MELT: Technology Session 2: Epistemological Tool vs Pedagogical Tool Instructor Guide Pedagogical Goals: Teachers will be able to identify epistemological from pedagogical tools. Teachers will be able to identify how the technology is used and in some cases it may be either (calculators for instance). Technological Goals: Teachers will be able to create and share a Google form. Mathematical Practices: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Use appropriate tools strategically. Length of session: 90 minutes Materials needed: Computers with Internet access, Smartphone with Internet access or service, Tablets with Internet access or service. Overview: This session is meant to be an introduction to tools that are epistemological and pedagogical. The focus is on how the tools can/should be used to enhance the classroom and mathematics instruction. Some of the tools will used throughout the week but the focus will be on the use of epistemological tools. Below are notes, links and some suggested activities to use to demonstrate the tools. Begin the session using a kahoot quiz about the 8 mathematical practices. The three activities of the session will be: stations to explore different pedagogical tools creating a Google Form and analyzing the results jigsaw activity using the articles in the epistemological tool section. A participant handout included to be passed out after the Station Activity. It has links and information about Pedagogical Tools that participants and explore in their free time. Time 10 minutes Activity Kahoot Quiz : Participants will need access to a tablet, computer, or smartphone with internet access. Login to ○ It is a free account , use the following link for the Mathematical Practice Quiz : Have participants take the quiz, show how to download results and what the results page contains. How is this tool useful in the classroom? How can participants use the results page to inform teaching practices and improve student learning? 1|Page MELT: Technology 30 minutes 25 minutes 20 minutes Station Activity: Pedagogical Tools (enhance how a task is accomplished) Activity can be set up in a computer lab or with the use of participant computers. Divide participants in to 3 groups ( 3 stations) and allow 10 minutes for each station. Multiple computers may need to use for each station depending participant enrollment. Idea to get a look at different tools. Participants should be given copies of the activity note page. Google Drive Activity Begin with a discussion about how teachers use Google Drive in the classroom currently. Have participants visit the Blog from a High School Teachers and discuss any new ideas or interests. Blog from High School Teacher : Using the Google Training Doc how to share and collaborate if need. Link to a video is provided if participants want to learn more after class. Basic How to Video : Google Forms and Grading – Show participants how to make a google form and demo how to use flubarro to grade. Links are provided for use outside of the workshop for participants. Flubaroo User Guide : Activity : In pairs, generate a brief activity where you could use Google drive to collect/analyze data. Send form/survey to group, analyze data, present findings to group. Pedagogical discussion about how this could play out in the classroom with students. Use Google Training Document as an aid in this activity. Epistemological Tools (changes user’s competencies) Discuss software, show where to get pre-made activities (5 minutes) Dynamic geometry software ● Sketchpad ● GeoGebra Use of CAS and Dynamic statistical software Jigsaw with activities and discuss (15 minutes) ● “The Ethics of Using Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in High School Mathematics” : ● “Teachers' Statistical Problem Solving with Dynamic Technology: Research Results Across Multiple Institutions” Lunch Break Discussion Before leaving for lunch break pose the following questions for participants to discuss over lunch: What type of tool is a calculator? 2|Page