Mrs. Adamow’s Advanced ELA Class Classroom Procedures Mrs. Adamow Welcome Back! It is my pleasure to welcome you and your child to our Advanced ELA classroom and the 2015-2016 school year. At this time, I would like to provide you with an overview of the policies and procedures that are occurring in our classroom. Please use this as a reference throughout the school year. Classroom Community: Building a community of responsible, self-confident learners is the ultimate goal of my ELA classroom. It is important that all students feel comfortable enough to take risks, share their own ideas, and stretch themselves beyond their own self-imposed limits. Everyone in our classroom shares an equal responsibility for respecting and encouraging his or her classmates. We will have various team building activities throughout the school year to build a foundation of mutual respect. Please encourage your child to respect all adults and his or her classmates for their unique contributions to our classroom. Discipline Plan: Appropriate behavior contributes to a highly functional classroom environment. In order to maintain a positive and effective learning climate, the class will create a set of rules to abide by throughout the year. These rules are in effect at all times and the consequences are cumulative. If students are not following the rules and expectations of our classroom, they will first be given a verbal warning. If they continue to disrupt the learning environment, then a reminder notice or consequence form will be issued. A severe disruption or poor choice that involves safety, will result in contacting the principal immediately. Any student found to be disrespectful to another classmate or teacher, may be required to write an apology letter. By supporting the class discipline plan and school rules, we can maximize student learning for all. I have discussed this plan with your child but please review it with him or her again. I hope to have your cooperation in its implementation. Absences: If your student will be absent, please inform me, in addition to their homeroom teacher, as soon as possible. I will record missing assignments on an Absent Student form and attach any work that needs to be completed. Students will have an opportunity to make up missed work when they return. Requests for make-up work should be emailed to me or phoned into the office before lunch. (11:45) Snack: Students are allowed to bring a small snack for a nutrition break each day. Students may also bring a water bottle to the classroom. To save the carpet from stains, no other beverages are allowed in the classroom. Page 1 of 4 Mrs. Adamow’s Advanced ELA Class Classroom Procedures Mrs. Adamow Homework Policy and Teacher Web Page: Homework will be checked daily for completion. Assignment notebooks have been given to each student. Homework is useful because it reinforces the concepts presented in the classroom, teaches responsibility, and helps students develop good study habits. Daily assignments will be given orally as well as written on a large board in the classroom. Students should copy down homework assignments exactly as they are written and the assignment notebook should be taken home every night. I stress the importance of using the notebooks even if there is “no homework” in a specific subject area. I believe it gives you an opportunity to see what we did in class that day. Long term assignments and projects will also be listed in the assignment notebook. If the assigned homework has been completed at school, your student is encouraged to use the time at home for reviewing class work, preparing for an upcoming test, or reading for pleasure. Homework assignments and in class activities will be updated on my class website. then click Teacher/Staff Pages then Adamow, Melissa (Advanced ELA) Additionally, some assignments may be posted online. If your child does not have internet access at home, please be sure to notify me in advance. Please make homework a priority by providing the necessary supplies and a quiet environment. Try to set a daily homework time, provide praise and support, and give guidance with the process when necessary. Homework for our class may take between 30-45 minutes every night. Weekend assignments may include a special project. In addition, some activities related to outcome assessment relearning may be sent home to be completed as homework. Other times, tests and some assignments may be corrected or given a second attempt in class. If homework is not completed or students are not prepared for class, students will be given a “Homework Form”. This form is to ensure that parents are aware their child did not complete an assignment(s) and does require a parent signature. If students routinely struggle with completing assignments or coming prepared for class, they will be given the opportunity to attend Catch-Up Club. It is during their lunch/recess period of the day. Catch-Up Club is not meant to be used every week. It is meant to be used for the occasional times that homework could not be completed the night before. If your child chooses not to attend the Catch-Up Club, a homework notice will be issued. This notice will need to be signed by a parent and returned with the completed assignment the following school day. Parents do not need to sign the assignment notebook on a daily basis. If turning in homework becomes an issue for a student, a parent signature in the assignment notebook on a daily basis may be required. Page 2 of 4 Mrs. Adamow’s Advanced ELA Class Classroom Procedures Mrs. Adamow Student Supplies: Advanced ELA is not a homeroom class, so our classroom needs and supplies are a little bit different. I will do my best to keep extra supplies on hand for student use while in my classroom. However, it is the expectation that students bring their required supplies to class every day. Advanced ELA students will also always need to bring to class: 1-Advanced ELA two pocket folder (to act as Homework/Take-Home Folder) sticky notes pencil bag or box with pencils and/or pens, erasers, a highlighter, dry erase makers and dry eraser 2 wide-ruled, one subject notebooks (If your child’s homeroom teacher requires a reading and/or a writing notebook, students may use this for Advanced ELA but they will also need an additional one subject spiral notebook.) 1 box of Kleenex Assignment notebook (provided by school) Birthdays: We love birthdays and we will acknowledge your child’s special day in the classroom. Please see Chelsea’s Parent Handbook for guidelines on birthday treats if your child decides to bring a non-food item to share with classmates. T-I-G-E-R Schedule: Chelsea will continue the TIGER Specials schedule to allow for more uninterrupted blocks of instructional time for our students. Students will come to my classroom for their reading block every day. Online Textbooks: The Reading textbooks are available online for student use. Parents should receive the access code from Homeroom teachers for these textbooks on Curriculum Night. Party and Field Trip Volunteers: Volunteers for special classroom activities will be needed. More information will be given about specific events but parents can sign up to be volunteers at Curriculum Night. Volunteers will be chosen by a lottery. If you are unable to attend Curriculum Night and would like to volunteer, please let me know and I will put your name “in the hat”. Page 3 of 4 Mrs. Adamow’s Advanced ELA Class Classroom Procedures Mrs. Adamow Technology: Students will be engaging with various websites and tools for educational purposes. For safety reasons, students will NEVER be identified with their last name on any website. Throughout the year, students may find it beneficial to have a USB flash drive to save assignments so they may work on them at home. Students may also want to have an additional pair of headphones for computer activities within the classroom. In regards to personal technology, all students must keep personal technology items in their lockers during the school day, unless given permission by a classroom teacher. For safety reasons, students are NOT permitted to take pictures or videos in the classroom at any time. Misuse or abuse of personal technology will result in disciplinary actions. Wanted: As the Advanced ELA class is not a homeroom class, we do not receive some of the same supplies other teachers do. I will always gladly accept boxes of Kleenex, individual pads of sticky notes, and paper towel rolls! The support is greatly appreciated! Curriculum Night: Chelsea’s Curriculum Night is scheduled for Thursday, August 27th, 2015. The office will send home additional information regarding specific times in the near future. Teacher Contact Information: I am at school most days from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Feel free to call the school at (815) 469-2309 and leave a message for me or contact me via email at Remind101: Please enroll in our class text messaging service. This service is free, safe, and private. Enrolled parents will receive occasional reminders and updates from me via text message. It’s a great form of communication to receive the most current information about our class. There’s an app available for parent use or a website at . If you have more than one child in Advanced ELA, you can enroll in both grade levels! Text your child’s grade level code to the number: 81010 3rd grade- @3db218 4th grade- @3db2183 5th grade- @3db2183d I look forward to a wonderful year with your child! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding anything in our classroom procedures! Warm Regards, Mrs. Melissa Adamow Page 4 of 4