Fair Haven - Our Lady of Seven Dolors

Four for the Lord
Pastor: Father Antony Pittappillil, Sdv
November 2013
Volume 2, Issue 2
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Parochial Vicar: Fr. Michael Onyekwere, Sdv
St Frances Cabrini
St. John the Baptist
153 West Pawlet
West Pawlet, VT 05775
Phone: (802) 265-3135
Fax: (802) 265-2179
786 Main St.
Castleton, VT 05735
(802) 468-5706
Our Lady of Seven Dolors
10 Washington St.
Fair Haven, VT 05743
Phone: (802) 265-3135
Fax: (802) 265-2179
St. Paul’s
73 Church St,
Orwell, VT 05760
(802) 948-2951
Tax deduction idea for 2013:
Please consider donating to St.
Mary’s School roof fund ($120,000
needed). Be one of our angels!
Thank you!
Keep in mind that a parish is only as vibrant as its parishioners. Now is the time to get
involved in your parish. Reach out to our Priests. They have had a heavy burden placed
upon their shoulders and need all our help and prayers to see them through this transition.
-Robert Crowley
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Four for the Lord
A Letter From Our Pastor
Dear Parishioners,
As we reach the end of 2013 let us thank God for
all our blessings. Through this newsletter, my
intention is to inform you of issues and
information other than that which would be
addressed from the pulpit.
As you know, earlier this year we reintroduced our
newsletter and I’m happy to know that it was well
received. I thank each one of you and appreciate
your taking an interest in making our parishes
vibrant and active. In this issue I am delighted to
see articles that share the various activities of our
parishes. This bridges the gap between us.
I wish you, your family and your loved ones, a
very Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year. May God Bless you all
Yours sincerely in Christ, your pastor,
Father Antony Pittappillil sdv
“Go...Proclaim the Good News”
(Mk. 16:15)
As we look forward to the advent of 2014, let us
focus our attention to the season of Advent. The
word advent means “coming”. Let us prepare the
way of the Lord for his coming as our King and
Savior. Christ’s first coming opened for us the way
to eternal salvation. It is a wonderful time in our
church year. Thomas Merton once described
Advent as the “Sacrament of the presence of God
in the world, the mystery of Christ at work in
history.” As we celebrate Advent with the outward
symbols of anticipation and joy and the rituals of
Christian preparation, let us also strive to embark
on an inner journey to the center of our faith, to a
meeting with Christ who is mysteriously present
within us and around us in our world.
Since modern America has lost the ability to
distinguish between the good and evil, the sacred
and the profane, we need to go back to our rich
traditions, those of our founding fathers. To save
our nation from its present scenario, we must
follow the path of righteousness… Let us try to
enter into this Advent mystery through our silence,
solitude, prayer and conversion, ever eager to
discover that although we seek God, as if God
were absent, the surprising reality is that God is
already in us, around us and always within us.
Let's Re-Evangelize the Church:
A Call to Missionary Discipleship
Did you know that we are missionaries by the
very fact that we are Christians? Our pilgrim
Church, according to Vatican II, is missionary by
her very nature. The Risen Lord, before
ascending to the Father, commissioned us: “As
the Father has sent me so I send you.” (Jn.
20:21). “Go into the entire world and proclaim
the Good news to the whole creation (Mk.
What does Mission and Disciple mean?
Mission comes from the word “missio” which
means “sent.” In the Church, “mission” acquired
the meaning of spreading the faith in Jesus Christ
and building up a community of believers. “Go
therefore and make disciples of all nations,
baptising them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt.28.18).
Disciple is derived from the Latin word,
Four for the Lord
“discipulus,” meaning student, pupil or
apprentice. The word “disciple” is used in the
Gospels and Acts 244 times; this alone
demonstrates the importance of this concept.
And it’s a theme Jesus kept repeating then and
keeps repeating today.
By virtue of our baptism, we are not only called
by Jesus to be his disciples; we are sent by Him
to be His missionaries.
What are the Principles of Missionary Discipleship
1. There can be no discipleship without
Mission...and no Mission without true
discipleship. They are inseparably connected.
One cannot exist without the other.
We become disciples through the “missionary”
efforts of others, of our parents, of our teachers,
of our Pastors, of our models, our fellow
parishioners. Once we become a true disciple, an
intentional follower of Jesus Christ, alive with
His Spirit and enflamed with love of Him, we are
impelled by the Spirit to be missionaries. We
follow Jesus: I have come to set the earth on fire,
and how I wish it were already blazing! (Lk
Our mission is our life. We are called upon to
bear witness to the truth that Jesus not only is
truly alive in the world, He lives in our minds, in
our hearts...and He must live in our society, our
businesses, our neighbourhoods, our laws, our
texting, our emails, our dinner table. We have to
tell others about Him, by our life and conduct,
yes, but also in words. Like Paul, the Spirit says
within us: “I am compelled to preach. Woe to me
if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Cor. 9:16). We
are the Church...and the very vocation and
mission of the Church is to evangelize: “The
Church exists in order to evangelize” (Evangelii
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Nuntiandi 14). “It is the obligation and
inherent right of the Church, to preach the
Gospel to all people.” (Canon 747)
2. Our Lord’s concept of discipleship is
Christo-Centric: Jesus IS the pattern and
paradigm for the disciples in their life of
sacrifice. (Jn 13/14) Discipleship entails a
total and unconditional commitment to
Jesus, following him and continuing his
mission. In fact, Jesus is the norm and
exemplar of discipleship. There is no
Christian discipleship if Christ is not at the
centre of your life and if you are not rooted
and grounded in Christ and in his teaching.
3. By grace we are called to be disciples of
Jesus. We cannot disciple others unless we
ourselves are first genuine disciples in our
life and conduct. St. Paul makes it very
clear when he says, “We were well pleased
to impart to you not only the Gospel of, but
also our own lives...” (1 Thes 2/8). As a
discipling missionary like St. Paul, we are
called to adopt a life of simplicity and
honesty. To be continued
-Look for Principles 4-10 in the
upcoming issues-
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Four for the Lord
Father Michael shares thoughts about October’s Saints
In October the following Saints were celebrated in
the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar:
October 1, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, the little
flower taught us to follow the way of love shown
in little ways. On October 2, we were reminded
that God in His great love for us has assigned to
each of us, as well as to our ministries within the
church, Guardian Angels to guide us in all our
ways. On October 4, St. Francis of Assisi through
us that what matters
most, is the love of Jesus and to build up His
church. His love or oneness with Jesus is revealed
through the stigmata he received. On the 7th of
October, we celebrated the feast of Our Lady of the
Rosary. Through the meditations on the mysteries
of the Rosary and its recitations, Mary’s greatness
and intercession helped to obtain the victory of the
Christian fleet over the Moslems at the battle of
Lepanto. On the 9th, we had the optional memorial
of St. Denis the first bishop of Paris and his
companion martyrs. We also had the opportunity to
celebrate the feast of St. John Leonardi, who was a
great founder. We observed the heroism of St.
Callistus I on the 14th. The following day, the
sainthood of St. Teresa of Jesus was celebrated.
She taught us the way of perfection and how to
have Jesus as number one in our lives. She was a
great reformer of her Order with St. John of the
Cross and she was a mystic of action. On the 16th,
we had the opportunity to celebrate the life of St.
Hedwig who was a duchess, mother, charity
worker and eventually a religious. On the same
day, we celebrated the sainthood of St. Margaret
Mary Alacoque. She was a French religious and
mystic who promoted the devotion to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus. On the 17th, we celebrated the
martyrdom of St. Ignatius of Antioch. On his
way to martyrdom in Rome, he wrote seven
letters in which he told us about Jesus, the unity
and structure of the Roman Catholic Church and
revealed his great love of Jesus as the wheat of
Christ to be ground by the teeth of the wild
beasts into a fine bread of Christ. On the 18th, St.
Luke the evangelist taught us to safeguard the
deposit of Faith we have received and to pass it
on to others in its entirety. He did this through
his authorship of the gospel according to Luke
and the Acts of the Apostles. As a physician, he
was St. Paul’s missionary companion. As an
artist, he left us the picture of Our Lady of
Perpetual Help.
The following day, we observed the memorial of
the North American martyrs: Saints John
Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues and companions. They
were eight French Jesuits- Isaac Jogues, Jean de
Lalande, Rene Goupil, Jean de Brebeuf,
Anthony Daniel, Gabriel Lalemant, Charles
Garnier, and Noel Chabanel. They died for the
faith. They gave up their lives for the sake of
Christ and His Church. We celebrated the
sainthood of St. John of Capistrano on the 23rd.
He taught us how to defend our faith through
healthy reforms, preaching and teaching as well
as through support for military against
aggressions. We observed the feast of St.
Anthony Mary Claret on the 24th. He was a great
reforming Bishop and founder of the Missionary
Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the
Claretian Fathers. On the 28th, we celebrated the
feast of Saints Simon and Jude, great apostles of
Our Lord Jesus Christ. They were faithful in
preaching the gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ to
the ends of the earth. They paid dearly with their
lives and their blood has helped Christianity to
grow. The feast of All Saints is celebrated on
November 1. Whether canonized or not, they
form the great cloud of witnesses on our every
side. Those who have gone before us marked
with the sign of faith.
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What have we learned from the saints?
In the saints, we see true images and likenesses of
Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit of God is at work in
them. We see the action of the Holy Spirit giving
them the gift of making choices that will lead them to
union with God. They love God over and above every
other thing. Jesus is number One in their lives. The
Spirit of God helps them to attain that knowledge of
God which results in God-consciousness: to love what
God loves and to hate what God hates. They have no
problem comprehending what God communicates to
them through inspiration. Their lives are guided by
the Spirit of God. They do not give up their faith in
the face of difficulties, pressure, intimidation or
threats, nor are they enticed by pleasure or empty
promises. Their lives reflect the life of Jesus Christ.
They are afraid of losing the love or friendship of
God. Their lives bear witness to the Beatitudes. We
learn from them the way of discipleship. They teach
us to be perpetual students in the school of perfection
learning from the poor, chaste and obedient Son of
God, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
To Members of All Parishes:
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
The RCIA is a process through which nonbaptized men and women enter the Catholic
Church. (It is also for those baptized in a
different faith tradition who wish to become
Catholic, or baptized Catholic, but never
confirmed.) It includes several stages of study,
prayer and rites at Mass. They undergo a
process of conversion and receive the
sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy
If you know of anyone that
might be interested in becoming
a Catholic or returning to the
church, please encourage them
to contact Fr. Antony or Fr.
Michael at 265-3135.
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Four for the Lord
From St. Frances Cabrini Parish
Parish Council holds Annual Elections
On Sunday, October 27, the parish elected three
nominees to the Parish Council: Arlene Hunt,
Penny Toolen, who are new to the Board, and
Charlene Webster, who is returning to the Board
again after an absence of a few years. We are
delighted that they have offered their time and
talents to help Fr. Antony in administering the
Two hard-working members of the Council, Helen
Maikisch and Michael Sullivan, are leaving the
Board and we will miss their excellent ideas, input
and energy. Both will be continuing their other
special ministries at SFC.
Fr. Antony presided at the installation service,
asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and His
Blessing on the Council and its new, present and
retiring members.
Supplementary Flyers
In addition to our regular bulletin, SFC publishes
a series of supplementary flyers in concert with
the liturgical year or current happenings in the
Church. Most recently, we have handed out
information on the Assisted Suicide Bill, A short
biography of Pope Francis 1, The Vermont
Catholic Advance Directives, and the recent
Bible Mini Series. For All Souls’ Day, we
offered an explanation of the Church’s teaching
on Purgatory and the Indulgences that can be
gained for those souls during November.
For Advent, we will be offering “Experiencing
Advent Deeply, for Busy People,” a two page
summary of tips on “two things that are critical
for a new way to experience Advent: desire and
focus.” Published by the Creighton U Online
Ministries, Praying Advent, the material will
provide parishioners with an easy and new way
to prepare for Christmas. For this and much
more materials including online retreats, prayers
Christmas Outreach
SFC will again be participating with other
community churches in the Christmas Angel
Program. Each church is given cut-out angels
on which are written the age, gender and request
of a needy person in the area who is identified
only by number. Parishioners then take one or
more angels, purchase the requested item, label
it with the appropriate angel, and return the
unwrapped item to the Church a couple of
weeks before Christmas. The presents are taken
to the collection center, sorted by family,
wrapped and delivered in time for Christmas.
Our parish usually does clothes, but other
churches buy toys or food, etc. Together this
interfaith effort helps remind people that
Christmas is not about getting but about giving
in imitation of our Father’s greatest gift to us,
His only Son, Jesus.
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Four for the Lord
From St. John the Baptist Parish
We at St John the Baptist in Castleton welcome
Father Antony and Father Michael who will lead
us on our spiritual journey here in our
communities. We appreciate their commitment
and sacrifice in coming to Vermont as
missionary priests.
Mass Schedule
Saturday at 4 PM
Sunday at 8:30 AM
Daily Mass at 8:30 AM on Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday
The Legion of Mary
A lay Catholic Organization whose voluntary
members give service to the Church through a
balanced program of prayer and service meet
weekly on Saturday at 11 AM. The Legion of
Mary is a worldwide organization of
Catholics, men and women, who gather
together weekly and place themselves under
the banner of Mary so that with her help. They
may grow in holiness in their own lives as
well as spread devotion to Mary among the
people they come in contact with each day.
Masses: If you would like to request a Mass
intention, please contact the rectory at 468-5706.
The parish secretary is in the office on Monday
and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. till 11:30 p.m. We
still have Masses available for some weekends
and daily Masses.
On Saturday mornings, in the parish hall of St.
John the Baptist Church in Castleton, at
10:30am, a small group meets to pray the
Rosary and read and reflect how to spread the
word that Mary is our mother and the one that
will lead us to the feet of her son Jesus Christ.
The Legion of Mary is open to the members of
all parishes. Please join us and help to bring
Jesus to others through his beloved mother,
Rosary before Masses.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Held monthly, beginning after Mass on First
Friday continuing until Saturday morning at
9AM. All are welcome to join us in this
The Legion of Mary leads the rosary at 3:25
PM before the 4 PM Mass on Saturday and at
7:55 AM on Sunday before the 8:30 AM
Mass. The Rosary is also recited before daily
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Four for the Lord
Comfort Blankets Sought for Needy
Religious Education
Classes meet after the Sunday 8:30 AM Mass in
the Parish Hall.
Donations of new homemade blankets
are needed for children who are needy,
sick or traumatized - ages infant to teens
- in the Rutland County area and beyond.
The blankets can be quilted, knitted or
crocheted. For more information contact
Kathy Budd, member of the Maple Leaf
Quilters Guild at 438-5180 - donation
drop-off site is at the Viking Sewing
Gallery at JoAnn Fabrics or at the
Quilter's Corner at Middlebury Sew n
Serve the Lord
The parish is in need of more altar servers and
lectors. To be an altar server, you need to be in at
least Grade 5. Contact Fr. Antony at Our Lady of
Seven Dolors church or speak with him after Mass
at St. John’s for more information and the training
you will need to serve at Mass. Also, the parish
would welcome more parishioners willing to read
at the weekend Masses. See Fr. Antony or Fr.
Michael after Mass to find out how you can help
with this endeavor.
The Altar Society
Open to all ladies of the parish, meets at 6:00 PM,
on the second Wednesday of September, October,
December, March, April and May. The Altar
Society is dedicated to spiritual and corporal
works of mercy, care of the Altar flowers and
Mary's Garden, receptions for special occasions,
funerals and social occasions. We hold an annual
Christmas Bazaar which is upcoming on
November 23, 2013, 9AM to 2 PM in the Parish
Hall on North Road. There will be a Raffle, Crafts,
a Food Sale and a White Elephant Table.
Fabrics or at the Quilter's Corner @ Middlebury
Sew n Vac.
Christmas Pageant News
The parish will be attempting to put on
another Christmas pageant at Christmas
Eve Mass. Any help you can offer would
be much appreciated. Contact Fr. Antony
or Fr. Michael after Mass to find out how
you can help.
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Four for the Lord
From St. Paul’s Parish
Parish Life Committee
This is a committee which works to facilitate
involvement in the Parish for all members and to
foster an atmosphere of hospitality and
community within the Parish. The committee
sponsors and organizes an annual summer picnic,
assists with the Christmas bazaar, and maintains
a lending library of spiritual literature and DVDs.
Membership is open to all parishioners. New
members are always welcome. Meetings are
held in the rectory, generally on the first Monday
of the month at 6 p.m.
St. Paul’s Christmas Bazaar
The bazaar will be held Saturday,
December 7th at the Orwell Town Hall.
The hours are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
There’ll be crafts, a raffle, flea market,
silent auction and baked goods. A lunch
will be provided by the Parish Life
Committee. For more information on this,
contact Kathy Buxton at 948-2049.
Knights of the Round Table
Knights of the Round Table meet the third
Thursday of each month. Presently the Knights
are having a super bowl pool. The profits from
the pool go to support a seminarian – our own
Joseph Sanderson will be the recipient of $500.
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Four for the Lord
From Our Lady of Seven Dolors Parish
Votive Candles Back at OLSD
How wonderful to see flickering candles once again
at OLSD! For most of us, lighting candles at
church for a nickel when we were growing up was
so special and exciting. The smell of the burning
wax mixed with the smell of incense always made
one feel comfortable and peaceful. The idea that
the smoke from a lighted candle carries our prayers
to heaven is comforting.
Winter Chapel Update
The winter Chapel is almost complete.
Many generous contributions have been
made toward preparing the chapel for the
parish; such as time, money and
carpentry work. A special thank you to
all who made this project a success.
Christmas Bazaar
Thank you to Fr. Antony and Monica Stahl for
being instrumental in bringing these votive candles
back to OLSD. A very special thank you to all
those friends who made donations toward the cost.
We will be forever grateful to you for helping to
warm our hearts and our spirits. So, if you have a
special intention, the candles are waiting for you.
Friday, December 6, 2013, 12-8pm.
Saturday, December 7, 2013, 8am-12pm
The elves are very busy working on
crafts, traveling near and far looking for
evergreens for wreath making and
Christmas arrangements.
We need you to come share your ideas
and give a helping hand. As you know,
many hands make light work!
Contact: Mariann Miller, Chairperson
Jim & Fran Newman, Co-chairs
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Four for the Lord
2012/2013 Year of Faith
The Year of Faith came to an end on November
24, 2013. On that day, Sunday Mass was at 4:30
P.M., followed by a Eucharistic candlelight
procession from our church to the park and back.
This event concluded with Benediction. A
reception followed in St. Mary’s School Thank
you to all who participated in this special event.
What a great way to be a witness to the
community that our faith is alive and well, and
continues to grow.
Religious Ed at OLSD
Religious education classes are in full swing.
Greeting the children as they walk through the
door on Sunday morning all excited and ready to
learn about their faith is very uplifting. If you
attended Mass on Saturday, October 26 at 4:30,
you saw firsthand their enthusiasm as they sang
and prayed. Many of you remarked on how well
our children participated in the Eucharistic
Liturgy. We are happy to announce we will be
having another children/youth Mass in
December. Look for the announcement in the
Upcoming events for religious education
students to participate in:
Think about visiting the LaSalette Shrine
in Enfield, NH with your family for the
“Festival of Lights”. Flyers will be sent
home with students giving you more
 Christmas Pageant at Christmas Eve
 Confirmation Students retreat January 12,
2014 at Christ the King Church.
OLSD Catholic Daughters
Annual Harvest Dinner
The harvest dinner was held on November 14
at St. Mary’s School and was well attended.
Thank you to Mariann Miller and her crew
for providing such a wonderful event for our
parish. The Trillium
singers were
These Men
They Call
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic, Family, Fraternal
Service Organization.
FAIR HAVEN Council No. 810
Fair Haven, Castleton, and Poultney
The Knights of Columbus is a dynamic Catholic, family,
fraternal organization of Catholic men who join together in
family, charitable, fraternal, community and youth activities.
The over 1.7 million member organization is international in
character; however, the major emphasis is focused
on the activities of local parishes and communities.
Fair Haven Council 810 recently celebrated Founder’s
Day with Mass at Our Lady of Seven Dolors and
Communion Breakfast at the Trak In. Both were very
well attended, including Past and current State Officers.
After an enjoyable breakfast, the council presented the
Poremski family with a 25 year scholarship plaque in
memory of “Red” Poremski.
The Annual Toys for Joys Christmas Givaway. This
will be Fair Haven Council 810’s 38th consecutive year.
LOOK FOR DONATION boxes in the back of all our
Parishes starting after Thanksgiving.
Basketball Free Throw Competition in January
Also – The Knights of Columbus will cover Bingo and
the kitchen at St. Mary’s School during January.
The Knights are always seeking out new members to
carry on with its mission in its struggle to continue to be
a safety net to its member family. If you would like
more information regarding the Knights of Columbus or
would like to become a member, please call Tim Perry
at 802-468-2446.
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Four for the Lord
Bingo at St. Mary’s Hall
Bingo at St. Mary’s Hall is held weekly on
Saturday evenings to benefit Our Lady of Seven
Dolors, Fair Haven, VT.
St. Mary’s Bingo had two jackpot winners
recently. One jackpot for $1000 was won in late
June. The second jackpot for $4000 was awarded
in July. Congratulations to both of these bingo
The bingo program is an ongoing event to help
support our church in Fair Haven. Many volunteers
work to make this a successful program! People
helping St. Mary’s bingo reside in the towns of
Fair Haven, Castleton, Hydeville, Bomoseen,
Benson, Poultney West Pawlet, VT and Hampton,
St. Francis Cabrini of West Pawlet VT volunteers
come to help with St. Mary’s bingo several times
during the year. A truly great group of volunteers!
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas Isabella
Court 173 and the Knights of Columbus of Fair
Haven, VT offer refreshments every week for St.
Mary’s bingo. What wonderful volunteers we have!
Thank you.
The Knights of Columbus of Fair Haven, VT also
run St. Mary’s bingo in the months of January and
September. Thanks to another very dedicated and
great group helping to keep this program
Congratulations to Barbara on winning $2000 at
our November 16 guaranteed jackpot night.
A memory tree has been set up in the bingo hall;
$1.00 a star to benefit St. Mary’s roof fund.
For additional information, volunteer opportunities
and/ or comments contact Janice Rochon St.
Mary’s bingo coordinator @ 802 537 2099.
December 7, 2013
Doors open at 4pm
100 additional door prizes
Thanks to Tim Euber
Experiencing Advent
How can we experience Advent to the fullest
especially as these days before Christmas are
usually so busy?
Focus our attention during those moments
when we have some down time on the
images of Advent that bring hope into our
Allow ourselves the feeling of longing for a
Savior. We will miss the true gifts of the
Advent season if we don’t feel our need for
Pray for Light, Hope, Liberty and Peace.
Realize in our lives real faith and offerings of
grace during this season.
Let our faith and trust in Jesus’ coming to
become personal. “Lord Jesus, I trust that
you can bring your light into my life, that
you can give me hope as you free me and
fill me with your peace. Thank you for
letting me prepare for your coming this
year. Come, Lord Jesus, come.
In all of our activity before Christmas, let’s
not lose the manger which is the central piece
of the Christmas story. This is where the
richness of Advent takes us – recreating the
stable where our Savior is born. It’s there
that we will find the fulfillment of our
longing and hope.
“Putting the meaning back into Christmas is
reason enough to give Advent a new chance
this year in the midst of our busy lives.”
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Four for the Lord
On Saturday Nov.2, thirty four members of our
congregation, along with our most humble and
dearly loved Father Antony gathered for All Souls’
Day Mass on the sacred grounds of our cemetery at
St. Mary`s.
We came together in prayer, with deep reverence
and much love for the loved ones we have laid to
rest here through the years.
We all agreed it was a very moving and heartfelt
service. Father’s words regarding our loved ones
now gone, and our following after them one day,
were comforting and well spoken.
Your Brother in Christ,
John Laramie
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Four for the Lord
I would like to thank Ann Carr, Rosie Doran, and Julie Austin
for all their efforts and enthusiasm in preparing this
newsletter for our parish. May this effort help all our parishes
grow and be a beacon of hope for all our dearest readers.
Fr. Antony
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