HAMBLETON DISTRICT COUNCIL STAFF CONSULTATIVE FORUM MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 21 MAY 2013 Attendees: Martyn Richards (Chair) Dave Goodwin Mick Jewitt Jane Lithgo Maggie Swinden ACTION: 1. APOLOGIES: None. 2. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE LAST MEETING HELD ON 5 MARCH 2013: The following issues were raised:Pay Rates for Relief Drivers (WASS): MAJ reported that this issue was still under consideration. No meeting had yet taken place between HR/Payroll and Paul Staines’ Team and MS was sorting this out. Any solution would not be implemented until 1 July and would be backdated to January. 3. REVISED TERMS OF REFERENCE: MR reported that the revised terms of reference circulated with the agenda had been approved by the Management Team. The amendments were mainly of a minor nature i.e, deletion of references to RDC and some slight amendments to membership of the Forum. These terms of reference may need amending further as the Forum evolves. JL felt that there was an issue to consider regarding future representation on the Forum as there is a danger that Staff Representatives would represent their own personal views rather than those of collective departments/sections. 4. REVIEW OF STAFF LIAISON ARRANGEMENTS: MR advised that the purpose of the Staff Consultative Forum was discussion and consultation and that Management Team are looking at what the role of this Forum should be and membership. Arrangements need to be made for those staff who are not members of a trade union to be represented on the Forum. MR advised that this could be done by electing/selecting Staff Representatives but it would be made clear to them that their role is to represent the views of collective staff not their own personal views. JL to let MR know the percentage of HDC staff who are members of Unison. JL lodged her objections to any suggestion that the Forum would deal with negotiation on pay awards etc., thereby moving away from national agreements. 1 JL ACTION: 5. CORPORATE TRAINING: MS is looking at corporate training, including induction, health and safety, corporate and service area training and e-learning. Looking at sourcing first and then going back to First Friday Group with a draft Corporate Training Programme. JL raised the issue of staff employed by RDC but who are based in Hambleton. RDC staff based in Hambleton need to have an understanding of HDC’s health and safety procedures and practices such as IT security. 6. UNISON ISSUES: No issues raised. 7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: No issues raised. 8. FUTURE MEETINGS: Next meeting to be held on 10 September 2013 at 11.00am (or on rising of Health and Safety Group if earlier) in Meeting Room 4. 2