-1- Status of Z-series Recommendations (Revised 16 October 2012) These tables give the status of the work program for the ITU-T Z-series Recommendations under the responsibility of Study Group 17. These tables provide a listing of Z-series Recommendations (approved and draft texts) including for each: – Recommendation number – Full title of Recommendation – Approval year for current edition and, if not published, the location of the text – An indication whether the current edition is common text (C) with ISO/IEC or twin (T) with ISO/IEC or other SDO or is not collaborative (I) – Name of the editor – Location of the latest text for on-going work – Number of the equivalent standard, if there is one – Target date (date of Study Group or Working Party "consent" or “determination” meeting) for on-going work – An indication whether the on-going work is intended to be common text (C) with ISO/IEC or twin (T) with ISO/IEC or other SDO or is not collaborative (I) AAP denotes Last Call or Additional Review text LATEST TEXT* denotes series of Recommendations subject to Implementers' Guide -2- FORMAL DESCRIPTION TECHNIQUES (FDT) Specification and Description Language (SDL) No. Z.100 Z.100 Annex F1 Z.100 Annex F2 Z.100 Annex F3 Z.101 Z.102 Z.103 Z.104 Z.104 Amd.1 Z.105 Z.106 Z.107 Z.109 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Specification and description language - Overview of SDL-2010 SDL formal definition: General overview CURRENT PUBLICATION 2011 I SG Q EDITOR 17 13 Rick Reed LATEST TEXT* COM17TD2980 EQUIVALENT TEXT None 2000 I 17 13 Edel Sherratt None SDL formal definition: Static semantics 2000 I 17 13 None SDL formal definition: Dynamic semantics 2000 I 17 13 Specification and description language - Basic SDL2010 Specification and description language Comprehensive SDL-2010 Specification and description language - Shorthand notation and annotation in SDL-2010 Specification and description language - Data and action language in SDL-2010 Annex C – Language Binding 2011 I 17 13 Andreas. Prinz Andreas Prinz Rick Reed 2011 I 17 13 Rick Reed None 2011 I 17 13 Rick Reed None 2011 I 17 13 Rick Reed None 2012 I 17 13 Rick Reed None Specification and description language - SDL-2010 combined with ASN-1 modules Specification and description language - Common interchange format for SDL-2010 Specification and description language - Objectoriented data in SDL-2010 (Formerly withdrawn Z.107 was SDL with embedded ASN.1) Specification and description language - Unified modeling language profile for SDL-2010 2011 I 17 13 Rick Reed None 2011 I 17 13 Rick Reed None 2012 I 17 13 Thomas Weigert None 2012 I 17 13 Alexander Kraas None None None TARGET DATE New edition 2013-04 I -3- Z.109 Amd.1 Appendix I – Example language specification 17 13 Thomas Weigert COM17TD2984 Rev.5 None LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None In AAP Application of Formal Description Techniques No. Z.110 Z.111 Z.119 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Criteria for use of formal description techniques by ITU-T Notations and guidelines for the definition of ITU-T languages Guidelines for UML profile design CURRENT PUBLICATION 2008 I SG Q EDITOR 17 13 Ostap Monkewich Thomas Weigert Thomas Weigert 2009 I 17 13 2007 I 17 13 TARGET DATE None None Message Sequence Chart (MSC) No. Z.120 Z.120 Annex B Z.121 Z.uml-msc RECOMMENDATION TITLE Message sequence chart (MSC) Formal semantics of message sequence charts Specification and Description Language (SDL) data binding to Message Sequence Charts (MSC) Unified modeling language (UML) profile for MSC CURRENT PUBLICATION 2011 I 1998 I 2003 I SG Q EDITOR 17 17 13 13 Loic Helouet 17 13 17 13 Michael Andersson Thomas Weigert LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None None TARGET DATE None COM17TD0444 TD3308 [2005-2008] None Work discontinued See note at end of the tables. User Requirements Notation (URN) No. Z.150 RECOMMENDATION TITLE User requirements notation (URN) – Language requirements and framework CURRENT PUBLICATION 2011 I SG Q 17 13 EDITOR Daniel Amyot LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None TARGET DATE I -4- Z.151 Z.151 Cor.1 Z.uml-urngrl Z.uml-urnucm Z.urn-ma User requirements notation (URN) – Language definition Corrigendum 1 2012 I 17 13 2012 I 17 13 17 13 17 13 17 13 Unified modeling language (UML) profile for URN GRL Unified modeling language (UML) profile for URN UCM User requirements notation (URN) – Methodological approach Daniel Amyot Daniel Amyot Daniel Amyot Thomas Weigert Daniel Amyot None None None None None Work discontinued Work discontinued Work discontinued Testing and Test Control Notation (TTCN) No. Z.161 Z.161.1 Z.162 Z.163 Z.164 Z.165 Z.165.1 Z.166 Z.167 Z.168 Z.169 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 core language The Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 language extensions: Support of interfaces with continuous signals Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 tabular presentation format (TFT) Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 graphical presentation format (GFT) Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 operational semantics Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 runtime interface (TRI) Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 extension package: Extended TRI Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 control interface (TCI) Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 mapping from ASN.1 Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 mapping from CORBA IDL Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 mapping from XML data definition CURRENT PUBLICATION 2012 T SG Q 17 14 2012 T 17 14 2007 T 17 14 2007 T 17 14 2012 T 17 14 2012 T 17 14 2012 T 17 14 2012 T 17 14 2012 T 17 14 2012 T 17 14 2012 T 17 14 Dieter Hogrefe Dieter Hogrefe EQUIVALENT TEXT ETSI ES 201873-1 ETSI ES 202 786 Dieter Hogrefe Dieter Hogrefe Dieter Hogrefe Dieter Hogrefe Dieter Hogrefe Dieter Hogrefe Dieter Hogrefe Dieter Hogrefe Dieter Hogrefe ETSI ES 201873-2 ETSI ES 201873-3 ETSI ES 201873-4 ETSI ES 201873-5 ETSI ES 202 789 ETSI ES 201873-6 ETSI ES 201873-7 ETSI ES 201873-8 ETSI ES 201873-9 EDITOR LATEST TEXT TARGET DATE New edition 2013-04 New edition 2013-04 New edition 2013-04 New edition 2013-04 New edition 2013-04 New edition 2013-04 New edition 2013-04 New edition 2013-04 New edition 2013-04 T T T T T T T T T -5- Z.170 Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 documentation comment specification 2012 T 17 14 Dieter Hogrefe ETSI ES 201873-10 New edition 2013-04 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES CHILL: The ITU-T high level language No. Z.200 RECOMMENDATION TITLE CHILL - The ITU-T Programming Language CURRENT PUBLICATION 1999 C SG Q 17 13 EDITOR LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT ISO/IEC 9496 TARGET DATE LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None None TARGET DATE LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None None None None None None TARGET DATE LATEST TEXT TARGET DATE MAN-MACHINE LANGUAGE General principles No. Z.301 Z.302 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Introduction to the CCITT man-machine language The meta-language for describing MML syntax and dialogue procedures CURRENT PUBLICATION 1988 I 1988 I SG Q 2 2 8 8 EDITOR Basic syntax and dialogue procedures No. Z.311 Z.312 Z.314 Z.315 Z.316 Z.317 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Introduction to syntax and dialogue procedures Basic format layout The character set and basic elements Input (command) language syntax specification Output language syntax specification Man-machine dialogue procedures CURRENT PUBLICATION 1988 I 1988 I 1988 I 1988 I 1988 I 1988 I SG Q 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 EDITOR Extended MML for visual display terminals No. Z.321 Z.322 Z.323/E.333 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Introduction to the extended MML for visual display terminals Capabilities of visual display terminals Man-machine interaction CURRENT PUBLICATION 1988 I 1988 1988 I I SG Q 2 8 EQUIVALENT TEXT None 2 2 8 8 None None EDITOR T -6- Specification of the man-machine interface No. Z.331 Z.332 Z.333 Z.334 Z.335 Z.336 Z.337 Z.341 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Introduction to the specification of the man-machine interface Methodology for the specification of the man-machine interface - General working procedure Methodology for the specification of the man-machine interface - Tools and methods Subscriber administration Routing administration Traffic measurement administration Network management administration Glossary of terms CURRENT PUBLICATION 1988 I SG Q 2 8 EQUIVALENT TEXT None EDITOR LATEST TEXT 1988 I 2 8 None 1988 I 2 8 None 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 I I I I I 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 None None None None None TARGET DATE Data-oriented human-machine interfaces No. Z.351 Z.352 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Data oriented human-machine interface specification technique - Introduction Data oriented human-machine interface specification technique - Scope, approach and reference model CURRENT PUBLICATION 1993 I 1993 I SG Q 2 8 EQUIVALENT TEXT None 2 8 None EDITOR LATEST TEXT TARGET DATE Human-machine interfaces for the management of telecommunications networks No. Z.360 Z.361 Z.371 Z.372 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Graphic GDMO: A graphic notation for the Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects Design guidelines for Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI) for the management of telecommunications networks Graphic information for telecommunication management objects Templates for telecommunications human-machine interfaces CURRENT PUBLICATION 1997 I SG Q 2 8 EQUIVALENT TEXT None EDITOR LATEST TEXT 1999 I 2 8 None 2005 I 2 7 None 2005 I 2 8 None TARGET DATE -7- QUALITY Quality of telecommunication software No. Z.400 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Structure and format of quality manuals for telecommunications software CURRENT PUBLICATION 1993 I SG Q 17 13 EDITOR LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None TARGET DATE LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None TARGET DATE LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None TARGET DATE LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None None TARGET DATE LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None TARGET DATE Quality aspects of protocol-related Recommendations No. Z.450 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Quality aspects of protocol-related Recommendations CURRENT PUBLICATION 2008 I SG Q EDITOR 17 13 Ostap Monkewich METHODS Methods for validation and testing No. Z.500 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Framework on formal methods in conformance testing CURRENT PUBLICATION 1997 I SG Q 17 14 EDITOR Dieter Hogrefe MIDDLEWARE Processing Environment Architectures No. Z.600 Z.601 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Distributed processing environment architecture Data architecture of one software system CURRENT PUBLICATION 2000 I 2007 I SG Q 17 17 13 13 EDITOR Arve Meisingset SUPPLEMENTS TO THE Z-SERIES No. Z Suppl.1 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Supplement 1 to ITU-T Z.100: SDL+ methodology: Use of MSC and SDL (with ASN.1) New edition: ITU-T Z.100-series – Supplement on methodology on the use of description techniques CURRENT PUBLICATION 1997 I SG Q EDITOR 17 13 Rick Reed, Thomas Weigert New edition 2012-09 I -8- Z-SERIES IMPLEMENTERS' GUIDES No. Z.Imp100 RECOMMENDATION TITLE Specification and description language Implementers’ Guide v2.0.0 (09/2011) CURRENT PUBLICATION 2011 I SG Q EDITOR 17 13 Rick Reed LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT None TARGET DATE LATEST TEXT EQUIVALENT TEXT TARGET DATE Note: The following sub-division and associated Recommendations were withdrawn in July 2008 Extended Object Definition Language (eODL) No. Z.130 Z.130 Amd.1 RECOMMENDATION TITLE ITU object definition language New Annex E: ODL to CIDL mapping CURRENT PUBLICATION Withdrawn Withdrawn SG ______________ Q EDITOR