Clean Eating Recipes - CrossFit Browns Plains

FBP CrossFit
Clean Eating Recipes
Used in conjunction with Block Meal Planning and CrossFit programming
Apple and Cinnamon Muffins
Calories – 177 per serving
Proteins – 5 grams
Carbohydrates – 28 grams
Fats – 5 grams
Sugars – 10 grams
Serves - 10 to 12
250g tin stewed apples (or you can stew your own)
¼ cup honey
2 cups oat flour...
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup soy, oat or almond milk
1 egg
2 tbs coconut oil (you can use olive oil too)
Mix all ingredients together and pour into 12 muffin tin and bake at 180C for about 15-20mins
Banana and oatmeal cookies
Calories – 102 per serving
Proteins – 1 gram
Carbohydrates – 25 grams
Fats – 1 gram
Sugars – 17 grams
Serves – 10 to 12
2 bananas mashed
1 ½ cups oat flour or coconut flour
½ cup oatmeal (or unprocessed oats)...
½ cup organic honey
½ teaspoon bicarb
Mix till the consistency is such that you can roll them into balls. If too moist they will spread and too
dry they will crumble. If too moist add a bit more flour and if too crumbly add a dash of milk of
Bake at 180C for about 15-20mins.
You can ad ½ cup 70% DARK CHOCOLATE BITS for a variation or ½ cup pureed apple instead of
Homemade Chewy Chocolate and Banana Muesli Bars
Calories – 84 per serving
Proteins – 1 gram
Carbohydrates – 10 grams
Fats – 5 grams
Sugars -7 grams
Serves - 12
1 cup oats
1 cup rice puffs
1 banana mashed...
1/3 cup melted honey
1/3 cup melted coconut oil
125g dark choc chips
Mix all together by hand and press into lined baking tray am bake at 180C for 15-20mins (they will
harden as they set)
Protein Muffins
Calories – 136 per serving
Proteins – 12 grams
Carbohydrates – 4 grams
Fats – 8 grams
Sugars -1 gram
Serves - 12
6 eggs
250g ham
1 punnet cherry tomatoes...
250g ricotta
2 tbs milk
salt and pepper
Mix it all together and then pour into12 muffin moulds that have been sprayed with cooking spray.
Bake for 15-20mins at 180C…they will look like mini quiches
Gluten free orange and dark chocolate cookies
Calories – 168 per serving
Proteins – 3 grams
Carbohydrates – 23 grams
Fats – 8 grams
Sugars - 9 grams
Serves - 10
1 ½ cup of gluten free all purpose flour or coconut flour
½ tsp baking soda
2 tbsp chia seeds
¼ cup honey
¼ cup melted coconut oil
½ cup of 70% dark chocolate chips
¼ cup milk
Zest and juice of 1 orange
Place all ingredients except the chocolate in a mixer and mix till you can roll into balls. Add choc
chips and roll into balls, gently flatten with fork and bake at 180C for about 15min until slightly
Choc chip cookies
Calories – 266 per serving
Proteins – 4 grams
Carbohydrates – 40 grams
Fats – 10 grams
Sugars – 18 grams
Serves - 10
2 cups spelt flour
¼ cup melted coconut oil
½ cup honey
½ pkt darkest choc chips you can buy
Place all ingredients except the chocolate in a mixer and mix till you can roll into balls. Add choc
chips and roll into balls, gently flatten with fork and bake at 180C for about 15min until slightly
Healthy Quick Chicken Fried Rice
Calories – 385 per serving
Proteins – 46 grams
Carbohydrates – 29 grams
Fats – 8 grams
Sugars -2 grams
Serves - 4
Dry fry 500g diced chicken breast
Add 2 whisked eggs
½ cup of yellow capsicum
½ cup red onion
½ cup diced carrots
2 cups cooked brown rice
Add ¼ cup salt reduced soy sauce and serve
Healthy Curry Puffs
Calories – 275 per serving
Proteins – 31 grams
Carbohydrates – 14 grams
Fats – 11 grams
Sugars – 6 grams
Serves -12
500g extra lean mince
2 cups of frozen peas, corn and carrots
1 tsp cumin...
1 tsp coriander
1stp crushed garlic
Make the casings by mixing 1 cup spelt flour in a blender with 1 tsp olive oil and enough water to
make a firm dough. Roll dough into a ball and place in the fridge for 30 mins to rest. Roll out half the
dough between two sheets of baking paper (keep the other half for naan bread).
Cut circles about 15cm in diameter, fill one half with ingredients above, run some milk around the
edges and fold over into a half moon shape and press until sealed. Dry bake on baking paper in the
oven for about 15-20mins till golden.
Honey Crunch Cookies
Calories – 109 per serving
Proteins – 2 grams
Carbohydrates – 17 grams
Fats – 3 grams
Sugars – 4 grams
Serves -10
1 cup spelt flour
1 cup puffed brown rice
2tbs honey
2tbs melted coconut oil
Mix all in a bowl until you can roll them into firm balls....if too moist, add a bit more flour, if too dry
add a little bit of milk of choice. Roll into balls, gently flatten and bake at 180C for 15mins
Raspberry and Coconut Slice
Calories – 261 per serving
Proteins – 6 grams
Carbohydrates – 34 grams
Fats – 12 grams
Sugars -19 grams
Serves -12
1/2 cup melted coconut oil
1/2 cup honey
2 eggs
1 cup Greek yoghurt
1 cup frozen raspberries
1/2 cup coconut
1 ¾ cup spelt flour
1tsp baking powder
1tsp bicarb,
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
Place all ingredients in a mixer and mix to combine. Pour into a lined loaf pan and bake at 160C for
about 1hr until skewer comes out clean.
Chocolate Rice Bubble Slice
Calories – 448 per serve
Proteins – 7 grams
Carbohydrates – 33 grams
Fats – 34 grams
Sugars – 17 grams
Serves - 12
2 cups brown rice puffs
250g melted 70% dark chocolate
2tbs coconut oil
Melt coconut oil and chocolate and stir through brown rice puffs and press into a lined tin. Place in
fridge (they will harden as they set).
Cinnamon Scrolls
Calories – 191 per serve
Proteins – 6 grams
Carbohydrates – 36 grams
Fats – 3 grams
Sugars – 0 grams
Serves -10
250g plain spelt flour
250g wholewheat spelt flour
1tsp yeast
1 tbs olive oil
and enough water (about 250ml)
Make a firm dough, then rise it in bread maker....roll out once risen and put cinnamon paste on top
(cinnamon, honey and milk of choice to make a thick's hard to say quantity so just add
honey and cinnamon (and milk) to a thick paste.
Spread paste on dough thickly and then roll like a sausage roll and cut in 2cm thickness then lay in
side and push flat, drizzle with maple syrup and chopped almonds nuts if you want and a sprinkle of
cinnamon and bake at 220C for about 15-20mins
Chocolate Coconut Rough Cookies
Calories – 302 per serve
Proteins – 6 grams
Carbohydrates – 40 grams
Fats – 14 grams
Sugars – 19 grams
Serves -10
2 cups spelt flour
1 tsp baking powder
¼ cup melted coconut oil
1 tbs cacao powder
1 cup coconut
½ cup honey
½ cup greek yoghurt
90 grams melted 85% dark chocolate
Shredded Coconut for sprinkling
Place all ingredients for the biscuits in a mixer and mix till you can roll into balls. Bake at 180C for
about 15min until slightly golden. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Ice with melted dark
chocolate and sprinkle with coconut
Spelt Pancakes
Calories – 117 per serve
Proteins – 4 grams
Carbohydrates – 19 grams
Fats – 2 grams
Sugars -2 grams
Serves - 6
1 cup spelt flour
1 tsp baking powder
1tsp Chia Seeds
1 egg
1 cup rice milk (or milk of choice)
Mix all ingredients together to make a thick batter. Heat some coconut oil in a pan and place a scoop
of batter in hot pan, cook until pancake start to bubble and then flip and cook on other side. Serve
with fruit, shaved almonds and natural greek or coconut yoghurt
You can add a mashed banana into the mix
Homemade Gluten Free Muesli
Calories – 334 per serve
Proteins – 7 grams
Carbohydrates – 28 grams
Fats – 24 grams
Sugars – 16 grams
Serves - 12
1 cup raw pecans
1 cup raw macadamias
2 tbs chia seeds
½ cup shredded coconut
1 cup organic brown rice puffs
2 tbs cinnamon
1 cup chopped dates
1 /2 cup dried cranberries
½ cup diced apricots
Place all the ingredients into a large mixing bowl, mix together and store in an airtight container.
Orange and Cranberry Quinoa porridge
Calories – 117 per serve
Proteins – 3 grams
Carbohydrates – 26 grams
Fats – 1 gram
Sugars – 18 grams
Serves - 6
1 cup rinsed and drained white quinoa
1 cup milk
1 cup orange juice
1/3 cup dried apricots, chopped
1/3 cup dried cranberries
1 tablespoon honey
2 tbs cinnamon
Place all the ingredients into a pot and cook on low heat until quinoa is soft and tender (you may
need to add more orange juice during the cooking process as you want to ensure the quinoa is all
cooked). Pour into an airtight container and store in the fridge. Remove from fridge and microwave
desired amount with a bit of milk and drizzle with honey and cinnamon.
Breakfast smoothie
Calories – 851 per serve
Proteins – 36 grams
Carbohydrates – 135 grams
Fats – 18 grams
Sugars – 57 grams
Serves -1
1 banana
2 hulled strawberries
2 tbs chia seeds
2 tbs LSA
½ cup unprocessed oats
½ cup greek yoghurt
1 tbs honey
1 cup coconut water
Mix all together in a blender and served chilled
Green smoothie
Calories – 191 per serve
Proteins – 3 grams
Carbohydrates – 46 grams
Fats – 1 gram
Sugars – 30 grams
Serves - 1
1 cup baby spinach
1 cucumber
1 apple cored and peeled
¼ cup lemon juice
¼ cup chopped fresh mint
1 cup coconut water
Mix all together in a blender and served chilled
Energy Meffins (yep Meffins)
Calories – 220 per serve
Proteins – 24 grams
Carbohydrates – 3 grams
Fats – 12 grams
Sugars – 1 gram
Serves - 12
500g minced pork or beef
1 cup of diced sweet potato, corn, zucchini
12 eggs
225g of cottage cheese
2 tbs of herbs
pinch of nutmeg
handful of grated cheese
Brown the mince and sauté the veges. Beat the eggs and then add meat and veges, cottage cheese,
herbs and spices.
Spoon in muffin tray and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Cook at 180 for 15 – 20 minutes
Pumpkin and Chia Muffins
Calories – 160 per serve
Proteins – 6 grams
Carbohydrates – 18 grams
Fats – 8 grams
Sugars -2 grams
Serves - 12
100g of Pumpkin
2 cups of GF flour
1 cup of Almond Meal
pinch of cinnamon
1 tspn of baking powder
fistful of chia seeds
2 egg yolks
handful of basil leaves
3 tbs of granulates stevia
2 tspn of olive oil
handful of pepitas
Grate the pumpkin to create 1 full cup. Combine all ingredients except the egg yolks, stevia and oil
which are to be beaten in another bowl, then add together with small amounts of water to make a
thick consistency.
Whisk egg whites until soft peaks then add to mixture.
Spoon into muffin tray, bake at 180 for 12 – 15 minutes
Salmon, Pea and Fetta Salad
Calories – 349 per serving
Proteins – 34 grams
Carbohydrates -17 grams
Fats – 16 grams
Sugars -9 grams
Serves - 4
Place 1 salmon fillet per person on a baking tray, drizzle with very small amount of balsamic glaze,
cut 6 cherry tomatoes per person and place on baking tray, sprinkle both with cracked pepper and
bake in oven at 180C for about 20mins.
Pour boiling water over ¼ cup peas per person and allow to warm up and par boil for 5 mins and
then drain.
Fill bowl with baby spinach, add peas and tomatoes. Roughly break up salmon over salad. Sprinkle
50g fetta per person and drizzle with balsamic vinegar and olive oil
Wholemeal Pasta with honey mustard Salmon and Asparagus
Calories – 628 per serving
Proteins – 46 grams
Carbohydrates – 82 grams
Fats – 40 grams
Sugars -17 grams
Serves - 4
Coat salmon fillet lightly with honey mustard (1 fillet per person). Bake at 180C for 20mins.
1. Boil whole meal pasta (1 cup dry which makes two cups cooked and serve ½ cup per person).
2. Roughly chop asparagus and blanch in boiling water.
Serve pasta into bowl and mix in asparagus and halved fresh cherry tomatoes and roughly break up
salmon through pasta. Drizzle with a little lemon juice and olive and sprinkle with cracked pepper
Toasted Chicken, Avocado and Cheese Tortilla
Calories – 260 per serving
Proteins – 16 grams
Carbohydrates – 22 grams
Fats – 13 grams
Sugars -2 grams
Serves - 4
Spelt or GF Tortillas (or Wholemeal Tortilla’s)
50g of baby spinach
100g of skinless chicken breast
75g of diced avocado
1 medium roma tomato
50g of grated tasty cheese
Place tortilla on flat surface and top each with spinach, chicken, avocado, tomato and cheese.
Fold in half and cook tortilla on sandwich press for 2 or 3 minutes
Roast Vegetable and Basil Pesto Salad
Calories – 626 per serving
Proteins – 18 grams
Carbohydrates - 36 grams
Fats – 50 grams
Sugars – 13 grams
Serves - 4
1 beetroot bulb (unpeeled but diced into large chunks)
½ pumpkin peeled and diced
2 capsicums thinly sliced
250g rocket
250g baby spinach
Basil pesto
Large bunch of basil
¼ cup pinenuts
½ cup grated parmesan cheese
2tbs olive oil
2tbs lemon juice
Place beetroot, pumpkin and capsicum in a heavy based baking dish, drizzle with olive oil and salt
and pepper and roast in oven until soft and tender. To make pesto, place all ingredients into a
blender and blend till desired consistency. Toss rocket and baby spinach through the veggies and
then toss through the dressing.
Ham and Corn Pasta Salad
Calories – 387 per serving
Proteins – 14 grams
Carbohydrates - 63 grams
Fats – 9 grams
Sugars – 5 grams
Serves - 4
240g of Spelt or GF Spiral Pasta
2tbsn white wine vinegar and 1 tbsn of olive oil
2 green shallots
1 red capsicum
2 celery sticks
1 carrot
120g of corn kernels
150g of Ham off the bone
2tbsn of parsley
2 cups of rocket
Cook pasta in salted water until tender.
Whisk vinegar and oil in a large bowl, then add pasta, shallots, capsicum, celery, carrot, corn, ham,
parsley and rocket
Massamum Beef Curry
Calories – 574 per serving
Proteins – 37 grams
Carbohydrates -27 grams
Fats – 35 grams
Sugars -13 grams
Serves - 4
To make paste put following in a Blender:
1tsp chilli
2 teaspoons ground coriander...
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground pepper
1 brown onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tbs lemongrass
1tbs crushed ginger
To make curry in a slow cooker add following:
500g diced beef
1 sweet potato peeled and thickly chopped
1 carrot peeled and thickly chopped
Curry paste above
1 tin reduce fat coconut cream
2 tsp ground cardamom
2tbs honey
2tbs peanut butter (or nut free butter if peanut allergy)
Add enough water so meat is just covered and cool in slow cooker, removing lid for last half hour.
Serve on steamed brown rice
Slow Cooker Beef madras
Calories – 314 calories per serve
Proteins – 37 grams
Carbohydrates – 18 grams
Fats – 10 grams
Sugars -11 grams
Serves -4
500g diced beef
½ onion
2 cloves of crushed garlic
2 tsp crushed garlic...
1 tablespoon ground coriander
2 tsp crushed cardamom
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tsp turmeric
¼ tsp crushed chilli
1 cup salt reduced beef stock
6 tomatoes diced
2 tbs lemon juice
1 tsp honey
¼ greek yoghurt (at the end)
Put all ingredients except yoghurt into slow cooker. 20 mins before serving, remove lid and stir in
greek yoghurt and allow to thicken.
Serve with naan bread
Garlic Naan Bread
Calories – 131 per serve
Proteins – 4 grams
Carbohydrates – 22 grams
Fats – 2 grams
Sugars – 0 grams
Serves – 4
Make the casings by mixing 1 cup spelt flour in a blender with 1 tsp olive oil and enough water to
make a firm dough. Roll dough into a ball and place in the fridge for 30 mins to rest. Roll out half the
dough between two sheets of baking paper (keep the other half for curry puffs). Divide in half (1 cup
spelt flour in a blender with 1 tsp olive oil and enough water to make a firm dough) and roll into a
circle shape thinly between two pieces of baking paper. Brush with garlic and olive oil mix (1stp
crushed garlic with 2 tbs olive oil) and bake in hot oven for 15-20mins till golden
Healthy and Delicious - Home Made Pizza’s
Pizza dough (makes 3 – 30cm pizza’s with each pizza base having 640 calories)
N.B: Each pizza is designed to be cut into 8 equal slices which equals 80 calories per slice without any
250g spelt plain flour
250g spelt wholemeal flour
½ tsp salt
1tbs olive oil
1 x sachets yeast
Approx 250ml warm water
Add all ingredients (except water) to a bread maker and set to dough setting. Add water gradually as
its mixing to firm dough and then allow bread maker to do its magic. You can make it by hand, mix it
all together adding water gradually and then need until you have soft elastic dough and then allow
rising in a lightly greased covered bowl in a warm area until it has doubled in size. Once risen or
finished in bread maker, roll out on floured surface and place on lightly greased oven tray and add
toppings as required. Pizza’s will need to be cooked in a very hot oven for 15-20mins until cooked
through (you want bases slightly crispy but not charred).
Topping suggestions
1. Pumpkin, prosciutto and caramelized red onion
Calories – 319 per serve
Proteins – 14 grams
Carbohydrates – 50 grams
Fats – 17 grams
Sugars – 3 grams
Serves – 8
Thinly slice 1 red onion and place in fry pan with 1tsp olive oil and cover with lid, allow to sweat and
caramelize. On top of pizza base, add 1/3 pumpkin peeled and grated, 75g reduced fat crumbled
feta, 1 tbs pine nuts, 50g of prosciutto fat removed and caramelized onion. Season with salt and
pepper and sprinkle with rosemary
2. Ricotta, and sweet potato
Calories – 374 calories
Proteins – 16 grams
Carbohydrates – 52 grams
Fats – 19 grams
Sugars – 5 grams
Serves - 8
Spread ½ tub low fat ricotta on base of pizza, peel and thinly slice 1 sweet potato and gently boil for
5 mins until tender and drain on paper towel. Toss sweet potato lightly in 1 tbs olive oil, salt and
pepper and sprinkle over pizza with 2 tbs pitted olives and 50g light mozzarella. Sprinkle with fresh
Lebanese Chicken with Quinoa and Baby Spinach
Calories – 284 per serve
Proteins – 30 grams
Carbohydrates – 28 grams
Fats – 6 grams
Sugars – 4 grams
Serves - 4
2 chicken breasts cut into big chunks
1 carrot not peeled but diced...
1 fennel bulb diced small
1 clove of garlic
1 cup quinoa
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp thyme
1 cup water
Juice of 1 lemon and cut remaining lemon in half (to be removed after cooking)
1 tbs honey
1 tsp olive oil
Chuck it all in a baking pot, mixed together and baked in oven at 180C for 1.5hrs (add a bit more
water at about an hour so it doesn't stick to pan).
Remove lemon, stir through baby spinach and coriander and serve with a dollop of fat free Greek
Turkey meatballs
Calories – 310 per serve
Proteins – 10 grams
Carbohydrates -21 grams
Fats – 11 grams
Sugars -1 grams
Serves - 4
500g turkey mince
1 egg
½ cup whole meal breadcrumbs
Mix all together in a bowl and shape into small balls. In a large heavy based saucepan (or large
casserole dish) add 1/2 bottle of pasatta sauce, then add raw meatballs and pour over remaining
passata. Either cook on stovetop on low heat for about an hour gently stirring so it doesn’t stick (or
bake in the oven in a casserole dish for about 1hr at 180C).
Serve over quinoa, cous cous or lentils
Home Made Minestrone
Calories – 56 per serve
Proteins – 8 grams
Carbohydrates – 5 grams
Fats – 2 grams
Sugars – 5 grams
Serves - 4
1 tin of chopped tomatos...
2 stalks of celery (finely chopped)
1 carrot (finely chopped)
1Ltr stock
Cook till all soft and tender
Add 500gm tin of 4 bean mix
Stir through fresh basil, salt and pepper
Healthy Pasta Primavera
Calories – 576 per serve
Proteins – 60 grams
Carbohydrates – 27 grams
Fats – 25 grams
Sugars – 19 grams
Serves - 4
4 rashers of bacon diced
500g slice chicken breast
1 clove crushed garlic
1 diced chilli
1 cup uncooked peas
Pan fry chicken, bacon, chilli and garlic. Once cooked add cracked salt and pepper and stir through
1/4 cup Greek yoghurt and 1 cup uncooked peas. Cook on low heat until peas are cooked (must be
low as yoghurt will curdle) and stir through 1/2 cup grated Parmesan.
Stir in fresh basil and serve over noodled zucchini with a sprinkle of Parmesan and cracked pepper
Chicken and Vegetable Honey Mustard Casserole
Calories – 298 per serve
Proteins – 43 grams
Carbohydrates – 11 grams
Fats – 9 grams
Sugars – 5 grams
Serves - 4
500g chicken cut into big chunks or whole chicken breasts or chicken thighs. ...
Place into a big casserole dish with whatever veggies you have in the fridge (my fridge normally has
mushrooms, carrots and broccoli).
To make sauce use 1/2 cup seeded mustard, 1 clove of crushed garlic, 1tbs olive oil, 1 tsp chopped
thyme and 1 tsp honey and 1/4 cup water....pour it over the meat and veggies and mix together and
let or sit for an hour to marinate.
Bake at 180C for about 30mins.
Add half cup quinoa
Chicken and Ricotta Lasagne
Calories – 563 per serve
Proteins – 39 grams
Carbohydrates -81 grams
Fats – 11 grams
Sugars – 5 grams
Serves – 4 grams
1 pkt gluten free lasagne sheets (OR you can use thin slices of eggplant or zucchini or both instead)
500g chicken mince ...
250g sliced mushrooms
1 tall jar organic passata (OR in a pot use 2 tins sugar free chopped tomatoes (OR EVEN!! 500g diced
fresh tomato)
1 clove garlic
1 onion
Fresh herbs
1tsp honey
Salt and pepper
Cook till tender and then purée
500g tub ricotta
1 cup almond/rice milk
250g baby spinach
Soak lasagne sheets in boiling water for 5mins to soften. Pour ricotta into a bowl and add milk and
salt and pepper and stir to mix. Cook chicken mince and stir through passata and then stir in
In a lasagne dish, place a thin layer of chicken mix, then add layer of lasagne sheets, then chicken,
spinach and dollops of ricotta roughly spread then lasagne and repeat till all chicken mix is used.
Finish with a layer of lasagne and smooth over ricotta mix on top, sprinkle with 2tbs grated
Parmesan cheese and cracked pepper
Bake at 180C for ~35-40mins
Chicken Drumsticks in Tomato Broth
Calories – 372 per serve
Proteins – 14 grams
Carbohydrates – 20 grams
Fats – 24 grams
Sugars – 5 grams
Serves – 4
4 chicken drumsticks
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic
1 tin of crushed tomatos
200g of chopped mushrooms
100g of chopped pitted olives
1 tspn of dried oregano
200g of green beans or brocollini
Cook Drumsticks until brown. Add remaining ingredients (except greens) and bring to boil then
simmer for 30 minutes.
Steam Greens.
Serve with cous cous or mashed sweet potato
Beef Parmigana Flavoured Pasta Sauce
Calories – 756 per serve
Proteins – 46 grams
Carbohydrates – 25 grams
Fats – 56 grams
Sugars –14 grams
Serves - 4
500g beef stir fry strips
1 roast capsicum think sliced
3tbs fat reduced semi dried tomatoes
2tbs pine nuts
1 bunch asparagus stalks trimmed and diced in 2cm pieces Fresh basil
400g Tin chopped tomatoes
1 onion diced
1 clove crushed garlic
1tbs honey
Lightly fry beef, garlic and onion add diced tomato, honey, capsicum,
semi dried tomatoes and pinenuts and simmer gently to allow to thicken.
5 mins before serving, stir through asparagus and then to serve, stir through fresh basil and stir over
noodled zucchini
Wasabi and Ginger on Salmon on Soba Noodles
Calories – 163 per serve
Proteins – 6 grams
Carbohydrates – 20 grams
Fats – 6 grams
Sugars – 5 grams
Serves - 4
Marinate two salmon fillets in 2tsp wasabi paste
1tbs rice vinegar
1 tbs soy sauce
1tbs honey
2tbs lemon juice
1tbs grated ginger
for 20mins and then bake at 180C for 20mins till salmon cooked.
Serve over cooked soba noodle and drizzle with dressing (2tbs soy, 1tsp sesame oil, 1tsp rice
Lemon, mushroom and basil chicken on noodle pasta
Calories – 336 per serve
Proteins – 15 grams
Carbohydrates – 44 grams
Fats – 12 grams
Sugars – 6 grams
Serves - 4
500g chicken breast cut into small strides strips
300g mushrooms (I use oyster and shiitake)
2tbs olive oil
1 clove crushed garlic
Zest from 1 lemon
1/4 cup chicken stock
1 cup lemon juice
Basil and baby spinach to serve
1 zucchini per person
Dry fry the chicken and garlic, then add mushrooms and dry fry with lemon zest. Add chicken stock
and lemon juice and cook down till mushrooms tender. Stir through olive oil, handful of fresh baby
spinach and fresh basil and add cracked black pepper and serve over noodled or roughly grated raw
Moroccan Lamb Tagine
Calories – 319 per serve
Proteins – 15 grams
Carbohydrates – 31 grams
Fats – 15 grams
Sugars – 3 grams
Serves - 4
500g diced lamb
tin chick peas
1 punnet cherry tomatoes
1/2 pumpkin diced
spice mix (2tsp cumin, 1 clove garlic, 2tsp ginger, 1/2 bunch coriander, 1 red chilli, 2tbs olive oil and
salt and pepper puréed in a blender)
add enough water to cover and cook in slow cooker
Gluten Free Chocolate Cake
Calories – 271 per serve
Proteins – 10 grams
Carbohydrates – 20 grams
Fats – 17 grams
Sugars – 13 grams
Serves - 8
1/2 cup cacao powder
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 1/2 teaspoons gluten free baking powder...
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
8 eggs
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup melted coconut oil
Mix all together an bake at 180C for about 20mins till just cooked.
Icing is 300g melted dark chocolate with 150g Greek yoghurt (can also use coconut milk)
Clean icecream
Calories – 112 per serve
Proteins – 1 gram
Carbohydrates – 14 grams
Fats – 12 grams
Sugars –7 grams
Serves - 4
2 cups frozen bananas, thawed on the countertop for about 10 minutes
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1/4 Cup dark Cacao chocolate
Allow the bananas to sit out on the counter for about 10 minutes so they just begin to thaw (just
barely). Put the bananas through the processor with a small splash of milk and blend till smooth).
Stir in the peanut butter and chocolate Mix well.
Serve immediately! Works with any fruit just remove peanut butter
Mini fruit crumble
Calories – 181 per serve
Proteins – 3 grams
Carbohydrates – 43 grams
Fats – 1 gram
Sugars – 32 grams
Serves - 2
Cut once piece of fruit in half, put both halves in a small oven proof dish.
In a bowl mix 2tbs flour, 1tbs, 1 tbs coconut, 1tbs melted honey, 1tsp cinnamon and sprinkle over
top and bake in oven at 180C for about 20mins.
Serve with Natural Greek or Coconut Yoghurt
Dark chocolate fondants
Calories – 784 per serve
Proteins – 16 grams
Carbohydrates – 89 grams
Fats – 41 grams
Sugars –48 grams
Serves - 2
Lightly grease moulds (use spray oil or melted coconut oil) and then sprinkle with 1tbs cacao powder
and turn to coat inside of mould, shake excess into a large bowl.
In a bowl, whisk 2 eggs, 1/4 cup honey until well combined. Add 1tbs plain spelt flour) and whisk
until well combined. In a separate bowl melt 100g dark chocolate and 2tbs coconut oil in the
microwave. Stir this into the flour mix and whisk till combined. It will be thick and silky, pour into
moulds 3/4 full and bake at 190C for ~15mins until risen and cooked on top. Remove from oven and
run a knife around the rim and gently tap out.
Serve with berries and Natural Greek or Cocunt yoghurt
Sticky date pudding
Calories – 975 per serve
Proteins – 22 grams
Carbohydrates – 199 grams
Fats – 17 grams
Sugars –122 gras
Serves -4
250g pitted dates
chopped 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 1/2 cups boiling water
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1/2 cup honey
2 eggs
1 3/4 cup plain spelt flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbs ground ginger
Mix all together and then add dates and bake at 180C for about 20mins till skewer comes out clean.
Caramel sauce
3/4 cup honey
250ml thick Natural Greek yoghurt
30g coconut oil
Melt honey and oil in a pan and lower heat to really low and slowly stir in yoghurt until just mixed
and serve
with pudding