ALL SAINTS PARISH - 317 East Main Street, Bridgeport, WV 26330 Web page Phone 304-842-2283 January 24,2016 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time in Year of Mercy Parish Staff Pastor Rev. Benedict E. Kapa, Ext. 18 Music and Liturgy Director of Religious Education Secretaries Office Assistant Bookkeeper Pastoral Associate Parish Nurse Maintenance Parish Office Hours: Liturgy Schedule (see details in bulletin) Saturday Evening – 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am & 11:00am Stephen Pishner, Ext. 17 Weekdays (See inside of bulletin) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Mara Vogel Ext. 22 Saturday, 10am & by appointment Betty Crowley, Barbara Smith, Ext.10 Perry Skinner, Ext. 10 Kris Gladden, Ext.21 John Yaquinta, Ext. 23 Ellen Condron Rick Crowley, Ext. 14 Tim Book, Ext. 14 Monday to Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS! To register in our parish family, please contact the parish office. Parish registration is required for the reception of sacraments of initiation, marriage, and for issuance of sponsor certificates. (If you are new in the parish or a visitor, please stand and introduce yourself at the beginning of Mass, the next time you are here.) BAPTISMS are celebrated during our weekend liturgies. Please contact the Church office at least one month prior to the desired baptism date to make arrangements for the required preparation session. Parish membership and regular mass attendance is required. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Any non-Catholic interested in learning about our faith, or in becoming a Catholic Christian, please contact the parish office. MARRIAGES: The parish priest must be contacted six months in advance to set the date and Arrange pre-marital preparation. Parish membership and regular mass attendance are required. MINISTRY TO SICK AND HOMEBOUND: Please contact the parish office if a family member is hospitalized, homebound, or in need of sacramental ministry. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: St. Mary’s Grade School 304-622-9831 and Notre Dame High School 304-623-1026, ext. 12 for enrollment information. BULLETIN NOTICES: must be submitted in writing to the office by 12 NOON Wednesday LITURGY SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK: Monday 9:00AM - Stella Zannino (Neva Stalenski) Tuesday ---------NO MASS Wednesday 7:00PM - John F. Mazzie ( Family) Thursday 7:00 PM - Kathleen Spatafore (Patsy & Linda Dinaldo) Friday 9:00AM - John Dominick Beto ( Paul & Cathy Benedum) Saturday 5:00PM - John Brunetti ( Family) Sunday 8:30AM - Cosette Carvelli ( Joe Leroy) Sunday 11:00AM - People of the Parish --------------------------------------------------------------------------Sun. Jan. 24 9:45- 10:45 Religious Ed./ Adult Ed. Sun. Jan. 24 R.C.I.A. (Immediately following the 11:00am Liturgy) Sun. Jan. 24 4 pm-6pm Youth Group (Teen Room) Mon. Jan. 25 7:30PM Choir Practice Mon. Jan. 25 4:00PM NO Bereavement (Seasons of Hope) Lounge Tue. Jan. 26 7:30PM Rhema Prayer Group ( Chapel) Sun. Jan. 31 9:45-10:45 Religious Ed./ Adult Ed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------ADDRESS CHANGE? A note to all current parish members: If your address or phone number changes, please contact the parish office, so that we can keep our records current. PARISH REGISTRATION: It is most important that you become affiliated with the parish in which you live. You may need an affidavit to be a sponsor at baptism, confirmation or witness at a marriage. If we do not have you registered, we cannot give them to you. If you are an adult, even though you are living with your parents and working, you must register. You are not considered a registered parishioner on the strength of your parents’ registration. If you are attending All Saints and wish to become a member, please pickup a census form in the parish office during the weekdays or call the parish at 304-842-2283- ext. 10 The Jubilee Year of Mercy is upon us! In celebration, the Diocese of WheelingCharleston Catholic Conference and Catholic Charities WV Parish Social Ministry are proud to unveil a new resource! Please see our Facebook page, WV Faithful Citizenship ( ) for news, resources, and action alerts as we strive to live out a Culture of Life in West Virginia. SUNDAY ENVELOPES : Don’t forget to use your parish envelopes each weekend it helps us keep an accurate budget and helps with our everyday expenses, to keep the parish going! You can also use a monthly direct deposit/direct pay method to the parish, as well. Just ask your bank and they will help you do so. Thanks for your continued generosity. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Year of Mercy Special Events: Feb. 1st 6pm (covered dish), Spiritual Works of Mercy Mar. 2nd 7:30pm , Lenten Evening of Reflection Apr. 9th 9:30am -12:30pm Morning Retreat, Mercy Risen Among Us YOUNG ADULT EVENT: All Catholic young adults ages 18-39 are invited to join the WV Catholic Young Adult group for a Movie Night on Saturday, January 30th . Come watch and discuss the new Marian movie Full of Grace. We will be meeting in the Fairmont State University Newman Center at 7:30 pm. Bring a snack to share. Email or contact the Facebook group WV Catholic Young Adults for more information. Cancer Support Group: The All Saints Support Group will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 2 at 6:00pm in the social hall of the church. All cancer victims, cancer survivors, and care-givers are welcome to join us. Mardi Gras: Join us for our Mardi Gras Covered Dish Dinner on Sunday February 7th after the 11:00am Mass. Please bring a covered dish enough for 12 people. Watch bulletin for more information. WALK BY FAITH: As part of the Walk by Faith program, we will be counting steps during Lent to try to “Walk to Jerusalem” as a Parish. If you want to participate, there are step counter cards and conversion charts available on the table in the gathering space or in the Church office. The conversion chart lets you calculate the number of steps you take for activities such as swimming, rowing, aerobics, etc. We will begin tracking steps on Sunday, February 6th and turn in weekly steps the following weekend ( Feb. 13/14. It is a simple as putting the date, your initials, and number of steps on a card and throwing it into the collection basket during Mass. If you are interested in seeing our progress, there will be a poster on the door across from the Nursery. Please consider participating as we need as many participants as possible to reach our goal. Envelope Collection January 16/17 $ 7,470.00 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. 2. (8:30 – Communion to the Sick)