news release - Hamilton Crime Stoppers

Hamilton Crime Stoppers receives $50,000 from Economical Insurance
Funding Safe Schools Project, REACH OUT … REACH UP, for local students in Grade 8 on how they can
help keep their schools, communities and themselves safe.
Hamilton, ON, October 25, 2012. The safety of students in our schools and community is of critical
importance. All students have the right to be safe at school, free from bullying, harassment, violence
and crime. Economical Insurance has embraced Crime Stoppers of Hamilton’s youth education program
by providing funding to cover three years of a project for Grade 8 students in Hamilton.
REACH OUT … REACH UP invites students to make connections within their community, explore the
causes of issues that affect the safety of schools, and design practical solutions to assist in reducing
crime. During this project, students will research areas of concern and create projects such as videos,
animated cartoons, advertisements, slideshows, or dramatizations. In the Spring, Economical Insurance
and Crime Stoppers of Hamilton will host a celebratory Resource Fair for students to showcase their
creations. In addition, media projects will be posted for public viewing on the web and social media
sites of local schools boards and Hamilton Crime Stoppers.
Responsible reporting is the cornerstone of Crime Stoppers. The Crime Stoppers’ mission is to help
solve and deter crime by providing a means of reporting criminal activity, with guaranteed anonymity,
through cooperation with the police, the media and the community. Young teenagers have a role to
play in keeping their schools and communities safe, and REACH OUT … REACH UP will allow students to
connect with others to identify and solve problems involving crime.
“At Economical, we are proud to be breaking new ground with Hamilton Crime Stoppers that will help
local youth be proactive in making their communities and schools safer,” said Karen Gavan, Economical’s
president & CEO. “The proof of Hamilton Crime Stoppers’ success is in the data. Since 1983, they have
received 51,574 tips – on-line and over the phone – from a multitude of anonymous sources, which
resulted in 5022 arrests and the seizure of weapons and $92,830,505 of drugs, and the recovery of
$16,436,810 in stolen property.”
“We would like to thank Economical for recognizing Crime Stoppers as an effective tool in the fight
against crime in our community. All students, parents, teachers and staff have the right to be safe and
feel safe in their school community. Students have a right to learn in an environment free of drugs,
violence and abuse.” Quote from program coordinator – Debbie McGreal-Dinning
About Hamilton Crime Stoppers, Inc. Hamilton’s program is the longest serving program in Ontario
and the 2nd longest serving program in Canada, and will be celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2013. It is a
non-profit, charitable organization overseen by a civilian community Board of Directors. The Board
provides organizes the activities, fundraising and promotional activities of the program, and authorizes
the tip payouts of up to $2000 for anonymous information that leads to the arrest of criminals in the
community. Hamilton’s program has garnered dozens of provincial, federal and international awards for
its statistics, community/media supporters and programs.
About Economical Insurance.
Founded in 1871, Economical Insurance is one of Canada’s largest property and casualty Insurers, with
more than $1.7 billion in premiums and $4.76 billion in assets. Based in Waterloo, this Canadian-owned
and operated group services the Insurance needs of more than one million customers through 17
branches and service offices across the country. Economical Insurance conducts business under the
following brands: Economical Insurance, Economical, Western General, Economical Select, Perth
Insurance, Federation Insurance and Economical Financial.
For further information, contact:
Doug Maybee
Economical Insurance
(T) 519-570-8240
(C) 519-404-0989
Sgt. Debbie McGreal-Dinning
Crime Stoppers of Hamilton