The mission of the Avielle Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization is to prevent violence and build compassion by fostering brain science research, community engagement, and education. We will do so by directing resources to support breakthrough public health research that bridges behavioral and biochemical sciences and community interventions. The Avielle Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support public health research in the area of brain health and violence. We are soliciting applications and hope that you will consider applying. We will award funding for one project in 2015. While the funding is a relatively small amount (see the attached RFA), it will stimulate pilot projects, supplement other research funds to answer secondary questions, and encourage newer investigators to pursue research in the area of brain health, community health, violence, and compassion. As it stands now, too little is known in the field of brain health in regard to the risk factors that drive violent behaviors and the protective factors that facilitate empathy and compassion in a community setting. We seek to deepen and broaden our understanding of the biological and environmental factors associated with violence and compassion. Once a better understanding has been established, we can apply these insights to educate communities about how to identify the signs and symptoms of someone troubled and how to responsibly advocate for those at risk of violent behaviors. We can develop and put into practice innovative policies to facilitate appropriate preventative and interventional strategies such as counseling, education, and novel therapeutics. In all the Avielle Foundation does, it’s our belief that we must understand the biological and environmental factors that impact the brain, leading to malevolent behaviors and the protective factors that facilitate empathy and compassion- we seek to make the invisible visible. We are helping to build communities where all individuals are included, given a contributing role, and kept safe. Most importantly we are educating ourselves and others with our brain health findings in order to dispel fears of seeking help and to facilitate rational and effective treatment interventions. We feel that knowledge is not just power, it is empowering and have come up with the slogan “Violence: Understand it to end it.” Help us to understand it. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. For more information about the Avielle Foundation, please visit our website at: Sincerely, Jeremy Richman, PhD CEO and Founder Linda C. Degutis, DrPH, MSN Chief Science Officer The Avielle Foundation, Inc || PO Box 686, Newtown, CT 06470 || (Ph) 203-304-1733 || EIN 46-1864791 Page 1 of 3 Call for Public Health Research Proposals Purpose In order to achieve our vision of ensuring and improving brain health, The Avielle Foundation is committed to supporting public health research that focuses on the relationship between brain health, violence, and connection. Through this solicitation, we expect to refine what is known about the risk factors and community factors associated with violence and aggression and the protective factors that promote connection and compassion, and are looking to build bridges between the behavioral sciences and public health. Funded studies will explore this relationship with the intent that the information gained will lead to action. A critical component of the funding is the desire and willingness to give your insight and understanding to the everyday citizen, from our youth, to parents, teachers, health care providers, and law enforcement, in the form of approachable information and tools. Total Awards • Funds will be provided up to $10,000 per year. • 1 study will be funded in 2015. • All applicants will be eligible for a travel award to support attendance at an appropriate scientific meeting or conference in order to present research on public health, community health, and violence or compassion. • Total funding accounts for up to 8% indirect costs. Key Dates Deadline for receipt of proposals August 15, 2015 (5 p.m ET) Notification of awardees September 15, 2015 Grants start October 1, 2015 Eligibility and Selection Criteria Researchers are eligible to submit proposals through their organizations. Funded applications will address the relationship between brain health, community health, violence, and compassion, bridging the gap between behavioral science and public health. Page 2 of 3 The Avielle Foundation, Inc || PO Box 686, Newtown, CT 06470 || (Ph) 203-304-1733 || EIN 46-1864791 Application Instructions Please submit a narrative description of your proposed research (not to exceed 3 single spaced pages using a 12 point font with 1 inch margins) to include the following topic headings: • Brief investigator and project background • Research hypothesis • Methods • Potential significance of results • Dissemination plans • Brief summary of prior research in this area, if any Brief budget (no to exceed 1 page) Include a copy of your CV along with the application. Please provide the following information: Principal Investigator name, title, contact information Legal name of your institution Financial contact at your institution Human subjects research approval for the project, if applicable. If the project is exempt from human subjects review requirements, please explain. If animals are being used in the project, provide internal animal care and use committee approval. Please address any questions to: Dr.Linda C. Degutis, DrPH, MSN Chief Science Officer, Member of the Board of Directors The Avielle Foundation Page 3 of 3 The Avielle Foundation, Inc || PO Box 686, Newtown, CT 06470 || (Ph) 203-304-1733 || EIN 46-1864791