Kucherov V.S., doctor of agricultural sciences, Khayrova N.B.

Kucherov V.S., doctor of agricultural sciences, Khayrova N.B., undergraduate, Kairgaliyeva G.Z.,
master of ecology
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
The solution of labor protection problems is connected with a need of legal awareness increase of
citizens; increases of employers' responsibility level and their desire to create optimum working
Keywords: safety, labor protection, traumatism.
Many spheres of labor activity are directly connected with risk to receive a cut at the workplace,
to get poisoning, burn and other injuries which are negatively influencing worker's health. A set of
professions are connected with daily risk not only to health, but also life of workers.
Labor protection is a sphere of public administration which purpose consists in realization of
human right for life and health in the course of his work.
Possibility of concrete production trauma (industrial accident) depends on the character of
workplace, nature of work, character of worker and combination of a number of other specific work
conditions. The analysis of these multiple-factor conditions in real dynamics of production – is a very
complex engineering challenge [1].
Management of labor protection in institutions is the indissoluble multilevel system directed on
preservation of life and health of worker at the workplace [2]. It includes a number of actions urged to
secure life and health of a person in labor process. So it is possible to allocate: legal, organizational,
social-economic, technical, preventive, sanitary-hygienic and other actions. The check concerning labor
protection is carried out by special commission and safety engineer is responsible for working conditions.
Journals on labor protection are stored at safety engineer. Induction on labor protection is carried out at
the beginning of new type of works or arrival of new employees. Full compliance with all requirements of
labor protection system can guarantee safety of all workers at the enterprise to a certain extent.
Examination on labor protection has to enter labor schedule of each enterprise - when all workers
approach safety measures responsibly, safety level at the workplace will always be up to the mark. Labor
protection by professions is registered in safety rules almost for each profession.[1]
Practically all accidents are caused by the multiple reasons and "casual" coincidence of events but
first of all allowed by violations of labor protection requirement. In our opinion, trained worker in modern
world can get to an unforeseen situation with unknown safety requirements more and more seldom, but as
it isn't paradoxical and sad, even more often or openly he breaks safety rules, or by his unreasonable
behavior creates a dangerous situation.
The analysis shows that the problems of psychological and physiological tension of worker in
recent years even more often come to the forefront, pushing aside improvement of traditional working
conditions connected with physical factors of environment (temperature, humidity, light, noise, vibration
and polluted atmosphere). It is caused by relative decrease in physical activities along with growth of
psychological and physiological pressure of a person. The result is known: chronic fatigue, intellectual
and sincere overstrains, strain of relations with other workers and with heads. Thus physiological and
psychological exhaustion is followed by work deterioration, diseases, loss of attention concentration and
coordination of movements, loss of care and discretion. All this significantly increases the risk of
traumatizing in the same physical conditions of workplace. [2]
We will carry out the analysis of safety and labor protection at "Amangaliyeva" enterprise in the
following directions:
- assessment of possible hazards and their character in enterprise activity;
- management organization assessment of labor protection system;
- microclimate at workplaces;
- assessment standardly – legal framework on safety and labor protection.
We will consider these directions one after another
Assessment of possible dangers and their character in enterprise activity
The main dangers in activity can be divided into four groups, and also to estimate the nature of
these dangers and level of their action (table 1). Assessment of dangers in points, using ten-point scale in
which it is accepted: 0 points – "danger is absent", 10 points – "danger is the highest".
Table 1 – Assessment of possible dangers and its character in the activity of "Amangaliyeva" farm
1. Dangerous buildings, constructions and working
platforms, works at height or in holes, underground
works, possibility of jamming, blocking up of passes,
correctness of warehousing, work at several vertical
levels, sliding (falling) on horizontal surface,
compliance and serviceability of lighting, protections
and their existence, existence in a working zone of car
or railway tracks, pedestrian ways, power lines, carrying
out of dangerous (for example, gas dangerous,
explosive) works etc
2. Equipment and machines: their injury-causing
elements, moving parts of devices and cars, vessels
under pressure or with vacuum, load-lifting
mechanisms, technical devices causing emergence of
harmful physical factors of working environment (noise,
vibration and ultra or infrasound, high temperatures or
cold, electric current and electromagnetic fields, high
voltage, radiations etc.), violation of scheduled
preventive maintenance terms of equipment, checking
of gages, control and regulation, violation of diagnostics
and service life terms of device, compliance of tools to
harmful and dangerous work etc
Продолжение таблицы 1
3. Dangerous substances and materials: use of
infectious, corrosion and dangerous, toxic (poisonous),
radioactive materials and aerosols of fibrogenic action,
existence of marking, label on container and device,
tightness of installation and integrity of container,
stacking, existence of appropriate means of protection
for the work with dangerous substances, including
ventilation, conditioning, means for modulation,
transportation etc
4. Dangerous actions and procedures: untrained
personnel, lack of safe performance skills of work, work
without instructing at workplace or single instructing,
work without existence and studying of its safe
performance instruction, inappropriate procedures
connected with commissioning, process, maintenance,
modification, repair and dissembly, works in cases
established by regulations without work permit, work
without personal protection devices, monotonous and
(or) hard work, deviations in health of a worker, stress,
offensive actions concerning personnel, unplanned
actions etc
Total (average level of possible dangers)
Thus, according to the table 1.1, average level of possible hazards is low (3 points on ten-point
scale), thus the main possible hazards in the activity of "Amangaliyeva" farm have casual character and
are characterized by average risk level.
We will consider the data on occupation of "Amangaliyeva" farm employees by work categories and also
appropriate hazard level. These data are presented in the table 2.
Table 2 – Distribution of "Amangaliyeva" farm personnel by work categories and danger level
Employee'sshare, %
Light, Iб
Average, IIб
According to these data, it is visible that 43% of personnel are involved in easy category work,
57% – average one thus hazard level for 43% of the personnel is low, and is average for 57%.
Management of labor protection - preparation, acceptance and implementation of decisions on
implementation of organizational, technical, sanitary-hygienic and treatment-prophylactic actions aimed
at safety, preservation of health and efficiency of a person in the course of work.
The given general concept of labor protection allows judging it as of multilevel system of actions
for the creation of healthy and safe conditions of work carried out by government bodies, local
governments, employers and workers. Besides, labor protection taking into account this definition
assumes consideration of this problem, in various aspects: medical, technical, social, economic and, at
last, in legal aspect which forms legal protection of work.
But the solution of labor protection problems is connected with a need of legal awareness increase
of citizens as well; with the increases of employers' responsibility level and their desire to create optimum
working conditions.
Devisilov V.A. Labor protection. Textbook. – Тhe 2nd edition. - M.: Forum, INFRA, 2006. –
380 p.
2 Mikhnyuk T.F. Labor protection. Manual for higher education institutions. – Mn.: Vysheyshy
shkola, 2007. – 335 p.
Еңбекті қорғау мәселелерінің шешімі азаматтардың құқықтық жауапкершілік
деңгейлерінің көтерілуі туындайды; жұмыс берушілердің жауапкершілік деңгейін көтерудің
амалы жұмыстың көптеген жақсы жағдайларын туғызу.
Решение проблем охраны труда связано с необходимостью повышения уровня
правосознания граждан; повышения уровня ответственности работодателей и их желанием
создавать наиболее благоприятные условия работы.