2016 COLORADO COLLEGE SUMMER SESSION PRE-COLLEGE COURSE APPLICATION Admission to the Colorado College Summer Session Pre-College program requires applicants to complete this form. Form may be filled out and submitted to precollege@coloradocollege.edu. Alternatively, mail this completed and signed form along with all the other required documents to: Colorado College, Pre-college program, Summer Session Office, 14 E. Cache La Poudre, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903. See checklist on page two for a complete list of all items to include with your application. Only students who will be seniors during the 2016 fall semester may apply for scholarship and merit awards using the form found on the Summer Session website. Please type or print. To fill out online, click in gray boxes and type. Fields will expand as needed. APPLICANT’S NAME and PERSONAL DATA: This fall, I will be a high school Junior Senior Other – please explain: Last (family name): First: Middle: Date of Birth (required for admission and transcripts): Place of Birth (required for admission and transcripts): Ethnicity: (Check one or more that describe your background.) American Indian or Alaska Native (including all Original People of the Americas) Asian (including Indian subcontinent and Philippines) Black or African American (including Africa and Caribbean) Gender: Hispanic or Latino (including Spain) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Original Peoples) White (including Middle Eastern) APPLICANT’S CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS: Street and number: City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country (if other than US): Expiration for this address: Cell Phone: Cell valid through summer? Email Address: Expiration for this address: Yes APPLICANT’S PERMANENT MAILING ADDRESS (if different from above): Street and number: City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Please indicate the best way to reach you: E-mail Phone Current Mailing Address Country (if other than US): Permanent Mailing Address PARENT CONTACT INFORMATION: Parent 1 - Name: Parent 2 - Name: Address -(if different from above) Street and number: City: Primary phone: State: Zip: Secondary phone: Address -(if different from above): Street and number: City: Primary phone: Email: State: Zip: Secondary phone: Email: EMERGENCY CONTACT: (PLEASE PROVIDE CONTACT INFORMATION FOR SOMEONE OTHER THAN A PARENT) Name: Relationship to student: Primary Phone: Street Address: City: Secondary Phone: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country (if other than US): BILLING PARTY INFORMATION: Last Name: First Name Middle name: Street Address: City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country (if other than US): SCHOOL INFORMATION: Name of Current School: Are you in good standing at your current school? If No, please attach a letter with explanation. Expected Date of Graduation: Yes No GPA: Who drove the decision to apply for Colorado College Summer Session? I did my parents both Other: Rank No Please select which pre-college program you are applying for: Regular Block A and/or B courses (Option 1) Pre-College only Block course (Option 2) OPTION 1: REGULAR BLOCK COURSES: PLEASE LIST THE COURSES YOU WISH TO TAKE THIS SUMMER: Students can enroll in only one course per block. Course GRADE CRN # COURSE # COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR UNITS TRACK* choices Block A Block A 2nd Choice AND OR Block B Block B 2nd Choice OPTION 2: PRE-COLLEGE PROGRAM BLOCK COURSE(S): PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE FOUR MAIN COURSES, AND THE OPTIONAL COLLIGIEATE COMMUNICAITONS COURSE, IF DESIRED. Course choices INSTRUCTOR CC UNITS (SH = semester hours) Cross Genre Writing Workshop Goodwin and Hayward .75 (3 SH) EV 100 From Grassland to Glacier Mike Taber .75 (3 SH) 30096 .PS 102 Freedom and Empires: The Drama of Ancient Politics John Grace .75 (3 SH) 30095 SO 102 Communities and Networks Kathy Giuffre .75 (3 SH) Julian Plaza .25 (1 SH) CRN # COURSE # 30093 EN 104 30094 COURSE TITLE GRADE TRACK* The following course is MANDATORY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. It is OPTIONAL FOR DOMESTIC STUDENTS. 30097 GS 103 Communications for Collegiate Success *Grade Track: P=Pass/Fail (S, CR, NC) G = Grade (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, NC) (Grade track changes may be made only during the first four days of class) Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. You will receive notification of acceptance within two weeks of receipt of completed application. Course schedules and additional information will be sent separately. Course deposits ensure a place in a desired course and go toward tuition. Tuition for summer 2016 is $4000 per unit. $500 for each 1 or 2 unit course .................................................................................................................................................. $ + Application fee ............................................................................................................................................................................... $50.00 = total charge .......... $ Financial Obligation: I accept responsibility for financial charges (e.g. tuition, course fees and collection costs if delinquent) associated with pre-registering for a Colorado College summer session course(s) and understand and agree with the refund policy and withdrawal procedures. (A detailed explanation of course withdrawal and refunds is available at www.ColoradoCollege.edu/SummerSession). I have read and agree to potential financial charges as indicated above, per my typed signature as financially responsible party. Signature of Financially Responsible Party: (must be parent or legal guardian if applicant is under 18 years of age) CHECK CREDIT CARD Please send two separate checks, payable to Colorado College, One for application fee and one for course deposit(s). Call 719-389-6098 with credit card information. Applicant’s admission checklist: Application Transcript(s) Teacher Report Counselor Report Housing application How did you first find out about Colorado College Summer Session? Colorado College website Direct email from CC Google Ad Teacher/faculty member Facebook Ad School counselor C.C. alumnus/alumna Parent Campus Tour Other family member For office use only: Registrar: Summer Student Code: High School Check 1: Application Fee - $50 Check 2: Deposit fee of $500 per unit SS: Date of email to student: ___________________ Date of App/letter to registrar: _____________ Date of App to housing: _____________________ High school fair TheEducationalRegister.com USummer.com Printed ad, where? Other: