Handout 6 - Porterville College

Lecture 6
Describe the cause and symptoms in the child suffering from the following types of malnutrition:
Kwashiorkor, Marasmus
a. Malnutrition: ______________________________________________________
b. Causes:
i. ____________________ diet
ii. Problems with __________________________ or __________________
iii. ______________________ conditions
c. Kwashiorkor
i. Not enough ________________________________
ii. World etiology: ______________________________________________
iii. USA: _______________________________
iv. S&S Mild
1. △ ________________pigment
2. ________ muscle mass
3. Diarrhea
4. _________ grow
5. Fatigue
6. Hair ________________
v. S&S Severe
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. Hepatomegaly  _______________________
4. Lethargy
5. _____________________
vi. Dx
1. ____________
2. ____________
3. ____________ clearance
4. Serum_________________
5. Serum________________________________
6. Total _______________________
vii. Treatment
1. __________ _____________________
a. 1st: ______________
2nd ______________
viii. Prevention: ___________
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
d. Marasmus
i. Overall ___________________________
ii. ____________________ wasting & Stunted ____________________
iii. Treatment
1. __________________________________
e. Ricketts
i. Deficiency of _________________________________
ii. S&S: ___________________ deformities
iii. Treatment:
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
i. ________________________ (________________________ vitamin)
ii. S&S
1. Scaly ________________________
2. Inflamed _____________________
3. __________________ disturbances
iii. Treatment
1. _____________________________________
Differentiate between the following forms of cerebral palsy: Spastic, Dyskinetic, Ataxic, Mixed
a. General
i. Disorder of ___________________________________________________
ii. Results from a non-_____________________ lesion in the _____________
1. __________________impairments,
2. ___________________
3. ___________________ loss
iii. _______ in neonatal care _______________ of very low birth weight babies
iv. most often attributed to _________________________injury
1. _______________________________
2. Exposure to ____________________________
3. Maternal-fetal blood ___________________________________
4. Faulty ________________________ of ovum
v. Perinatal
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________ bleeding
vi. Postnatal
1. ______________________
2. Brain _____________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
vii. Classifications
1. Spastic*
a. ____________________
b. Lesion located __________________________________
c. -“_________________”
movement is______________ , _______________,
_____________________in range
occasionally _____________ and __________________
d. Further sub-typed by limbs affected:
i. -all four limbs = _______________________
ii. -two like limbs, mostly legs = ____________________
iii. -three limbs = ________________________
iv. -legs only = ________________________
v. -limbs on one side only = _____________________
vi. -one limb = _______________________
e. Classification by severity
i. Mild: May lack only _____________motor movements,
have awkward______________, arms out for
ii. Moderate: problems with ___________and
__________motor and ___________________
iii. Severe: unable to____________, use____________, or
a. AKA: __________________________________
b. Refers to one of the two ________________ tracts in the brain that
control movement
c. impairment in muscle ____________ and a variety of abnormal
motor ______________ and __________________
i. ______________________and without purpose
ii. Disappear with _____________________
iii. Increase with _______________________
d. Types of Movement
i. (#1) _____________________
1. slow, _______________, __________________
2. If movements are ______________:choreic or
ii. ____________________
1. Movement is ______________________
2. _____________________________
iii. _________________________
1. ________________ & __________________like
a. disorder of __________________/ ______________________
b. lesion is in the _______________________________
c. S&S
i. Gait
1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
ii. -hand movements ________________with tendency to
under or over ___________________
iii. -difficulty with _______________finger movements or
Atonic (______________________)
a. Usually ________________at birth and persists beyond ______
b. usually develops__________________, ataxia, difficulty with
c. -cognitive impairment __________________________________
d. -can also develop into _________________________form by age 3
a. combination of _________________________disorders
b. -most common mix is _________________ & _____________
c. less common is _________________ & __________________
6. Associated Disorders
a. _______________________ impairment
b. _______________________ impairment
i. Most affected: ______________________________
ii. Least affected: ______________________________
c. _______________________ disorders
i. _____________ ___________________ _____________
ii. __________________
d. Health Problems
i. ____________________
ii. ____________________ deformities
iii. ____________________
iv. ____________________difficulty
v. ______________ abnormalities
vi. ______________ loss
7. Treatment
a. ___________________ therapy
b. ___________________
i. _________________ injections
c. ___________________ not usually helpful
d. ___________________ devices
e. Supported __________________________ & _______________
Explain the prevalence of seizure disorders in the DD population.