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After a break, Cancer Biology Journal Club begins again!
All new and previous club attendees interested in cancer biology are warmly welcome to discuss recent
discoveries in cancer research. We are gathering on alternating Wednesdays starting 14.10. (FM2, white
meeting room), please see below the details how to attend and register!
Best wishes,
Daniela Ungureanu /Emma-Leena Alarmo
Cancer Biology Journal Club, 2 ECTS
Time: On Wednesdays 9.30-10.30, in the autumn 14.10., 28.10., 18.11., 9.12., in the spring starting
13.1.2015, once every three weeks.
Place: White meeting room, FM2, 4th floor.
Organized by: Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine and Biotechnology & BioMediTech, University of
Responsible teachers: Daniela Ungureanu, Emma-Leena Alarmo
General description: Cancer Biology Journal Club aims to provide a forum for in depth discussion of recent
scientific discoveries in the field of cancer biology. The focus is how to critically read and evaluate research
articles. Researchers (e.g. graduate and master’s students, post-docs, etc.) interested in cancer biology are
warmly encouraged to attend.
Learning outcomes:
During the meetings participants learn to evaluate the quality of research articles, improve the skills in
scientific discussion, keep up with the latest research discoveries, as well as practice the oral presentation
Contents: Participants will independently read the articles beforehand and meetings will include a
presentation of one research article followed by a group discussion.
Teaching methods: Independent study of research article, preparation of questions and criticism,
presentation of a research paper, and group discussions.
Language: English
Evaluation: Passed/failed, compulsory attendance at journal club sessions.
Responsibilities: Participants are expected to read the selected article in advance and actively attend
discussion thereof. In the own presentation time, they choose an appropriate article to introduce and
prepare presentation (advice is provided from teacher if needed, medium to high impact journals
Presentations: Presentation should follow the story of the article and include short introduction,
background of methods if needed, presentation of research results through figures and tables, and short
summary of discussion. Presentation is designed to take 30 min following 30 min group discussion.
Structure of the course: 12 journal club meetings (1h), independent reading of the article (2h) and
preparation of presentation (6h).
Course material: Material provided during the course (selected articles).
Applying: To earn credits, registration is required by sending an e-mail to by
5.10.2015. For researchers that do not need credits please send e-mail to if you
wish to attend meetings (in order to include you in our email list).