Surveys. World Population - Its growth, size and distribution India’s population in size, growth, distribution and composition Problems of rapid growth of population in India. Malthus and his theory on Population Its relevance today – Demographic Transition Theory Its relevance and limitations The interface between Population, Ecology and environment Components of Population growth : Fertility Mortality, Migration – Their concept Theoretical and Methodological frame works of Migration Population Control: Its need and implications – Human intervention approach through contraceptives Development approach – Beyond Family planning approach, Human resource development approach India’s Population Policy – Problems and prospects of Family Planning . Programmers’ in our country . M.A.SOCIOLOGY THIRD SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-19 : SOCIETY AND EDUCATION MONTH July August DATES 1-3 6-10 13-17 20-24 27-31 3-7 10-14 17-21 19,21,23 Sociological approach to education; education as a social system. Social functions of education – Pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education. Determinants of educability. Democratization of education opportunities. Problems of education in India: Quantitative expansion and qualitative deterioration; Imbalances in education, wastage and stagnation; medium of instruction (evaluation and assessment system). Education of women, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and backward classes Sociology of teaching-Characteristics of adolescents, generation gap and student unrest. Public and Private education, Experiments in education – open school system, public school system, basic education. History of educational development in India – Pre and Post Independence Periods – Values and ideology . The 1968 Education Policy, New Education Policy – 1986. Social change and education and modernization. Adult and nonformal education. The concept of lifelong education, Impact of privatization and globalization on Education in India Social change and education and modernization 26-30 Adult and non-formal education. 24-28,31 September 1-4 7-11 14-16,18 21-24 October TOPIC 28-30 1,5-9 12-16 M.A.SOCIOLOGY FOURTH SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-22 : ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR MONTH DATES November 23-25 26,27&30 December 1-4&7-11 14-18 &21,22 19-22 January 27,28&29 February 1-5&8-12 15-19 22-26&29 March 1-4&7-11 14-18 April 21-25 &28-31 1&4,5 TOPIC Organizations : Characteristics and Types: Organizational Behaviour Historical Development and Fundamental concepts, and theories for understanding Organizational behaviour, classical and neo-classical theories of organization Bureaucratic model and its deficiencies Organizational environment: Organizational structure design Its effect on work system and people, quality of work life. Social environment: Informal organization, working with union Employee communication, communication relationships Appraise and rewarding of performance - Incentive systems. Leadership : Leadership and supervision Employee participation, interpersonal and group dynamics, Management of change. Organizational development and training. Motivation: Human needs and drives - Maslow and Herzberg's contribution to motivation. The expectancy model - Behavioural modification Reactions to job experience, Alienation, Stress and satisfaction. M.A.SOCIOLOGY FOURTH SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-23 : A) PROJECT REPORT B) VIVA VOCE The Students carry out a project and submit a report at the end of semester after which viva-voce is held. M.A.SOCIOLOGY FOURTH SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-24 : GLOBALIZATION AND SOCIETY MONTH DATES TOPIC November 23-25 The nature and dynamics of globalization: The historical and social context of globalization World capitalism. Modernization and globalization -Distinctive Characteristics of globalization - The role of information and communication Technology -Benefits and disadvantages of globalization. Agencies of globalization: Political economy of globalization - Agencies of globalization: Multinational corporations (MNCs). Nation- State, media, market, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), International agencies (International Monetary Fund, World Bank Globalization and culture: The ethos of globalization (unbridled freedom, individualism, consumerism) Diffusion and projection American value system and cultural patterns through the media global Cultural homogenization, hegemony and dominance Globalization and the resurgence of ethnic consciousness; Global tourism, diaspor communities, transnational ethnic and religious movements Religious fundamentalism. Globalization and the Indian experience. Globalization and public policy Debates on globalization - impact of globalization; Trends and prospects. 26,27&30 December 1-4&7-11 14-18 &21,22 19-22 January 27,28&29 February 1-5&8-12 15-19 22-26&29 March 1-4&7-11 April 14-18 21-25 &28-31 1&4,5 M.A.SOCIOLOGY FOURTH SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-25 : SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND NGOs MONTH DATES TOPIC November 23-25 Social Movements : Concepts, origin, ideology, organization mobilization, leadership, reutilization. Classification of movement Political, Social Reform and Economic. Religious and sectarian movements; Agrarian and peasant movements Trade Union Movements, Backward Class, Dalit and tribal movements Women's movement, students movement, Environmental movements Regional Movements and Ethnic movements Concepts of Social and Voluntary action; types of voluntary organizations; Bhudan and Sarvodaya movements; civil liberties and radical movements Principles and strategies of Social Action, Conscientization; N.G.Os Types; societies Regulation Act 1860 and Indian Trusts Act 1882; N.G.Os : Human and Financial Resources; N.G.Os and Government. Social Policy, Planning, Social Welfare Administration; Project formulation implementation, evaluation and management; Social legislation, Drafting of bills Lobbying with political parties, bureaucracy and working with people and community 26,27&30 December 1-4&7-11 14-18 &21,22 19-22 January February 27,28&29 1-5&8-12 15-19 22-26&29 March 1-4&7-11 14-18 April 21-25 &28-31 1&4,5 M.A.SOCIOLOGY FOURTH SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-26: SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH MONTH DATES TOPIC November 23-25 Sociology of Health - Its aim and scope - Contribution of Sociology to health Definition of health - Four dimensions of health health and its relationship to other social institutions Evolution of social medicine in India. Social epidemiology - Vital and public health concepts and statistics Epidemiology of disease - Natural history of diseaseMan and his environment Social etiology and ecology of disease - The sick role and patient role. Hospital as a social organization - Types and functions of hospitalsInterpersonal relationship in hospital settings - medical and service in hospitals - Hospital as a community organization. Community health - Community health problems in India -Concept of integrated health service The primary health centre, its role, organization and functioning - Implementation and utilization of health programmes in rural and urban communities. Social components in therapy and rehabilitation Culture and disease Attitudes, beliefs and values associated with diseases Problems of therapy and rehabilitation - Rehabilitation agencies Private and State - Role of Mass media in the promotion of health. 26,27&30 December 1-4&7-11 1418&21,22 19-22 January 27,28&29 February 1-5&8-12 15-19 22-26&29 March 1-4&7-11 April 14-18 21-25&2831 1&4,5 M.A.SOCIOLOGY FOURTH SEMESTER TEACHING PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 PAPER-MSO-27 : FAMILY WELFARE AND COUNSELING MONTH DATES TOPIC November 23-25 Family and its importance - Position of family in society Changing family systems - Role relations in family and Society Role conflict and role strain Marital dissolution - Dowry, Divorce, Widowhood and remarriage sexual harassment and exploitation Media violence, rape and prostitution Family Welfare policies and programmes, population policy Family planning approach and strategy Family planning programmes and services Problems of women, children and the aged and their welfare Policies and programmes Post marital framework for the individual and the family Counseling - Various techniques and approaches. 26,27&30 December January February 1-4&7-11 1418&21,22 19-22 27,28&29 1-5&8-12 March 15-19 22-26&29 1-4&7-11 April 14-18 21-25&2831 1&4,5