Directions for Atmosphere Step Foldable: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. You will need THREE sheets of computer paper to make the step foldable. Once you fold the paper, staple once in each corner on the top crease. Write YOUR NAME on in the lower right corner on the back. Write “THE ATMOSPHERE” on the top/first flap. Write “LAYERS” on the second flap. Write “AIR POLLUNTANTS” on the third flap. Write “SMOG” on the fourth flap. Write “EFFECTS OF ACID DEPOSITION” on the fifth flap. Write “THE CLEAN AIR ACT” on the sixth flap. “LAYERS” flap: Cut and Paste the “LAYERS of ATMOSPHERE” picture to the RIGHT side of section: 11. On LEFT side of the “LAYERS” section, define AIR POLLUTION and FOSSIL FUEL. 12. Complete the “Air Pollutant” Tables, then cut and paste onto “AIR POLLUTANT” DEFINTION: SOURCES AFFECTS on HUMAN HEALTH SECONDARY Harmful products produced when primary products react _________________ with other substances. Tropospheric ozone(O3), Sulfuric Acid H2SO4), Nitric Acid (HNO3) O3: _________________ problems and injure living tissue AFFECTS on ENVIRONEMENTAL H2SO4 and HNO3 = acid HEALTH __________ PRIMARY DEFINTION: SOURCES AFFECTS on HUMAN HEALTH Pollutants that do harm ________________. Carbon monoxide(CO), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), soot, lead, Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Volatile organic compounds CO: deprives __________ of oxygen. ______: lung irritation Soot: _________ damage Lead: _________ damage NO2: __________ irritation VOC: cancer AFFECT on ENVIRONMENTAL NO2: acid __________ HEALTH VOC: produce _______________ozone 13. “SMOG”: Complete the “SMOG” “Table, cut and paste onto the top half. Next, cut & paste the pictures to bottom half. LABLE as NORMAL or TEMPERATURE INVERSION. VOCABULARY DEFINITION Damaging materials released into the atmosphere. Examples: particulate matter (soot/smoke) and gases (sulfur dioxide/carbon monoxide) SMoke + fOG; an unhealthy mixture of air pollutants that may form over cities _____________ Produced when __________ combines with sulfur SMOG compounds and water droplets in the air. A thick, brownish haze that forms when sunlight acts on _____________ certain air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides and SMOG chemicals called ________________. “thermal inversion”; the condition in the troposphere in _____________ which a layer of ___________ air is located beneath of Inversion layer of _______air 14. “Acid Deposition”: Define Acid Rain at the top of the section. Next, complete the picture below. Cut and paste onto the TOP section. ___________ ___________ Causes of Acid Rain ___________ 15. Cut the picture out below and past to the bottom half of the section: 16. “Clean Air Act”: Complete the table below. Cut and Paste into TOP section. Next, complete the concept map and cut/paste into bottom half. QUESTION ANSWER What is the goal of the CLEAN AIR ACT? Which government agency sets standards governing air quality? The release of harmful pollutants has gone (a.)_______ by (b.)_______% since the Clean Air Act was enacted. (a.)__________ (b.)__________ What is a catalytic converter? What is a scrubber? PROVISIONS EFFECTS Limits ________________ Pollution _______________ Sets Standards for ___________ ___________ Less ___________ pollution Allows people to ___________ industry. Cleaner _____________ Sets aside ___________ funds. Answer Key PRIMARY DEFINTION: SOURCES AFFECTS on HUMAN HEALTH Pollutants that do harm Directly. Carbon monoxide(CO), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), soot, lead, Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Volatile organic compounds CO: deprives Cells of oxygen. Sulfur dioxide: lung irritation Soot: lung damage Lead: tissue damage NO2: lung irritation VOC: cancer AFFECT on ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEFINTION: SOURCES AFFECTS on HUMAN HEALTH NO2: acid rain VOC: produce _______________ozone SECONDARY Harmful products produced when primary products react chemically with other substances. Tropospheric ozone(O3), Sulfuric Acid H2SO4), Nitric Acid (HNO3) O3: Tropospheric ozone problems and injure living tissue AFFECTS on ENVIRONEMENTAL H2SO4 and HNO3 = acid HEALTH rain Smog Data Table VOCABULARY DEFINITION Smog Damaging materials released into the atmosphere. Examples: particulate matter (soot/smoke) and gases (sulfur dioxide/carbon monoxide) SMoke + fOG; an unhealthy mixture of air pollutants that may form over cities Industrial SMOG Produced when soot combines with sulfur compounds and water droplets in the air. Photochemical SMOG A thick, brownish haze that forms when sunlight acts on certain air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides and chemicals called hydrocarbons. Temperature Inversion “thermal inversion”; the condition in the troposphere in which a layer of warm air is located beneath of layer of cooler air Emissions Acid Deposition Harms ecosystems Damages human made structures such as statues Increases the acidity in the soil leading to contamination of drinking water Clean Air Act Table QUESTION ANSWER What is the goal of the CLEAN AIR ACT? Provisions that have reduced air pollution in the US. Which government agency sets standards governing air quality? EPA (a.)down The release of harmful pollutants has gone (a.)_______ by (b.)_______% since the Clean Air Act was enacted. What is a catalytic converter? (b.)57% A device in a motor vehicle that reduces the amount of air pollutants in emissions. Removes pollutants or changes them chemically before they leave factory smokestacks. What is a scrubber? PROVISIONS EFFECTS Limits emissions of pollutants Pollution decreases Sets Standards for air quality Less air pollution Allows people to sue industry. Cleaner air Sets aside research funds. Atmosphere Foldable Rubric NAME: _____________________ Assignment Flaps Correctly Labeled Definitions: air pollution, fossil fuel, acid rain Layers Picture Pasted in Correct Location Primary Air Pollutants Table – Complete/Correct Location Secondary Air Pollutants Table - Complete/Correct Location SMOG Table Complete/Correct Location SMOG Pictures Pasted In Correct Location Effects of Acid Rain Figures Labeled/Pasted Correctly Effects of Acid Rain Picture Pasted Correctly The Clean Air Act Table Completed/Pasted Correctly The Clean Air Act Concept Map Completed/Pasted Correctly Name Correctly Written on the Back in the Lower Right Corner Pd: ____ Pts Possible 6 3 1 9 4 10 2 3 1 7 8 1 TOTAL: 55 Pts Earned Atmosphere Foldable NAME: _____________________ Assignment Flaps Correctly Labeled Definitions: air pollution, fossil fuel, acid rain Layers Picture Pasted in Correct Location Primary Air Pollutants Table – Complete/Correct Location Secondary Air Pollutants Table - Complete/Correct Location SMOG Table Complete/Correct Location SMOG Pictures Pasted In Correct Location Effects of Acid Rain Figures Labeled/Pasted Correctly Effects of Acid Rain Picture Pasted Correctly The Clean Air Act Table Completed/Pasted Correctly The Clean Air Act Concept Map Completed/Pasted Correctly Name Correctly Written on the Back in the Lower Right Corner Pd: ____ Pts Possible 6 3 1 9 4 10 2 3 1 7 8 1 TOTAL: 55 Pts Earned