November Board Meeting Minutes

NOVEMBER 14TH 2014 @ 8:30 AM
In attendance: Anna Schaffer, Gwen Myers, Jeff Kidd, Paul Keyserling, Katherine Lang; meeting starts
with 5 present. Mary Lou Brewton arrived at 9:32 a.m.
Call to Order at 8:34 a.m.
Recognition of Quorum at 8:34 a.m.
Approval of Agenda. Moved by Lang, seconded by Kidd; unanimously accepted
Approval of Minutes from October Meeting. Moved by Lang, seconded by Kidd;
unanimously accepted
Docent Update – Submitted by Docent Committee Chair, highlights delivered by Schaffer. (It is
presented in full at the end of these minutes.)
Shaffer also expressed a desire to strengthen the relationship and interaction between the docents and
board members. She suggested a Christmas party much like the one held in 2013. Lang agreed and will
help organize. She wants to decide a date when most board members and docents will be available.
Schaffer agreed to get word out to docents. We won’t likely conduct the party the weekend of Dec. 18
because Schaffer will not be available and her presence is considered particularly important.
President’s Update – Anna Schaffer
Membership Updates for October 2014, Ticket & Merchandise Sales for October 2014
10 new members and renewals for October, which is fewer than usual. The museum also sold 180 tickets
and made $738 in ticket sales, which is lower than anticipated, but not terrible. The museum will be on
the hook for about $350 in utilities, according to a rough estimate by Rob Wells of the chamber, Schaffer
reported, so the museum continues to operate in the black. November ticket sales are trending a little
higher – we’re at $90 in November to date. Made $46.80 on product sales in October and $88.50 on
consignment sales, according to Schaffer.
Education Committee – Gwen Myers reports there has been little to no activity with the
committee. Lang volunteered to help organize a meeting, likely in the next week.
VIII. Acquisitions -- Paul Keyserling reports an offer of a 100-year pump organ has been offered to the
museum. It is operational. Piece has been in Beaufort area. Lang suggests if we have room to store it, we
accept it and use it for temporary exhibits or entertainment. No vote was taken or decision made.
Information Management Committee – Anna Schaffer
Brochure Review, 2015 January-May Plans for Marketing the Museum & Events,
Copies of new promotional brochure were distributed to board members.
We also looked at a list of potential events through June.
January – annual meeting and dinner at The Beaufort Inn. Not sure Inn would be able to
accommodate us as we anticipate greater participation with increased number of docents. (Jan.
29 target date.)
February – speaker on the BVA/Arsenal ($10 members, $20 non-members). Light refreshments
in the courtyard. Lang, Kidd agreed this sounds like good idea. Kidd wondered whether we
should be charging members for events in which there is no huge overhead for the organization
– shouldn’t this be a benefit of membership? Lang and Schaffer agreed.
March 14 – Exhibit on BVA during WWI opens, usual opening. $10 members and $20 for nonmembers. Food and drink in the courtyard
April – education committee, Saturday programing
Young Friends with Jaycee’s and Junior Service League of Beaufort outreach day
May-June – textile exhibit
May 12 – high tea and period costuming with Kim Poovey at Dataw Carolina room, members
$25, non-members $35
Kidd suggested a voodoo/hoodoo exhibit for October, possibly in partnership with The Beaufort
No votes taken or decisions made on the lineup or charges. Kidd suggested that we be prepared to firm
up early-in-the-year events by the December board meeting, particularly the annual meeting. Schaffer
said she would check prices on the Beaufort Inn.
Schaffer suggested giving those who make in-kind donations a greater presence on the website. Richard
Darby will start Dec. 1 to help routine website updating. He might have suggestions about the most
efficient ways to keep that section, which currently is merged with our list of donors/members, updated.
Slate of Board Members/Slate of Officers – Jeff Kidd
Kidd and Schaffer suggested we tap pool of docents for board membership.
We’re not positive how many spots we have open. Schaffer inquired about David Lott’s availability,
which Lang will inquire about. Should have a minimum of three openings. Kidd also suggested a strong
fundraiser, whether that comes from the ranks of the docents. That will be particularly important until
we have a fulltime director. Lorrie Burleyknoles, Carol Lauvray and Carla Marsh were suggested as
possible nominees.
The next step is for Schaffer to appoint a nomination committee. Kidd volunteered to participate.
(Brewton arrives during conversation.) Brewton agreed to participate. D.C. Gilley was assigned. Schaffer
will send out an email to members asking if anyone is interested in board membership. Those interested
will email Kidd, who will chair committee.
XI. Acquisitions revisited – Brewton gave more details about pump organ. She did not have family
lineage, but she said the piece has been in Beaufort for about 100 years and it would be donated.
XII. Facilities – Schaffer reports some docents have expressed about the way some items are displayed
and are concerned they might not be secure and pose a safety hazard.
Lang moves to adjourn; Brewton seconds; unanimous voice vote
Docent Committee Chair Report
Respectfully Submitted by: Lorrie Burleyknoles Docent Committee Chairperson
Status of the Volunteer Docent Program
The Docent program currently has a volunteer staff of 30 active Docents; to include
Anna Schaffer. The current schedule reflects a total of 20 Docents scheduled to
work during the Month of November.
7 Docents are in Hiatus( NOT included in above numbers)
8 individuals are currently taking Docent Training Classes. It is anticipated that 1
person will complete training this Month.
6 individuals are interested in joining the Docent Program.
Status of Daily Operations with regards to the Docents
A new scheduling protocol has been instated with the use of the
VolunteerSpot website. It automatically updates the online schedule, sends
reminders for pending shifts and has proven to ease the burden of scheduling
in every aspect.
Name tags have been redesigned and improved upon to make them more
professional looking. All active docents will receive their new tags in the
coming days.
A sign-in/out sheet has been placed in the Visitors Center for use by all
docents as they arrive and leave from shifts. Both Visitor Center employees
and Docents agree that this has alleviated the question of ‘Is there a Docent
up there?” A copy of the schedule is attached to it to help alert the V.C. staff of
potential closures when no one is scheduled to come in.
The new sandwich board has been well received with some concerns that it
does not contain accurate information; we are not affiliated with HBF. The
Docents hope to see this issue rectified shortly.
A subcommittee has been developed to make inquiries with regards to
several of the artifacts/exhibits in the Museum. An initial list of questions has
been submitted and the Docents await answers that the docents see as a vital
and integral to conduct efficient, accurate tours.
A basic Operational Procedures Addendum has been posted in the Museum
for the Docents. As the daily operations become better defined the addendum
is being modified to reflect these small changes.
The Elevator construction has caused a severe dust problem throughout the
Museum. The docents are doing their best to clean the cases and benches,
however the entire Museum will need a thorough cleaning after the
construction has been completed.
Several Docents have begun to voice concerns that “nothing is happening” to
move the Museum forward. A few have voiced concerns that they feel as
though they are being “under-utilized”, they want to do more than ‘keep the
doors open’ and they have the distinct impression that the board is
“detached” from the immediate needs of the museum. If these sentiments
spread it will prove to be detrimental to the program over time.
Suggestion: It would be beneficial if the members of the board gave some
time each month to
work/interact with the Docents on various projects/programs that are
specific to the Museum.