VILLAGE OF UNADILLA REGULAR BOARD MEETING MARCH 17TH, 2015 6:30 PM FIREHOUSE, 77 CLIFTON STREET UNADILLA, NY 13849 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Welch called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:30 pm. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENT: Mayor Welch, Trustees Frascatore, Mott, Winkler,Jones, Clerk/Treasurer Hayes, Superintendent Campbell EXCUSED: ALSO PRESENT: Jay Keil PETITIONERS: Jay Keil attended the meeting to ask the question on how to go about changing his property located at 26 Depot Street which is zoned R2 and to B2 to have the house be a brewing facility/malt house, tasting room, retail space to sell brewing equipment. Mayor advised him to get a rejection letter from ZEO Carl French, so then the application gets referred to Planning Board. Planning Board recommends how to zone back to Village Board to hold a public hearing MAYOR: Joan Sherwood like to use the Bishop Lot, RDC, School for parking for an event. What would the date be? Clerk/Treasurer will check and get back to board. Mrs. Hatzidakis would like the Village Board to vote to waive the 30 day advanced notice required from the NYS Liquor Authority. (same as the board did on March 6th, 2013) Mayor Welch made the motion to vote to waive the 30 day advanced notice required from the NYS Liquor Authority. (same as the board did on March 6th, 2013), second Trustee Mott. Ayes – Welch, Frascatore, Mott, Winkler, Jones NOES – None CARRIED Clerk/Treasurer presented Tentative Budget for Fiscal year 2015/2016. Trustee Frascatore made the motion to accept the Tentative Budget as presented for Fiscal Year 20152016 and to hold a public hearing to approve the budget for FY 2015/16 on Thursday, April 9th, 2015 at 4:00 pm, Second by Trustee Jones Ayes – Welch, Frascatore, Mott, Winkler, Jones NOES – None CARRIED Mayor Welch made the motion Public hearing on FY Budget will be held on Thursday, April 9th, 2015 at 4:00 pm at the Village Office, 193 Main Street, Unadilla, NY as well as the Organizational Meeting. Second by Trustee Frascatore Ayes – Welch, Frascatore, Mott, Winkler, Jones NOES – None CARRIED Elections are tomorrow 3/18/2015 from noon to 9:00 pm. Trustees Ron Mott and John Frascatore are up for reelection. MINUTES: Mayor Welch made the motion to accept the minutes from the regular meeting of February 15th, 2015. Second by Trustee Winkler. Ayes – Welch, Mott, Winkler, Frascatore, Jones Noes – None CARRIED GENERAL FUND: Mayor Welch made the motion to accept General Fund abstract A10-14/15 vouchers numbered 390-437 in the amount of $26444.70. Second by Trustee Frascatore Ayes – Welch, Mott, Winkler, Frascastore, Jones Noes – None CARRIED WATER FUND: Mayor Welch made the motion to accept Water Fund abstract F10-14/15 vouchers numbered 72-82 in the amount of $18069.82. Second by Trustee Frascatore Ayes – Welch, Mott, Winkler, Frascatore, Jones Noes – None CARRIED CLERK/TREASURER Budget Prepared all election materials Paperword for CDBG & Tech Assis. grant collecting water bills Zoning permits, etc Receiving tax payments. Payroll Health insurance reimbursements vouchers Balance water bill account (F350) And tax account (A250) Health insurance paperwork Balancing control accounts NYS Retirement reports Federal Payroll reports State Payroll reports Notarizing papers tax searches final water reads balance accounts – (22 accounts) CD’s/investments SUPERINTENDENT: 11 Frozen services under the road, 10 frozen meters Gould Pump was in to check out the pump at the Main Street Well and see exactly what we need. So at this time we are using Church Street pump. Guys have been trying to fill some potholes and opening drains. ZONING ENFORCEMENT : SEE REPORT MAYOR WELCH: FIRE CONTRACTS – Town of Sidney Fire Contract due this fall. We will be looking at this to get ready to submit to Town of Sidney. TOWN – VILLAGE GARAGE & CREW – Mayor was happy with the way that Crew stepped up and took over while SPW was gone during February. AUDITOR OF CLAIMS COMMUNITY HOUSE – Mayor met online with Web company. He will send info, contract, etc to Clerk/Treasurer. He will be sending info on the $790 contract. TRUSTEE FRASCATORE AUDIT OF CLAIMS – went well HISTORICAL – ENERGY – Gave the Chamber $1000.00 toward Christmas lights to help cost of switching to LED WATER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE – TRUSTEE JONES- FIRE DEPTPARKS COMMISSION – RECREATIONTREES – TRUSTEE MOTT LIBRARY – They passed their budget. TRUSTEE WINKLER VETERANS MEMORIAL – Meeting of the Memorial committee tomorrow evening at the firehouse. PLANNING & ZONING - Mayor’s daughter retyped Village’s Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Board is supposed to be meeting this Thursday. Mayor will be discussing this with them and any changes. Jay Keil’s application for the malt house will be discussed too. GRANTS – OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: EXECUTIVE SESSION: CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Phone call from Janice Cole letting the Village know how much she appreciates all the efforts of the Village crew and Clerk/Treasurer. She said everyone is doing a fantastic job and wanted to let everyone know that. 2. Phone call from George Denys letting the Village know that he appreciates all the hard work of the Village crew and superintendent for all they have done during this winter weather. 3. Letter received from Linda Bickos, Chamber of Commerce to request use of Community Fields for Annual Unadilla Carnival of Sales on July 11th, 2015. ADJOURNMENT: Having no further business to come before the Board, Mayor Welch moved to adjourn the regular board meeting at 7:26 pm, Second by Trustee Frascatore Ayes – Welch, Mott, Frascatore, Winkler Noes – None CARRIED Respectfully Submitted, Suzette E. Hayes Village Clerk/Treasurer